Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1902: Kill out

Xiao Chen’s face changed slightly, and things were unexpected. If it’s just the Yan Yuan three.

With no fear at all, with his own hands and rivers, he can easily defeat each other.

But there are so many people here, and all of them are the honorable people of Dan Yuanjing. Even many of them are masters of Dayuandan, and it is somewhat difficult.

However, it is only a little difficult. In the case of his own soldiers, there is almost no possibility to stop him.

It is Ling Yu, some trouble.

Xiao Chen faintly said: "Ling Yu, you go back to the floor to find Linglong girl, let her arrange you to leave."

Ling Yu knows the importance of things, and also believes in the strength of the uncle, life-saving worry, "Uncle Shi, take care."

When the voice fell, he turned and re-entered into the building.

As for Xiao Chen and Jiang He, they did not think about taking shelter from the limelight. This group of people is the two of them. Ling Yu’s departure will not cause them to pay attention. It’s really not easy to go with Jianghe.

Feng Chen looked at Xiao Chen and whispered: "Xiao Chen, this matter has nothing to do with you, you can leave."

In the view of Feng Chen, there is Zi Yanzong behind Xiao Chen, can not be guilty, or try not to offend.

The main goal is the river, which is the source of life in his body. He is offended by the county owner and has no sect to support him.

I also liked to show the people before, and I have made up my mind in the Tenglong Building to give him some lessons.

Xiao Chen ignored the other party, let him drop the river in this situation, and he left, obviously not in line with his heart.

Moreover, the source of life that brings disaster to the river is also just from his hand.

Jianghe took a shot of Xiao Chen’s shoulder and smiled: “Sure enough, my brother, I don’t want to spend a lot of money, please come to Qianjin and laugh at the building, kill it, these three pustules, I will stop!”


When the voice fell, the river stepped out and directly killed the dust.

"court death!"

The sword in the hands of the dust is instantly smashed out, and the powerful sword is slowly coming out, condensing a bunch of majestic swords.

The swordsman pressed down, hey, the floor on the street, all burst open, and scattered.

The river gently smiled, the knife light came out of the sheath, and it was slammed with a knife. All the scattered floors were broken into powder.


The swords touched each other and made a loud noise. The dust was blown by a knife and flew out. After the landing, a scary expression appeared on his face.

The river smiled lightly: "You are a pustule, you still don't believe it."

The dusty face was furious and the backhand was a sword, killing the past again.

At the same time, Yan Yuan and Chen Yun, both of whom had already seen it, had shot together, and the three men completely surrounded the river.

The scene suddenly became a little bad.

Although these three people are arrogant, they can be placed there, all of them are in the rank of Shangguanlei, especially the sealing is even more powerful.

Xiao Chen embraced the knife, did not rush to shoot, want to see more of the real strength of the river.

In the face of the attack of the three people, the river scene is ugly, but it is still easy to navigate, not falling into the real danger.

His footwork is quite mysterious, and there is a familiar familiar taste between the steps.

Xiao Chen saw a half ring, suddenly awakened, Qinglong Tengyun!

Yes, this is the body of the dragon, which is very similar to the Qinglong Tengyun, but obviously higher.

A small range of shifting and moving, like a dragon, shaking his head and tail, with the knife in his hand, will gently attack the three people.

Repeatedly, the resolution of the crisis is always in an invincible position.

Jianghe smiled: "Three pustules, together, is still not so."

"Look for death, activate the blood, kill him!"

Several people were beaten out of the real fire, and their hearts were wronged. The dust first activated the blood, and his body suddenly burst into bloom.

Followed by Yan Yuan and Chen Yun, the power of his three bloods, in the Tengyun Building to force many of the peers, you can see the power of the blood.

At the same time, it is activated at the same time, and the ruins of the wilderness will be overwhelming, and the overwhelming advantage will be obtained in an instant, and the repressed river will step back.

The first time there was a dignified color on his face, his eyes flashed and hesitated.

He is also a **** existence, but there seems to be any scruples, and he does not want to be revealed in this public.

If Xiao Chen is thoughtful, know that he can't watch it, he must take it.

Overlord, broken thousands of troops.

Knife out like a rainbow, a tyrant mixed with two kinds of Thunder Avenue and Knife Avenue, violently exiled, with Xiao Chen, ushered in the three people who activated the flood.

The river sees this, the meaning of the face is dignified, disappears, and laughs.

The long knife in his hand, trembled violently, and the next moment, the knives of the knives, also radiated a boulevard.

Time, the power of the three avenues, merged together. Along with the ruins of the three people of Yanyuan, they collided fiercely and burst into a terrifying vision.

Without the power to activate the blood, relying only on Taowei, the two completely blocked the terrible power of the three people in Yanyuan.

The next moment, the two sides will fight.

Together with the melee, the knife and the sword light fight, the knife and the sword fight against each other, the avenue of the avenue and the ruin of the wild.

The atmosphere of terror is filled with all directions, attracting countless people to stop and watch.

There is never a big battle in Tenglong City, but it is rare to see such a scene, two swordsmen.

Did not activate the blood, only relying on the knife in his hand, actually caught three floods of blood.

After a while, the two sides retreated. It was obvious that Xiao Chen stood side by side with the river and the river had overflowing with a trace of blood stains and suffered some minor injuries.

After the activation of the wild blood, the combat power surged, and with the repair of the three people of Yan Yuan, they could infinitely approach the strength of Yunhaijing Xingjun.

Rao is the convergence of the three Daowei, there are still some gaps, but the two still smashed it with superb knife.

Yan Yuan three people, each with a terrible knife mark, more terrible these scars, contains the power of the Tao.

There is no way to heal in a short time, and the blood is so hot that it looks quite scary.

"What are you doing, go together."

Sealed and sighed coldly, did not dare to fight hard with Xiao Chen, and screamed.

Behind the hundred sages, carrying the blade of the sword, the Xiao Chen and the river that just struggling for a move, surrounded the past.

Xiao Chen and the river, suddenly separated, each side of the war.

Holding the Taoist soldiers, mixed with two kinds of Tao Wei, Xiao Yuan Dan Zun, who is equivalent to his realm, can't block a knife.

Da Yuan Dan Zun, but also resisted three strokes, if not winning more people.

They are all disciples of Sipin Zongmen. Xiao Chen and Jiang He have already killed them and will not be hurt.


Yan Yuan three people looked at the situation is not good, a little breathless for a moment, flashed into the battle.

Make the situation more confusing.


For the first time in the eyes of the river, there was murderousness, and the long knife in his hand suddenly turned, and the whole person changed greatly.

With a knife out, the whole blade became thicker and thicker, and Xiao Chen’s eyes were bright and the eyes were not moving.

Seeing that it is full of prestige, disappeared, people and knives, natural integration, sharp eyes, all concentrated in the blade.

The level of the entire space, after he slashed the knife, constantly improved, so that Xiao Chen feels like a deep demon battlefield.


Xiao Chen’s heart was a spirit, and he was the first to see it, such a heavy knife.

Like lightning in the mind, the shock is very high, the whole person is completely stunned, forgetting the current situation.


Where the knives passed, all the sages in front of them were all split in half, and then the body burst open and turned into a pool of blood, all over the sky.

Yan Yuan three people, unable to prevent, have been hit by blood and vomiting blood, the chest is like a hammer hit.

A heavy blow, deep into the blood and meridians, still a little bit, it is necessary to invade the sea and the soul.

The river that slashed this knife, the forehead was also sweating down, opening a huge gap, and immediately overlooking.


Xiao Chen received the knife and returned to the sheath, and quickly followed, the gap was not easy to open.

Let the gangs get together, and spend a lot of time on it, wielding the soldiers, it is not an easy task.

The three people who fell to the ground, Yan Yuan, were so scared that they were white, but they did not dare to chase.

I can only watch Xiao Chen and the rivers, and I will quickly and distantly drift away.

The two flew all the way, and after they walked out of the city, they stopped completely.

After confirming the security, you will not continue to run wild.

The river sighed with anger, but his face was full of smiles: "Haha, happy, Xiaochen brothers, although I can't help but I still have something to tell you."

Xiao Chen’s heart moved, knowing what he was going to say, helplessly smiled: “I can’t help but have something to say to you.”

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