Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1508: Shocking audience

The old man in the blue robe went straight to the door and did not have any nonsense and signs, as the target of Xiao Chen.

At the moment when the other party took the shot, the heart sank and a breath of death permeated the heart. The whole body is erected and the body suddenly cools. This is a dangerous premonition that has not appeared for a long time.

He simply couldn’t think about it. As long as he had a moment to think and delay even a fraction of a second, he would die under the sword of the five-day Emperor Wudi.


Between life and death, Xiao Chen’s palm slammed on the table and slammed into the sea. Three powerful sun-like knives broke out.

For the first time since he realized the power of the knife, he activated the power of the three knives at the same time.

In an instant, Xiao Chen’s entire golden eyes are more dazzling than the sun in the daytime. Because of the great day of the glory, it is enough to look straight through the unknown.

Xiao Chen relied too close, and the light on his body could not be seen directly with the naked eye.

Hey, in addition to Chen Feng, everyone’s eyes are punctured by bleeding. Very painful, short-term blindness, extremely uncomfortable.

Then, there was a smashing knives on the body, rising from the sky, and the light cloud pavilion with the formations was pierced through the dome in an instant.

Above the entire poison cloud, all the disciples of the Five Poisons General Rudder can see a knives of light, comparable to the sun, straight into the sky.

The radiance of the Quartet, under the guise of the knife, all eclipsed, and the heavens and the earth suddenly fell into a darkness.

As for the attic, let alone, it is in an endless darkness.

The sudden outburst of the knife in Xiao Chen’s body finally suppressed the momentum of the old man in the blue robe.

The violent waves erupted between the two men collided together, and the violent explosion exploded. The entire light cloud pavilion was affected and swayed violently.

It’s very slow, but it’s just a thousandth of a breath, so no one can think about it.

The elders of the blue robe were slightly blocked, but he was ready to go, and the sword that was displayed was still stabbed.

Xiao Chen’s action did not stop at all, and activated the power of three knives. When the other sword was about to stab the chest, the body quickly moved backwards.

Fish dragons, like fish, have a lot of things!

Xiao Chen stepped back step by step, and the body was like a fish in the water, swinging and swinging. Leave the shadows, overlap, and blur.

Among the thousands of afterimages, the ontology image is hidden in the water curtain and is blurred.

The old man in the blue robe locked his air machine from the beginning, no matter how he changed. The three-footed sword front has always been in the forefront and does not give him a chance to really spread.

Ten steps back, Xiao Chen retreats, the blue robe old man shouted: "Dead!"

"Hugh think!"

Xiao Chen roared and responded to the past, this moment of life and death, activated all his potential.

Fish dragons, green dragons go out to sea, a raging sky!

The momentum of the body suddenly changed, and the spirit fish became a dragon.

The moon shadow knife, the scabbard comes out, thousands of shadows coincide, light and shadow change in the dark. Xiao Chen's body reflects thousands of dazzling light, condensing a thick and sharp knife.

Still in the vast space, the dazzling light that is gathered by the sword, the thorns are riddled with holes.


The moment when the blade was out of the sheath, it finally resisted the horrible sword, and the loud noise was like a thunder, which resounded throughout the five poisons. Numerous housing buildings, pavilions and small courtyards were shattered by the earthquake.

Xiao Chen retired three steps, each step back, spit out a large mouth of blood.

After three steps of retreat, his face was already white and scary. He resisted the hands of the blade and all of them had cracks and pain.

Looking at the situation of Xiao Chen, I know that the injury is extremely miserable, but this sinful sword is finally blocked by him.

As long as they are blocked, they create opportunities for themselves to survive.

The people present were shocked. I didn't expect that the Wufeng Tianwu Emperor's peak and sword would kill the game, but it was blocked by Xiao Chen.

Above the main seat, Chen Feng's face was extremely gloomy, and he took a cold shot and took a shot, killing the old man in the blue robe.

This palm is full of strength, there is no half-hearted, strong killing, so that the air is as thick as ink. If the old man of the blue robe dares to stop, he will die, and only if he will retreat, will he have the opportunity to live.

So heavy, no mercy, you can see how Chen Feng is angry. This kind of person who puts him in a disadvantageous place is equivalent to betrayal, not killing.

Xiao Chen won Chen Feng's shot and breathed a sigh of relief. If Chen Feng did not shoot, his current situation could not be stopped.

"Do you think that you are safe now? Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, today you have no me, you will die!"

The old man in the blue robe had a jade slip in his hand, and it was fiercely crushed. Others have not yet reacted.

I saw the old man in the blue robe and Xiao Chen, and disappeared at the same time, as if to leave the world.


The two suddenly disappeared, and Chen Feng’s anger was a blow. He naturally patted the air and landed on the ground. The entire attic collapsed directly, crashed into pieces, and turned into countless debris, flying all over the sky.

There is a pattern in the light cloud pavilion, and the Emperor Wu has no problem.

You can receive Xiao Chen’s slashing knives in succession, and the blue robe old man’s peak hits, and Chen Feng’s anger is a blow, and it’s not unexpected.

Chen Feng and others, rushed to the old man of Xiao Chen and the blue robe, disappeared, all with a look of stunned.

In the past, the blindness of the past, Yin Susu and other people's eyes recovered, the expression was amazed, and the brain was short-circuited.

"What happened, Xiao Chen and the old man in the blue robe suddenly disappeared."

Yin Susu said very puzzled.

Chen Feng gnawed his teeth: "It is a dimension symbol, the unique dimension of the Protoss. You can create a dimension space separately, independent of Kunlun. Unless the Supreme is a horse, no one can influence the Tao, two people in the small world." ”


The woman in the red dress behind Yin Susu changed slightly: "The Qinglong King, is not dead, finished, we will be implicated this time."

The elegant old man of Tianfu Academy, his face is also not good-looking, cold channel: "Chen, the teacher, it is really unfathomable, the first poisonous spirit is holding us, and now there is such a hand, it is really high!"

Chen Feng's face was gloomy to the extreme, his face was flat and he did not speak.

At this point, the only happy thing in my heart, I am afraid to count the Gong Taihua who had been ridiculously repeated.

It was a good risk, and the five-pointed Emperor Wu of the Emperor Wu was hit by him. If he had accepted my challenge before, I was afraid to make a fool of himself in public and lose all his face.

But fortunately, this guy is dead today, and the Five Great Emperor, in a dimensional space, how could it survive.


In the small world of the small world, the old man in the blue robe stretched his heart and relaxed. Assassinated outside, he was nervous all the way, for fear of exposing any signs, and was seen by Chen Feng.

In this small world, he wants to know how to get it, a kid who has not become an emperor, does not bother, he wants to play how to play.

"Qinglong Wang, offended, old man Shouyuan is near, you must use your head. For another five hundred years of Shouyuan, I am offended, sorry."

The old man in the blue robe has a relaxed, faint smile.

He was relaxed, and Xiao Chen was more relaxed than him. In the light cloud pavilion, he was worried and exposed the cards. In this mysterious space, despite letting go, many cards, it is strange to play the other side.

Xiao Chen whispered softly: "It may not be as you wish. You have not lived for less than five hundred years. Today you have to give your life here."

The old man in the blue robe heard the words and laughed loudly: "Qinglong Wang, now unless you have a Hongmeng Emperor, break this meta-space, otherwise the gods will save you."

"is it?"

Xiao Chen sneered, and a fierce palm shot, the sky and the gods in the world of Buddha lights, all tilted out.

The snow is falling, the gods are burning, and the space in front is between the moments, and it becomes a frozen place.

The old man in the blue robe, who has not yet reacted, was trapped by the snow god, and the fire burned.

Rub and rub!

The ice and fire burned in the frozen space, and there were cracks in the piece, three seconds later. The old man in the blue robe was a little embarrassed, and he jumped out of the sky and laughed out of the trap: "Small little **** inflammation, I want to burn me, the power of the emperor, you young people don't understand."

After the ridiculous, he suddenly found something wrong, Xiao Chen disappeared, and there were two long columns in front of his vision.

There is also a majestic, rolling, like a mountain.

He looked up and his face was terrified, completely stupid, and he vowed that he had never seen such a scene in his life.


A giant hand slammed down and shot him out of the pool.

The law of heaven and earth can disappear, and Xiao Chen’s body shape shrinks and turns into a prototype.

There is plenty of time for him to display great powers. This time, Xiao Chen has no serious aftereffects. He looks as usual, but his face is not very good looking.

After a bang, the old man in the blue robe died, and the space of the dimension broke.

The white hair was white, and Xiao Chen, who was wearing a knife, suddenly appeared.

After the death of Xiao Chen, how to close the several big cockroaches, seeing this familiar figure, the eyeballs of the shock are falling.

The most beautiful face, naturally, Gong Gonghua.

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