Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1603: Fierce confrontation

Four of the devils, three men and one woman, each carrying a corner of the throne, cold eyes watching Xiahou and the situation.

Moon Devil Hall, Star Devil Hall, Beast Demon Hall and Flower Devil Hall, these four magic halls are among the 18th Highness, although the ranking is not very high, but the strength is not Xuan Yan, Yi Xuan and the like can be compared.

When I saw that there were only two people in the Shinto League, I wanted to stop them, and there was a sneer in my mouth.

"Leave the ice sculpture, you four can go." Xiahou's faceless expression.

The beast of the beast, the long tiger's back, sneered and said: "The tone is really big, I will come to you."

His body is tall, his face is engraved with animal prints, and under his anger, it is like a beast that is screaming, especially embarrassing. The figure flashed and roared and punched toward Xiahou. He punched out and turned into a paw of a prehistoric behemoth.

The clenched claws look like a mountain, and the amazing pressure spreads from above the fist.

The clouds vibrate, as if the sky has fallen, and Xiahou is absolutely cold, and the body is full of momentum. On top of this pressure, in the void, there was a dull percussion.

The sound of the sky shook, and the entire funeral Longgang countless mountains and rocks, vacated and covered the sky.

At the time when the other side's beasts are about to hit, Xiahou will be in the depths of his eyes and ignite a golden flame. Boom, between his screams, a statue was raised, and a bright hymn was heard between heaven and earth.

The gods are known for their winds, and they reach a height of a thousand feet in a blink of an eye. Xiahou is a light finger, and the image of the gods radiates a circle of light, just like a magic wheel.

Let him put this finger, add a lot of divine power, and slamming, he will smash the prehistoric behemoth of the beast of the beast.

The temple of the beast, after landing, is even more footsteps, almost fell to the ground.

"Good strength!"

For a time, many warriors were absolutely impressed with Xiahou, and they were unbelievable.

Shui Lingling Shen Sheng said: "The power of the Protoss faith, really mysterious, this summer has definitely exceeded a lot."

Xiahou is absolutely equal to his talents, and she can get the resources she can get. Only the gods of this Protoss can't do it. In the case that the other party has one more condition, it is not difficult to understand the strength beyond her.

"It is no wonder that so many people are willing to join the Shinto League. Once the gods are erected, the power of faith is constantly coming in. It is difficult to think of strength." An Junxi shook his head and sighed. He is also no worse than Xiahou. Conditions such as this will definitely exceed each other.


The disciple of Linghu Wang said: "There must be a loss. From the moment he casts the statue, he also truly loses his inner edge. In the face of the imperial life, he will choose to yield. If you lose the person, you cannot become the supreme, then After ten years, and see how he is."

Yes, there will always be fairness between gains and losses.

"And, their dependence on the Protoss is getting bigger and bigger, and in the end they will be slowly assimilated. Originally, they still wanted to use the protoss to strengthen their own strength, and finally they will know that they were being used by the Protoss, but they have not Get rid of the law."

Xiao Bai calmly analyzed.

When talking, Xiahou is the more brave and the more brave, completely pressed against the imperial hall of the beast. The forced opponents have activated the beastly talent, but still can not get the advantage, it is only a matter of time to see the defeat, but Xiahou is still very capable.

The other three halls of the Hall of Devils have long been disfigured by the initial disdain, and their faces have become dignified.

call out!

Suddenly, the three halls of the devil, screamed and made a contribution. Pushing the ice sculptures fiercely, and moving toward the sidelines of the battle, while flying, they are preparing to besiege.

The power of the sculpture was previously revealed, even the Highness of the Temple of the Thunder. They are all under the hood, and they have been suppressed. If the situation is unreasonable, it will definitely suffer.

Fortunately, the situation is unscrupulous, there is no point at all, and the ice sculptures are flying, and the face is heavy.

"After the mysterious turtle!"

His anger screamed, his body slammed, and the sacred shadow of the sacred beast appeared, holding him firmly in it.

The ice eagle smashed into the shadow of the mysterious tortoise, and the winds and clouds rushed back three steps, and even shot three palms, pushing the ice sculptures back.

The ice sculptures that roared away, constantly rotating, the horrible knife, stirring the situation. A burst of knives, in the air, squeaking, Ling Xiao's knife is chilling.


The three halls of the devil, the face is awkward, do not dare to pick up, have to dodge.

"Hahaha, His Royal Highness, but that's it!"

The wind and clouds leaped into the air, lifting the ice sculpture with one hand, using the power of ice sculpture, and in turn pressing the three magic halls to fight.

The scene was confusing at a time, but it was obvious that the four halls of the Temple of Devils had the disadvantage, which was unexpected.

"The Shinto League looks really powerful. Before Sima Lingxuan, they couldn't reach these four people. Now they are two people, and they are playing under the imperial hall."

"Xiahou is absolutely unscrupulous, and it is obviously faster in the Shinto League than in other leaders."

"The Shinto League is the first major force in Kunlun today."

Between the Scorpio, the Emperor did not close his eyes and heard these voices. There is a smile on the corner of his mouth. What he wants is this kind of effect. The battle of the evil shadow sword, he wants to let the whole world know the strength of the Shinto League again.

The land where the demons gather, the temple of the devils, the brows are wrinkled.

The strength of the Shinto League is a bit out of their expectation, and it is more difficult to deal with than the imagination.

"Heavenly blood gods!"

A **** giant finger, floating in a circle of **** lines, falling from the sky, point to the body of the beast of the beast, and completely back to the original shape, deeply buried in the ground.

Among the boundless dust, the mourning of His Royal Highness, the mourning of the Temple of the Beast, is particularly desolate, and there is no more power to fight.

The other three halls of the devil, had been ruthless, and used the ice sculpture throne to fight, seeing Xiahou to help, suddenly panicked.

call out!

At the crucial moment, the sky flashed a thunder, and Thundercloud thunder cloud shot.

It was just this thunder and lightning, just appeared, and was stopped by a god. The ghost family Xie Zixuan held a long sword and smiled: "Your opponent is me!"

"Dare to block the road, find death!"

Thundercloud snorted, lightning-like shots, like a phantom, body like electricity, close to Xie Zixuan.

I want to use the method of quickly defeating Shui Lingling to get Xie Zixuan, but he underestimated the body of Xie Zixuan. The other person's body is like a ghost, mysterious, and no one is worse than him.

For a moment, the two are on the right strokes, but no one can help.


On the side of the magic hall, there are several deities of the devil, and they are killed. The emperor waved his hand, and the twelve watchmen turned into gods and joined the battlefield.

Time, around the battle for ice sculptures, the battle became more and more chaotic.

No one wants to admit defeat, and all the temples of the Devil have joined the battle. Apart from the Temple of the Devil and the Temple of Heaven, the other temples of the Devil are all dispatched.

In the land of war, unconsciously, the destruction of the landscape is beyond recognition, creating a huge deep pit.

No one noticed that the thousands of black dragons on the Longgang were slowly moving towards the battlefield.

The chaotic battle, the vision, the ice, the lightning, the wind, the sword, the endless stream, the whistling sounds, is even more deafening.

Only the ice sculpture, which has never changed, has risen and fallen among various visions. After a while, it will fall to the ground, and it will vacate in a moment, and it will rotate like a wind.

"It’s so messy, I can’t find a chance to shoot!” Xiaobai said with some annoyance. She intuitively told herself that the ice sculptures of the ancient times were very familiar.

It is a pity that the chaos is becoming more and more fierce. Once it is rolled in, the consequences are unimaginable.

"There is no shortage of the emperor, why bother to hide the tail, dare to fight with me!"

At this time, among the eighteen magic halls, the second place of the Temple of the Devil, shouting loudly, directly challenged the emperor surrounded by layers of warships.

"In the eighteenth hall, only one person is worthy of the fight, but unfortunately not you. But if you want to die, I don't mind to fulfill you!"

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