Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1610: Avenue power

Xiao Chen, who displays the law and the world, not only has a huge body, but his strength will rise sharply and reach an unbelievable state.

The only downside is that this is a world of law and can't exist for too long.

Xiao Chen was not mistaken, stepping forward, and came to the Panhuang Palace in one step. At the moment, the Panhuang Temple also became less tall in his eyes, and the temple door was at the knee.

At this moment, I couldn’t help but push the door with my hand. Xiao Chen made a sin, and kicked it on the door of the Panhuang Temple.

Light Cloud opened his mouth and looked at this scene incredulously. For tens of thousands of years, I have seen many mad knives.

There is no such thing as Xiao Chen, who dared to kick the door of the temple. In such a shock, the threshold was kicked off.

call out!

Xiao Chen recovered his prototype and walked into the hall. After a few moments of light clouds, I quickly followed and walked in. In any case, this door was opened.

That Xiao Chen is the new generation of knife king, but also the master of her instrumental light cloud.

The hall was a little empty, and after a passage, Xiao Chen came to the place where the statue stood. Place the statue's chassis, high or low, the first row is the lowest, the more you go back, the higher the chassis.

The horizon is rising all the way, and there is only one statue in the last row, and its position is also the highest.

The man was wearing a golden warrior, his long hair was arbitrarily scattered, his face was flamboyant, he was allowed to be sharp, and he was overflowing. There is a smile on the corner of the mouth, the temperament of the whole person, there is a kind of free and easy and unrestrained.

Compared with other kinds of knives, he gives people the most special feeling. But if you say where it is special, you can't think of words to describe it, obviously it's a statue, what's the difference.

Light Cloud explained: "That is the Emperor of the Emperor, the knife king is the one he cast, and he is a chance to leave all the swordsmen in Kunlun."

Xiao Chen put down his doubts in his heart and asked: "Has he finally left Kunlun?"

Light Cloud nodded: "Pan Huangsheng was in the most glorious era of the ancient martial arts. Even in that era, he stood at the top of the whole world. He passed the test of Kunlun Mountain very early and left the world."

"Kunlun Mountain, you mean, the road away from the open, in the Kunlun Mountains?" Xiao Chen sentiment, suddenly excitedly asked.

The light cloud is incomprehensible: "You have all been repaired, no one has told you, the road to Kunlun is on the endless mountain road of Kunlun Mountain."

Xiao Chen suddenly woke up. When he first went to Kunlun Mountain, he felt the strangeness of Kunlun Mountain.

At that time, all ethnic groups were in the same place, and the stone of origin was buried under the mountain. There is no end to the mountain peak. I don’t know where to go. I understand now.

The original, endless mountain road, is the way to leave Kunlun.

"But don't be too excited, that road has always been there. From ancient times to the present, there are too few people who can really go out alive. That road is called the road of the sky, but there is still a name, the road to desperate life. ""

Light Cloud went on to say: "Even if it is the Supreme, it is not sure to dare to go that way. Once it is gone, it is difficult to turn back. For most people, it is a dead end, and nine deaths are inanimate."

"Yu martial arts, from the ancient times to the ancient times, and from the ancient times to the present age, there are several people like the Emperor. A slap in the clear, everyone knows, that is the way to leave Kunlun, but who dares to go. ”

Xiao Chen calmly thought about it. Suddenly, I thought about the opportunity that Chu Chaoyun said once in 10,000 years.

Since the road in Kunlun Mountain is a dead end, what Chu Chaoyun said is definitely another way.

There was also the disappearance of King Lei, and the whereabouts are unknown. I want to come to know that it is not a big limit. I have embarked on this road of no return, and now I want to come, it should be fierce.

There is also Zhou Tianxing, this guy once hinted that the way Wang Wang will go, I will have to go early, so.

It turned out that he did not dare to go this way, I want to let him go after leaving.

"What do you want?" Light Cloud looked at Xiao Chen, who was stunned, and said with a smile.

Xiao Chen returned to God and replied: "Nothing, but I have been less than contact in these years. No one told me this. The first time I heard it, I was shocked and didn't care."

"Oh, nothing, among the knives of the ages, you are the first person to kick the door with your feet. It is also the first one. Before I came in, I realized the power of the knife. I am very optimistic about you."

The light cloud is very high-hearted, pointing to a road: "Go, I will take you around and get familiar with the hall. There is Gouda, although you have realized the power of the knife, but you will practice on it, still Do more with less."

Xiao Chen followed his finger and walked over and saw a futon floating in the air.

Sitting cross-legged, Xiao Chen immediately noticed that a big tree appeared behind him. A linden tree filled with linden flowers, under the shade of the trees, filled with flowers, and unconsciously entered a mysterious state.

"Come down, there are opportunities in the future, there are some places, did not introduce you." Light cloud could not help but say, pulled Xiao Chen down, took him around the Panhuang Hall.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Chen looked back and found that the Bodhi tree was gone. Only then did I understand that the Bodhi tree was just an illusion, not a true Buddha tree.

"Here is the five elements pool, the pool of lightning, the pool of wind, the pool of cold water, the pool of Gengjin, the power of all the attributes of the world can be found."

Light Cloud pointed to a large pool and said: "No matter what kind of attribute you cultivate, you can find it and then use it to hone your will."

"Your Thunder will, have not yet concise into a congenital thunder crystal, have time to go to the pool of lightning."

Xiao Chen glanced at the past and scared back three steps. The small pool was full of black lightning. I don't know how many lightnings exist in it, it doesn't stop flashing, it doesn't stop for a moment.

Go inside the bubble, Xiao Chen thinks it will not shudder, I am afraid that the end of the moment, you have to die.

Inside the Panhuang Hall, the space is mysterious, and the light cloud took Xiao Chen for a long time, only to finish shopping.

After finishing this lap, Xiao Chen is more curious about this Emperor. This Emperor is really a talented wizard. Can leave such a space in the knife king order, just take care of the knife king behind.

No wonder, Xiao Xiaotian said that it would definitely be beneficial to get the knife king order.

The strength of the Emperor is far stronger than he imagined, even if the Qing Emperor is not as good. The era of the ancient martial arts peaks is an era that is more dazzling than the current golden age.

In that era, standing at the peak, what exactly is one.

"Well, now that I have finished shopping, it is time to teach you how to cultivate the power of the knife." Light cloud put away the smile on his face, solemnly said.

At the end of the day, Xiao Chen listened and listened quietly to each other.

"There are three thousand avenues in the world, eight hundred side gates. As the saying goes, the side gates are left and right, and the eight hundred side gates are not avenues. The knife roads, even the side doors are not counted."

"You must know that there is a sword and then a knife. The knife does not exist. So there are no knives in the three thousand avenues and eight hundred side doors."

Xiao Chen listened quietly. He knew that he knew it when he learned the knife. The focus has not yet arrived.

"While the Emperor is not the inventor of the knife, but he led the knife path of the Kunlun world to the peak. After him, the knife can be squeezed into the three thousand avenues before it can compete with the kendo."

"Understanding the power of the knife, it is the entry of the knife, in order to have the power of the road."

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