Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1500: With one hand

"Xiao Chen, now that the King of Lei is not there, you really can't be a Qinglong Wang, and the older brother has driven him out."

"Dare to let go in the Wan Yao Island, Xiao Chen, you are really impatient."

The two deputy island owners, left and right, looked angry and exposed a murderous face. Xiao Chen’s self-confidence and arrogance completely angered them, and in the midst of it, the two felt like something was wrong.

The most powerful Di Feng, seemingly angry, is imposing, and actually seems to be a bit like what Xiao Chen said.

Both of them accepted the many benefits of the Protoss in private, and they even got a great promise. There is nothing unexpected. As a last resort, I had to turn my face and the whole person stood up.

Compared with the anger of the two deputy island owners, the party Di Feng, it seems strange and calm, with a smile.

I ignored the two angry deputy island owners. Xiao Chen took a light shot and landed on the ground. He stepped out and came to the middle.

Looking directly at Di Feng, the words of one word and one meal: "Please ask the predecessors of the Di to make it clear that there are no mistakes in the next, tell the two deputy islanders present, and there are many demon predecessors behind."


During the field, all the eyes were suddenly gathered in Di Feng, the king of the Eight Heavens.

The four sides are silent, everyone is holding their breath, and they are eager to know the decision of Di Feng.

Di Xinhan secretly admires the heart at this moment. This Xiaochen brother is really courageous and unconventional. He can guarantee such grace in front of his own uncle, and he is sharp.

You must know that the king of the Eight Heavens, but the great man.

The high weight, accumulated over the years, and the strong body of the body, can make people feel inferior and passive in the unconscious.

Among the people's attention, Di Feng whispered softly: "Yes, my Di Feng and so on are you, Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, you really did not let me Difeng disappointed!"


The two deputy island owners left and right, their faces changed greatly and they were unbelievable.

The demon high-level hidden in the dark was equally shocked. Xiao Chen actually said it was true. But he did not open any conditions, he wanted Wan Yao Island to follow him, it was not too bad.

Not only can you not afford to talk about cheapness, but you also have to face such giants as the Shinto League.

The old man in the gray dress on the right, Shen Sheng said: "Big brother, you made a mistake, or I got it wrong, when the Protoss came to the day, you don't say that."

The old man in the black robe, who is ranked third, is also anxious: "Big brother, do you really want to be clear? The Protoss promised to help us cast the statue, and will also practice the power of faith, tell me completely." This is the benefit of Tianda!"


The footsteps sounded, and the many demon people hiding in the darkness all walked out with cold faces, and all of them seemed to be inextricable. The high-ranking elites of this group are undoubtedly not armed with Emperor Wu, and the number is around a dozen.

The repairs are all small martial arts emperors, and the heavens and the three heavens are different, and the heights are different.

An eight-day king of the great emperor, two six-day big heavenly emperor, more than a dozen small heavenly emperors. Xiao Chen has an intuitive understanding of the strength of Wan Yao Island, plus a supreme, the strength of Wan Yao Island in the immortal holy land can be considered top.

"Didao Lord, you can't push our Wan Yao Island into the fire pit! We have to meet the ancestors and ask him to make a decision."

"Yes, we have to see our ancestors and let the ancestors make decisions."

"Let the demon king be the master of us, never stand the wrong team!"

A group of high-level demon people opened their mouths and expressed dissatisfaction. They wanted Difeng to make a new decision.

Di Feng is not moved, calmly said: "Despite going to see, don't say that the ancestors will not see you, even if it is useless, I mean the meaning of the ancestors. It is the ancestors personally open, let me visit Xiao Chen If you feel satisfied, you can make a decision."

"I don't believe, I don't believe that my ancestors will make these decisions." The other two deputy island owners, shocked and shouted.

Di Feng looked Shen Shen: "Let me shut up, shut up for me!"


The power of the huge kings came out and the scene suddenly quieted down. Di Feng apparently had a high prestige in Wan Yao Island. When he was angry, no one dared to express dissatisfaction.

"I repeat, this is the meaning of the ancestors." paused for a moment, Di Feng looked at Xiao Chen said: "I am satisfied, does not mean to promise you, my decision has not been done, Xiao Chen you understand what I mean ?"

Xiao Chen whispered: "Nature understands that the predecessors want me to prove myself and have the possibility of becoming an emperor. Without this possibility, even if the seniors appreciate me, they will not let Wan Yao Island jump into the fire pit."

Di Feng laughed happily: "It's really hard to talk to smart people. If you are older, I can become a confidant."

He said this, his eyes turned and looked at the elders of the demon family behind him. He said in his fingers: "Don't you all express dissatisfaction? Give you a chance. If you are dissatisfied, you will personally drive out the Qinglongwang." ”


As soon as this was said, a group of demon elders suddenly whispered. Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, whose reputation is outside, and the killing of an Emperor in the public, is not bad.

Being able to drive Xiao Chen out is naturally a matter of face. If you can't get out, you will be slammed and the face will be lost.

Grinding, it is no one coming out.

In such a scene, Di Feng was not surprised, shaking his head slightly, silently.

"It's better to go together!"

Just as many elders of the Yaozu whispered, and when no one dared to take the lead, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his mouth and his words were amazing.

Di Xinhan was shocked and heard that his chin was almost gone. Did the Xiaochen brothers go crazy? That is more than a dozen Wudi, and several of them are the strength of Santian. This Xiaochen is a bit too big.

Even Di Feng, who has always been calm, was a little surprised. Xiao Chen’s words were a bit unexpected.

"Qinglong Wang, you don't want to look down on people, really when we are no one!"

A tall, tall, demon man stood up and his body flashed and slammed straight toward Xiao Chen.

Obviously, Xiao Chen’s words were too arrogant, and some people angered this person and couldn’t help it.

When Xiao Chen’s eyes were swept away, he judged the strength of this strong man. Mie Tianwu Emperor repaired, but it is not the top of the small Tianwu Emperor, enough to easily cope.

The strong man punched and the space on the entire high platform shook slightly.

The wind is whistling, the waves are screaming, and the waves are deafening. It is one of the eternal learning of Wan Yao Island.

It is necessary to cultivate two kinds of wills in order to reach this peak and reach the peak and achieve the power of the Chinese martial arts.

"Han elders shot!"

"Han elders, this **** wind wave punch, has been cultivated to the extreme, among the three heavenly emperors, few people dare to fight with him."

"By his shot, even if it is not against Xiao Chen, he can let him know something powerful, and dare not say anything big!"

The two deputy island owners also secretly nodded, and Han Lei shot, even if it was defeated, it can also curb the momentum of Xiao Chen. The wind of the king in Xiao Chen’s body, in a hurry, makes both of them feel a little jealous.

You must not let Xiao Chen's momentum, so pull up, must be suppressed.

The wind, the tsunami, the strong man flew all the way, the momentum is like a rainbow, as if standing in the wind and waves, the condescending overlooking Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen does not move, even if the demon Wudi is close to his ten-step distance, still does not move.

Just as the strong man is like a rainbow, the peak of the two wills of the wind and the waves will be blown to the dawn of Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen moved.

In the midst of the violent wind, Xiao Chen seems to have become a fish, gently swaying, and incredibly avoiding this punch.

In the eyes of many people, the elder Han’s fist has already slammed into Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen is really evasive.

Such a scene, and Xiao Chen used to catch the immortal fish in the cold water lake exactly the same time, obviously felt caught, but caught an empty.

"not good!"

The momentum is like a rainbow punch, hit in the air, let the elder Han look shocked, vacated, and plucked away.

When Xiao Chen was at the time of dodging, he had already shot and judged his retreat track, and one hand buckled his wrist. It seems to be like the elder of Han, who sent it to Xiao Chen’s hand, which is very strange.


Han’s elder screamed, his left hand clenched his fists, and the whole body’s power was mobilized. This punch was anxious and fast, showing that Han’s elders had a good on-the-spot reaction.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, and the power of Hongmeng was divided into two, one for Yin and one for Yang, and a lite version of Taiji Force Field formed within ten meters.

Han Elder’s quick and urgent punch, under the influence of Taiji’s force field, received heavy resistance.

It is obvious that Xiao Chen is in front of his eyes, and he can hit Xiao Chen’s face in a moment, but he can’t do it. Instead, Xiao Chen took advantage of his strength, clasped his wrists, and gently slammed the body, and turned directly.

The arm raised by Xiao Chen is like a flowing stream of water. It looks like it is not fast or slow. He shoots the left chest of Han’s elder with his back.

At the foot of the two forces, the strength of the two, one bright and one dark, competing to chase, forming a Tai Chi circle, so that Xiao Chen looks, smart and elegant.

The elder Han spit out a blood, and he was struck by a hundred meters and landed heavily.

I can’t figure it out, what the **** is going on. The fierce rushing past, but Xiao Chen underestimated, like a toy, gave it straight out.

He didn't suffer much damage, but his face was completely lost.

Looking up, the audience was shocked, Xiao Chen single-handedly, a move to fly a three-day Emperor Wu.

Xiao Chen stood up and looked at the crowd: "You, you still feel that I am talking and arrogant? In my life, I never look at myself, I am so high, I will not look down on myself, and I am arrogant."

"Please ask the seniors to open their mouths and give Xiao Chen a chance to prove himself and prove that he is not the nonsense swearing person. Prove yourself, can give hope to Wan Yao Island, prove that Di's predecessors did not read the wrong person!"

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