Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1551: Jiu Cai Di Lu

The Shinto League and his party are far away, but they are too late to fly.

I saw that the door of the Emperor was completely stable, and stood in the air and slammed. The ground of the entire Spark City, banged, fell directly, and was split, and even the melt in the depths of the ground was erupted.

In the event of a heavy blow, all those who are flying in the air, like a hammer that has been hard to survive.

Spit a blood, heavy drops, and after getting up, but the head is not back still fast.

The four great heavenly emperors who were fighting with Xiao Chen were also shaken off the air by the door of the emperor who suddenly appeared.

Xiao Chen’s mouth overflowed with a trace of blood stains. When it was about to land, the tip of the knife was on the ground and then stood up and stood firm.

Looking at the direction, long hair flying, clothes and agitation, gathered all the imposing manners of the four heavens and the earth. It’s so surprising that the rare sight in the eyes is a surprise. The emperor has no need to forcibly cross the fire.

The risk of forced robbery is completely unpredictable, and it is also something that Xiao Chen has been avoiding.

It’s been a catastrophe, and it’s already a life of nine deaths. It’s tantamount to committing a forced robbery.

The emperor will not understand this simple truth, not to mention his accumulation, it is still far away. Normally, at least one year later, I can barely go through the fire.

Xiao Chen was surprised. The four great heavenly emperors were even more surprised than him.

"God, what's wrong with this."

The Protoss Emperor cold Zhengyang, some sly look to the emperor without a lack of God. It is because of the death of the goddess, the blow is too big, so I want to find death?

"Cold brother, what to do now." Su Qianxing asked.

The two old men of the ghost and the corpse also looked at the cold Zhengyang, and they were all unclear because of this sudden situation.

Cold Zhengyang’s indulgence was half-sounding, and there was a murderous air in his eyes: “The plan is unchanged, continue to kill Xiao Chen, this kid ruined the Son of God, absolutely can not let him live.”

Obviously, he believes that the chances of the emperor's success in the absence of a robbery are almost zero. I have completely given up, and all of this is blamed on Xiao Chen.

"I am in line with my intentions. This boy is obviously lacking in stamina. If he is not an emperor, the power of the gods will not be much."

The four emperors quickly negotiated and once again smashed the past toward Xiao Chen.

Fang Baiyu and his party have successfully entered the sixth lap of the formation. Xiao Chen has already given birth to a retreat.

No, the four great emperors ironed their hearts and prevented him from leaving.

Xiao Chen is not in a hurry. Now this accident is good for him, and it will not last long. Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven will certainly not give up the Emperor. If it is not long, it will let all of them return to the Emperor without any protection.

In the direction of the Tiancheng City, between the Tianzhu and the Yingzong Tian and the Three Holy Masters who were fighting, all of them sensed the coming of the Gate of the Emperor in the first time.

At first, Ying Zongtian thought it was Xiao Chen’s robbery and his face was very dignified. After seeing that the emperor was in no shortage of robbing, his face relaxed a little, and he felt a little doubt in his heart.

What is the blow to this emperor? What are the good things to do, forcing a robbery?

"Oops, the emperor is insane, this kid is crazy!"

The White Tiger Lord, angry in his heart, could not help but scream directly.

Suzaku Lord looked at it, and the next day, the mountains and rivers, the Sundial will be reactivated, and suddenly there is no shortage of God. When the machine made a decision: "Withdraw!"

The Emperor Wu of the Daotian League and his party immediately took the time to retreat and did not stop.

On the other side of the Tianzong Emperor, the Emperor Wudi, who suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and used the Three Holy Lords to use the Tomb of the Holy Beast, was too much pressure on them.

The Peacock King and others quickly gathered around Ying Zongtian and looked at the door of the Emperor. They were all horrified.

"Hey, brother, do you see that this emperor is really crazy?" asked the peacock king to Ying Zongtian.

Forced robbery, this is what their group of old Wu Di, can not think about.

Ying Zongtian’s eyes passed through the endless distance, and clearly looked at the emperor. He looked at his eyes and said: “There is no shortage of the emperor. It’s also a stunning genius. He’s this hand, it looks like nine dead, but if One hundred millionth of the chance was really hit by him, it would be bad."

"The meaning of the brother-in-law is that he is going to grab the emperor in front of Xiao Chen, and then he will die and be the last one."

Ying Zongtian nodded: "But the opportunity is awkward."

"Opportunity, there is still a chance, and this opportunity should be completely annihilated."

Everyone in the field is a big man, and the killing is extremely decisive. Many people have shown the same meaning.

If the emperor is truly successful, it is very likely that he will change his life and become a child of air transport. It will be a devastating blow for them to get a heavenly patron.

Ying Zongtian’s eyes flashed. He looked farther and thought deeper. He shook his head and said: “No, if he wants to fight, then I will give him this opportunity. Let’s go and see.”

At the rear of the Shinto League, the gods and the corpse gods who are ready to go on a big battle are watching the scene on the water curtain and stunned at the same time.

Above the water curtain, the heavens and the earth are surging, and the gate of an emperor stands side by side. Exudes, supreme majesty, mysterious and full of temptation.

After abandoning the gods of the gods for a moment, I stood up and stood up.

His uneasy heart, at this moment, there have been some waves. The eyebrows were tight and the face was dignified. After a long time, I sighed softly: "Nothing, why are you suffering, and when Tianzong is destroyed, your path will be smooth."

"Abandon the sky, how do you plan now."

The corpse of the corpse is looking to abandon the **** of the gods. This accident is indeed beyond the expectations of the two.

Abandoning the gods in the eyes of the gods flashed a dignified, Shen Sheng: "The full protection of the emperor is no shortage of robbery, can not let anyone, interfere with no shortage."

The corpse god, swearing: "Is it necessary to forcibly rob, but no one has ever survived in history. From the ancient times, to the ancient times, to the present era, without exception, all died. Even if you are lucky When you return to a life, you are half dead and alive, and you will be completely abolished in the rest of your life."

Abandoning the Emperor of God and angering: "Criminal, don't irritate me!"

"He is telling the truth."

At this time, another sound was heard, but it was the Dongyue ghost emperor who slammed the spirit fox king. Because the emperor did not lack anything, he rushed back from the middle.

Dongyue Ghost Emperor continued: "Abandon the heavens, the door of the Emperor has come, and soon the emperor will fall, you can't change. You should also understand that the goddess will be his heart robbing, and he is going to die." the road,."

The criminal corpse thought for a moment and then said: "There is no need for abandoning a child, and it is a big expense. I can see that it can be dissolved."

No way, the words of the corpse of the gods are also helpless. From ancient times to the present, no one can force a successful robbery, let alone the imperialism is completely mad now.

At this time, the scene above the water curtain changed again. The door of the emperor, the clouds of the four sides, the splendor, the red orange, the yellow, the green, the blue and the purple... The nine colors have been changed and stopped.


A nine-coloured glass step spreads from under the door of the Emperor. The number of steps has reached nine thousand, and it has a dreamlike light, just like a fairy road.

The look of the corpse of the corpse and the ghost of the Dongyue ghosts, at the same time, stunned, and some could not believe that everything was seen by both eyes.

Jiu Cai Di Road, this is a higher level than the Golden Emperor Road. Only in the era of the most peak of the martial arts, there is no power, and the vision that can be produced when the robbery is over.

"Ha ha ha, is the nine-color emperor road, nine is the extreme, nine for the respect, nine for the king, this is the real king of the emperor road!"

Abandoning the gods and gods, laughing at the heavens, the emperor has no life to fight for the battle, forcing a robbery, but for himself to fight for a king.

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