Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1617: God Ray is present

Golden ocean, golden sky, and thunderbolt with golden luster.

Everything is familiar with the past. Many years ago, in the Thunderbolt, Xiao Chen took only a trace of lightning to comprehend the will of the Thunder. At that time, he was afraid that he couldn’t think of it. In his lifetime, he would stand here with great pride and think about how to conquer the gods.

Two thousand years ago, the more distant Lei Di Sangmu who walked on the Thunder Road failed to successfully conquer this god.

Today, he is far from the Lei Di Sangmu in the peak period, and it should be similar to the mulberry wood that did not break through the king's emperor.

I remember that Jiao Jiao said that Lei Di and Ying Zongtian are all three thunderings, and then have the strength of the supreme supreme. After that, I immediately went to find the King of Lei, and it is reasonable to say that he should have never been here during his peak period.

In other words, with the ability of Lei Di Sangmu peak period, it may not be able to conquer this god, but he did not come.

This is a good news. At least it will not let Xiao Chen feel pressure. If Lei Di can't conquer during the peak period, the pressure in his heart will not be normal.

Compared with Lei Di, Xiao Chen has two advantages. One is that he is a fellow practitioner of Xianwu. He will have some means of immortality, and this **** of mine is obviously a period of the immortality, a big man left behind.

As for the second advantage, it is a passive advantage. His past life is the celestial celestial being. The first person of Sanqian Xianjun, the most mysterious fairy in the immortal era, was also the last immortal in the immortal era.

Even if those kings and fairy ancestors disappeared, he still lived to the end.

The second advantage, it sounds scary, but actually Chen Chen does not know if it is useful. I don't know how to use it, so it can only be considered a passive advantage.

The last time it was God's knowledge to enter this thunder, this time to completely conquer the gods, obviously it is impossible to rely on the knowledge of God, the deity also needs to fully enter.

However, it is definitely inevitable to use the gods to explore the road first.

Above the throne, Xiao Chen snapped a finger, and the thunderbolt light group was broken open. When the gap was close together, the gods quickly flashed in.

Compared with the light group outside the size of the human head, the space inside is really big and has no margins, endless, as if it is a small world.

Even in the current realm, Xiao Chen still can't suppress the excitement of the heart. I really don't know how the master of Shen Lei is strong during his lifetime.

The center of this world is surrounded by countless golden thunder and lightning dragons. The dark space is golden and dazzling. In the space, lightning has appeared from time to time, and it flashed past.

Although Xiao Chen’s knowledge, careful and careful, can still not fall to the deepest point, it is destroyed by the lightning that appears irregularly.

After several attempts, after understanding almost, Xiao Chen made up his mind to enter the thunder and lightning world.

Shen Lei is a world, and the body wants to enter. It is not difficult.

Look at the size of the thunderbolt, it is sure that you can not enter the body of Xiao Chen, you have to think of a way.

Around the Thunderbolt, a few laps, Xiao Chen could not do anything.

If this time is just fine, she will have a way. Xiao Chen looked at the moonshadow knife in her hand and thought of it.


Thinking like this, the Moon Shadow Knife suddenly went away and slammed into the thunderbolt. With the scabbard and the scabbard, the power of the Moonshadow Knife is still good, and the thunderbolt is hit by a bang.

At the moment when the light group shattered, a door of the void appeared, like a water curtain.

Moonshadow knife finished all this, and returned to Xiao Chen’s hands again, and some incredulously looked at this scene. Xiao Chen did not expect that the problem that plagued himself was so simple.

Geng Jiao, can understand me, why don’t you see me...

Holding the scabbard tightly, Xiao Chen’s heart is slightly painful, not because of being charming, but for himself.

However, this emotion only lasted for a while, and he was interrupted by his heart and moved his eyes to the door of the void. When the rainbow flashed, the reincarnation of the throne turned into a light and shadow.


The foreground image of the eye changes again.

Entering the real body is very different from the feeling of entering the gods. This is a dark world of darkness, big and amazing.

The pressure from the central Shenlei makes people feel that the breathing is not smooth. From the depths of the sea, they are suppressed by the gods and the suppression of death. In the face of the gods, it is a short cut out of thin air, and it is awe-inspiring.

Suddenly the pressure made Xiao Chen shocked, but not close to Shen Lei, it produced a low-minded thought, what to talk about conquering this god.


Xiao Chen’s eyes closed and he knew the depths of the sea. His law held a long knife and was inserted on the ground. He was on one knee and suffered tremendous pressure.

Stand up and stand up!

Concentrate on all perseverance and mobilize the minds of the emperors. Xiao Chen controls the Fa, and resists the power of Shen Lei a little bit.

Knowing the depths of the sea, the law in the morning of Xiao Chen's efforts, a little bit of up, and finally screamed and waved a knife.

Rub and rub!

In the sea of ​​nothingness, there is a broken sound, which is the invisible pressure of the gods. After breaking the pressure of the invasion of the gods, Xiao Chen suddenly suffered a lot, and he sat on the throne, a king of the king, and lingering all over the body.

Let him maintain an unbiased attitude in front of this god, a powerful atmosphere, and constantly confront the pressure of the gods.


Looking at the condensate, Xiao Chen controlled the throne and flew quickly to the place surrounded by the ten thousand golden bronters.

It is clear that it is flying forward, but it can give Xiao Chen the feeling, but it is constantly falling.


A bolt of lightning was created out of thin air, and it was attacked by Xiao Chen. The blade of arrogance was squirted, and the knives annihilated the thunder.

In the midst of continuous decline, the seven-handed squadrons were continuously sheathed, and the tightness of Xiao Chen’s protection around the reincarnation of the throne. In the dark world, he took the edgeless knife light and approached the center of the lightning world a little bit.

"It's so stupid, this thunder and lightning are born in the thunder, my congenital thunder crystal has just condensed. Even the realm of Xiaocheng has not been reached, it is a good time to absorb the Thunder."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen suddenly thought of this and quickly removed the seven sacred soldiers. The eyebrows are twinkling, and the purple symbols are flying out.

call out!

Another lightning flew, Xiao Chen did not go to block, but directly stopped Fuxi in front of him. After the thunder and lightning, it will enter the purple symbol. After the brilliance flashes, the color of the purple symbol is a little bit darker.

"There is a play!"

Chad this faint change, Xiao Chen's heart is a joy, the back of the journey makes the innate Thunder, absorbing the lightning from everywhere.

After two hours, the original purple purple symbol began to emit a faint glow. The lightning pattern above the symbol is also like a running water, slowly rolling.

These changes, when really ecstatic, Xiao Chen's innate Thunder, did not cultivate. In this space, wandering for a while, actually reached the realm of Xiaocheng.

"According to this speed, my congenital thunder crystal, when approaching the central **** thunder, I am afraid I can enter Dacheng's point."

Xiao Chen secretly calculated that this trip can not be accepted as a **** of thunder, it can be considered a big profit.

According to the normal cultivation time, he will cultivate the innate Thunder Crystal to Dacheng, and it will take at least two years.

Time passed slowly, and Xiao Chen was getting closer and closer to the center of the Thunderbolt World. Thousands of Thunderbolt's real dragons can be clearly seen with the naked eye.

The golden brontosaurus, the number is too many, surrounded by layers, and can never see the true appearance of the gods.

It’s hard to be done. I want to destroy this golden brontosaurus before I can see the gods.

As soon as I read this, Xiao Chen couldn’t help but be desperate. These ten thousand golden brontosaurus, for a hundred years, could not be completely eliminated.


As he was desperate, thousands of brontosaurus, which had been surrounded by a sphere, continued to fly outward.

It is like a wire stripping, the layer is opened, and the layer is not opened, the golden light is more dazzling.

Infinite Ray Light flew, Xiao Chen had to reach out and cover his eyes with his sleeves.

What happened, between the doubts, Xiao Chen suddenly felt that a fierce glare, the light seems to penetrate the body.

Let go, put down the sleeves, Xiao Chen saw the strongest light seen in this life, and then watched, the innate Thunder crystal that is about to become big, under this glare, like ice and snow, melt directly,

"Cang Xian Xian Jun, you are still coming!"

There is no time for Xiao Chen to be sad, and there is a powerful voice in the endless glory. Between the words, the light flashed and flickered like a flame.

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