Immortal Asura

Chapter 107: Tragic death

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Although the Ghost King is powerful, he dare not ignore the full blow of Ming Hai. I saw a ghost riot in the hand of the Ghost King. Countless black ghosts surged out of his body, forming a shield directly in front of him. The ghost fire on the staff also beat again, but this time it was not only the beat, this ghost fire divided a small flame into the ghostly spirit in front of the ghost king, as if the fire fell into gasoline, one Instantly lit the ghostly shield in front of the ghost king.

The huge ghostly shield instantly burned and became a burning green shield. I saw the strongest sword of the underworld directly cut on the shield of the ghost king, and a powerful explosion broke out in an instant. Explosion, as if two bombs exploded, a powerful air wave exploded instantly in the air, spiritual force and ghost air collided madly in the air, the two collided with each other, and finally the sword air was worn away a little bit, The ghostly shield in front of the ghost king has also completely dissipated, and this time the two men are still tied.

Zhang Yan, who was watching from a distance, also completely looked dumbfounded. Zhang Yan did not expect that the strength of the Underworld and the Ghost King was beyond their own similarity. The strength of these two people was much stronger. If the trick just changed to If it was Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan would not be able to take it anyway.

Let ’s look at the time when Minghai really reached the point where the oil is exhausted. The whole person looks very old. On the other hand, although the breath of the ghost king is much weaker than before, the ghost king still looks strong, unlike the ghost sea. People feel like they are about to die.

"Ninghai is a good example of Wu Sheng's practice. How could it become like this after a blow?" Zhang Yan asked strangely.

Jing Xinlian said, "The underworld is not because of the consumption of that sword, but it is because he was just devoured by the ghost and fire skeleton."

"Is that the ghost skeleton?"

"Yes, all creatures devoured by the ghost and fire skeleton will be absorbed by the soul and vitality, and the underworld itself is already close to life, even if it is relatively high, but his life and soul and vitality They are about to reach the point of exhaustion. As soon as they are absorbed by the ghosts and skeletons of the fire, the whole person will soon be exhausted. Even if no one cares about him, he will not live long. He can only live one day at most. It's time. "

Zhang Yan heard the words very shocked, said in surprise: "This ghost fire skeleton is so abnormal? Can it absorb the vitality of the warrior?"

"All of this is related to the scepter in the hand of the ghost king. In short, when you meet later, you must avoid the ghost fire skeleton, otherwise, once it is swallowed in, the consequences will be disastrous," Jing Xinlian reminded.

Zhang Yan heard his words and nodded, and didn't talk. He kept his eyes on the distant Ninghai, but at this time the Ninghai was about to die, but his eyes were still full of daring and resistance, as if he wanted to see The Ghost King stripped away life.

The three dragons behind Minghai had been completely sieged at this time. Although Longtian was saved once by Minghai, he was still surrounded by a dozen or so little ghosts. The little ghosts entangled Longtian and Ligui The two elders who entangled the Qinglong ancestor, and for a while Minghai became an orphan, and no one came to help him.

However, Ming Hai did not continue to choose to fight with the ghost king. He already knew through the recent encounter with Ming Hai. He knew that he was not an opponent of the ghost king. He looked back and was surrounded by the groups. Could not help but shook his head helplessly.

Immediately after that, the Ming Hai quickly came to the three of them. The sword swept across his hands. The Ming Hai used his last strength, and the powerful spiritual force poured out from the body of the Ming Hai. The body of the sea became much weaker, and his expression became more sad and helpless. Numerous sword qi sent out from the sword of the underworld, directly penetrated the bodies of the little ghosts and sharp ghosts around him, and the little ghosts who besieged the three dragons in an instant Killed, turned into a ray of smoke and disappeared into the sky.

After Ming Hai waved this sword, the whole person became abnormally weak. This time, the Ming Hai completely exhausted its lamps, and Ming Hai exhausted his last strength and said, "You are not its opponents, run away!"

Longtian and others wanted to escape without turning around, but as soon as they turned around, they found that they did not know when they were surrounded by hundreds of little ghosts. They did not know where they appeared, so they suddenly appeared. Around them, they surrounded them early, and the three of them instantly widened their eyes, scared and involuntarily backed away, and Hao Hai had hope in the beginning. At this time, seeing this situation, Ming Hai's eyes were completely desperate, and the eyes, which were already tired, were completely closed at this time.

The three dragon dragons were gradually surrounded by each other. The three slowly leaned against the side of the Ming Hai, back to back, and prepared to meet the surrounding ghosts, but the scepter in the hand of the ghost king flashed. The huge ghost fire skeleton appeared again, and the ghost fire skeleton floated to the top of the three people instantly, and the mouth with the open skull swallowed directly towards the three people.

The three people in Longtian also know the power of this ghost and fire skeleton. After all, they were just terrible when they swallowed the underworld. They have also seen it with their own eyes, so the three people in Longtian don't want to be swallowed by the ghost and fire skeleton. After all, the underworld is so powerful. Devoured into waste, if they fall into it, the bones that will be eaten will certainly be gone.

The three immediately carried all the spiritual power in the body and blocked the ghost fire skeleton together. However, their strength was not as good as that of the underworld, and they could not stop the devouring of the ghost fire skeleton. Only three of them were devoured by the ghost fire skull. Finally, the whole person disappeared into the outside world and entered the ghost and fire skeleton.

The screams came from the inside of the ghost fire skeleton, but the ghost king did not care about them, and directly swiped the little ghosts around him toward the lying sea on the ground, all these little ghosts were like hungry wolves, crazy toward the nether Hai's body fluttered up, and then opened his mouth to bite Ming Hai's body. The Ming Hai did not die, but it was too much to consume and still had a breath. Now the whole body is covered with little ghosts, and everyone rushes Consuming the body of the Ming Hai, the Ming Hai who had been unable to close his eyes closed again felt awake. Ming Hai opened his mouth and wanted to yell but had no strength to shout his voice, but could only endure the body being bitten pain of.

The current Ming Hai can be said to be better off than death. He is just waiting for death, but this death is a torture to him. Even Zhang Yan, who is watching from a distance, can't bear to look at it. At this moment, the ghost fire was beating in the eyes of the ghost king, followed by a wave of the scepter. The little ghosts who were still eating the sea of ​​the sea, all burned instantly, and turned into a ghost fire that was absorbed by the scepter in the hand of the ghost king. After that, the ghost king came to the incomplete body of Ming Hai, and at this time there was only one last breath in Ming Hai.

The ghost king bent over and approached the head of Ming Hai, and opened his mouth to take a sip. He saw that the eyes of Ming Hai were immediately staring at the boss, and his eyes were full of fear. At last, the pupils completely dissipated, and Ming Hai died completely. However, after death, a soul floated out of the body of the underworld. This soul wanted to escape, but was directly sucked into the mouth by the ghost king.

Zhang Yan saw the ghost king as if he was chewing delicious delicacies. He ate the soul of the Ming Hai with interest, and finally devoured the soul of the Ming Hai. After devouring the soul of the Ming Hai, the spirit of the ghost king was restored. Then, he convened the little ghost again, and continued to walk slowly according to the direction it came, but just glanced at the tree hiding behind Zhang Yan before leaving.

This look alone frightened Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan thought he was found, but Zhang Yan still calmed his mind and didn't make any sound. He just hid in the darkness motionlessly, watching the ghost king progressing. Far away, until the ghost king disappeared in Zhang Yan's vision, Zhang Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

When Zhang Yan stood upright, he suddenly felt the wind behind him, scared Zhang Yan to turn around immediately, only then Zhang Yan found that there was a little ghost walking behind him, and the little ghost was They were attracted by their lights in the Ming Hai, but Zhang Yan didn't perch and exposed, and the little ghost didn't find Zhang Yan, and almost hit Zhang Yan's body, which surprised Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan did not say that raising his hand was a sword, and killed the little ghost directly.

Zhang Yanzheng still had some lingering fears after killing the little ghost. He patted his chest and said, "It's truly a legendary night walk of hundreds of ghosts. Even the underworld of Wu Shengxiu died so badly, let alone those ordinary warriors. Now, if you encounter a night walk of a hundred ghosts, you have no choice but to escape. "

No matter how much Zhang Yan did, he continued to rely on the perception of his soul power in the dark and groped toward the direction of Baodu Mountain. This time, Zhang Yan walked for three days in a row. How far did these three days go? Yan does n’t know, but Zhang Yan feels that he has traveled a long distance, and the amount of time in these three days is very quiet. Zhang Yan has not encountered Baigui Night Walk, which is also good news. After all, he has experienced meditation. After the incident in the sea, Zhang Yan thoroughly knew the horrors of the night walk of Hundred Ghosts.

Zhang Yan walked, but suddenly found that there was a very bright place in front of him, which looked like a town. Zhang Yan looked strangely and asked, "Isn't lighting a light in Huangquan Road a trick? But what happened here? So many lights? And it looks like it's a dwelling fortress, and although there are a few little ghosts and fierce ghosts scattered around, the real powerful ghost king will not appear here, Zhang Yan also feels very puzzled.

Zhang Yan, full of doubts, walked towards the town in the desert in front of him.

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