Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1544: Confrontation begins

Abandoning the gods in the mouth of the gods, the ants who can easily pinch the dead, are now riding on the giant birds, and they are flying to Spark City.

"Xiao Chen brother, promise us, keep a little spare power. Can not be too eruption, do not rob here." The dust is behind, clutching Xiao Chen's clothes corner, some pleading.

Yue Bingyun has already told Xiao Chen’s physical condition to the stranger, and this is a common voice of both people.

Nowadays, Tiantian has become the center of the entire Kunlun storm. It is a big risk to be robbed.

"Xiao Gongzi, or you will call the order to the stranger sister, now leave alone." Moon Bingyun said.

Xiao Chen didn’t know how to answer it at a time, Shen Shen said: “Let’s go and see it later.”

I originally made up my mind that I will leave tomorrow, but now this happened. How can Xiao Chen go.


At this time, there was a deafening noise from the extremely distant place. As the sound came along, there was a horrible space turbulence, in the sight of three people.

The space in the distance, like the ripples of water waves, the ups and downs, from far and near, surge.

The space oscillates and the speed of the spread is so fast that people can't resist at all, and they are quickly passed through.

Even the sky above the fire city, the flame that passed through the sky, has violently shaken, as if to break.

The pain came, and all the three corners of the mouth overflowed with a trace of blood, and his face was pale. Fortunately, this space turbulence, only a moment, and only some aftermath, the three were only slightly injured, not in the way.

"What is going on, the center of the shock of this space ripple does not seem to come from Spark City."

Obviously it is not from the Starfire City. If it is so close, it will be swept by the ripples of the space. If it is not dead, it will be seriously injured.

Xiao Chen stopped, and opened the eye of the eye of the eye, the horizon of time, infinitely elongated.

Ten thousand miles, a million miles, has been spread to thousands of miles, where the sights pass, the city pool pavilions, mountain water, grass and insects, all look clear.

The first to bear the brunt is the Spark City, which is 100,000 miles away. The walls are in ruins and most of the buildings in the city are destroyed. Among the high-altitude, hovering, a golden protoss giant ship, the emperor is standing in the bow of the ship, along with other members of the Shinto League, the spirit of the wind, a faction pointing to the appearance of the country.

Above the giant ship, from time to time, there is a ray of light, and in every ray, there are some emperors. That Diwei is not pure, mixed with the power of many beliefs, can easily be distinguished.

Can win in a large number, a piece of light flashing, the number is no less than a thousand, the emperor is connected together, especially scary.

Thousands of gods, around the flames of the sky, constant attacks, the latest chapter of the original Emperor.

The remnants of the Sparks City, as well as other warriors, seem to be hiding in the flames of the sky, sitting in the last trap.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen already knows why the Sparks City was broken, and the Protoss' three thousand gods came directly to one-third.

However, these are not the focus of his attention. His vision has been spreading. Finally, in the distant rear, in the sky outside the sky, I saw a terrible battle.

The king of the gods and the king of the heavens and the heavens, the great emperor of the great emperor, and the existence of the supreme level, all became a group.

Xiao Chen’s heart sank, and the Shinto League had long anticipated that the big brother and his party had just left the city and were directly blocked.

Taking advantage of the law outside the city, without the host, the group of emperors directly tore the void and stopped them.

Closed the eyes of the cave, Xiao Chen Shen said: "That is the fluctuations from the Tiancheng City, the patriarch and his party, stopped by the great emperor of the Shinto League, afraid that it will not come."

Listening to this statement, the dusty look is slightly changed: "Do you want to activate the summoning order!"

The big battle seems to have started in advance.

Xiao Chen shook his head: "No, the Supreme One of the Shinto League did not show up. Maybe I will wait for me to crush the summoning order. We will speed up the speed and rush to the past. Just let the deputy lord and their party, Ann and then withdraw, stabilize the back. Six major episodes are fine."

It seems that the critical situation, in fact, the key point is in the remnant of Emperor Wu of the Sparks City surrounded by the Shinto League.

After a while, Spark City is close at hand, and has not yet stepped into the city, there are three rays of light toward the location of Xiaochen, such as a meteor.

"Be careful."

Xiao Chen whispered a word, stopped, closed his eyes, and quietly waited for the so-called gods of the three Protoss.

Here, I can already feel the temperature of the flames in the Sparks City, the horror of the Starfire City, and the shocking look. There is also a huge giant ship of the Protoss, and the Sui Diwei that emerged from above is shocking.

Two women, strangers and moon ice clouds, are nervous, and their hands are slightly sweaty. The situation in Spark City is much more serious than she imagined.

"Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, my son, I want to ask you to go on board."

The three gods of the Protoss, with their glaring golden light, came to the front and said at the same time.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes, his eyes were unremarkable, but when he blinked for a moment, the light of the three Protoss gods was so bleak.

There was a terrified look on his face, and the three Protoss were flustered.

"Sure enough, relying on faith to become an emperor can only be called a pseudo-martial empire. With you, you will also fool some mortals, and dare to call yourself a god!"

I didn’t pay any attention to what the three people said. Xiao Chen said coldly, and the two palms came together. The millennium and the millennium fire were displayed in an instant.

Double moons vie for glory, blood and sadness intertwined, and the mood of Xiao Chen in this moment is vividly displayed.

This is the strongest method of Xiao Chen, with the power of pure Hongmeng, and the emperor of Huanghuang, the three pseudo-martial arts, can not bear it.

Can only harden the scalp, make full force and hard resistance.

A loud bang, three protoss pseudo-wudi, was directly wounded and seriously injured. The blood in the mouth kept flowing out, and the emperor fled, and the soul flew away.

"Since it is here, then you don't have to go!"

Xiao Chen's figure flashed, like a fish, and it was a thousand things, and it flashed three times. Every time I flashed, I would pick up a knife. When I returned to the sacred giant bird, the three protoss of the protoss escaped, and there was no bones. Only a little light shone into the sky.

It is said that these gods of the Protoss will have another chance of resurrection as long as the original image is still there.

You have to kill the last glimmer of light before you can kill it completely. Regardless of the rumors, Xiao Chen is now too lazy to continue to shoot, he has more important things to do.

The stranger said something strangely: "These Protoss martial artists, all of whom have Dili, why are so weak."

Xiao Chen explained: "By relying on faith to become an emperor, you can't compete with the real Wudi. But the number is too much trouble. If you come to one hundred, I am not an opponent."

"Xiao Chen, the reinforcements that other fulcrums have come over seem to have been attacked."

"I know that the most important thing now is to gather these together and see if you can break through the blockade of the Protoss and give a way to the people inside."


Above the Protoss giant ship.

"Shenzi, the Qinglong Wang did not know how to lift, and killed the three gods who passed the letter." One quickly reported.

"This Qinglong Wang is really too much. The Son of God gives him face, but he does not appreciate it."

"It’s really daring, and I don’t see what it is.”

Above the bow, the various emperors of the Shinto League, surrounded by the emperor, rushed to talk.

There is no lack of coldness in the emperor: "I am stubborn, please don't come now, I will let you come and see me later!"

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