Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 884: Stone of origin

The imperial warships of the Wushen Palace shuttled through the clouds, and the ancient city walls below appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Among the better cities, there is a great foundation, you can see the invisible dragon shadow floating above the city, that is the spirit of the king.

Explain that the power in this city has once appeared in the king's emperor, and still cares about his family after thousands of years.

If the dragon shadow is substantial, it means that the power in the city pool, and now the king is sitting in the town.

However, most of them are illusory dragon shadows, and it is rare to see the substantial dragon shadow. Today, the Kunlun world can be able to seal the king's emperor, and there are only a handful of them, at least on the surface.

Xiao Chen glanced at the scenery below. After feeling a little boring, he returned to his room and took out the figure of the Emperor.

Not long after, a knock on the door sounded outside the room of Xiao Chen, and the picture was rolled out and opened.

After Chad came, Xiao Chen was not surprised at all. Instead, he felt that it was too late, and it was a long time later than expected.

"come in."

Covering the door, Xiao Chen greeted Win Qiong and walked in, and poured a cup of tea by her.

Win Qiong did not rush to sit down, and looked around Xiao Chen in a circle, as if he had seen Xiao Chen for the first time.

"I really don't know how much secret you have in this person."

Some helplessly sighed, Win Joan just sat down slowly.

Xiao Chen glanced at each other deeply and asked: "I should ask you if you want to say this. Why did the three great kings of the family see that I can’t wait to slap and die, but your winner has never done anything. ""

Win Qiong took the teacup and sipped a bit, laughing: "The Qing Emperor also has friends. When he presided over the Wushen Palace, our winner was his ally."

"But the Qing emperor died for 10,000 years, and the Longmen has long ceased to exist. Now, within the winners, how many people will stick to the covenant of the year, but it is hard to say."

Xiao Chen thought about it and said: "What is the connection between you and the Qin Dynasty royal family in the Cangjie world."

Win Qiong smiled slightly: "It is a very important branch of our winners. It is very mysterious. I don't know how it is. It is a very high-level thing, and the instructions issued by our ancestors' ancestors."

Xiao Chen’s heart is moving. It seems that if there is time, I really want to go back to the vast world, and what I know about winning the moon may be more than he imagined.

But now, the most important thing is still another thing, Xiao Chen calmly asked: "Break the three main medicines of Sheng Dan, how are you collecting?"

Win Qiong was prepared and said: "It is relatively smooth, and two types have been found. The rest can be found within two months."

The two-month period is not very long. It is much faster than originally expected. Xiao Chen said: "Once you have collected it, remember to inform me immediately. The half-core residual map can be given to you at any time."

For sanctification, Xiao Chen is now more urgent than anyone else, and there is no sense of security.

Win Qiong nodded lightly and spoke of another topic: "How much do you know about Tianlu Shenquan? Have you ever thought about why the warrior who has soaked in the gods of Tianlu will become an emperor within a hundred years."

This question is naturally thought of, Xiao Chen said his own opinion: "The ability to get qualified for soaking is originally the elite of all ethnic elites, talented qualifications, and it is a little tricky to describe it with enchanting, even if there is no Tianlu Shenquan. A big chance to become an emperor."

"Tianlu Shenquan, once again wash the marrow and cut blood, so that this already very abnormal talent can be sublimated again, it is not very strange to let them become emperors in advance."

Win Qiong smiled and said: "The guess is not bad, but this is not the most critical. What is the suppression under the Kunlun Mountains, you know?"

Xiao Chen curiously said: "What is it?"

"The Stone of Origin!"

The stone of origin is quite mysterious. It is said to be the heart of the entire Kunlun world. Whether it is the martial art era or the immortal era, it is born from the middle.

Win Qiong continued: "If the stone of origin is destroyed, the entire Kunlun world will fall apart. In other words, whoever holds the stone of origin can truly control Kunlun. The abyss of the demon world has repeatedly invaded Kunlun for tens of thousands of years. It is also destroying the Kunlun Mountains and mastering the stone of origin."

"But now the stone of origin is sealed under the Kunlun Mountains, and the various ethnic groups can't grasp it. They don't dare to destroy the seal. What is the magical effect of the stone of origin? Others don't know much."

Xiao Chen heard these secrets, but his look did not change much. It was too far away. He said: "The stone of origin, this has anything to do with Tianlu Shenquan."

"Tianlu Shenquan, the fog generated by the stone of origin has accumulated. Now know why, the warrior who has soaked the spring water will become an emperor within a hundred years." Win Qiong smiled.

If this is the case, it will indeed be explained by the centennial emperor. After all, the stone of origin is so head-to-head, and a miracle can be completely understood.

The two of them talked a few more words and said goodbye, five days later.

Xiao Chen heard some exclamations from outside, stopped practicing the Qing Emperor's drawing, and came to the bow deck.

At the end of the line of sight, Xiao Chen saw a row of vast mountains, the mountains and the mountains continued to rise, seemingly divided the entire Xuan domain into two halves.

In fact, this is true. The Kunlun Mountains span tens of millions of miles, and there are countless peaks. So far no one has been able to fully explore this mountain.

There are many relics and arrays of the immortal era. Even some of the kings did not dare to go deep into the ancient times. In ancient times, even some people saw fairy beasts in mythology, which is very mysterious.

In the middle of the mountain range, the main peak of the Kunlun Mountains, towering into the sky, straight into the sky, surrounded by spiritual fog, blocking the line of sight, can not see how high.

The majestic mountain peaks are more than a hundred times higher than any mountain that Xiao Chen has seen, and there are some inexplicable charms in the Ming Dynasty.

Xiao Chen carefully observed many of the surrounding peaks, and there are many differences in the Kunlun main peaks that stand out from the peaks.

It is a pity that he will not be guilty of the art, and he will not see too many famous names.

The emperor of the Wushen Palace robes, which had not appeared for a long time, came out at this time, and won the majestic Kunlun Mountains, and there were more awe of the eyes.

The speed of the Imperial Warship was very fast, and at the end of the line of sight, it was still quite a distant peak of the Kunlun Mountains. It will be completely clear after a while.

That kind of grand and powerful momentum gives people a more intuitive feeling. No matter who wins this peak, they all have a very small feeling.

At this time, a stock of people shuddered from the bottom of my heart, sweeping from all corners above the mountain.

Including Xiao Chen, the ten Tianwu domain of the Terran enchanting, all knees on the ground, above the forehead, sweat, the look is extremely depressed.

The martial arts martial arts of the various factions also seemed extremely uncomfortable, and they dissipated their own momentum and resisted.

However, the coming is fast, and it is the battleship of the Wushen Palace. The breath of the stock is immediately dissipated.

When Xiao Chen and others looked loose, they stood up and saw the look of horror from the eyes of the other party.

At that moment, there were at least 20 breaths of the Emperor Wu, and the sweeping came over. The eyes were on the Kunlun Mountains, and they felt even more unfathomable.

Wu Di, how rare, can be placed on the top of this mountain, there are more than 20 people concentrated, thinking about the hidden strong, let people not feel scalp numb.

It seems that this Kunlun Mountain is indeed suppressing the stone of origin, so that even if the devil comes, it cannot be attacked.

Xiao Chen’s eyes swept away and noticed that the mysterious swordsman’s wing, a flash of light in his eyes, a slightly invisible burning gaze.

It is said that I can soak up the **** of the sun, who will be a little excited, but the eyes of this person, there are some other flavors.

This person is also from the lower bound like him, but the first one or two years are unknown, and he is practicing in an inconspicuous eight-category door.

It was only in the past six months that it suddenly rose and directly defeated a seven giants, which made it famous and caught the attention of everyone.

However, at that time, it was just the golden period of the rise of the genius of the lower bounds. For such a sudden rise of genius, not many people would have any doubts.

Duan Yid got the sight of Xiao Chen, turned his head and smiled at it. His look was quite calm and there was no sense of panic.

Looking back and the old man of his own ancestral hall, it is natural to chat.

Xiao Chen took back his sight and didn't think about it. Kunlun Mountain was stationed with so many Emperors, and the other party would not dare to play any tricks unless he wanted to commit suicide.

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