Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 982: Tibetan head and tail

"Xiao Chen, you can seriously consider that the emperor has no shortage of heroes, just to force you to oppress you. Once he becomes the protagonist, you really never have to turn around."

Out of the time channel, the two came to the sky above the Kunlun mainland.

Shui Lingling looked at Xiao Chen very urgently, and the depths in her eyes were full of concern.

Seeing Xiao Chen not talking, Shui Lingling is a little anxious: "The strength of Lan Shaobai can really be compared with the emperor. You can join forces with him and you can definitely press the emperor without a defect."

There is a bitter smile in Xiao Chen’s heart, and the meaning of concern in Shui Lingling’s words, how can he not feel it. Just, who is the blue and white, he looked at it a little bit.

This person said that the emperor lacks the ambition of the wolf, and he himself is not, obviously he can not look down on himself, but he is still willing to speak in a low voice, the city is not the average person.

The man and woman around him are not ordinary people, especially the black man. Xiao Chen took him and Longfei in his heart and concluded that he is only weaker than Longfei.

With such a person, he is too weak to take the initiative. However, it was the change of the emperor's lack of blue and white, or someone pressed on his head, no change.

Xiao Chen’s thoughts are farther away. The master sister is a smart person. It is impossible to think of this. Why is it so confusing?

The answer is that in the experience of the Silver Lake in the starry sky, the strength of the imperial power has reached a very terrible point. The master sister thinks that he has no chance to fight with him.

If the heroic conference of the imperialism is successfully held, then there is no way to live on it. The so-called concern is chaos, which is the truth.

Stopping, Xiao Chen whispered softly: "Master sister, why do you think that I must unite with others and hold a heroic conference."

Shui Lingling took a sigh of relief and tasted the tone of Xiao Chen’s speech. She said: “Xiao Chen’s younger brother, I want to start a hero conference alone?”

Xiao Chen shook his head and said: "No."

"Why then?"

"The hero is too heavy. I don't dare to call a hero. How can I go to the heroic conference? But the master sister is relieved, the heroic conference of the imperial court, I have already thought of a general solution."

Shui Lingling blinked her eyes and said incredulously: "Really?"

Xiao Chen smiled slightly and asked: "Does the master sister not believe in Xiao Chen? I will never sit still and never say anything big."

Shui Lingling heard the words, remembered some of the past events of Xiao Chen, and showed a smile on her face. "It seems that I am a bit too worried. I will not bother you. I will go to entertain you at Lan Shaobai."

When I heard that Shui Lingling was going to entertain Lan Shaobai, Xiao Chen couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable, but quickly adjusted it and said, “Thank you for the good intentions of Master Sister, I will leave.”

Going back to his own mountain peak, Xiao Chen is familiar with the road and enters the cultivation room. He does not say anything, and begins to cultivate with the best spirit.

Zi Lei decided to go to the seventh floor. His cultivation speed is a little slower than the emperor's lack of temperament, and even faster.

It’s just that in the awkward Cangjie world, when I came back, I was busy thinking about the knife road. I didn’t have much time to carry out the submersible. It’s rare to have time to have a conditional silence, and naturally I have to consolidate it.

Nowadays, his cultivation has reached the realm of the early stage of Zhongwu Wusheng. In the mysterious small world of Dantian, there are six hundred laws of heaven.

There are not many, but each has a baby's small arm thickness, and the general top-grade Wu Sheng confrontation, are all worthwhile.

More importantly, he has a huge mana in his knowledge of the sea. This is his biggest card.

Five days later, the deputy sergeant rushed Xiao Chen’s need for Yang Xincao, Ming Huang Zhi, Jin Jin Guo, Tian Shou Teng and Forget Worry, and sent them over.

Xiao Chen took advantage of these five plants and took a sigh of relief. The refining of the scorpion was finally completed, and he waited too long on this day.

The last five weights of Cang Ming refining the body, corresponding to the five internal organs of the human body, there is no order.

After the practice, the five internal organs, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney will have strong toughness and recovery ability. For example, if the heart is not crushed in an instant, even if it is stabbed, it will not die immediately.

The only pity is that the satin bodywork that originally increased the strength can't be increased after five times.

Taking a deep breath, the forehead of the sea emperor's headscarf, immediately came a cool cold.

Many of Xiao Chen’s minds, cluttered thoughts, have been disturbed like fallen leaves, and they have been swept away, and their minds are completely immersed in the cultivation of the sacred body.

The sea emperor's headscarf is indeed infinitely useful, and such a quiet special effect has already been worthy of the evaluation of the rare charm.

After swallowing the heart and grass, after the exertion of the drug, Xiao Chen began to forge his own heart with the heart and mind of the refining body.

Now that the body has reached the third-order sacred body, it has already surpassed the basic conditions for practicing cultivation of the sacred body. This is forgiven, saying that there is no obstacle and the process is very smooth.


With the penetration of the drug and the forging of Xiao Chen, the speed of the heart jumps more and more slowly, and the strength is indeed stronger.

Every time you beat, you will have a dull voice, echoing in the house, and the interval will be longer and longer.

At the end of the day, the heart beats for a long time, but the power generated by the sudden jump is like thunder, which shows the vitality of the wild, like the ancient sacred beast, with infinite vitality.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes, his heart recovered as usual, his palm turned over, and he had a short sword.

Open the clothes and point the tip of the sword at the heart. When Xiao Chen is slightly indulged, he will insert it directly.

The blood flowed out, and the tip of the sword stabbed the heart, but there was no puncture, the heart's strong toughness, and the slow resistance of the resistance of the sword.

It became, Xiao Chen looked happy, let the heart relax, and the tip of the sword pierced and pierced the heart.

Suddenly a sharp pain, it reached the mind, but when Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and pulled out the short sword. The heart cracks are immediately stitched up at an extremely fast speed, and they return to normal as usual, and there is no need for deliberate exercise.

When the scars of the heart are closed, Xiao Chen has completely felt the pain. If it is not the blood on the dagger, it is really doubtful. Just did it happen in the end.

"Okay, heart forging success!"

Xiao Chen put away the short sword, his face returned to calm, not thinking much, swallowing the blood vines began to forge a stomach.

When the day is dawn, the five internal organs, all taken, the Cang Ming refining body is officially complete.

Out of the cultivation room, Xiao Chen came to the performance field on the mountainside and breathed the air in the morning. He could clearly feel the changes brought about by the new internal organs.

Looking at the martial arts field, I swept away, and my heart was slightly. Staring at some empty place, after a moment of watching, calmly removed the line of sight.

Steps moved, Xiao Chen's face as usual practiced from the gods of the gods, there are three moves behind, it is time to take the opportunity to complete.

In the days that followed, Xiao Chen’s life was extremely regular.

In the evening, I used the best spirits to practice. During the day, I was practicing in the martial arts field. I practiced boxing once and again, and I realized the last three strokes of the gods, the myth of eternity, the dusk of the gods and the funeral of the gods.

He has his own opinions on the gods of the gods, and has already stepped out of his own path. The latter three moves naturally have to be adapted into their own ethics.

It is already clear from his current vision that the law of the world must vary from person to person. It is impossible to surpass the predecessors by blindly following the predecessors and not transforming them into their own characteristics.

"White King Xiao Chen, a sultry family, demon, Ji Shi exhibition came to see!"

On the day of the training, Xiao Chen was on the mountainside and heard the voice of someone at the foot of the mountain.

Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a bit of shame. The Wang is still undecided. The title of the white king is all over the place. Even the princess who is far away from the magic sea knows.

A bitter smile, Xiao Chen received a fist, intentionally or unintentionally looked at somewhere, got up and leaped toward the foot of the mountain.

Under the foot of the mountain, the sky blue hair, the demon princess wearing leather, and Murray, who once had a side, looked nervously waiting.

When I saw the figure of Xiao Chen, both of them showed a hint of joy on their faces, especially the Princess of the Devil, and they had more expectations.

"I have seen the king of white!"

The two came forward and immediately said with a hand.

Xiao Chen is quite helpless: "Two, you don't need such kindness, my king can't be settled."

Murray's polite way: "Xiao Chenxiong is modest. Now Kunlun, who does not know that you defeated the three kings of the emperor, the soldiers can easily win two resource stars. The title of the white king has already been passed. All directions."

Some things, you really can't refute, this white king's title is afraid to sit down, I really don't know who passed it out.

"The chaos and the sea are far apart, and the two should not come to Xiao’s gossip!"

Xiao Chen is not in the guest, and directly asks the purpose of the two.

The demon-faced princess hesitated, Shen Shen said: "Xiao Gongzi, can you still remember, what did the little girl in the holy mark monument say?"

Xiao Chen was about to answer the question. He browed and picked up the repaired Tianhai cloak quickly. He said: "The two wait a little, I will solve some trivial matters."

"Xiao Gongzi, need help?"

"No, a worm that hides its tail, I will come when I go."

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