Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 2400: 青楼联盟

The prince of the cloud came out of the emperor's house, his face was gloomy to the extreme, and both the vice-president and Feng Lao did not dare to speak.

After half a ring, the deputy whispered: "How can this be, in theory, the Eight Emperors should not be too jealous of the smoke and rain floor."

The prince of the cloud coldly said: "The reason is not simple yet? The battle for the Prince is about to begin. The emperors are just around the corner. The Eight Emperors naturally don't want to have more troubles in this section."

The battle of the Prince!

The emperor changes, if there is no special circumstances, it must be a hundred years to abdicate, from the emperor to choose the most outstanding emperor to inherit the throne.

The throne of the Yanwu Dynasty can only be a hundred years.

This is to let the dynasty update fresh blood, maintain the vitality of the dynasty, and avoid rigidity.

Once the ancient dynasty, once rigid, the air transport declines, the national transport falls, there will be a risk of extinction.

Throughout the ages, there has never been a lack of similar examples.

Therefore, the rulers of the major dynasties and the empire will not be in place for too long. No matter how wise you are, the dynasty system will inevitably become rigid.

This is something that can't be avoided. It must be changed every hundred years to keep it alive.

Let the dynasty up and down, are full of competitiveness, do not dare to slack off.

Now the Yanwu Emperor Yanhuang has been in office for 80 years, and it is time to choose the Prince.

The great emperors are all secretly fighting, only for the battle of the Prince, to take the lead and to the emperor's throne.

Why is Wang Feng, the emperor of the Eight Emperors, so irritated?

At this critical moment, the rainy king is so alive and innocent that he has caused trouble, how can he not bother.

If it is the past, it will be fine.

Now, this time node, how can I make it for him!

After the prince of the cloud came out, he calmly thought about it and guessed the joints.

"Prince, is it the hatred of the rain king, is this the case? The eight emperors do not agree, we can go to find other emperors." The vice-president Shen Sheng said that the prince of the cloud has been in the dynasty for many years, as a chess piece for the prince, his The temptation is still great for other emperors.

The prince of the cloud faintly said: "No prince will sin a Tianmeng inspector at this time. But the revenge of the cemetery, I will certainly report, even if I use this glory to change, I am still not leaving. Let's go to the Shenjian Pavilion."

Shenjian Pavilion, the Yanwu Emperor Qipinzong Gate, the Zongmen has a profound foundation.

However, although it is not named Shenjian Pavilion, it has little to do with the family of the sword. One is a family, and the other is a sect. Because of the relationship between the martial arts and the front, there is even some gap between them.

In the prince of the cloud, when he hurried to the Shenjian Pavilion, the landlord of the emperor’s Qianjinyixiaolou also received the news that Tianmeng Xiaochen appeared.

Qianjinyixiaolou, the first building in the city of Emperor Yancheng, if it is enough to understand.

I will know that this Qianjinyixiao building is far more than a simple building, and its foundation is much deeper than imagined.

"The landlord has already confirmed that Xiao Chen is the supervisor of the Tianmeng New School."

In the fragrant attic, there are black people who present the latest information to the mysterious woman after the curtain.

"Xiao Chen... If you remember correctly, the fairy squad that was stolen by the star thief in the river was in his hands." The mysterious woman sighed.

"Well, we have calculated that the missing fairy basket is definitely not on the river. There is only one possibility. After he stole the fairy basket, he gave Xiao Chen."

"Good! He is fine in other places, but since he arrived in the Imperial City, this fairy basket must be handed over."

The mysterious woman whispers softly and arrogantly, and there is a temperament that does not belong to the brothel woman.


At the same time, the imperial city outside the imperial city of Lingshan, the naked eye can not see the ethereal world, Buddhism Holy Land Lingyin Temple!

There is a handsome monk who looks at the paper in his hand and a smile on his lips.

"I didn't expect that you would come to the Yanwu Dynasty. It seems that I have to take the time to go down the mountain."

This monk is not someone else. It is in the virtual world that he has dealt with Xiao Chen several times.

The night is still young and the dawn is coming.

Next to the Yanyu Building, the single-family small courtyard, Xiao Chen and the strangers and the treasures, have not fallen asleep, the two are sorting out some information handed over by the Su Ye people.

Previously, they were all supervised by Su Ye.

Now that Xiao Chen is coming, everything is related, and naturally I should be familiar with it.

However, mainly Boa and the dust are sorting out, Xiao Chen has not invested too much in mind. Burning the incense burner, swallowing the soul of the soul, Xiao Chen closed his eyes and eyes, concise the soul.

The industry has a specialization, and the sorting of these messy news is not the long term of Xiao Chen.

It’s done by Boa and the stranger, and he gets twice the result with half the effort.

In the pool of souls, the gods that are enshrined in the soul are gradually dissipating.

There are three auras under the Qinglong God Seal. Under the conciseness of Yunyun Dan, the first aura of the gods is washed away. I can hardly see any impurities. Compared with the other two auras, I am transparent and full of divinity.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes and his eyes were flashing.

The first aura of the gods has been condensed and there are two remaining. When all the condensing is completed, his soul power inherited by Shenhuo will be truly owned by him and become his heritage.

"Xiao Big Brother, I and Boa, found something interesting."

Seeing Xiao Chen's eyes open, the dust fell down in his hand and whispered.

Xiao Chen brows and picks, curiously said: "Oh, let me hear."

"We found that in this imperial city, except for the Yanyu Building. Other brothels are all organized, and this organization is older than the Tianmeng!"

Xiao Chen’s heart moved, Shen Sheng: “What organization?”

"Green House Alliance."

The strange tone said gently: "The emperor has thousands of brothels, all of which belong to this organization, but only the Yanyu Building, not. Among the brothel alliances, the best business, the highest status is Qianjinyixiaolou. Compared with the Yanyu Building, This Qianjinyixiao building not only has a profound foundation, but also has a high specification and layout."

A thousand dollars a smile.

Xiao Chen’s heart is secretly indulged, and the familiar name is right... I used to be in the world of Longteng, and I have been to the building.

The fairy basket in the hand is the river that was stolen from that, and it seems to be their holy thing.

"The background of this brothel alliance is very mysterious. So far no one knows completely. In the Yanwu dynasty, the regulators are all the best. More importantly, this organization has a wide network of contacts, and many princes and families have said nothing. Clear relationship."

The dust stopped for a moment, and some implicitly said.

As for what is unclear, Xiao Chen naturally understands that the brothel is a master, each has its own style, and it is nothing to be said.

How many men can resist the charm.

If you encounter threats and do not contribute to your own efforts, there will be a lot of good friends.

Xiao Chen whispered: "The green building and the killer, the birth of the era, will naturally exist in the ancient occupation. There is a brothel alliance, the smoke and rain building can still flourish, business is booming, standing up to the present. Not simple, Su Ye... this Woman, a little scary."


A figure of the road broke through the air, but it was Nangongfeng and others, and went back.

I heard about the depth of the ten major chambers of commerce under the Tianmeng and came to report.

One night, a few people on the top ten chambers of commerce, how many masters sit in the town, the strength of the geometry, the investigation is clear.

Xiao Chen condensed the gods and listened carefully. When it was not long, it was clear to the heart, and the heart had a rough bottom.

"Xiao Chen, these top ten chambers of commerce, all with the local family, some involve constant relationship. Some of the emperors who are sitting in the town, can even sense the royal blood of their bodies, very strange."

Nan Gongfeng looked a little dignified and said quietly.

The faint road of ink rain: "No wonder, Tianmeng has been unable to expand in the Yanwu Dynasty, and the profits are even more low. These people, all eat inside and outside, collude with outsiders, and share the interests, how can the Tianmeng forces expand. ”

Xiao Chen calmly said: "It's almost the same as I guessed. The previous three inspections led to the estimation. It was involved. It hindered the interests of some people and died without knowing it."

The Tianmeng Headquarters holds the best refining pharmacists, forgings, and swordsmen in the world...the refining of the medicinal herbs, the casting of the knives, the secrets of refining, and the quality needless to say.

Single-handedly doing business, affiliated chambers of commerce, and Tianmeng headquarters support.

How can other competitions come over?

The reason why the situation is now is nothing more than the interest network is too much and too deep, even Tianmeng is somewhat helpless.

The Tianmeng headquarters did not know about this situation, but also thought about forcibly collecting power.

Then the end is that the three inspectors have made successive deaths, and only the Tianmeng forces of the Yanwu Dynasty can maintain the status quo.

Therefore, this supervision has made a post, only to hang for so many years, there has been a Su Ye escrow.

call out!

A ray of sunshine, suddenly shot from the window, Xiao Chen turned to look out, the sky is already bright.

"Wumen... Wumen hasn't come back yet?"

Xiao Chen’s face was slightly sunk, and he sent out to follow the Wumen of Su Ye, and the dawn was not yet back.

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