Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1485: Return to Kunlun

Xiao San reached out and tried to reduce the Sansheng mirror into a mirror of normal size. He smiled in his hand and said, "Go, let's get out of here."

Xiao Chen prepared to re-apply his skills, shattered the void, broke open a ban, and left the place.

"No need to be so troublesome, I will take you out directly."

Holding Xiao Chen’s hand, Xiao San’s body swayed and took him, leaving the place with ease.

Xiao Chen’s heart was secretly shocked. This technique of teleportation is really true. It is much better than he broke the void, and the space is completely unbroken and flickers directly.

Let him have the feeling of being a transmission matrix. Perhaps this is the real space conception, which is much stronger than the barbaric means of tearing the space.

However, it is not too strange.

The Sansheng Mirror can be seen in the past, and it can be regarded as the future. Obviously, its founders have a deep knowledge of time and space. Even the road of time can be so clear that the way of space is even more important.

Xiao San explained: "Hey, this is a small 乾 挪 挪 挪 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Xiao Chen nodded and said that he understood it slightly.

He has been waiting for a long time, and he is anxious. After watching Xiao San around Xiao Chen, he was surprised: "Xiao Chen, how do you bring this ghost out?"

Xiao San’s eyes smiled and said: “Little Xiaojiao, hey, it’s you, I’ve been missing for a long time, but my little sister missed you very much.”

She was stunned, ignored her, and looked at Xiao Chen: "I haven’t seen the future, what kind of."

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "I don't worry, I chose the past and didn't look at the future."

Wen Yan, Jiao Jiao was obviously relieved, and then Xiao Chen explained the matter of Xiao San in detail.

After hearing Xiaosan, I will follow them for a while, and swearing: "Small three, small three, really a small three."

"Haha, Xiao Xiaojiao, you are actually jealous, it seems that the charm of the small three is still quite big." Xiaosan masked his mouth and smiled, very proud.

Xiao Chen won the battle between the two, and smiled a bit, too lazy to go, go straight, ready to return to Qingyunfeng.

He spent a long time in the vast world. After another month, he was only half a year away from his five-year period. At that time, the calm days like this are coming to an end. Kunlun is not going to go.

The two people stunned Xiao Chen to leave, and quickly went to see the 熬 熬 遁 仙 仙 into the fairy ring, the small three into a light, also flashed in.

In the past year, Xiao Chen has been playing in the mountains and playing the water.

The trip to the barren tower was a conclusion to the journey and gave him the final thought. The so-called harvest, only two words, calm.

In this two and a half years in the vast world, it was his rare leisure time, and in a month, went to Kunlun.

Calm, for him, is a very extravagant word.

However, Xiao Chen has already understood that he is not very ordinary and cannot be really dull. This time the calm, but to meet, the bigger storm - the fire!

In the midst of the raging fire, either a vigorous life or a fierce death.

Among the mountains behind Qingyunfeng, Xiao Chen practiced various martial arts and digested the income of the year.

In the Taiji force field, his body, sitting in the movements, is sitting and moving. Sometimes, as the Qinglong goes out to the sea, the clouds move in all directions, and sometimes the squid is swaying at the end, and it is dexterous and changeable.

Suddenly, he slashed his knife and spread the knife.

Within a kilometer, the knife field and the Taiji force field coincide, forming a strange and unpredictable Taiji knife domain. The knife is intended to be a dragon, divided into two, one for the Yin and one for the Yang.

One bright and one dark, one left and one right, form a avenue to Jane on the ground. Xiao Chen stepped in the middle, and his knife light became elusive. The power of yang, just fiercely overbearing, knife and knife roaring; the power of yin, to soft, just invisible.

On the foot of the fish dragon step, Xiao Chen body in the Taiji knife domain, flickering and looming, a moment of fierce and infinite, imposing momentum, a moment of silence as water, invisible.

The intersection of yin and yang, Taiji Knife, Hehe!

The mind is moving, the two dragons that make up the Taiji knife field, like snakes, intertwined and merge into the body of Xiao Chen.

Time, above the blade, blooms with unpretentious light, Xiao Chen's eyes are clear as water, holding a long knife, facing the front, a sharp thorn.

The body slides forward, and where the tip of the knife passes, the space is divided into two halves without a sound. There is only one point at the tip of the knife, but the attack of this point has broken the door of a world.

Tai Chi knife domain, burst!

Xiao Chen received the knife and returned to the sheath. Within a kilometer, the quiet and peaceful atmosphere suddenly became a flooding beast, which was completely unpredictable.

Unlike the previous taiji explosions, this time it was so explosive that there was only one sound that people heard, and that was the roar of the knife. It is the explosion of the knife, the anger from the knife, the madness of the knife!

In the space, the sound of the knife is like the wind, the sound is creaking, and the whole world is trembled.

Taking advantage of his own achievements in this year, Xiao Chen’s face showed a satisfactory look. When the realm did not improve, his heritage increased again.

In the calm and peaceful state of mind, the cultivation of the Taiji way will be further enhanced.

It is not necessary to blame yourself for half-death to increase your strength. The improvement of your mood will often bring unexpected surprises.

"Today, my strength, the Emperor Wu of the Three Heavens, should not be afraid." Xiao Chen calmly said: "Even the three heavens, the top Wudi, I am sure to defeat the opponent."

The triple heaven is a hurdle, and within three days, it is a small heavenly emperor.

There are many old predecessors who dare not go through thunder and robbery. They will stay in the triple heaven for a thousand or even two thousand years. When they encounter this old monster, Xiao Chen does not dare to fight the insurance ticket. He is invincible among the three heavenly emperors.

He looked up and saw that there was a door to the Emperor in the sky. This is not an illusion. Every prospective emperor who is about to cross the fire can see this door.

By the time the raging fire is over, this door will be the one that appears in the world, with different numbers and different colors.

This step is called the road of the emperor. One step at a time, one step at a time, one can rob the wind and rob you to the end of the steps, you can push the door of the emperor.

Enter, all warriors, the realm of dreams.

"I have never seen many heroes in the past, and I fell on the road of this emperor."

Looking at that door, hidden in the door of the emperor between reality and fantasy, Xiao Chen has a complex mood, there is fiery, fear, desire, but in the end all become a calm like water.

"There are still half a year, the wind and fire are getting closer and closer, Kunlun, I am also going back."

Xiao Chen whispered to himself, packed up his mood, and simply followed Liu Feng, and Xiao’s relatives. After bidding farewell, he began his journey back to the city.

Two and a half years, did not go back, the entire Kunlun community did not know what the chaos looks like.

Whether Lei Wang is still missing, life and death are not clear. His gantry, in this chaos, what kind of waves will be received. There are also those friends who have given him congratulations on the Longmen Grand Ceremony. In the midst of chaos, whether he is well or not, he is eager to know.

Qin Guo Palace, before the transfer of the array, win the month to send Xiao Chen.

Winning the month with a little worry: "All the way to take care, the news of the winners in Kunlun, now Kunlun is very chaotic. There have been disputes everywhere, some older people, inexplicable death, and some prospective emperors, have spent a lot of time Robbery, everyone can feel the change."

Xiao Chen frowned: "Is it so serious?"

He already knew that Kunlun would be in chaos, but he did not expect that chaos became a point that was far more serious than he had imagined.

Winning the moon sighed softly: "In fact, since the Devils started to grab the hearts of the sky, they have already guessed that there will be a big chaos. Only this time the chaos is completely different from the previous robbery. It will sweep the entire Kunlun. No one can avoid it."

Xiao Chen Shen Sheng: "You also take care."

Watching Xiao Chen leave, the mood of winning the moon is getting heavier. Xiao Chen’s departure, the calm days of the vast world, is afraid that it will end.

The chaos came, and Xiao Chen, who had been calm for two and a half years, came to the center of the storm and returned to Kunlun.

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