Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1915: Deep in the ancient land

More than 30 pieces of pure blood keel, only a few pieces are bones, this price is up to two million in the middle of the spirit.

Ma Laotou opened three million Lingyu, and he actually took a handful of himself.

However, there is no such thing as the old man's network. I can't get so many keels within three days. I didn't say anything about Xiao Chen.

Back to the residence, Xiao Chen succumbed to retreat, began to bitterly repair the dragon and refining the second.

Watch the Dragon Ding every day, experience the meaning of the dragon, devour the keel, and accelerate the cultivation of the dragon refining.

Seven days later, the first bone was successfully transformed into a blue keel.

Three days later, ten keels were successfully transformed.

After the practice makes perfect, after the door is touched, the speed of Xiao Chen’s cultivation is getting faster and faster.

Half a month, two hundred and six fast bones, successfully converted half.

After spending a month, all the bones are converted into keels.

The whole body consists of a complete, dragon skeleton.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes, and then went to see the dragon pattern in front of the eyes, faint, feeling more.

The dragon keel in the body seems to have some kind of connection with the meaning of the dragon, so that he is more intimate with the dragon pattern.

Using a pure blood keel, it takes a month and a half to convert all the keels successfully.

I have to say that the speed still makes Xiao Chen quite satisfied.

The strength is increasing, and the power of Wuding has reached the power of Liu Ding.

More importantly, the practice of this dragon refining technique has also tempered his strength in the invisible.

Makes his strength, contains the meaning of the dragon, and punches out.

You can hear the terrible dragon scream, the whole body bones creaking, let the dragons spread like a real thing.

In the eyelids, there are a lot of auras, gods, hearts, and observations of things, more delicate and complete.

Everything is the benefit of practicing the dragon refining technique.

"There is still half a month, it is the bottleneck that breaks through Xiaoyuandan."

Xiao Chen took back the dragon pattern tripod and took out the Zhongpin Lingyu, which was placed in the array of the practice room.

In any professional training room, there will be a cluster of similar methods, which will absorb the essence of Lingyu more efficiently.

Fill the groove in the array method, Xiao Chen closes the eyes, and runs the purple thunder.

The array method is quietly running, and there is a dazzling aura between the lines.

The aura gathered, and gathered toward Xiao Chen in the eyes of the eyes, turning into a trickle.

Through Xiao Chen's body meridians, the rapid flow, flying toward the nine-star Yuan Dan.

Nine-star dan of the size of the nail, crystal clear, with the injection of aura, dazzling, sparkling.

Xiao Chen, the whole person has turned from the inside to the outside, and became brilliant.

The body sitting on the knees slowly floats up, grows long and looks solemn.

Xiao Chen’s base was strong, and Xiao Yuandan went to Dayuandan. There is no particularly big bottleneck.

In addition to the preparation time is sufficient, the process of breaking the bottleneck, smooth and smooth, not shocked.

After half an hour, I saw the Chinese jade in the array, all weathered.

The four sides of the aura, fierce dissipated, and the smashing nine-star Yuan Dan, absorbed all the light into it.

Constantly rotating, forming a huge whirlwind in Xiaochen's body.

Stirring the true spirit, flushing the whole body up and down, the internal organs, every cell and pores.

The bottleneck breaks through, the real yuan washes the whole body, the body is smashed, and it is sublimated again.

After a while, Xiao Chen opened his eyes, his eyes flickering, his body was sharp and full of wind, and the wind blew across the square.

A domineering, exudes from the inside out.

If there are outsiders here, it is difficult to link Xiao Chen’s current temperament with the white-collar youth who are introverted and low-key on weekdays.

The heart has moved, and it is full of momentum.

All the edge, all dissipated.

Xiao Chen returned to calm, and the temperament of his body became unchanged before he relapsed.

"In the early days of Dayuandan, it was not Xiaoyuandan, and it still needs to continue to catch up."

Xiao Chen whispered and encouraged himself.

Now Xiao Chen, can't talk about a new look, there is any qualitative change. Can be a strength, but it is actually a lot of strengthening.

All kinds of killing tricks, you don't have to worry about the consumption of real yuan, you can cast it many times.

In the afternoon, when Xiao Chen went out, he accidentally met a visitor.

It was Xiao Chen’s neighbor, an old man in the Ma’s team.

"In Xia Mengzhuang, I know that Xiao Xiong lives next door and has a heartfelt visit. In the past, Xiao Xiong has been retiring in the past two months and could not find a chance."

Meng Zhuang's polite introduction, on the same day, Xiao Chen **** caught Xia Houyun a sword, Meng Zhuang can see it with his own eyes.

Stunned and shocked.

Xiao Chen's polite way: "It is rude."

Meng Zhuang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, Xiao brother, retreat for two months, I don't know, now this North District of Longyan City, the wind is rising, the undercurrents are flowing, the roads are full of ghosts and snakes, and the snakes are gathering together, not very peaceful."

"But because of the opening of the ancient transmission array?"

The cold front nodded: "Not only all the strong groups in Longyan City are ready to let go. There are many five-category gates and family in the world, and this time the ancient transmission line was opened, and they became their own experience."

Xiao Chen heard the words, a little unexpected: "Five Pin Zongmen and the Dynasty family, are they alarmed?"

"That's not the case, the ancient transmission array, the repair time is getting longer and longer. This time it took a hundred years, the next time may be two hundred years, or even five hundred years. Those who are close to the five-pronged gates and the dynasty family, naturally Will not miss this opportunity."

Mengzhuang paused for a while, then said: "There is not much to come. Longyan ancient land is deep, very wide, not so easy to come across."

Xiao Chen gently tapped the wooden table and murmured: "Five Pin Zongmen, some people sit in the town, and the emperor family has a sage inheritance. Which one is not good to deal with, if you run into it, it is really difficult."

"I only pray for good luck. In addition, Ma Lao has rich experience. He has been to the depths of Longyan ancient land before, and he knows how to avoid it."

Mengzhuang is very optimistic about Ma’s strength and experience.

"In addition, our team, in the North District of Longyan City is also enough to rank in the top five. In addition to the cold front and other wizards, there are Xia Houfeng, these two are rivals of the pure star."

Competing with Star Jun?

There are a lot of strong people in the team, who can match the existence of Xingjun, and must have something extraordinary.

"What about the ghost knife?"

Listening to Meng Zhuang talking about the team, Xiao Chen asked subconsciously, the mask knife.

Meng Zhuang was puzzled and shook his head. "It's not clear, it has always been a singularity, and it doesn't feel strong. It has only been in the last few months before joining the team. There is no cold front and Xia Houfeng qualification."

After a few moments of chatting, Mengzhuang left.

It can also be considered as a familiar face, and in the future, at a critical time, you can take care of each other.

After three days, all the staff of the Ma Lao team gathered.

Let Xiao Chen be a little surprised, the whole team, there are hundreds of people.

The repairs are at least Da Yuan Dan Zun, one by one, and the atmosphere is calm, all of them are genius leaders with cross-border operations.

It is the ancestral elite of dozens of groups nearby, and each is not simple.

Ma Lao is full of enthusiasm, and around him is the cold wind and the summer Xiafeng that Meng Zhuang said.

That Xiahou Fengguo, as Mengzhuang said, the strength can not be underestimated, standing with Ma Lao, the momentum is not bad.

"set off."

The ancient transmission array, the center of the North City.

It is a high platform, an ancient vicissitudes, cast with the **** stone pillar. The ancient dragon text is engraved on it, it is extremely atmospheric and unfathomable.

In ancient times, such a transmission array was called the Taoist platform, and it was able to shuttle three thousand circles, free the seven taboos of the sea, and walk between the yin and yang.

But now, Long Wen is incomplete, and the high platform is ruined, showing the vicissitudes of history.

The function that the Tao can play, but one of the ten.

Nearby, the masters of Longyan City have gathered, the roads are shining, and a group of city warriors are sent to the unknown area of ​​Longyan.

"This is a simple character to hold, if you need to crush it, you can send it back to the road, which is a life-saving character. But it takes some time to activate this character, remember."

Ma Lao began to distribute the characters to the people. When it was the morning of Xiao Chen, he noticed some differences in Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Gongzi, good-looking, retreat in two months, the strength has improved a lot."

Xiao Chen took over the simple, not salty and not light: "I still thank Ma Lao's keel."

When he mentioned the keel, Ma Lao knew that he had been together with Xiao Chen. He smiled and continued to distribute the characters.

After the distribution was completed, some people contacted Ma Lao on the platform, and Ma Laos waved his hand and everyone boarded the road.

After a while, the road was light and the light door appeared.

This is the door, through this door, it will enter the mysterious hinterland of Longyan ancient land, which many people have never reached.

Xiao Chen passed through the gate and immediately felt the body and the soul, all of which were obviously sinking.

The endless wild dragons of the ancient times are used in an overwhelming manner. It is the ancient era, after many years of baptism, the ancient atmosphere still remains.

The ruined continent is broken, infinitely fragmented, and turned into a thousand worlds.

There are always some fragments. For various reasons, the ancient atmosphere has not disappeared and remains to this day.

In the field of vision, there is an endless wasteland, dark and gloomy, screaming and dusty.


After half a ring, next to Xiao Chen, members of the Ma Lao team continued to appear.

Most of the warriors transmitted by the same batch of roads are not too far apart, and each batch is randomly transmitted to the depths of Longyan.

Rarely happens, two batches of teams, sending similar things.


Under the leadership of elites such as Ma Lao and Leng Feng, the team began to gather dragons.

Looking at the terrible environment of the Quartet, the cold front asked: "Ma Lao, where are we now?"

At this time, I can only rely on experienced Ma Lao, Xia Houfeng and Cold Front, both young masters, are confused.

After Ma Lao came in, his face was heavy. He once came to the depths of the hinterland and knew that it was dangerous.

“It’s hard to say that Longyan’s ancient land is vast and wide, and the area is too wide. There are unknown areas everywhere. You should lead the team and carefully explore the surrounding environment, and don’t take risks.”

Crossing many obstacles and directly entering the depths of the hinterland will have an adventure, but more must be dangerous.

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