Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 2071: Heroic defeat

Qin Aotian?

Xiao Chen turned and looked at it. It was the golden dragon warrior that he noticed a few days ago.

Listening to its tone, it seems that there is a great deal in the Golden Dragon Hall, and it is also famous in the Dragon Empire. It seems that as long as you report your name, many things can be easily solved.

Looking at his dress and seeing this body passer, it is clear that there is a sigh of saying this.

If you are a person, if you say such a paragraph, you will only be treated as an idiot. This person said that it is a matter of course, as if it should be, I signed the name, you have to do as I said.

I owe you a favor, and later I will find me in the Golden Dragon Hall.

Sorry, Xiao Chen did not really hear about this person. In fact, he did not know much about him in the Dragon Empire.

Xiao Chen is more concerned about other things, this person is silent, staying with him for so long.

It should be premeditated, long-term observation, and able to let him not find him, and indeed has some strength.

But this is related to Xiao Chen's attention, mainly concentrated in the violent temper of Yanyang. After all, after the violent violent violent temper, you can hit him with a single blow, and you can't let him be distracted.

"What? Don't you?"

Qin Aotian frowned, slightly dissatisfied, flashing a trace of anger between the eyebrows.

Xiao Chen thought for a moment: "This mission is worth 8,000 original Tiandan in the Tianlong Temple. The cost of the mission failure, I still don't know. You gave me eight thousand original Tiandan, wrote it by myself, and took the task for me." The price, let you not be not."

After pondering for a long time, Xiao Chen feels that he is still very sincere. After all, this is the violent beast of the yang, he is not necessary.

As long as the other party can meet their own conditions, it is no problem to give the other party.

"Do you talk to me about the conditions?"

Qin Aotian’s eyes appeared in anger, and behind him there were five rounds of different colors, overlapping layers of Taowei, and between the heavens and the earth.

In the middle of the battle, there seems to be an infinitely vast country behind him, which will raise Qin Aotian’s momentum to an untouchable height.

It is clearly a flat view, but it gives the illusion that people need to look up.

Xiao Chen looks the same, and responds indifferently: "Nature, don't talk about good conditions, how can you give you the violent beasts of Yanyang. I don't take advantage of you, but my loss, at least to make up."

"To face the face, this son said that he owes you a favor, and tells me the conditions."

Qin Aotian turned his face like a book, and saw that Xiao Chen didn't want his hands to be sent to the beast Dan. He immediately became furious: "Give me aside."

When I punched out, I suddenly saw the five-color boxing style, which contained the punches of ice, flames, thunder, squally winds, holy light and other avenues of power, and densely fell toward Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen saw that he couldn’t help but laugh, and it was all about fur. Looking at the mammoth, in fact, no specialization.

Dealing with ordinary people, otherwise the beasts are really powerful.

For anyone who has a small success in the avenue, even if Xiao Yuyu is here, it can easily resolve the offensive.

As for Xiao Chen, it is even easier.

Holding both hands overbearing, quietly falling in front of the body, touched the ground with a scabbard.

Seeing the sky and the wind falling, Xiao Chen’s look is not so long, and when it’s dense, it’s the time when the punches of various avenues are about to fall.

The internal knives of the knives are unrelenting, and a slash of knives appears out of thin air, and the source is constantly ejected from the flesh.


Thousands of attacking fists, as many as being smashed by the knife, did not hurt Xiao Chen points. To be precise, it is not within 100 meters.

A round of cyan circles behind him, flickering, quiet and peaceful, like the quiet heart of Xiao Chen.

Not arrogant, calm and unhurried.

"Qin Gongzi, don't deceive too much."

Xiao Chen looked at the other side and said faintly.

Qin Aotian was annoyed. In front of this scene, in the words of Xiao Chen, it was clearly threatening him.

"You, this dragon, actually dared to threaten me, don't blame me for being mad at heart! Emperor Dragon Boxing, Jun Enhao!"

Hovering in the golden dragon of Qin Aotian's body, it is a glimpse of it, rushing away, turning into a heavenly emperor, hanging between Tianyu.

People move, punch out.

Filled with the punch of the emperor's power, attacking Xiao Chen's hegemony, the huge dragon empire, seems to be turned into a giant ship. This punch activates the precision gears of the Imperial ship, and the smashing of the empire is driven by the martial arts.

This person is the lineage of the Dragon of the Golden Dragon!

Xiao Chen’s heart was secretly surprised. In other words, this person is equivalent to the emperor’s king in the imperial dynasty.

Is he the Prince of Dragons?

No, if the dragon **** Prince is so exaggerated, then this dragon dragon empire has long been a gold dragon.

Or, can the Dragon Dragons be used in the Golden Dragon family? However, there is this possibility. After all, the Golden Dragons belong to the same vein. As long as they have the golden dragon blood, they will be more or less involved with the Dragon Emperor.

But whoever you are, since you are not willing to agree to your own conditions, don't be fooled around here.

Xiao Chen will not take the initiative to pick things up, but he is not afraid of things. Others are bullying the door, so don't blame him for being polite.

Wrath of the sky!

Looking at the huge empire, rolling toward myself, Xiao Chen did not think about it, it was a wrath of the sky.


From the daytime, the ancient Longwei from the ruins of the wilderness broke through the clouds, as if it was the wrath of the sky.

The anger from the ruin of the ruins of the dragon, suddenly boiled in the body of Xiao Chen, a palm shot.

Let this anger be vented and let go.

The huge palm of the burning, covering the sky for a long time, with the palm of Xiao Chen photographed.


The invisible empire was suddenly shattered by the giant palm. The knives between the five fingers broke the empire that was divided and broken into pieces, and the thunder that followed, thawed the fragments into nothingness.

In the blink of an eye, this is accompanied by the embryonic form of the boundless Junwei Dragon Empire, which disappears into the invisible.

Let this Qin Aotian stunned and stunned.

"How can this be!"

Do not want to do more entanglement with it, Xiao Chen vacated, slashed out of the sword, stunned, traversing the sky.

Knowing the robes on his body is a passing device. Xiao Chen directly took the strongest knife and swept away.

Be sure to end the battle with a knife.

But the heart, the six desires, only my eternal, the feelings of the world | color, suddenly in the face of Xiao Chen, disappeared.

His cold face, like white paper, is not indifferent, but it makes people feel chilly to the extreme.

The eternal knife light fell, and the dragon shield on the other side was shattered, which Xiao Chen could not expect.

In a flash, there was a force that bounced back, and it was his own heart.


Xiao Chen was spurted by the vomiting blood, fell to the ground, kneeling on the ground, pale, slightly embarrassed.

"The dragon is a dragon, and I have never heard of this dragon warrior on my body, poor!"

Qin Aotian was shocked by a hundred miles, but people were unscathed, and his face flashed a taunting color, and his eyes were full of mercy and pride.

Xiao Chen wiped the blood stains on his mouth, and his face showed a smile, but this smile made Qin Aotian feel inexplicably.

"Not yet rolling? Emperor Dragon Boxing, the king is on the world!"

Qin Aotian does not want to marry, this fist is extremely fast, and it descends from the sky, just like the emperor's coming, with the supreme Longwei.

Suddenly appeared in the top of Xiao Chen, the mighty Longwei, blocked the Quartet, let the space appear a wave, blocking the body of Xiao Chen.

This punch is integrated into its own sacred will, and the speed is extremely fast. If it is hit, the situation of Xiao Chen will be more worried.

But he is fast, Xiao Chen is faster than him!

At the moment when he punched, Xiao Chen turned into a flash of lightning and fell to the distant mountains.


When the punch fell, only the ground was blasted into a huge pit like a city, and the dust was broken into powder.

Qin Aotian got up and looked at Xiao Chen on the far side of the mountain. He said: "I have a dragon war suit. You can't break my defense. There is no chance of winning. Just leave, I haven't happened anything." ”


Xiao Chen took out the soul bow and pointed it at Qin Aotian.

"is that useful?"

Qin Aotian's mouth plucked a disdainful smile. This dragon warrior face a long-range attack. There is another set of methods to target, not afraid at all!

A heart fire ignited, the arrow was like a meteor, and in an instant it hit Qin Aotian.


Qin Aotian's mouth overflowed with a trace of blood, looking at the broken barrier, the arrow inserted into the chest, revealing a strange color.


I haven't understood it yet. Xiao Chen's arrow is out of the rain. In an instant, he shot him into a horse's nest, and his body was full of arrows.

The heart-simplified version of the fire, completely ignoring the defense of his dragon war suit, completely beyond his understanding.

For a time, he didn't want to give birth. He was still stunned by Zhang Zhang, and he lost his temper in an instant.

The internal organs are full of fear, and they are shocked. A ring of water sapphire on their fingers gives off a soft glow.

If he recovers his injuries, he can hurt too much and he will not recover at all.

call out!

The lightning fell between the stars, but Xiao Chen appeared and fell in front of him.


Qin Aotian stretched his finger to Xiao Chen, and when he couldn’t come up with a word, he was kicked by Xiao Chen.

Before flying on the body, Xiao Chen pulled the arrow on his body and pulled it out.

Every time one is pulled out, Qin Aotian will make a painful cry like a dead pig. Xiao Chen turns a deaf ear until he stops the arrow and stops.

"This dragon war suit has never been seen. I took it back and studied it. I don't appreciate it."

Xiao Chen waved his hand and pulled down the glittering war suit on the other side, earning income in the ring.

"Shameless! My brother gave me the suit!! I Qin Aotian will not let you go, I swear!!"

Qin Aotian snorted and pointed at Xiao Chen, his arm shivering.

Xiao Chen looked at the opponent who was almost collapsed. He shook his head slightly and was a good master at home. Why should he run out to take risks?

Don't know the world, is it dangerous?

Fortunately, it was him.

There was a trace of mercy in his eyes, and Xiao Chen slammed his fist on his face and smashed the handsome five senses.

Qin Aotian’s painful faintness passed, and the whole world was clean.

I removed the spiritual brand in the dragon war suit and left my mark. Xiao Chen’s face showed a smile of satisfaction.

This dragon battle suit is really good and worth studying.

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