Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1686: Immortal statue

"Take care, I have to go first." The demon face looked tired and whispered.

Xiao Chen asked: "Where are you going?"

“Kunlun Mountain is the safest place in Kunlun.”

That place is indeed the safest place in Kunlun. The refuge of several times is the Kunlun Mountain.

But this time, maybe there is no safe place in the entire Kunlun.

" Take care!"

Xiao Chen eyes sent the demon to leave, the mood is a bit heavy, just a few days away, the Tianxing Sea has changed so much.

Will this matter be related to his trip to Qinglong Temple?

The more I think about Xiao Chen, the more likely it is. The trip to Qinglong Temple has dragged half of the Kunlun world to the supreme, wounded and dead.

If it wasn't for his special account, let the Sun Tianxing Lord do not go to these supreme, I am afraid that now, the entire Tianxing Sea has fallen.

No matter, go to Star Island first.

It is imperative now that the first thing to confirm is the safety of the gantry.

Looking for the direction, the Qinglong **** wing is fierce, and Xiao Chen jumps a hundred miles, like a wind and lightning, like the legendary Dapeng bird.


At the moment of entering the world of the sea, the sudden changes occurred, and Xiao Chen, holding the Qinglong Temple, suddenly surged in pressure.

The original stock was just a breath that made him feel a little jealous and entered the sea world at the moment. This breath, as if it is everywhere, pervades over the entire ocean world.

Sloshing, Xiao Chen was oppressed and fell on the surface of the sea, snoring, above the sea, suddenly there were more than a dozen waves rising.

After falling, I want to take off and become a lot harder.

Put down the Qinglong Temple, but you can continue to take off. But it doesn't make much sense. He spent so much effort, not to move the Qinglong Hall to the Dragon Gate.

"Let's go, at my speed, running all the way, it's not necessarily slow."

Thinking about it, Xiao Chen held the Qinglong Temple and continued to run above the sea.

Going deep into this ocean world, the pressure on the body has increased a little.

Along the way, I saw more maritime forces that fled and escaped. Most of them were arrogant and gave up the sects that had been operating for hundreds of thousands of years.

It is also a last resort, and even the immortal holy places like Tianfu Academy are destroyed.

These forces, where dare to stay in the sea world, can't go without waiting for it.

From the morning, Xiao Chen asked some people about the Tianxinghai and the Longmen.

For Tianxinghai, these people can still know some of them, but the gantry is not clear at all. There are quite a few people who have heard his face going to the Star Sea and his face has changed slightly.

"The Tianxing Sea has now become a **** on earth. The statue of the immortal is the killing machine. Wherever it passes, the blood flows into the river, and when one foot falls, people in a city can be easily slaughtered."

"Yeah, my friend just escaped from the inside, the whole sky is bloody. I can't see any anger, and the people of the Lord's House are still catching people everywhere."

"It’s terrible, even if it’s the holy land of the three most supreme, I’m afraid I can’t support it for a long time.”

The news that was received was frustrating, and even some of the Emperor’s warriors were frightened, but the starry sea and the morning could not go.

He speeded up and continued on, and half a day later, he finally came to the edge of the Star Sea.


Above the top of the head, it is a seabird that covers the sky and hides the sun. Above the sea, there are all kinds of ferocious beasts. On the surface of the water, the wind and the waves are broken. This sea beast is far away from the sea of ​​stars.

Xiao Chen slightly frowns, the human heart is separated, the birds and beasts are shocked, and the Tianxinghai is a situation.

This road has come, many warriors have completely lost their rebellious heart. Just looking at the escape, there is no blood, the enemy is really so powerful? .

Starry sea, and let me see what happened!

With a hint of stubbornness, Xiao Chen held the Qinglong Temple and greeted the endless tide and went upstream.

On his body, there is also the Qinglong Temple, with a powerful Longwei.

The fierce marine beast, he did not dare to find him trouble, he was like a sword, the countless beasts took the initiative to separate.

The moment you step into the starry sea, an unpleasant **** suffocating, mixed with the taste of the sea, into the nose.

Looking at it, the island on the edge of the land, empty, has already escaped the light.


The fierce fighting sounds came out in the sky, the distant sky. When the light bursts, the sky seems to be torn, and it directly projects countless stars.

In the faint ambiguity, you can see a huge outline, and you can feel a lot of pressure across tens of thousands of miles.

That is the direction of the Zhou Tianxing Palace. It should be the Zhou Tianxing Lord and some immortal statues.

Xiao Chen regained his gaze, said nothing, and calmed his face.

Under tremendous pressure, a fierce one, Xiao Chen’s aunt, flew again.

When I got here, Xiao Chen’s heart was already anxious. Even if it was the power of real yuan, he had to hurry to the island of Starry.

The wind is a million miles, like a meteor to cut through the sky, the wind is blowing from the ear, long hair dance, clothing hunting.

The eyes were swept away and hurried, and many of the islands below were full of fire.

Among the ruins, many of the martial artists of the treasury were arrested everywhere. The means are cruel and rude, and people are loaded into the cage of the car like a farm animal.

There are too many people. Xiao Chen wants to save and can't save it. The people in the Baozhu government did not kill these people on the spot.

Instead, grab it, which reminds Xiao Chen of a word, blood sacrifice!

When worshipping the demon god, it is the blood and soul that need a lot of living people. Is the treasure house really related to the demon world?

I didn't have time to think about it. In the fast progress, Star Island finally appeared at the end of his sight.

Unexpectedly, this piece of water is quiet and silent, and there is no bloodyness in the air.


Xiao Chen fell on the surface of the sea, and his eyes looked suspiciously toward the Quartet. Unexpectedly, the fierce battle did not happen.

The **** scene did not exist.

"Dragon Gate?"

Looking up, Xiao Chen showed the eye of the hole, oh, the eye of the hole, turned into a diamond-shaped ray of light, and jumped out of the sky.

The diamond-shaped twilight is like a god, and it will be clear and clear.

The gods condensed their eyes and swept away in the direction of the island of Starry Island, staring at them. Above the city, strangers and other people in the gantry, their faces are anxious, but all are there.

Nothing, the dragons are all right!

Xiao Chen took back the cave god, and there was an ecstasy in his heart, and he rushed toward Tianxing Island.


The tip of the toe is light, and every step of the way, the situation is vigorous, causing infinite waves, skyrocketing, can be seen from far away.

After a quarter of an hour, on the gates of the city, strangers and other people, found above the sea, a temple is flying out of thin air.

"That is... Qinglong Temple!" The dusty eyes are amazing, and the books are published. From the outline of the outline, the origin of the temple is recognized.

"A strange girl, under the temple, there seems to be another person."

Soon, someone on the gate of the city saw this strange phenomenon. The stranger looked shocked: "It’s Xiao Xiao, let him stop, don’t go on.”

Others woke up in a dream, yelling, and did not see the excitement and joy of Xiao Chen at all, and the eyes were full of worries.

Across the distance, Xiao Chen couldn't hear clearly. When he heard the truth, he found that there was more than one person in front, and the lesser owner Yiling!

Yiling hands clasped his chest, his face showing a smile, a touch of the road: "Qinglong Wang, long time no see."

Xiao Chen looked at it, and the other side was left and right, and suddenly gave birth to a vigilance.

"Don't look at it, I am alone. It's not bad. Even the Qinglong Temple has moved back. I want to put it on Tianxing Island."

Yi Lingpi said with a smile, with a sarcasm on his face: "Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity."

Behind him, a statue of a fairy, slowly emerged from the head, and the sea, rising.

Soon, beyond the overestimation of the Qinglong Temple, cast a huge shadow, shrouded Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen, who is sensitive to the gods, senses the rear. There is also a statue of a fairy, which comes out a little.

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