Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1628: No answer

Unexpectedly, the violent explosion did not happen. The shadowless knife king went straight into the **** moon, just like nothing.

Ten seconds passed, everything was calm, and there was no ban on the ice and blood.

Sun Palace Chutian, the face brushed down and sank, actually let the shadowless knife king grab the first opportunity.

The most important thing is that the ban is still there and has not been broken.

"What is going on, is this prohibition a fake?"

Many of the emperors in the field have issued such doubts, and the light curtain formed by the cold and **** moon is incomprehensible.

Finally, one person, can not stand, want to see if the prohibition is true or false.

The figure flickered, and before coming to the temple door, he watched the light curtain of the ice and blood combined and hesitated. After biting his teeth, he finally made up his mind and reached out to explore the light curtain.


In the next second, his arm was frozen into ice without any sense, and the **** cold was still spreading. Brush, this person decisively squats his arm, and the pale face of his face flies back.

"It's true, the ban on the **** moon!"

Such a scene really happened in front of everyone, so that all those who are lucky enough to be blocked.

It is doubtful that he came in, and there is no such thing as a ban.

Of course, Xiao Chen is unlikely to be unaffected. In the small world of ice and ice in the light curtain, Xiao Chen aggregates his own power and knives.

Forming a cone-shaped force field in front of the body, all the way to speed, forcibly breaking all kinds of prohibitions.

At the same time, in the right hand Tianxue Shenyan, there is constantly a horrible cold. The ban that broke open by himself quickly merged, and it seemed that he was like a fish swimming in the water.

Did not receive a little bit of invasion, but enjoyed it, swimming fast.

In fact, he is single-minded, both to break the ban, but also to run the sun to protect the body and drive out the cold.

We must also make use of the powerful ice attribute of Tianxue Shenyan to constantly make up for the prohibition of being broken by ourselves.

If there is a slight difference in the pool, it will be attacked by the ice, and the Tianxue Shenyan will retort and detonate the ice and blood. At that time, even if he is not dead, he will be seriously injured. If he does not think about it, he will not think about it.

Be careful, after passing through the most dangerous **** bright moon, Xiao Chen felt his feet empty and then fell to the ground.


Put away the snow and snow inflammation, shatter the cold frost on the body, Xiao Chen looked at the environment of the Quartet, he should enter the Diao Xian Palace.

Looking back, I still had a complete ban, and Xiao Chen walked forward.

Hard work through this cold **** moon ban, Xiao Chen certainly can not be cheap, those who wish he was killed.

At this moment, the prohibition left by the sacred celestial sage has also become his help, and how much should be able to block the talents behind.

Inside the Palace of Immortals, there is a large hall, and on both sides of the main hall, there are eighteen white jade pillars.

A long time ago, this white jade giant column, there have been many cracks. The color is no longer pure white, I don't know how much dust is covered, only the murals that are still alive, the momentum is still the same, sketching out the prosperity of the last era.

Walking through the cloister is a long step with lots of rushing footprints.

Xiao Chen bowed his head and looked for a long time. He found that the footprints were left by two groups of people, and the shoe prints had obvious differences. Above the steps, it is a long step.

Going here, there are walkways on both sides, I don’t know where to go.

Looking at the horizon, at the end of the hall, there is a broken throne. The jewels of the emeralds above the throne, the **** of gold poured, have long since disappeared.

If not, this broken throne has no value and is expected to be removed.

If Xiao Chen thinks thoughtfully, he jumps into the throne and jumps to the throne. Swinging the sleeves gently, blowing the dust on the throne, hesitated for a moment, sat up.

In the age of Taikoo, this position should be made by the goddess of heaven. As for the immortal era, I don’t know who made it.

No matter what it used to be, at least for now, Xiao Chen sat on it.

His vision, looking to the front, found the position of the throne to be very clever. Sitting here, just to see any corners of the entire hall, you can see clearly.

"Hello, have been with me for so long, you can show up."

Xiao Chen, sitting on the throne, suddenly spoke and said to the empty hall.

Who are you talking to, the air, or the invisible ghost?

call out!

Suddenly, in front of the main hall, the woman in white, holding a long sword appeared in front of Xiao Chen. It was the white fairy who saw it on the top of the mountain before entering the fairy palace.

The identity of a woman in white is undoubtedly the **** of heaven.

"How do you know, I have been following you?" Tian Xuan Sheng, gently open, the sound is unexpected, especially good.

Just like midnight in the evening wind, the wind chimes sounded, crisp and quiet, with a cold taste.

Above the throne, Xiao Chen said faintly: "I don't know, I only know that you deliberately show up, let me see that there is something I want to say to me."

Before I came, I heard that the old man in Ma Yi said that no matter who he was, he could not see this woman when he entered the Ghost Mountain.

Even some people, obsessed with the appearance and temperament of this female immortal, looking for more than half of the fairy palace, can not be the woman's half-length.

But Xiao Chen entered the Ghost Mountain, but it was really seen. Jiang Tian, ​​who was with him, did not see it. Only he saw it alone.

At first, I was scared of Xiao Chen’s jump. I didn’t think much, but the more I thought about it, the more we felt strange.

For thousands of years, many people have entered and left, and no one has seen this woman in the Ghost Mountain. Obviously, if this woman does not want to be seen, no one can find her.

In turn, if anyone sees her, it must not be a coincidence, but she deliberately.

"You are quite smart. It seems that I should not choose the wrong person. There are strengths, ideas, and courage to let me show up."

Tian Xuan's saint looked at Xiao Chen and said faintly.

"Thank you for compliment."

Xiao Chen looked calmly back, but when he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Looking at Tian Xuan Sheng, the horror of the discovery, I actually have to look up to each other.

It turned out that, when he did not know, he and Tian Xuan Shengde changed a position. He is still sitting, and the Tian Xuan saint is still standing.

Only one stood on the throne, and one sat on the ground of the hall.

"Sorry, I am not used to others, sitting in my position, talking to me." After the Tian Xuan saint finished, slowly sit down.


The moment he sat down, the entire hall, the lights flashed brightly. The broken hall suddenly became magnificent, the Huaguang was overflowing, and the ground was above, the fairy smog.

The corridor is a jade pillar, white and bright, and the murals inscribed in it are lifelike and exquisite.

The throne is also complete, the white woman sits with a sword, sleek and heroic, white clothes like snow, in the fusion of compelling extravagance, Xiao Chen looked a little drunk.

It is hard to imagine that there will be such a beautiful woman in the world, which will be a woman's purity, heroism and wealth.

I am afraid that it is a fairy, but it is not the case.

Xiao Chen knows that this is a fantasy, but this illusion contrasts the reality of the dilapidated hall. Looking at the heart is pleasing to the eye, not willing to leave, especially the woman above the throne.

Xiao Chen prefers, the other party is now like this, the other party in reality. Although it is beautiful, it always gives people a bleak taste, and with the dilapidated hall, it is even more tragic.

"Can I ask a question?" Xiao Chen opened his mouth and broke this short silence.

Tian Xuan Sheng nodded and said: "You said."

"You are a ghost."

As soon as this was said, the calmness of the Tian Xuan saint could not be wavered, and it changed slightly. There was a slight anger between the eyebrows.

Xiao Chen saw it and quickly apologized: "Sorry, it’s just that I have been curious for a long time before I venture."

Tian Xuan's anger disappeared, and the original expression was restored again. The faint saying: "I expected you to have problems. I thought you were asking why I appeared in front of you. I didn't expect this problem."

"I will not tell you the answer to this question. Or I will ask you, someone will move my bones, I want you to help me, can you?"

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