Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1498: First stop Wanxiong Island

Out of the Star Island, Xiao Chen did not choose the Black Sea at the first stop, nor did he go to the Far Devil Sea.

The 13 thieves of the Black Sea, as well as the solitary madness of the Devil Sea, should be easier to convince. Xiao Chen has played the confession and knows that the problem is not big, especially the 13 thieves of the Black Sea, which is easier to convince.

The strength of the Shinto League is strong, and it is impossible to really stop it by relying on these reinforcements.

He went looking for a new ally, and he set his sights on the starry sea. The first stop was Wan Yao Island.

Wan Yao Island dominates the sea world of the Yaozu, respected by the Wanfa demon king, compared with the Yaozu on the Kunlun continent, the relevance is not great. Wan Yao Island is powerful, especially the Wanfa demon king has more supreme strength, monopolizing one side, no one dares to provoke.

Want to convince, the difficulty, it goes without saying.

Opportunities and hopes are all their own. If you don't argue, there is no chance at all. If you fight, there will always be a chance.

Three days later, Xiao Chen came to the sea where Wan Yao Island is located, a vast and vibrant sea.

When Xiao Huang Mao was born, Xiao Chen had once misunderstood once and also fought a demon archer. Knowing the entrance to this sea area, it seems to be calm and calm, with only sporadic islands dotted.

In fact, the guards are strict, and the non-demons are immediately found as soon as they are close. Even if it is a Yaozu, if the origin is unknown, it is also difficult to mix in.

Judging from the eyes of Xiao Chen today, this sea area entrance should be covered with a large array. The islands with little stars seem to have no rules, and they are actually nodes of the array.

Look at the scattered islands, the number is not thousands, the radiation is thousands of miles, the outer sea defense of Wan Yao Island, you can see.

Just between the thoughts of Xiao Chen, on the other side of the island, three figures flew.

Broken air, three figures, but a moment just fell to the morning of Xiao Chen, a red-haired demon in the middle looked to Xiao Chen said: "Who is the Lord, Wan Yao Island is now physically banned, does not welcome outsiders."

After the disappearance of Lei Wang, the Kunlun chaos, the Star Sea can not be avoided. Wan Yao Island has a partial ban, and it has been banned very early. It does not want to be robbed and is not willing to contaminate right and wrong.

Xiao Chen heard a little glimpse, and then he smiled in the heart. This way, it seems cautious, in fact, it is waiting to die.

Unprecedented demon robbery has come, no matter who is in Kunlun, there is no way to avoid it.

"Longmen Xiaochen, come to see Wanfa demon king."

Xiao Chen arched his hand and looked at the three demon people in front, calmly said.

The three demon people, when they heard Xiao Chen’s name, were all shocked and unbelievable. The name of Qinglong Wang Xiaochen has long been famous all over the world. Few people will not know.

The red-haired demon is more calm, Shen Sheng said: "Is there any evidence? I don't remember, Qinglong Wang's hair is white."

Xiao Chen took off the badge of the Qinglong King on the chest. He threw it away without talking. The red-haired demon took it with ease and observed it cautiously.

The ancient badge, engraved with the blue dragon pattern, touched the finger on it, as if you could hear the dragonfly.

"it is true!"

One person next to me said, looking at Xiao Chen, the look immediately changed. From the initial doubts, it turned into awe.

The name of the Qinglong King, although it is not a top-ranking big man, there are still some deterrence.

Send the badge back, the red-haired demon family said: "You two, with the Qinglong King through the thousand-star array, I went back and slammed."

The two demon people led Xiao Chen through the huge and complex Qianxing array. Xiao Chen walked in it and could feel the perception of a stock and swept it on himself.

Several times, there are even some dangerous feelings.

After going through this thousand-star array, Xiao Chen’s eye looks like a sudden change, and an incredible island appears in sight.

The island is as big as a mile, one ring and one ring, stacked on top of each other, standing on the surface of the sea, like a majestic mountain rising from the ground, shaking Chen Xiao deeply.

He has never seen such an island so large that even if you have seen those immortal sculptures, you can't compare them.

Is this the Wan Yao Island? How do you feel that it is more appropriate to call Wan Yao Shan.

Among the tens of thousands of miles of sea, there is no other island except this island. It seems that all the demon people in the entire sea area live in it. This island does not know how prosperous it will be.

"Xiao Chen brothers, how come you have to come to Wan Yao Island!"

In the distance, there is a person running on the surface of the water. Every step, the sea creaks and splashes, and the man laughs.

Close to the next, Xiao Chen only saw clearly, it was once he and he were at the group's grand meeting, and he had the spirit of the body.

"Let's go down, let me entertain the Xiaochen brothers." Di Xinhan came over quickly, waved his hand and waved the two demon guards.

"Yes, less master!"

After the demon guards the ceremony, they departed respectfully.

I haven't seen it for a few years, and Di Xin's strength has improved a lot, but I haven't entered the realm of the Great Perfection, and it has condensed the embryonic form of the Emperor. But in the meantime, it is only a short distance, and the opportunity is enough to step in at any time.

The progress is great, but it is still worse than the group of Kunlun enchanting on the starry battlefield. However, Di Xinhan has a heavenly spirit, and if he really fights, he may not suffer.

While he was looking at Di Xinhan, the other side was also looking at him. After a moment, he shook his head and smiled: "I hit a sly, and when I opened my eyes, I found that even your back could not be seen."

Xiao Chen calmly said: "Di brother, modest. I am also a coincidence, got the method of condensing the heart of the emperor, he became an emperor, your foundation is not bad."

Di Xinhan smiled lightly: "Don't say this, can you talk about it, what to do in the end. My uncles have heard that you are coming, all come out, but this is a rare thing, can you advance? Tell me why."

In the heart of Xiao Chen’s heart, it seems that this group of demons has taken the ban, but the news is still very good.

Looking at the situation in Kunlun today, I am very clear about it. Maybe this will be easier.

For the demon leader who once wanted to fight with his own fairness, Xiao Chen was very impressed, thinking for a moment, and he will finish it in the future.

After listening to it, Di Xinhan stopped and looked at Xiao Chen with surprise: "Xiao Chenxiong, I didn't get it wrong, are you convincing my ancestors?"

Xiao Chen asked: "What is the difficulty?"

Di Xinhan smiled and said: "It's too difficult. My grandfather, I have always said one thing. In my memory, I have never been convinced that it has not been pushed for a thousand years."

Xiao Chen heard the words and smiled and said: "Try it, the robbery is coming, no one can avoid it. I think the demon king should be able to see it clearly."

Di Xinhan smiled a little: "I am motivated! However, this is the main thing of the demon island. It is my uncle, my grandfather has not appeared for a long time. You have to see my ancestors, and I have to have my uncles. Off, this group of people is enough for your headache."

"Right, you don't say that I didn't care. Two days ago, there were people of the Protoss. I was at the time of retreat. I didn't care much about this news. I heard you say this, presumably for the sake of God. Come."

Xiao Chen’s brow is slightly wrinkled. This is really not good news.

The Shinto League is strong enough, but it has not yet given up, any power that is worthy of being wooed.

The two walked and talked, and soon they set foot on Wan Yao Island. The bustling and lively of the island was beyond the expectation of Xiao Chen. For the first time, I saw so many demon warriors, some of them have not even changed shape, and walked directly on the street with the body.

In this scene, only Wan Yao Island will appear.

The island is surrounded by a ring, and the stack rises upwards. As you fly upwards, you can clearly feel the richness of the heavens and the earth. There is Di Xin’s leading road, and all the way is unimpeded. No one asks.

After a few kilometers, it has already penetrated into the clouds, and the buildings on the island are more ethereal, just like the fairy palace.

Xiao Chen was among them, completely forgetting that this is an island, like a heavenly palace. The deeper it is, the more unfathomable it feels.

"There is the demon king, there are a few of my uncles." Di Xinhan pointed to a place, standing on the peak of the clouds, first flew.

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