Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1919: Inheritance


When the Qinglong totem completely came to the ground, the world suddenly became quiet.

The terrible evil dragon in the earth was suppressed by the whole, and the horrible dragon screamed abruptly.

The underground dragon city, which is surrounded by fire, is gradually extinguished at this time.

Xiao Chen landed, feeling a vain and powerlessness, all the strength and the real yuan, all consumed.

In order to bury the Qinglong totem and bury it in the ground, it can be said that it has done its best.

Not much thought, Xiao Chen crossed the knees and took out two pieces of Zhongpin Lingyu, closing the eyes and running the purple thunder.

"The younger generation, what is your name?"

Xiao Chen, who is nervously recovering his strength, once again has the heavy voice in his mind, the original owner of the fire of the virtual god.

"Under the next morning."

"Xiao? I don't seem to have a big family in the Qing Dynasty. I don't care. Xiao Chen, I don't have much time, this kind of virtual fire can only be passed on to you."

Xiao Chen’s heart was full of waves, and he couldn’t bear to tell each other. Now there is only one person left in the Qinglong.

Indulge in a moment, whispered: "There is no other way? Since the fire of the virtual **** is not extinguished, I will help the seniors find a body, and will not be born again?"

"It’s too late, my fire is too weak, and the soul will only have a ruin, and I can’t succeed. In addition, I have no desire to continue living, and I don’t have to force it.”

The sound of the virtual fire of the gods is intermittent, showing its state, very incomplete.

Xiao Chen was silent, and I didn’t know how to say it.

"It doesn't have to be a pity, I have lived for a long time, and you remember. In a hundred years, the Black Dragon King will be born. This Qinglong Totem is only the last resort, and it can't hold the Black Dragon King. Unfortunately, unfortunately... After all, it is a disappointment. Dragon Emperor’s trust..."

The voice of the fire of the vain **** began to become weaker and weaker, and gradually disappeared.

"Predecessors, seniors..."

No matter how Xiao Chen called in his mind, the voice never appeared again, and Xiao Chen felt a sigh of grief.


Suddenly, in the morning of Xiao Chen’s mind, there are many memories that are not their own.

That is the master of the fire of the **** of emptiness, the story that the life experienced, many pictures, like a movie, intermittent, flashing in his mind.

Because it is just a slap in the face, all kinds of memories and information are quite fragmented.

After half a ring, Xiao Chen compiled some clues and had a general understanding of the origins of the Black Dragon King.

There is no black dragon in the history of the dragon family, and there is no black dragon in the seven-color dragon.

The Black Dragon King is a born-born body. On the day of its birth, there are all kinds of terrible signs.

After growing up, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, almost against the sky, and soon surpassed many of the dragon masters.

It claimed to be the reincarnation of the Dragon God, killing it with an iron fist, winning the position of the Dragon Emperor, and being called the Black Dragon King by the outside world.

After being sealed by the dragon's hidden masters, they almost never die, and each time they can break off the seal.

After several ups and downs, every time it appears, it will be in the dragons, setting off a **** hurricane, bringing all kinds of disasters.

The last time, it was sealed by the Emperor of Blood, and then by a master of the dragon's virtual state, it was suppressed by his own fire.

However, to this day, the sealing effect is weakened.

The fire of the virtual **** will burn out, and it will be found by chance. If it is not Xiao Chen’s coincidence.

It doesn't take a hundred years, just in time, it will be successful.

Xiao Chen felt a little after a while, if it was just himself, he could not seal the totem into the ground.

The birth of the Black Dragon King is not only a dead end, but also a disaster. It is also unpredictable.

At the same time, he also sorted out how to inherit the fire of the **** of the gods.

The fire of the vain god, although it is about to burn out, can contain the energy, for him, it is still a small amount.

Think about that far, just absorb the magic, and the strength expands to a heart-rending point.

The fire of the virtual **** is certainly not much worse.

It’s just that Xiao Chen is different from him. He will not force refining and rushing to increase his strength.

The path of the military, how come the shortcut can go.

If you look at it, it’s the best lesson.

With his talent, in fact, it is impossible to be so radical, and it is a pity to abandon the Buddha and repair the devil.

In addition to distracting thoughts, Xiao Chen began to accept the inheritance of the virtual fire by some methods.

The eyebrows, the bright flame mark, slowly dimmed a little.


The energy contained in the fire of the virtual **** is absorbed by the flesh, the Yuan Dan, and the soul of the soul, and the whole body is up and down.

The energy it contains is not purely true, or power, or soul, but all, and there is one of the most important gods.

With the natural absorption of inheritance, Xiao Chen’s cultivation is growing rapidly.

On his body, there is a little bit of aura, in the dark dragon city, it looks like a firefly, especially beautiful.

This is Xiao Chen, deliberately exiled.

He is not as greedy as the real far, if he absorbs the energy of the fire of the virtual god, he is not a problem to break through the star.

It is not necessary, the foundation is unstable, and it is easy to get mad.

Everything must be within the limits of his own control.

After half an hour, Xiao Chenxiu stopped at the beginning of Dayuandan and rose to the end of Dayuandan, and took a step away from the peak.

Still not finished, when representing the energy of the real yuan, after the end of the inheritance.

The energy that represents the power of the soul continues to pass on, and the power of a pure soul flies toward the depths of the sea that Xiao Chen has never explored.

Is it going to the soul pool?

Xiao Chen couldn’t help but be curious. He used to listen to the leaf wind brother, and he had already condensed the soul pool that the star can wake up.

Because of the limited strength, there has been no way to find out.

This time, maybe it is an opportunity.

Consciousness is entangled in this pure soul, and a little deep into the depths of the sea.

After a while, Xiao Chen saw a little light in this dark restricted area.

That is the pool of souls.

In the future, I can see it in detail. When Xiao Chen bursts, he enters with the power of pure soul.

The soul pool is vast and can be called endless.

The vast pool of souls is awkward. In the center of the soul pool, the soul power from the fire of the virtual gods flies toward a group of brilliance.

That group of brilliance is the three souls and seven shackles that ordinary people have said. The so-called soul will, is the three souls and seven scorpions, with the practice of practicing the soul power, concise.

The world of the thousand, any creature, no matter the demon and the beast, there will be three souls and seven scorpions.

After practicing to the advanced level, they will consolidate the three souls and seven souls, cultivate the power of the soul, and derive the will of the soul.

With the intrusion of countless souls, the brilliance of the group is brighter.

Xiao Chen clearly felt that his three souls and seven souls are constantly growing.

The pool of souls is vast and boundless, vast and infamous. In fact, the vastness of the soul pool, far beyond the imagination of human beings, is the most mysterious part of the human body.

In the far east of the soul pool, there is a mysterious tombstone in the place that Xiao Chen can't feel.

The tombstone stands tall, filled with the ancient atmosphere, and the powerful and powerful writing of the word Cangwu.

After the tombstone of the sky, there seems to be a grave, and I don’t know what to bury.

However, Xiao Chen entered by means of cleverness, and his consciousness was weak. Everything he saw was awkward. He could not see the oriental tombstones in this far-reaching place.

Wait until the power of the soul of the imaginary fire is accepted by Xiao Chen.

The light group representing the three souls and seven scorpions in the center of the soul pool is constantly rotating, and countless stars are scattered from it.

After a while, the stars shine brightly and fill the pool of souls.

The light group stopped rotating and condensed into a blue dragon seal, which shot a terrible dragon.

Xiao Chen’s consciousness quits, his eyes **** open, his eyes twinkling.

During the time, between the front field of view, all floating dust is forbidden.

This moment, as if everything in the world is life or death, is between his thoughts.

The will of the soul, he accepts the soul inheritance of the fire of the virtual god, directly condenses the will of the soul.


Xiao Chen’s mind was moved, and the dragon seal in the soul pool burst into a dazzling light, and everything in front was turned into dust.

Silent, powerless and terrifying.

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