Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1615: Lucky to leave

One foot flew to the White Tiger Lord, but the reality is still not very optimistic.

There are two eight-day-old elders in front of the road, and there are two holy masters behind them. The speed of the Lord is fast. As long as the two eight-day elders are too elder to stop Xiao Chen for a moment, he will be caught up in an instant.


Just as Xiao Chen merged the seven sacred soldiers and prepared for a desperate fight, the two eight-day Emperor Wudi in front of the road screamed each other, as the meteors generally fell toward the ground.

this is?

Xiao Chen’s heart was in the middle of his mind. After the fall of Emperor Wu of the Eight Heavens, he saw the figure behind him. It is the Iron Devil, the Iron Devil who once attacked him.

What happened, when, the iron sneak attack can be so silent. And this iron demon, why should the two elders of the Fengqing Palace take the shot.

The brain is full of doubts, all of which are puzzled.

By the time he saw it, the eyes of the Iron Devil were even more doubtful. The aura of the aura was not like the Iron Devil.

"There is no shadow knife king, you give me a make-up in Surda. Today I will save you once. From then on, I will not owe each other."

Iron Devil grinned, volleyed, swaying through the figure of Xiao Chen, flying in the eyes of his stunned eyes toward the two Lords.

With the strength of the Iron Devil, although it is not worthy of the Lord, the powerful body can make him suffer a lot of blows and escape.

This is something that Xiao Chen can't compare. Iron Devil is born with this advantage.

I don't want to think too much. At this moment, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Xiao Chen turned into a rainbow and quickly took it away.

"Continue to chase, definitely can't let this guy run out of the wild battlefield!"

The Sisters of Suzaku and the Lord of Xuanwu were entangled in the Iron Man, angered and attacked, and let the remaining six elders continue to chase Xiao Chen.

Iron Devil Surda, terrible, faced the joint attack of these two great saints. There is absolutely no power to fight, and it can only be forced to resist the metamorphosis of the body, without the ability to backhand.

A few times I wanted this iron devil, and I won the game with two strokes, but both saints were surprised to find out. In the original impression, the stupid iron devil did not appear in this front.

As long as it is a killing trick, the Iron Devil will never be a silly attack, or it will flash off, or directly strengthen the flesh and defend itself.

What is even more troublesome is that this iron devil is ironic and wants to entangle two people.

No matter who wants to get away, he will be entangled in his life, causing the two to completely escape.

After a quarter of an hour, the iron devil Sulda's heart can only help this, and he has to confess here.

It can be a good fortune to help Xiao Chen drag it for a quarter of an hour, and he is worthy of the creation he gave.

"Hey, the Terran Lord, but this is the case. After half a year, I will teach the two again!"

Iron Devil laughed, vacated and flew toward the stars.

Xuanwu Lord, won the iron magic pat on the **** and want to leave, immediately chase. Stopped by the Suzaku Lord: "Look at how the White Tiger Lord is hurting. I am going to chase the Shadowless Knife."

Xuanwu Shengzhu nodded and said: "Yes, I almost forgot."

After that, the two parted ways, one to chase the shadowless knife king, one to fly in the direction of the White Tiger Lord.

In a deep pit, the Xuanwu Lord found it, closed his eyes and knees, and quickly healed the White Tiger Lord.

I saw a hole in the chest and the blood kept flowing. I haven't stopped yet. The face was pale, and there was a burnt smell on the body, which was obviously not hurt.

"White Tiger brother, how can it hurt so heavy?" Xuanwu Lord, frowning, asked inexplicably.

It is really unbelievable that the sacred lord was wounded by a younger generation.

The White Tiger Lord slowly opened his eyes: "The power of the 10 o'clock knife, there is a heart and a finger, and the heart is broken, you think it will be easy?"

"The power of the knife? A finger?"

Xuanwu Shengzhu was shocked: "I can't, this shadowless knife king actually realized the power of the knife, and the rhinoceros one finger. Under the whole world, there will be only two of the spirits, one Yanshi Wang, one It is the Qinglong King."

"It won't be, this shadowless knife king is Qinglong Wang Xiaochen!"

A little deeper, Xuanwu Lord, suddenly emerged a bold and amazing idea.

The White Tiger Lord shook his head and said: "It is impossible for Qinglong Wang Xiaochen. This guy jumped off the emperor's road five years ago and was robbed by the wind and fire. It is not bad to be able to return a life. How could it rise again? If it is really the Qinglong King, will he also invite him to enter the Shinto League?"

"Then he is...?"

The White Tiger Lord said: "It can only be said that it is a golden age, and the sudden rise of the odd number. If you don't give up the Emperor, you won't look at him differently."

I don't know, even if I abandon the Emperor of Heaven, I can't see the shadowless knife king. If I tell the shadowless knife, I will tell the gods.

If you abandon the sky, you will not be able to guess it, and you will have doubts.

It’s just that both of them think that they don’t feel that there is anything wrong with the Shadowless King, so there’s no need to worry about it.

"How come you, didn't you chase the shadowless knife king?" The White Tiger Lord suddenly remembered the matter and asked him: "I won't let the Shadowless King Run!"

Xuanwu Shuozhou shook his head and said: "It was entangled by an iron demon, but the Suzaku Lord has already chased the past. He has his shot, and the shadowless knife king can't escape as long as he still lives in Tianwu domain."

Among the three, the strength of the Suzaku Lord is the strongest. If he does his best, then there is really no need to worry about it.

Among the Scorpio, the Suzaku Lord closed his eyes, and the fire cloud rolled behind him, tens of thousands of miles. After a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and swung his right hand.


The fire clouds are like waves, and thousands of flame birds are flying out of them. Going forward in all directions, like an arrow, go ****.

Take a closer look, each flamingo is a miniature version of the Suzaku. The speed is amazing, the more important is the overwhelming, all directions, all covered.

Xiao Chen, who had just flew out of the wild battlefield, suddenly saw the bird of the Suzaku flying over, and his face suddenly changed.

It’s hard to get rid of the six elders’ pursuits, but they were discovered by the Suzaku Lord.

Now the power of the knife and the rhythm are all used up. It is difficult to leave in the hands of a saint by relying on the lack of a knife.

"The speed is gone, the three holy masters will help you stop. You are really bitter, you are alive, and you will continue to help you hide the identity of the knife king."

In the mind, suddenly a voice sounded, and Xiao Chen looked happy and knew that he was saved.

Yes, it’s just Tianzong, Ying Zongtian!

However, he did not appear in front of Xiao Chen. He just gave him a voice. He wanted to come and avoid being suspected.

In the wild battlefield, Suzaku Lord smiled and waved away the thick clouds of fire.

"See where you are going."

His hands were pinched, and there were countless holy lights, and the whole body began to burn a little. When the handprint is finished, the body is completely transformed into a huge Suzaku bird, which is as long as a thousand feet, and the wings are open to cover the sky.


Huge wings, a fierce shot, the Suzaku bird flew past the wild battlefield. The speed is fast, incredible, along the way, leaving a long flame tail, traversing the entire sky.


Just in this huge Suzaku, it is like a teleport, and the speed of the rush is accelerating. It crashed into an invisible wall, and the whole sky shook violently.

Countless flames, scattered from the Suzaku, turned into a raging fire, spilling out toward the ground.

Hey, the flamingo is currently, Suzaku's main face is pale, and the tone is extremely angry: "Ying Zongtian, don't stop me from doing business!"

Guanghua flashed, Ying Zongtian faceless expression, cold channel: "Suzaku Lord, you want to kill the shadowless knife king that is your business, I don't care. Don't do it in my Tianwu domain, this day Wushu It’s the temple of the gods, not your god.”

"Give me a reason, otherwise the Shinto League will definitely not stop here!" said Suzaku, the Lord's gnashing.

Ying Zongtian laughed and said: "I have never had a reason to do things, don't you go? Yeah, it didn't happen to you for five years, and some hands were itchy."

Ying Zongtian’s cockroaches seem to be hands-on, and Suzaku’s lord is madly retreating, and the three holy masters are added together to reconcile with Ying Zongtian.

As for him, where can I follow Zong Tian’s opponent?

"Want to go, late!" Ying Zongtian sneered, chasing the past, he made up his mind, to beat the three holy masters.

By the way, the attention of the Shinto League was removed from the shadowless knife king and moved to himself.

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