Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1955: Unruly

Iron hand Luo Wen listened to Xiao Chen's words, suddenly felt an ambition and spread in his heart.

In the words of Xiao Chen, some of the blood is boiling, which is very encouraging.

The treasure of the Red Blood King is just a starting point.

Then how high is his goal.

This is a world of thousands, and now they are all ants. Some of the things that have been seen, and some of the things that have been experienced, are just the tip of the iceberg of the world.

But Xiao Chen is different. He inherits the fire of the virtual god, in the memory of the predecessor of the virtual god.

Feel the grandeur and grandeur of this world and feel the true strength of those top powers.

Picking up the stars and taking the moon is not a myth at all. In the eyes of those who are strong, it is a small matter.

There is also a more mysterious real god, which is a kind of realm that even the illusory gods are yearning for.

Only by fulfilling the true God can we have an infinite life, and we will live forever with the heavens and the earth, and will never die.

Iron hand Luo Luo Gong: "I will go to retreat, I will certainly not let down the expectations of Xiao Chen's brother."

Xiao Chen said first: "You have accumulated in the peak of Dayuandan for many years, and now it is enough to prove your potential. If you compare the masters of the big gates, it is only a matter of opportunity and resources. What is more rare is that you This killing experience, those masters of Zongmen, are incomparable."

The iron handed manuscript heard this, was inspired, as if a new life.

Originally, he thought that this life will reach the peak of the late star, and it will basically fall.

I can hear the words of Xiao Chen today, but let him feel that he can still go further.

My own vision is a bit too low.

The elders of Tang and the iron handed hand are the two strongest men on the black knife. Xiao Chen naturally needs to be well trained.

As for Xiaosuo, Luonan and Feier, Xiao Chen is also prepared.

It’s just these few people who can’t do it, and the preparations and cheats they have prepared cannot be cultivated at all.

Especially Xiaosuo, Xiao Chen has more expectations for him, and he is now the breakthrough of the star.

Xiao Chen hopes that he can find out his own way and give help.

Once successful.

After the first move, catching up with the elders of Tang and the iron hand, it is not difficult at all. The future potential will be even greater.

After a moment of calm, in the practice room, Xiao Chen began to think about his own way.

He is thinking, can now forcefully break through the eleventh weight of the purple thunder.

The original plan was after the star Jun, and the wind and water broke through the eleventh weight of the purple thunder.

There is no risk at all, and it is extremely safe.

Think for a few days, the more you think, the more you feel, the less reliable.

After the purple thunder is determined to be seven heavy, every time a heavy one, there will be a thunder robbery landing.

If the thunder robbery survives, there is no challenge, and then the help of the thunderbolt itself is gone.

In the Kunlun world, he has broken through his potential many times and broke the limit.

It’s not unrelated to the few robberies.

Now that I have come to this big world, I have turned my back on it. It is really smart and I am mistaken.

"I must break the purple thunder to the eleventh before the star king. The thunder road just happened to be a pass. If it can break, maybe you can master the Thunder Avenue."

Xiao Chen said softly, the color in the eyes is brighter and brighter, and the clouds are foggy and clear.

When the sword is not obtained, the Thunder field has already had a very high accomplishment. After getting the knife, the understanding of the Thunder is deepening.

The power of the Thunder Road, which used the knife several times, was deeply insightful and benefited a lot.

A similar experience, in fact, in the Kunlun world, has also been once.

Facts have proved that the thunderbolt can not be deliberately avoided, and the benefits of thunder and robbery without threats will be very different.

However, this 茫茫 茫茫 sea, seemingly silent no one, vast and boundless.

Under the surface of the water, there are many dangers hidden, which is unpredictable.

It is not so easy to find a place to rob.

First look at the Taikoo Demon Array.

Regaining my thoughts, Xiao Chen once again entered the compartment and came to the front of the Taikoo Demon Soul.

Sometimes I often think that when I was old, I put this terrible array on the Black Knife.

The power of this array is so strange and evil that there are some people who dare not think about it.

The layout of the entire black knife is actually designed with the Taikoo Devil's Array as the core. No matter how it is designed later, it is in the framework of the old ghost.

Everything changes.

However, other members of Xiao Chen and Black Knife will not use the Taikoo Demon Array until the critical moment.

The reason is that this is too evil.

The flesh and soul of its practical warrior, to replenish this battle, is the fastest way to light the hanging beads.

But the people on board, including Xiao Chen, did not have such an idea, once an exception.

Open your mouth and enjoy the benefits, then you really can't stop. There is no difference between acting with the people in the magic, and sooner or later will affect your own heart.

The **** magic array, the complex and complicated, the blood of the jump, the surface of the entire array is filled with thick layers of blood.

Xiao Chen has been suppressed, blood fog is not so exaggerated, otherwise the evil is extremely incomparable, full of magical blood fog, will cover the entire black scimitar.

call out!

With a hand in hand, Xiao Chen held the core card at the palm of his hand.

The **** fog on the surface of the array suddenly dissipated, and the Taikoo Demon Array stopped working, and the entire Black Knife received some influence.

All kinds of defenses have dropped a lot.

The cold touch came, and Xiao Chen suddenly fell into the ice, and the whole body did not have the slightest temperature.

An evil spirit invaded from it and filled the body of Xiao Chen.

"It’s a lot stronger than before."

Xiao Chen will be tough, naturally will not be invaded, and when the heart moves, the violent evil spirit will be removed from the body.

Turning over the cards, the back of the World of Warcraft chest concept hanging beads, lighting four and a half, especially scary.

If eighteen hanging beads are lit, I don’t know, it will be strong to what it is.

Like to fly out of the general embarrassment, fiercely staring at Xiao Chen, did not regard him as the master.

Xiao Chen’s disposal is indifferent, and any method of dealing with this evil thing is useless.

There is no shortcut to restrain it, only stronger than it, as long as it is always stronger than it.

I can't turn any waves.

With a wave of hand, the plaque was returned to the position, and the blood was tempered and raised again.

If Xiao Chen is thoughtful, this overflowing blood is full of evil, and it contains pureness that cannot be purely demon.

It is a big hidden danger of the Black Knife. The Black Knife should always be careful and suppress.

If it is to absorb the blood of the demon, isn't it, it can not only remove the hidden danger to the black knife, but also increase the strength of the blood.

With a move, I saw Xiao Chen’s hand, and there was a suction. In a flash, the blood color magic was absorbed a little.


A moment later, Xiao Chen flashed a few times and came out of the air with a pirate ship. The **** blood was hurt at the moment.

He was curling up and stopped at the back of the Black Knife.

The Lingyintai seems to have only a hundred squares, but in reality it is a world, vast and incomparable.

This type of space array is expensive and more expensive to maintain.

Many six-star pirate ships can't be maintained, and Xiao Chen doesn't have the same spirit, and naturally can make it.

In the sacred beast, there are two cold iron carvings and some other ferocious beasts tamed by the elders of Tang. The bloodstains occupy one side, and no other fierce beasts dare to approach it.

Feel the eyes of Xiao Chen, this **** eyes open, still unruly, full of killing look to Xiao Chen.

"Sure enough, I still think about how to eat me."

Xiao Chen saw it in the air and couldn’t help laughing.

The **** body of the demon, as well as the traces of burns by the Buddha's light, the original lustrous **** feathers, the luster is not, like the wild chicken feathers, wilting.

When Xiao Chen spread his hand, he saw the blood spurting away, and the blood mist absorbed in the magic soul array, all broke into the **** body.

The **** blood suddenly smashed, and the curled up body suddenly opened.

The languishing momentum has swept away, and the injuries on the body have recovered quickly.

Bloody feathers, exudes a burst of gorgeous blood, the blood of the blood is mysterious and distinguished, and there is a trace of evil.


After the blood is absorbed, the blood of the blood is flying in the sky and rushing toward Xiaochen.

All of a sudden, the magic is big.

Suddenly, the sudden eruption is somewhat unprepared. If it is an ordinary person, it is afraid that it will be torn to pieces and then eaten alive.

Xiao Chen snorted, and in the eyes, suddenly the golden light overflowed, the wild gods activated, and the dragon of the body spread out.

The demon blood is a shock, and the speed is obviously slower.

Can still refuse to accept, continue to rush forward, Xiao Chen will spread the Tao.

A round of roads appeared in the back, and the power of the knife road was quietly dispersed.

In the eyes of the blood, there was a slight hesitation in the eyes, and he continued to rush, and he was so shameful that he hated it.

After the injury, the magic will burst out immediately.

"A good demon blood, you are really against the sky."

Xiao Chen’s anger, the eyebrows and the words of the Buddha’s seal appeared, Daowei, Longwei, Fowei, and the three were one, and the momentum reached the peak.

A fierce punch hit, the power of twenty trips, an instant explosion.

The demon-stricken blood of the momentum was repeatedly smashed by Xiao Chen. Long Wei made him jealous, and Daowei made fear. Foweed made him fear.

The combination of the three, with the power of the twenty Ding, the blood of the blood is tumbling and retreating.

Xiao Chen turned over and fell to the body of the blood that had just stabilized his body. The scabbard gently tapped on his head.

The unruly guy suddenly calmed down, but the red light did not dissipate.

"Be honest."

Driving the blood of the devil, Xiao Chen began to inspect the Quartet to find a suitable place for robbery.

By the way, killing the beasts, the Taikoo Devils still have to continue to strengthen.

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