Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1638: Mysterious treasure

"Good tricks, I didn't expect you to be so decisive, and easily solved this robbery."

Tian Xuan, the goddess of the gods, did not appear, and appeared again next to Xiao Chen, whispering.

The nine floors of the Imperial Palace were destroyed, and the entire Xian Palace was in chaos. The Tian Xuan Sheng, still calm and calm, had no change in his face.

Xiao Chen avoids the rock falling from the top of his head, avoiding the prohibition, and the gods sense countless figures, and are coming to this side.

I want to come to the motion too much, and the people who are searching for treasures in the fairy palace have been alarmed.

When you run, you have to control the ancient lights, and use them all at once. There is no time to chat. "Imperial Palace, is there a safer, remote place that is not easy for outsiders to find."

Tian Xuan Sheng thought and thought: "Follow me."

Sure enough, there was a play, Xiao Chen sighed with relief, and there was such a fairy palace master who helped him. The crisis of the Diaolou Xiangong is like entering a home, and it can always be a good thing.

After half a ring, Xiao Chen followed the Tian Xuan saint to a quiet bedroom, the window was pushed open, and the ghost mountain could be seen. The location was very good.

"This is my previous bedroom, next to my retreat, you can go there and rest."

Xiao Chen looked at it casually. The bedroom was clean and tidy, which was quite different from the layout of the average girl's room.

"Thank you."

Pushing open a door in the inner layer, Xiao Chen enters it, and finally has time to idle to deal with this day.

The old lamp was thrown on the spot, and Xiao Chen lay back, and the reincarnation throne that was attached to the shirt fell, and the opportunity caught Xiao Chen.

Lying in the void, the throne appeared.

The ancient lamp slammed into the door and slammed into the ground.

Xiao Chen is above the throne, faintly said: "Don't waste your mind, this place was once the retreat of the Tian Xuan saint. Unless I am willing to open the door, you don't want to go out for a lifetime."


The ancient lamp was extremely reluctant, and the light was so strong that it was repeatedly hit, and the result was that it failed to return to the ground.

After many attempts, Tianyi Xianzun finally gave up, and an illusory little figure appeared on the ancient lamp. That was the Yuan Ying of the immortal.

Yuan Ying is a very weak existence, and the longer it exists, the weaker it is.

If it wasn’t for Tianyi Xianzun, it would have been to cultivate the immortals, and to reach the peak of the dynasty, to reach the realm of refining, it is impossible to exist for so long.

Generally, after the destruction of the flesh, it must be won as soon as possible, or it will be annihilated if it is not.

Even being swallowed up by other cultivators, it is the cruelest and most infinite ending, equivalent to eating people.

"There is no shadow knife king, what do you want!"

Tian Yixian looked at Xiao Chen’s angry saying, and there was a deep fear in his speech.

Xiao Chen calmly said: "Tianyi Xianzun, do you still have a mortal heart? Don't have an illusion about me, you have forced me to live a relationship."

"Now give you two choices, cooperate with one point, take the initiative to let me search for souls, I will give you a happy life. The second choice, you do not cooperate, but I can still know, what I want to know, your death will Even worse!"

Tian Yixian admires the anger and laughs: "Since all are dead, why am I cheaper in your life, no shadow knife king, you are too naive."

"is it?"

Xiao Chen is not angry, his mind is fretting, and the Qinglong Yuan Ying, hidden in the heart of the Emperor, slowly appears on his head.

Chad Xiaochen Qinglong Yuanying, Tianyixian was frightened, and the ancient lamp swayed violently, showing his feeling of extreme fear at the moment.

"Yuan Ying, or Qinglong Yuan Ying, is impossible. How can you be a fellow practitioner of Xianwu, even Tian Xuan's sacred woman, after all the training, can cultivate the immortal."

This scene is too shocking and completely beyond the imagination and understanding of Tianyi Xianzun.

"You don't know a lot of things, don't worry about why I can cultivate the immortal, you only need to know, if I am willing to devour your Yuan Ying now. I know everything about you, you will die more miserable."

Why Xiao Chen can be a fellow practitioner of Xianwu, the answer is in the purple thunder, the purple thunder is either left by the Qing emperor, or it is left by the clan.

The latter is more likely, but it doesn't matter.

The martial arts era, with Wu as the respect, the immortal cultivation to the peak, but also the strength of Tianyixianzun. For Xiao Chen, in addition to the supernatural powers like thunder and lightning, Xiandao has no other great attraction.

After Tian Yixian was for a long time, he was awakened from the fact that Xiao Chen was able to cultivate the immortal.

He muttered to himself: "No wonder, on your knife array, I feel a familiar taste. It turned out to be a genius that was shaped by immortality. I knew it early..."

"It’s late, I’ve given you many opportunities, and now you have to make another choice.”

Xiao Chen did not want to listen to his nonsense and directly interrupted.

Tian Yixianzun is silent for a long time, and the powerless way: "I choose the first one."

The second method of death is too painful for the immortal, equivalent to being swallowed by living. Any self-cultivator is unwilling to accept this life and death, too miserable.

"Well, I am not willing to use the second method."

Xiao Chen’s eyes are condensed, and the gods are condensed into a line, flying toward Yuan Ying’s Yuan Ying.

One day, Xianzun took the initiative to cooperate, and Xiao Chen first searched for the soul, and did not encounter any difficulties. After half an hour, about Penglai Xianhai, about the various causes and effects of this trip, Xiao Chen knows one by one.


Everything is involved in this person. It turned out that Penglai Xianhai was controlled by the treasure owner as early as a thousand years ago.

The three great immortals, all lost in the hands of the treasure, today's Penglai Xianhai is a chess piece.

Also know another force, the owner behind the blood-shirt door, is also the star of the sea treasure.

Xiao Chen’s heart could not help but be shocked. The low-key and mysterious treasure owner, with such a heavenly means, is really shocking.

Moreover, this is only known by Tian Yixian, and it is probably just the tip of the iceberg of the power of the treasure.

As for the Cheung Chang-day of the Changtian Swords, there has always been a cloud dust fairy, and Tian Yixian knows not much. I only know that there is such a person who lives in the fairy sea of ​​Penglai.

"You are going to fight!"

Get everything he wants, Xiao Chen is not humiliated and embarrassed, and he chooses to defend himself, a way of self-death.

If it is in the period of the immortal era, after the military solution, it can become a fairy, but now it is nothing.

"There is no shadow knife king. If you can, don't shoot Penglai Xianhai. They are innocent and a group of poor people."

The person will die and his words will be good, and Tian Yixian will slowly open his mouth.

Xiao Chen calmly said: "Reassured, I have never been a killer, personal grievances, will not be implicated in other people."

"Thank you, Daoyou..."

After calling Xiao Chen as a channel friend, Yuan Yixian’s Yuan Ying, Guanghua dispersed a little bit until it disappeared completely.

Sloshing, the ancient lights landed and made a sound.

Xiao Chen reached out and took a trick. After playing some games, he put it into the ring of the Qiankun, and Tianyi Xianzun’s life magic weapon, I want to come to something extraordinary.

But now, no time to explore, the treasure is still plaguing him.

In addition to getting what he wanted, the trip to the Imperial Palace did not expect to dig up such a big secret.

Xiao Chen has a kind of hunch. After a long time, this person will not be forbearing. When he is truly high-profile, the entire ocean world will have to fall into a huge change, and even spread to the entire Kunlun world.

The blood-shirt door and the Penglai Xianhai are the two pieces in the hands of the treasurer. He lets the blood-stained door to take the beads. Then he wants to open the holy song and get something?

Among the holy shrines, there is nothing but the painting, and the answer is coming out.

What you want to paint is really a bit confusing.

Time is tight, I must understand the round of returning early, and cultivate the reincarnation of the mood. In order to realize the complete knives, we can compete with the Supreme and even surpass them.

Demon robbery, abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, now there is another treasure owner. Despite the strength of Xiao Chen, it is already strong and still feels tremendous pressure.

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