Wen Ziran's brows are slightly wrinkled, and some accidents, what kind of devil can be in the presence of many masters in the Tiandao Villa, cover up all their breath.

If something is wrong, this demon person will certainly not be small, or else it will not be possible to cross the sea and not act rashly.

"It's a devil, kill him!"

The top ten swordsmen of the new generation next to Zhao Feng, at the same time, got up and took out the sword to the white man.

The top ten swordsmen, the minimum of repairs have three Emperor Wudi, the highest such as the criminal style and so on, even the five-day Emperor Wu of the repair. These nine people also shot at the same time, the seven kings of the seven heavens have to shun the three homes, temporarily avoiding the edge.

"Be careful, this devil is not simple." Wen Ziran thought deeper, and he was wary.

The white man smiled coldly, and his body was not concealing, and the magic was turned into a black light, rising into the sky. Scorpio, immediately in a moment, gloomy.

The cold and incomparable temperature, once again drastically, the frost everywhere, many warriors, eyebrows and beards were frozen and frozen.

After this person's breath was not hidden, the horrible king of the emperor rushed to the surface, and the nine people who leaped into the sky immediately changed their faces.

"Eight Heaven Emperor Wu."

"No, it is the king of the nine heavens, this is the character of the devil level!"

The Emperor of the Nine Heavens is the realm of the Emperor, and it is a terrible realm. There are many great emperors in the Kunlun world. They can be repaired by the Emperor Wu of Heaven.

Among the abyss of the demon world, except for the nine emperors who have the supreme honor, the other nine are only the repairs of the nine-day Emperor Wu.

This white man has nine days to repair, no need to guess, it must be the existence of the demon level,

"Retreat, hurry back!"

The criminal style, popular and so on, nine people, scared face like a gray, crazy back. The demon-level characters, with a full blow, they are seriously injured if they are lucky.

But now I know that retreat is obviously late, and the white man waved his hand.

The white snow flutters, the vision is out, a snowy mountain rises behind him, this one carries the power of endless ice.


Nine people spit out a blood at the same time, and the bones of the body were bursting with sounds. They were swept away by the smashing, and many people passed out on the spot.

With just one palm, the new generation of nine great swordsmen was defeated.

The white man apparently did not come for murder, and coldly glanced at Wen Ziran, his foot slammed on the ground.

A snow wave sprayed thinly, and the forced Wenzi waved the knife to resist the retreat.

No one dares to help, and no one dares to stop the existence of this demon emperor, because that is only a dead end.

The end of the new generation of nine swordsmen is a good example.

Time, near the sink, no one else exists. The white man moves quickly, and then jumps into the sinking pool, aiming for the eternal ice.


I don’t know when the water surface is covered with a thick layer of ice. The white people who jumped down passed through the white mist and fell heavily on the ice.

The footsteps slipped, and between them, almost fell.

"Ice?" Snow Devil stabilized his body and frowned. His ice and snow will have reached its peak, and no one can stand it. At first glance, I found out that this ice is a little weird and not very good.

Time can be urgent, I can't think too much, I will take a shot and raise it.

The ice surface shattered in an instant and turned into countless small ice cubes. The expected water surface did not appear. Instead, the raging flame, the white man's face changed slightly, and it was not easy to detect the flame, and quickly flashed.

Fortunately, he did not support the big, if it is allowed to sneak into the snow, even if he is the devil, it will take a lot of effort to get rid of it.

The white man's face was gloomy, and he was so delayed that he knew that he had taken the opportunity to take away the ice of eternal ice.

Xiao Xiaotian will soon come.

He looked at the direction of the reincarnation, reached for a finger, nine storms, formed from the air, sandwiched the sky and snow, swept away, and sealed all the roads of Xiao Chen.


Among the chariots, Xiao Chen was shocked, and he single-handedly tapped it. The seven-handed squadron turned into a faint light and smashed toward the snow storm.

Seven snowstorms, suddenly broken, the aftermath of the sweep, the entire space trembled violently.

The building of the knife pool is round, the collapse of one building, and the terrible cracks on the ground.

Everyone was shocked to see this scene, there is no shadow knife king, dare to play against the existence of this demon emperor, in exchange for their half strokes can not stand.

The reincarnation chased back two steps, and it was dangerous to avoid the two snow storms that came from the attack.

Two ice and snow storms met, and there was a loud noise, and the aftermath swept away.

The curtains of the reincarnation were all blown up, and Xiao Chen, the first of them, had a trace of blood on his mouth and suffered some internal injuries.


The white man is about to continue to shoot, a slap in the face, and the screaming, but Xiao Xiaotian rushed over.

"Snow Devil, you can really appreciate your face, actually will single into my knives."

When the words came out, the audience was shocked. It turned out that a demon emperor had killed him.

Snow Magic Emperor faintly said: "Polite, if not because you are too strong, other demons will be found close to the Tiandao Villa. I can use it, come in person."

Xiao Xiaotian said calmly: "Go, you have lost the opportunity, you can't get the ice of eternal. Ying Zongtian, and the sword king Liu Yuyun are coming here. You can't leave, you can't walk." ”

His eyes are like a knife-like sharp, and Xiao Xiaotian’s voice is cold.

The white man did not speak, and there was a silent confrontation in the air against the sight of Shang Xiao Xiaotian. The two top martial artists launched a competition for the king's emperor.


The entire Tiandao Villa began to tremble violently, and countless buildings collapsed. Surrounded by the collapse of the stars, one and one burst, in the stars, like a huge fireworks.

The imperial controversy, the four-party warriors, scared the atmosphere can not breathe, only feel cold and sweat, the pressure is like a mountain, a move does not dare to move.

The two great emperors, you come to me, causing great changes in the world.

Xiao Xiaotian’s knives that link the heavens and the earth are sharp and unstoppable. The Snow Devil is a sturdy devil, like a storm, and there is a world of domineering domineering.

Initially, the two players are equal and do not give each other.

After half an hour, Xiao Xiaotian gradually showed a trace of fatigue. This high-intensity dispute between the emperor and the Wei is extremely devastating.


Wen Ziran’s face was heavy and his heart was in a hurry. He wanted to help, but under the double oppression of the two great nine-day Emperor Wudi, he couldn’t move for a moment.

The people present are beginning to rush, and once the momentum falls into the wind, the next second will be able to separate the winners and losers.

Snow Devil's mouth is slightly upturned: "邬 天天, if it was before, I should go now. But now, I changed my mind, because you... are old!"


But at this time, at this most subtle time, the reincarnation swayed.

In the car, Xiao Chen, biting his teeth, tried to control the body and get rid of the oppression of the two great emperors. The frequency of the chariots swayed more and more, and Xiao Chen snorted and the seven stalks fell on the ground.

The catapults came together and they all came back to the sheath. All of a sudden, Xiao Chen broke free. The eyes are condensed, the right hand slams, and the reincarnation quickly rolls up.

In the case of thousands of warriors on the scene, no one can move, and left.

come out.

The chariots slowly arrived, and the powerful momentum of the body, combined with the momentum of Xiao Xiaotian, was like a sharp edge, piercing the sky in an instant.

The Snow Devil spit out a blood, and his body was mad, and he lost when the competition was the most crucial.

"Snow Devil, don't give me a roll!" Xiao Xiaotian whispered coldly.

"Screaming, don't give me a second chance, you won't be so lucky next time."

Looked at the resentful look of the reincarnation of the chariot, the Snow Devil emperor went and did not dare to stay for a long time.

After he left completely, Xiao Xiaotian’s mouth overflowed with a trace of blood, and he stepped back and stepped back a few steps.

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