Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1567: Scarlet cemetery

Where is Xiao Chen? What is his way?

No one knows, and few people pay attention, except those who are friends. Nowadays this world, who will remember the five-year-old that was unparalleled, and the entire Qinglun younger generation who could not lift their heads.

In the vast Tianwu domain of the Kunlun continent, there are only eighteen states in the south. The land of one state is comparable to the area of ​​the whole Qin State in the Cangjie.

The original Qitianzhou is the most prosperous state in the eighteen southern states.

A great battle between Shinto League and Yu Tianzong made this Tianzhou completely invincible, after the war. Many mountain and river landscapes have changed. The mountains have been razed to the ground, the city has become a wasteland, and the plains have become deserts.

There are many war dead souls that wander in the ruins of the land all year round. No matter where you look, this place is not suitable for long-term residence.

After the war, Ying Zongtian used the supreme strength to let the whole Tiantian City fly and flew away. This piece of ruin, long time no smoke, has become more desolate.

The original Spark City has now become a cemetery, with a large number of Emperor Wu, as well as a large number of quasi-emperors and Wu Sheng.

The five major ethnic groups, all of them, the Terran, the Yaozu, the Ghosts, the Corps, and the Protoss are all in this place, leaving many innumerable bodies.

At the moment, the only place that is a bit popular, it is here. Often, relatives and friends of the deceased, come to pay homage.

The sky of Starfire City is always bloody, the light is dim, in the sky, from time to time will fly a group of blood crows, it is said that it is the sin of Qinglong Wang Xiaochen.

If you want to come to this memorial, you have to be careful. These blood crows are extremely dangerous. After being entangled in it, the Emperor Wu of the Great Heaven is hard to get out.

There have even been cases where the great Emperor Wudi was eaten raw by the blood crows, which was terrible.

On this day, in the Starfire City, a group of Terran warriors came and brought sacrifices. Three men and two women, in addition to the leading man, there is a small heavenly emperor's repair, the four met the highest, but the emperor repaired.

"Feng Ge, just flew over a large group of blood crows, we have two hours to go to pay homage to the master."

A thin man who went to inquire about the situation, his face was still childish, his body was agile and he said to the leading man.

The leading man, named Ling Feng, looks handsome, but looks like he is in his thirties. At a young age, it has reached the repair of a great Emperor Wudi. It should be a rising star in the golden age.

Similar up-and-coming talents, there are many in this golden age, before the emperor was unknown, after the emperor, the blockbuster.

"Feng brother, can we go in now?" A girl next to her eyes said with tears in her eyes: "Today is the father's sacrifice day, the sky is getting dark, I don't want to miss it."

Other companions, also look at Ling Feng, it is obvious that he is headed.

Above the gravel, Ling Feng did not speak, picked up a long knife and looked up to the West. In the far distant sky, under the blood cloud, you can see a ray of yang.

"Wait a minute, there have been demon warriors who have been hunting blood crows recently. It is not easy to meet them." Ling Feng is not very old, but he is very calm: "Small six, you go around and see, remember be careful."

"Well, listen to Feng Ge."

Xiaoliu smiled and flashed out.

"Feng brother, with your strength, where to use those who are afraid of the demon warriors. The Emperor of the Three Heavens is not your opponent, the Devil Warrior must have died as much as possible."

"Yeah, even the sky in the Tianwu domain is like a snow, and you say that you are the last talent of the Tianwu domain, not inferior to the knife king."

Companions are not convinced, and they are quite confident about Ling Feng’s strength.

Ling Feng smiled and didn't speak. He had seen the real master and knew the gap between himself and those old swordsmen. He will not be arrogant about his talent, look down on himself, and will not be self-respecting and high.

As for the demon warrior, if it is not the warrior of the demon king, he is not afraid.

Not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid that if you do things, be cautious and good.

After half an hour, when the sky was almost completely dark, Xiaoliu came back and found no figure of the demon warrior.

Ling Feng took the lead and said decisively: "Go, we only have half an hour, a little speed."

"No, there is still a half hour, will the blood crow come?"

"Be careful, I don't feel right." Ling Feng did not look back and did not explain too much.

After a while, Ling Feng stopped and looked awkward.

In front of the field of vision, it is a thrilling cemetery. Among the dim light, a tombstone is erected in the wind.

The blood cloud in the sky, let all the graves, are covered with a faint blood color light curtain.

Looking far away, it is like a blood grave, erected in the ruins.

There is a wind blowing, bringing a cold and bleak taste, and faint, you can also hear the mourning of a trace of soul, hidden in the wind.

Several people walked forward and strolled through the cemetery. The rituals above the tombstone were shocking.

"The tomb of the father Liu Xue, in the invitation of the best friend of the heavens, came to guard the Tian Tianzong and died for Xiao Chen's protection of the law!"

"The home of the Oriental Net, in the invitation of friends, the best of the heavens, for the death of Xiao Chen!"

"Uncle Baiwu, ... died for Xiao Chen's protection of the law!"

"Shen Dao Meng Zhang Feng, Liu Zhongtian Wudi, died in the melee because of Xiao Chen's robbery!"

"Death for Xiao Chen's protection of the law!"

"Because Xiao Chen was robbed, he died in a melee!"

Xiao Chen! Xiao Chen! In each tombstone, the words of Xiao Chen are clearly drawn out with blood.

Blood is unknown, blood represents hatred, and blood represents anger.

Hatred, unknown, angry, seems to be the martial burial with this, silently accused Xiao Chen.

Although it is not the first time to come here, Ling Feng is still shocked by this. He can hardly imagine that there will be so many Emperors who died.

It is even more difficult to imagine that when there is only the next step in the emperor's road, the Qinglong Wang, who is in full swing, will jump out of the emperor's road.

In the end, what kind of person is that.

"The master cemetery is here."

Several people stopped in front of a grave, on top of the tombstone, wrote the tomb of his father Liu Yuan, and died for Xiao Chen's protection of the law.

The girl next to Ling Feng, after seeing the tombstone, the tears in her eyes could no longer help but flow down.

The other people present are the disciples of the master of the tombstone, and their moods are very heavy and difficult to suppress.

"The master is really worthless to die. It is a person who is indifferent and ruthless.

"Even if you open the emperor's door, you can't live up to the goodness of the master, but this person is jumping in the last step."

The disciple of the deceased apparently had a strong hatred for Xiao Chen, and even his name was not willing to mention it.

Ling Feng frowned and looked around. He said: "Time is up, we have to go."

"Feng brother, let me accompany my father." Liu Yun, the daughter of the deceased, looked at Ling Feng and asked.

Ling Feng couldn't bear to look at the girl's gaze and sighed: "That will stay for a while."

After a quarter of an hour, when the people were finished, when they were about to leave, the crows of several crows sounded from the sky.

"Blood Raven!"

The faces of the five people changed at the same time. At this time, how could the blood crow fly?

Ling Feng eyes closed, looked up, and sure enough, four or five blood crows behind, there is a man laughing and chasing.

Closer, the magic of the man is becoming more and more obvious. This is a demon blood warrior.


A **** spurt, five blood crows were passed by the body, and a sin was spread out and poured into the blood man's body, which was calmed and refining.

"Comfortable, refining some sins, my **** work, you can go one step further!"

The **** man laughed wildly, and suddenly his eyes swept away and fell on Ling Feng’s group of people.

Ling Feng is also just right, saw the purple mark of this person's eyebrows, the heart suddenly sinks, the devil's royal family.

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