Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1684: Starry sea

On Tianxing Island, Ying Zongtian told Xiao Chen that he was not much different from the **** of abandoning heaven.

The same is the power of thousands of words, but the strength of the other side's faith, as well as the artistic conception of the Holy Light, the peak of the peak, has been cultivated to the peak of the situation.

And his power of the avenue, the reincarnation of the mood, is just a fur.

Therefore, the gap in power will be particularly large.

Since then, Xiao Chen has not abandoned the goal of the gods, no matter from which aspect. Xiao Chen will surpass each other sooner or later, but it is only a matter of time, one potential is unlimited, and one potential is exhausted.

Simple comparisons can be easily judged.

Wait until Xiao Chen breaks the **** of Emperor Wu, promotes the real person, and masters the power of the real yuan. The power of the true Yuan has been similar to the power of many supreme masters.

In the blessing of the power of the road, even have to engage in the front line.

Beyond the abandonment of the gods, it is a matter of course, and it is not difficult to understand.

Looking at the knife and standing, the blade arrived at Xiao Chen, his own eyebrow, listening to his words.

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven is somewhat disappointing: "From what I regard as a target? Also, I was originally a loser, a loser who did not dare to go even the road to Kunlun."

Xiao Chen dismissed the Qinglong **** wing and took the knife back to the sheath. Shen Sheng said: "Why don't you summon, the Protoss ancestor, summon the Protoss ancestor, enough to beat me."

The protoss ancestor, who masters the power of transcending supreme, is even stronger than the current Xiao Chen.

That kind of existence, even Tiandao is not allowed to appear, and Xiao Chen is only barely touching the bottom line of Heaven.

"I don't want to, but I can't, summon the cost of the Protoss ancestors, bigger than you think. Summoned out, you may not be able to kill you, but I will definitely not be far from death."

The abandonment of the gods is also direct, without any concealment.

"Let's go, from now on, you and I will complain, and write off." A faint look at the abandonment of the Emperor, Xiao Chen said a word, so that the gods can not be trusted.

Can turn a blind eye, abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, I feel a bit of bitter bitterness, and there is an inexplicable heartache.

He knows that from now on, he can only look up to Xiao Chen, and there is no possibility of surpassing it. Letting him go is Xiao Chen’s confidence in his own strength, but also a kind of wisdom. He doesn’t want to push too tight.

After all, he can summon the protoss ancestors, and the power of the first battle, it is too urgent, it is also a situation of broken fish.

Think about his position as a supreme person. Two months ago, he could also fly to Xiaochen.

However, in two months, he turned around and needed to raise his hand to leave.

The things in life, the world is unpredictable, no one knows what will happen in the future.

In fact, he is not wrong. As he guessed, the Qinglong Temple does contain the secret of breaking through the Supreme. Only, not for him, but for Xiao Chen.

"Thank you!"

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, he got up and bent down and said, he said.

"No, you should thank yourself, I should have died with my eldest brother and the spirit fox king. Otherwise, even if I am overwhelming, I will take your life."

The cold words, let abandon the gods of the Emperor, he believes that since Xiao Chen said so, he will do it.

At this time, the king of the Tibetans took advantage of the conversation between the two people and directly turned into a streamer to go out.

When Xiao Chen’s eyes are condensed, he will immediately chase the past and abandon the Emperor of Heaven, but the King of Tibet must not let it go.


But at this time, in the void, suddenly appeared five figures, stopped Xiao Chen's way.

"The Qinglong King doesn't have to chase, you still have to go back to the Star Sea."

The five virtual shadows are the masters of the various ethnic groups who guard the Kunlun Mountains. Apart from guarding the Kunlun Mountains, they do not intervene in any world battle.

On the same day, after Xiao Chen’s robbery, he appeared once.

Xiao Chen’s heart suddenly sinks. These five people either don’t show up. Once they show up, it’s definitely a big thing.

"Several seniors, what happened to the Tianxinghai."

"If you go and see it yourself, you know, no need to say more."

When the voice fell, the five virtual shadows disappeared into the sky, but they left a shadow in Xiao Chen’s heart.

There are three Supreme Seas in Tianxinghai. Is there any big trouble in the sky?

Zhou Tianxing Lord, Mingyue Palace Lord, Wanfa Demon King, is it... I think of a certain existence, Xiao Chen does not dare to think more.

In the battle of the Qinglong Temple, the Shinto League is a loss of soldiers and directly loses a supreme. Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, he completely died, and did not want to say anything more. After lifting the imprisonment of the Spirit Fox King, he left with the corpse of the corpse.

Although I am thinking about the things of the Stars and Seas in my heart, I still have to help my older brother to heal.

"Xiao Chen, do you really break through the supreme?" The spirit fox king looked at the end from the beginning, some unbelievable, feeling like a dream.

For a moment, the second defeat of the three supreme, forced to abandon the gods to bow down and apologize.

Xiao Chen nodded: "Okay, this time it is really difficult for two predecessors."

Linghu Wang smiled and said: "Nothing, you can break through the supreme is the thing that I and Haotian, most want to see. Don't say so much, and quickly heal the wounds."


At the moment, Xiao Chen withdrew the Tianxue Shenyan and released Yingzongtian to the frozen state.

Then mobilize the real element and enter the other party.

Remember to break through the realm of the Emperor, the energy that is mastered is also called the real element.

It’s just that this true element is not a true element, a kind of heaven and earth aura is transformed, a force born in Hongmeng, and beyond the power of Hongmeng.

Between the two, it is totally different.

Real people, want to be a god, first adult.

I don’t know what the situation is due to the big world outside, the martial arts era.

Such an idea, just rushed past, waited for Ying Zongtian to open his eyes, Xiao Chen thoughts immediately returned to reality.

"I am not dead?"

Ying Zongtian felt a headache, and the memory appeared a short blur, and some could not remember what happened.

The spirit fox king smiled and said: "I didn't die, I still lived well. After Xiao Chen went out of the temple, one person defeated the corpse of the corpse, and the king of the earth also abandoned the **** of heaven."

"You broke through!"

In the eyes of Ying Zongtian, there was a flash of light, and he said with excitement.

"In the Qinglong Temple, I was a breakthrough."

"Ha ha ha ha, good! Good! Good!"

Ying Zongtian heard the words and laughed loudly. He said three good words in succession. There was a ecstasy and excitement in the laughter of heroic laughter.

"Oh, don't be excited, you have just recovered." Linghu Wang persuaded.

Ying Zongtian waved his hand and smiled: "Ling Fox brother, you don't understand. Ten years, I waited for this day, I have waited for too long, and it is the greatest hope of my life to be able to live and see you beyond the supreme."

"In order to protect him, I gave up the accumulation and broke through to the Supreme. I have proved that my choice is not wrong. Above the supreme, there is still a peak."

Ying Zongtian is not excited, he is right, waiting for ten years for this naive.

At the last moment, I almost died, and I could not see Xiao Chen who surpassed the supreme.

"Dongyue ghost emperor?" Ying Zongtian suddenly remembered this person, looking a little cold.

"I have been killed by me."

Ying Zongtian heard a word and immediately nodded: "It’s good to kill, this little man is a supreme!"

His words are cold, and it is obvious that the Dongyue ghosts hate it.

Suddenly, in the distant western sky, there is a piece of **** aura, and the blood is thicker than the sun.

Faraway places seem to have happened, some extremely terrible battles.

A breath that made the three people feel jealous in their hearts, Xiao Chen three people, his face suddenly changed.

That is the direction of the Star Sea!

"What is going on, what happened to the Star Sea, even if it is a supreme battle, there will be no such terrible breath."

The spirit fox whispered to himself, his brows were wrinkled.

Ying Zongtian thought thoughtfully: "Xiao Chen, you have to go back and have a look, Tianxinghai is afraid of a big change, and I have to reorganize the power of the Wushen Palace."

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