Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1547: Open bow without turning back

In the rear of the Shinto League, there are not many, but there are no warships of all ethnic groups.

This is the real big force of the Shinto League, the Imperial Warships, a total of more than 30 ships. Under normal circumstances, the power of any family can not be gathered to so many emperor-class warships, only the ghosts, corpses, protoss and three holy places together, can be gathered together.

Compared with the warship team in front of the sky, this is the real home of the entire Shinto League used to attack the Tianzong, abandoning the gods, the gods, and the Dongyue ghosts, also gathered in the middle. Above the flagship.

At the moment, on the top of the central flagship, there is a water curtain in front of the three supreme.

The image in the water curtain was fixed in the morning of Xiao Chen's display of the law, and a hand knife cut off the picture of the entire ship.

The three supreme faces were a little surprised, especially the abandonment of the Emperor, the one of the Protoss giant ships, mostly the Protoss. The huge ship was destroyed, and the most deplorable was the Protoss. Even the goddess went to the point of life and death.

However, these abandoned gods do not care, the Protoss family is big, do not care about an imperial warship, and even a goddess can afford to lose, as long as it is not a god.

What he cares about is that the car that suddenly popped out disrupted his deployment. The ants that did not rise up seem to have evolved into an odd number. The big decisive battle to be played in advance seems to be ended by this person.

As long as the Emperor Tianzong of the Tiantianhuozhu is rescued, there is no need to fight this decisive battle. The evolution of things seems to be developing in this direction.

"He seems to be a great supernatural power, and he is already very skilled. Where is he coming from the magical way? This is a supernatural power. I am afraid that there are some Taoist priests in Penglai."

Dongyue Ghost Emperor frowned and said softly.

Supreme, well-informed, naturally can see the morning of Xiao Chen. And these three supreme, and the Tao Zun of Penglai Xianhai, have some friendship, have seen a lot of magical powers.

From their point of view, Xiao Chen’s magical powers are already very good, and they are stronger than those of the Taoist gods.

In fact, it is better to be stronger. The Buddha in the Buddha’s body is a great man in the era of the Immortal. Although he is modest, he can pass it to Xiao Chen’s great supernatural powers, even during the Xiandao era.

Those who cultivated the immortals in Penglai Xianhai can only touch some of the doorways of Xiuxian after the destruction of the Xiandao era. There is never a complete inheritance, relying on the remnants of the predecessors, and their own complements, how can they compare with the top-notch supernatural powers.

In the eyes of the corpse of the corpse, there is a flash of light: "This is not the key. The key is this guy, how can I be fellow practitioners!"

In the Kunlun area, although there are few people who cultivate the immortals, there are still some. But I have never heard that it is possible to cultivate Xiandao and Wudao at the same time. This is a taboo.

Abandoning the gods of the gods: "I know some of this."

The Dongyue Ghost Emperor and the Abandoned Emperor of Heaven, heard the words, immediately looked at the gods.

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, muttered: "I don't know much. I want to solve the puzzles really. I still have to go to the Qinglong Temple in the wild battlefield and find out."

When the words came out, the two supremes will not be asked immediately.

It seems that the Qinglong Temple has left some bad memories to the two supremes.

"Don't mention this, abandon the sky, let's see. What should I do now? If there is no accident, the group of people in the sky fire column should be taken out by him." Dongyue Ghost Emperor brings the topic back to the front. Battlefield.

The corpse of the corpse of the corpse said: "It seems that it is still going to endless, and it is slowly grinding according to the old plan."

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, he was silent, and after a moment, he slammed openly: "There is no turning back in the bow. This time, it will have a bad effect on the air traffic of the Shinto League. Now even if the price paid is bigger, no fight. Also got fighting!"

In the words, there is a determination to quit.

The corpse **** smiled and said: "I am right, I said at the beginning, I beat it a bit, and I directly smashed Tianzong, you don't listen."

Dongyue Ghost Emperor thinks more, there are some worries, but at this moment, as the abandoning of the Emperor of Heaven, there is no turning back.

"Then fight, I will stop the King of the Fox."


In the Tiancheng City, Xiao Chen did not know that several of the sacred sects of the sect of the sect had been determined to fight in the end, no matter whether he could rescue many of the Emperor Wu of the Tiantianhuo, this battle could not be avoided.

I didn’t think too much, taking advantage of the warriors on the Protoss giant ship, messing up in a mess, and taking care of themselves.

Xiao Chen stepped on the dragon's foot, flew the dragon and flew in the direction of An Junxi and his party.

An Junxi and others have already become a group with many gods who besieged the fire pillars. The morale is high and they want to make a passage.

The gods of the Protoss are too many, one and a half, and it is unlikely that they will open. The longer the time drags, the more casualties of this group will become.

Xiao Chen observed for a moment, blocking An Junxi and his party, the most troublesome is a three-day Emperor Wu of the Protoss.

Other gods have also said that only the strength of the pseudo-martial arts, although the number is large, but it can not stop the impact of this group of people together.

When a group of people's fighting spirits are thoroughly stimulated, it is like a torrent that is unstoppable.

An Junxi and Shui Lingling and Xiao Bai stood at the forefront of this torrent, but now they were blocked by the triple Emperor Wu of the Protoss.

After a while, the support from other places comes over, and when you are surrounded, you will be dumped.

Xiao Chen can't take care of a lot, his eyes are condensed, and he is locked in the Protoss Emperor Wu. Long hair, no wind and no dance, between the fluttering, in the heavens and the earth, swaying a wonderful knife.

No shortage of knives, broken type!

Around the kilometer, the light disappeared, and Xiao Chen took the knife as a knife and went to the protoss Wudi.

In the next moment, the Emperor Wudi, who was fighting with An Junxi, was too late to notice, and suddenly there was a raging knife.

The abrupt appearance of this knife light seems to be a teleportation, and there is no trace in advance.


Among the knives of the knives, the cockroaches shot a glimpse of light, which was brighter and more dazzling than the knives. Between the vagueness, this Protoss Emperor Wu seems to have heard the sound of the sword.

With a bang, the Emperor Wudi’s chest was in the middle of a knife. The body of the Emperor, there was a crack in the road, and the whole person was directly shot and flew out.

"Xiao Chen Big Brother!"

"Qinglong Wang, come back!"

For a time, the people were encouraged and the momentum was great. No one thought that Xiao Chen could be so fast and solve the trouble of the Protoss giant ship.

In the race against time, Xiao Chen couldn't say more: "The Protoss giant ship is over there for a while, and we can't care about us. I will take everyone out."

There is Xiao Chen leading the way, this torrent of bombardment is more rapid, but for a quarter of an hour, the unbreakable encirclement, was torn a hole.

When he came to the front of the fire pillar, Xiao Chen waved his hand and the people immediately stopped.

"What's the matter!" asked An Junxi on the side.

Xiao Chen pointed to the front and said: "They sensed this gap and they have already arrived."


The voice just fell, and the front flame wall slammed, and Fang Baiyu and his party walked out of it.

Hundreds of people in a row, everyone with injuries, pale and tired, many people are even scarred, extremely weak. There is no temperament of Emperor Wu, but it is like a group of refugees.

In this scene alone, one can think of how the group suffered under the sudden blow of thousands of gods.

In the subsequent breakout, what kind of hardships have been experienced. If Xiao Chen and others do not come, they are afraid that they will be besieged and die.

Through the fire pillar, although it can block some attacks, the spiritual power of the Protoss is not included here.

"How are you, the sovereigns, are they not coming?"

Fang Baiyu, the three leading emperors, saw Xiao Chen waiting for them, showing a very surprised expression. I couldn’t think of it, and opening a gap for them would be Xiao Chen, who was previously dissatisfied.

"Xiao Chen, you are right, this time it is really we are wrong."

Imagine that at the beginning, Xiao Chen was above the palace and said that he would be ready to retreat at any time. Now see Xiao Chen again, the three hearts are a bit embarrassed.

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