Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1595: Fortunately escape

With the huge ice flame sword, a little bit of the end into the soil, the cold overflowing in the deep land.

The layer of soil is frozen into ice, which is plainized into frozen soil. From the inside to the outside, it is filled with thousands of miles.

The white snow magic is bent on setting Xiao Chen to death. He did not keep his hands. He stood on the huge sword of the sword, and it was frosty and without a trace of affection.

The Shadow King and the Iron Demon each guarded one side, and they looked dignified and did not dare to relax. They were always wary of Xiao Chen breaking out of the ground.

Although the soil has been frozen, the coldness is amazing, and the possibility of Xiao Chen breaking out of the ground is very small, but neither of them has a slight relaxation.

The lion is also working hard with the rabbits. These three eight-day Emperor Wudi still have no arrogance in the case of occupying a huge advantage.

I have to say that Jiang is still old and spicy, and his mood is repaired. It is far from being comparable to those of the younger generation.

Deep in the ground, in the chariot, Xiao Chen was covered with a layer of frost, and his lips were white and scary. A bright red blood stain on the frosty lips is particularly eye-catching.

This injury is the iron devil of the Eight Emperor Wudi, who descended from the sky and gave him a shock.

The iron magic power is big, Xiao Chen has already learned once, this time it is really unintentional. I didn’t think of the other side, I would look at myself like this, and I would actually send three Eight Heavens Emperor Wu.

What is more serious is the coldness in the body. The white snow magic is a king emperor who understands the field of ice.

Since he debuted in the name of the Shadowless Knife, this is the biggest crisis he has encountered. His life is hanging on the line, and he is not exaggerated at all.

How to do!

In the mind, a series of schemes flashed and was quickly rejected. When the time is not allowed, Xiao Chen’s thoughts are like electricity, still calm and calm.

Xiao Chen, who closed his eyes, thought quickly and had to go out first.

Otherwise, it will be dead, and it will be undoubtedly dead. But the four sides are cold and the frozen soil is as hard as steel.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen thought of a way to open his eyes, his eyes flashed a bright light, and the palm of his hand had a flame. It was the sky and snow!

Above the ground, Iron Devil laughed: "It seems that it is not coming out. This is good, and it is enough to die."

The King of Shadows also breathed a sigh of relief. If the shadowless knife king can rush out, it should have already rushed out. The chill is getting heavier and heavier, and the hard soil makes him suffer from headaches. He has missed the best opportunity to go out.

However, all of this is in the plan, and the iron fist that fell from the sky is the beginning of killing the shadowless knife king.

"Hey, where is the water coming."

When the iron devil eyes turned around, they found that the feet were slimy. When you look carefully, you find that it is actually water, which is very strange.


The shadow of the blood shadow king is furious, how can there be water, the old friend ice Ling is the top ten of the snow magic family, his cold solidified frozen soil will actually melt out of the water.

Above the ice sword, the white snow magic does not believe at all: "Impossible, who can turn off my coldness, and the shadowless knife king is not the flame way..."


When he didn't finish his words, he heard a loud noise, taking the ice sword as the origin, and the land was everywhere.

The ice magic sword is broken into countless pieces, and the sword hurts the flames and fires, gathering in the palm of the white snow magic. His long sleeves and a wave of shards of knives were swept aside.

When the dust spreads and the snow melts, a throne appears in front of the three, and the shadowless knife king takes a mask and sits there.


The white snow magic eyes flashed in the eyes, the hands of the ice fire magic flames constantly changing, and turned into a black abyss of Warcraft like a bad dog, a huge bang, rushed toward Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen turned his hand and waved, and Tian Xue Shen Yan was like a touch of cold light, and something strange happened.

Black Abyss Warcraft, burned by Tian Xueyan, instantly shows the origin of the ice flame, constantly entangled, want to escape the torment of the sky and snow.

On the other side, the attack of the Iron Devil and the Shadow King was also instantly killed.

The King of Blood and Shadow held a blood sword, and a sword stabbed it. It was even faster than Jinghong. The heavens and the earth, swayed by the sword, the whole world is shaking, and this is just the power of a sword.

Above the throne, Xiao Chen calmly and calmly, in the eyes, the two flames of the sun and the sun flew out. Pointing to the left hand, the tai chi yin and yang flame map, appearing out of thin air, blocking the sword.

When depicting the Taiji yin and yang flame map, Xiao Chen’s right hand was not idle, and he took a shot on the black dragon’s handrail.

The seven-handed sacred soldiers were simultaneously sheathed, flying away, and the sound of metal collision sounded. The iron devil who sneaked from the sky was hit by the seven-handed squadron.

After landing, a huge hole was blasted on the ground, and the dust was rolled up.

Everything happened in a breathing time, the attack of the three kings of Emperor Wudi, recruiting and killing. If you have one of them, you have to lose your way and die.

Xiao Chen, after all, is completely blocked!

"Aoyama does not change, green water flows, we will have a period later, everything is going on today, I will come back sooner or later."

Xiao Chen said with a blank expression, the throne of the throne, divided into three, squatting back in the distance.

The Iron Devil got up from the pit and looked at the throne that was divided into three. He was dazzled and said: "How did it become three?"

"Damn, let him run!"

The Shadow King gnawed his teeth and said with resentment.

The white snow magic retracts his own ice fire, and some of his heart has a lingering fear. He knows how the shadowless knife king cracked his own ice field.

"The flame in his hand is a stronger fire than the eternal ice. Guess is good, it should be a chaotic flame!" White snow magic eyes flashed a trace of greed, calm analysis.

The film king said: "What to do now, he will definitely be more cautious later, at the speed of the throne, it is really difficult to catch him."

"The opportunity is in sight!"

The white snow magic Shen Shen said: "He is the end of the strong, my cold is not fun, the big punch that punch, the sly is not light. Just next we have three strokes, seemingly calm, it should be his last resort. ""

The Shadow King listened to the analysis of the white snow magic, and his eyes became brighter and brighter. "Okay, we are chasing each other."

"Which direction do I go." The big iron monster, some said awkwardly.

The Shadow King turned his eyes and touched it, pointing to the most impossible direction: "Come on there."

The direction is just in front of it. If Xiao Chen is really in this position, the courage is too big.

"Well!" After the direction, the Iron Devil was happy, nothing, and directly chased the past.

The Shadow King and the White Snow Devil are very tacit and do not move. They seem to be in a hurry to chase. I don’t know what to think.

For a moment of silence, the White Snow Devil took out a stone of vows and looked at the King of Blood: "We swear to each other, no matter who catches up with the Shadowless King, can't kill him. You must wait for you and me to meet before you can distribute him. All treasures."

A smile of the blood shadow Wang Yin test: "I am right."

After the two men sweared, they thundered and rushed past with lightning speed. In an instant, it surpassed the big iron monster who had set off first, and the other party was surprised.

After chasing one day and one night, the fastest blood shadow king, the first to catch the shadowless knife king and his throne.

As a result, the sword was stabbed freely, and the throne and the shadowless knife king were turned into the sky, and sprinkled all over the place.

The face of the blood shadow king excited, immediately pulled down, knowing that he was cheated. The deity of the shadowless knife king should be the direction pursued by the white snow magic. As for the direction of the big iron devil, he does not have any hope.

The results are often unexpected. After half a day, the white snow magic also catches up with the target, and the result is also a fake split.

After dark, the two met and saw the disappointment of the other side, and they did not need to speak to know the result.

"In the end, it is cheaper for this guy, to be late, let him also use the stone of oath!" White Snow Devil said.

The person he refers to is of course a big man.

However, the Shadow King, but does not hold any hope, even if the Iron Devil is chasing, it is difficult to retain the Shadowless Knife.

One hundred secrets, or let the shadowless knife king escape, the next time it is difficult to have such opportunities.

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