Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1721: Blood Dragon Emperor

It is clearly the day, the outside world, but it is dark.

Xiao Chen came out of the Qinglong Temple. This place is far from the battlefield of the Xuan domain, but it should not be Tianwu domain, because Xiao Chen has passed the future.

He looked at the sky, the magic cloud covered the top, and there was no sky.

With a keen sense, he looked at the direction of Kunlun Mountain, and it was difficult for the voice to spread the war there.

It’s just a vague feeling of some breath, still tremble, there is a duel that is about Guanlun’s life and death.

If there is no miracle, Kunlun’s defeat is only a matter of time.

The devil is almost immortal, and he has been smashed half a body and can recover. The ordinary warriors of Kunlun Mountain are also faced with the demon warriors who overdraw the potential of life, the cutting-edge battlefield, and the ordinary battlefield.

No matter which side produces the result, it will immediately feed back the friendly forces, thus quickly ending this fierce fight.

Since the dawn of the world, Xiao Chen has never experienced such a tragic scene. Even if it was once the blood of the imperial road, it could not be worth one thousandth of this battle.

A friend who is still alive a while ago, maybe the next second will die. The scene of life and death is happening every moment.

This battle is bound to have no winners. The Mozu is only a poor worm that is kidnapped by the Nether. When they dedicate their souls to the Devil, they are doomed to betray.

The person who changed the king of Lei was not a ghost or a ghost. Obviously it was not his will. He had a 10,000-year tactic, and he was a loser in the end.

Poor, sigh, more is hateful.

Away from the battlefield, Xiao Chen’s nervous heart is hard to calm for a moment, and for a moment, he thought a lot.

The death of the star owner brought him a great shock. The man who used to threaten him with the stone of oath, died.

When a person dies, the person who makes the oath is dead, and the constraint is no longer natural.

But Xiao Chen did not have a feeling of relaxation. At the moment, looking at the Kunlun Mountains, Xiao Chen’s mind flashed a picture.

Many people use their lives to put their bets on him.

This time, only success, no failure.

Step by step, Xiao Chen vacated and looked at the square to find a suitable place.

After a while, fell on a hill and sat cross-legged.

It is not easy for Zi Lei to break through the ninth weight. It has already touched the limit of power allowed by this world.

After the seventh weight, every breakthrough, brought to Xiao Chen is an unforgettable experience.

Recall that in addition to pain, there is only one risk word left.

"Cang Xian Xian Jun, if I die on the practice you created, you should never laugh at me."

Before the start, Xiao Chen self-reported and relaxed his mood.

Then the smile on his face disappeared, becoming a dignified, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.

Like eating and drinking, Zi Lei will naturally run in the body. This set of exercises has been practiced day and night.

I am already familiar with it, even if it is a coma, the body will automatically run, it is too familiar.

The real element is mobilized, flowing in the meridians, and the thunder attribute between the heavens and the earth is aura, and it quickly gathers in the body of Xiao Chen.

After running for a big Sunday, Xiao Chen’s squares and earth began to flash with lightning.

According to common sense, this time should stop, it is enough.

But now it is necessary to break through, obviously not, Xiao Chen Jingxin, open up a new branch. Purple Lei decided that every time he lifted one, the meridians will be more and more.

The so-called breakthrough is to open up new branches and make the running time of a big Sunday longer.

When cultivated, it absorbs more energy and is faster.

This was originally a difficult process, but it is not difficult for Xiao Chen to have two years of accumulation.

What is rare is that after the tenth branch of the tenth purple ray is broken, there will be a thunderstorm.

Only if it really survives, is it the ninth weight, otherwise it is illusory. Among them, there is even more danger, that is, to use the power of thunder and robbery to touch the **** dragon seal.

Time passed by, and when Xiao Chen broke through the last branch, the top of the head, the robbery came into being.


Working hard, a purple lightning pierced the sky and landed on Xiao Chen.

"it has started."

Xiao Chen opened his eyes and began to bear the thunderstorm silently, followed by a thunderous robbery.

When thunder and lightning destroyed the flesh, Xiao Chen was also guiding, and the power of thunderbolt struck the **** dragon print at the place of Dantian.

Half a slap in the **** dragon print, but it is a bit like a vast sea. The power of thunder is a drop of dew, impacting the past, not shocking.

Xiao Chen is not in a hurry. According to his experience, the robbery will gradually become stronger.

This matter is also anxious, and using the power of thunderbolt is a very risky thing. In the past, it was as far as possible to resist the force of the robbery, and this time it was to absorb the power of the robbery into the body.

A careless, thunderous force is beyond control and explodes in the body. Unsurprisingly, Xiao Chen had to be blown up on the spot, and there was no residue left.


After half a quarter of an hour, a thunderbolt that was transformed into a thunderbolt, a huge pressure, on the spot, the mountain that Xiao Chen sat down was instantly crushed.

With a bang, the thunder and lightning did not arrive, and the mountains were destroyed.

Xiao Chen’s heart was tense, the thunder and lightning fell, the body surface picked up countless electric flowers, and the painful numbness of the body seemed to be falling apart.

Tough and willpower, let Xiao Chen come over, and the power of the leader is spread in the meridians.

Rumble, the power of thunder and robbery, like a dislocated wild horse, quickly smashing, Xiao Chen control is very difficult.


This time, the **** dragon print that had not responded, finally shaken for a moment.

It’s just a moment, not a second, if you don’t stare, you think you’re blind.

What I didn't notice was that the **** dragon print was in the moment of shaking, and there were countless blood color molecules. From the top of the dragon seal, separated, melted in the blood, sitting for his body to treat and recover.

The power of his blood is weakening.

Xiao Chen laughed, and Yang Tianxiao said: "The thief is coming, come again!"

Thousands of Thunder flashed, condensed together, turned into a ferocious lightning venomous snake, biting toward Xiao Chen.

A wave has not gone, a wave of coming again, like a boat in the waves, Xiao Chen in this violent thunder robbery, violently displaced.

The **** dragon print, the time of shaking is also getting longer and longer, all kinds of signs show that the **** dragon seal can be really touched.

Suddenly, the stormy lightning stopped.

The whole world is quiet, and the thunderstorm is over? No, it is brewing a more ferocious thunder and the last thunder.

A tip of the sword suddenly popped out of the clouds, and among the clouds, the roar of the horses rang.

"Thunderstorms turned into murderers!"

Xiao Chen’s heart was shocked. This was the first time he saw the slain and thunder integration of the military blade, which gave him the feeling of committing sin and being placed on the first platform by Tiandao.

Not good, I can't afford to introduce this thunderbolt.

Feng Rui, in addition to the power of violent, this time the thunder, there is a sharp edge.

call out!

The thunder and lightning murderers, in a blink of an eye, quickly let Xiao Chen some unresponsive.

The blade followed his head, and the sergeant was not in the middle of his head.


In the next second, Xiao Chen’s face changed greatly. This thunder was directed at his flesh, completely ignoring the defense, that is, exploding in the body.

Lightning murderers who broke into the body, while constantly falling, continue to shrink.

The thunder light illuminates, and the whole body of Xiao Chen becomes transparent, and the internal organs and **** bones are clearly visible.

That is the power of condensing lightning, letting the power of robbery, constantly compressing, and constantly compressing. Compressed to the end, in a sudden explosion, he will instantly vaporize.

In fact, this breakthrough has not yet arrived.

If it is not a **** dragon seal, it has been in the dark, slowly strengthening the power of Xiao Chen's blood.

With his body, he couldn’t support it now. The purple thunder was only twelve heavy, and the last three was dangerous, far beyond the expectations of Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen’s eyes watched, and the thunder and lightning murderers had a little bit of compression and consolidation in the body.

The thunder and lightning murderer turned into a small point, and the light was already shining like the sun, and there was no earth-shattering explosion.

In the silent, the last robbery, it was blown up.

There is no time to think about it, Xiao Chen’s flesh and blood, bones, gasification on the spot.

Only a piece of Qinglong virtual shadow, leaving the **** dragon seal, surrounded by groups.

call out!

Among the **** dragon seals, it seems that there is a certain awakening over, the Qinglong virtual shadow, and the eyes open.

It was a pair of **** cold eyes, lonely and cold and arrogant, free from the whole world, smashing the world.

"Interesting, this barren land, you can also choose a passer who is tempering to me. The secrets of the body are not too much, it is you!"

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