Immortal Asura

Chapter 1134: Little blackened

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The powerful thunderous thunder made a huge clicking sound and slashed directly on Xiao Hei's body, and Xiao Hei rushed up again without showing weakness, but at this time the thundering throne became very powerful. Directly split on Xiao Hei, this time everyone even saw that Xiao Hei had thunder and lightning around, and the power of these thunder and lightning attacks Xiao Hei on Xiao Hei's body.

And Xiao Hei relied on the powerful scales to resist the power of these thunderbolts, and finally carried the power of this thunderbolt to a little resistance, and the power of thunderbolt on this thunderbolt gradually disappeared. Xiao Hei's on his body.

At this time, Xiao Hei's body also suffered some injuries, and even the dragon's blood leaked out from the gap of the scales, dripping down there along the body of Xiao Hei, and the drops dropped on the ground. Seeing Zhang Yan in the distance was very distressed.

And Xiao Hei made a scream, followed by a roar again without hesitation, followed by a strong spiritual fluctuation on Xiao Hei, and at this time it was a thunderstorm directly Splitting down towards Xiao Hei, the power of this thunderstorm is much stronger than before.

Xiao Hei was still unwilling to show weakness this time. He opened his mouth directly and refused to accept the defeat. A powerful spiritual force sprayed directly from Xiao Hei's mouth. He sprayed directly against this thundering force. The powerful spiritual force followed Lei Jie directly banged together, and a powerful spiritual impact erupted in an instant.

The power of this spiritual shock is very powerful. Everything within a dozen miles of the circle has been completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of ground with scorched earth and broken walls. There are potholes everywhere. It seems as if it is The same as being struck by thunder.

And the people who were watching around were also directly shocked by this powerful power. The warriors with low strength were directly injured by the shock, and even some of the warriors were directly killed by the shock. These warriors were also afraid. I thought that if I hadn't done it in time, I would have been killed immediately by this powerful impact.

Everyone did not expect that this black dragon crossing the robbery would cause such a powerful power, which is like destroying the world. Everyone looked at the heart with great fear, even some warriors left here early because of fear. Staying here will kill you.

However, there are still a large number of warriors who did not leave, because these warriors are waiting to detect leaks here, waiting for Xiao Hedu to flee during the period of weakness. If they can kill a true dragon, they can Many of the treasures of the dragons, even if they are scales, they can go back and make a very powerful defensive weapon, so in the face of this temptation, everyone did not choose to leave and stood there Eyes looked at Xiao Hei's side.

Xiao Hei does n’t know about these things. He is only here to deal with the thunderstorms. The power of thunderstorms is getting stronger and stronger. He also dares not to neglect the slightest. His body and spiritual strength work together to resist this thunderstorm. After all, he can only be stubborn in front of the thunderstorm. It is impossible to escape.

Xiao Hei shook the last nine thunder robbers in succession. Xiao Hei, who had passed the eight thunder robbers, was already bleeding at this time. Xiao Hei's body was already injured, These scales seemed to be severely damaged and could not continue to resist at all.

And Xiao Hei ’s breath has become a lot more chaotic, and Xiao Hei ’s breath has become a lot weaker. It seems that Xiao Hei has reached his own limit. Zhang Yan who is watching aside is particularly worried. I do n’t know Xiao Can Black resist the last thunderstorm? After all, the power of this last thunderstorm is the greatest.

When Zhang Yan was worried, Xiao Hei's voice suddenly came to his head. After all, Zhang Yan and Xiao Hei were in a master-slave relationship, so Zhang Yan and Xiao Hei could still communicate within this range. Zhang Yan only felt At Xiao Hei ’s firm will, Zhang Yan felt Xiao Hei ’s resoluteness, and Xiao Hei also told Zhang Yan there, “Boss, do n’t worry about me, I will definitely survive this thunderstorm, and wait till I pass this After Dao Lei, I truly transformed and became a dragon. "

Zhang Yan nodded when he heard the words, but didn't say much, but he became unusually firm in Zhang Yan's eyes. Zhang Yan looked at Xiao Hei in the distance, and stood loud and said, "I believe in you, you Certainly. "

Everyone heard the words and looked at Zhang Yan with a look of surprise, wondering if this kid was crazy? Why cheer for that black dragon here?

And Xiao He also turned to look at Zhang Yan's side, gave Zhang Yan a firm look, and then turned his head to look at the thunderbolt above his head. Xiao He opened his mouth again and gave out an unwilling roar. The sound of Longyin was exceptionally loud and loud, and deafeningly rang through Jiuxiao.

The warriors around couldn't even bear the dragon yin, covered their ears one by one, and used their own spiritual power to resist the dragon yinfei there, and even some warriors were shocked by the dragon yin and bleed directly. The quake died here.

And when everyone was shocked, the clouds in the sky tumbled violently, and then a thunder that was thicker than Xiao Hei's body broke down directly, very fast, and a flash of lightning passed by. , Directly on Xiao Hei's body, the powerful force of Thunder broke through everything instantly, with endless energy, as if he wanted to destroy Xiao He together.

Everyone in the surrounding area was surprised, everyone only saw a strong flash of electric light, accompanied by Xiaoyin's unyielding dragon groan, and Xiaohei once again rushed against this thunderstorm. Go up.

But this time Xiao Hei was directly submerged in this thunderbolt. For a moment, the thunderbolt penetrated directly through the sky and the pillar of the sky, and Xiao Hei disappeared completely in Thunder. Robbed.

In the air, only Xiaohe's unyielding dragon groan had been echoed in the air. This groan had already moved the warriors around him. The warriors in Zhejiang West even began to feel sorry for Xiaohei.

However, Zhang Yan didn't worry because Zhang Yan always had the perception of Xiao He's breath. Zhang Yan knew that Xiao He was not dead, but he was still being baptized by thunder robbery and had been resisting it.

And this thunderbolt thinned a little and finally disappeared a little bit, and finally revealed the figure of Xiao Hei inside, but this time Xiao Hei is no longer a black dragon, he is now a blood dragon completely Now, the whole body is blood red, but this is not the color of the scales, but the color of the blood on his body, and the whole body is stained with blood.

At last, Lei Jie completely dissipated, and Xiao Hei's body fell heavily to the ground from the air. Xiao He still had a last breath on his body, and was still very weak in his breath, and then Jie Yun quickly dissipated. A light shone directly on Xiao Hei's body.

The blood on Xiao Hei's body was dried up a little, and the original dragon scales on Xiao Hei's body were also rotten. It was no longer the same as being bombarded by thunder, but Xiao Hei's body was still wriggling vigorously , It looks as if a snake is moulting there, and Zhang Yan knows that this is where Xiao Hei will do the final metamorphosis.

The warriors on the side were already looking dumbfounded at this time, and then suddenly reacted. At this time, the warrior shouted loudly: "While he was very weak at this time, we all went on and killed the black dragon together."

"Yes, we killed this black dragon together," many warriors shouted together, and then rushed towards Xiao Hei.

At this time, Xiao Hei was very weak, and there was no power to fight back. All his energy was focused on this final transformation.

But at this time Zhang Yan stood there and snorted coldly, looking at the people around him with a murderous look, and said coldly: "It's really a group of people who don't know how to live or die, my little black you dare to move? Find death . "

Zhang Yan's voice fell, and then a sword flickered away, and after this sword dissipated, all those warriors who were still rushing around all fell to the ground in an instant, all the warriors were no exception. Zhang Yan was killed by the sword of Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan stood next to Xiao Hei, looking coldly around the empty one. Zhang Yan carefully guarded Xiao Hei, and snorted coldly, thinking, I want to see today, who else dares Come and die.

At this time, Xiao Hei's mouth made a series of dragon groans, but the sound seemed very painful, and the scales and skin on Xiao Hei's body were agitated violently there. At the same time, Xiao Hei's body gradually moved from the original The layer of skin was exposed, and finally Xiao Hei completely got out of it.

Although Xiao Hei at this time seemed much smaller than before, his strength exuded was very powerful. Zhang Yan also felt that Xiao Hei had completely transformed this time and truly became a true dragon. And also broke into the demon God's cultivation order.

Immediately after that, Xiao Hei issued a few loud dragon chants in the air, and the whole person was flying excitedly in the air. From the cloud to the ground, Xiao Hei hovered for a while, and finally came to Zhang Yan's side. Then gradually changed from a dragon to a teenager in black.

The boy looked valiant, and also had a majesty that was not angry. This was also the inherent power of the Dragon tribe. Xiao Hei ran directly to Zhang Yan in excitement and said with an excited smile. "Boss, I succeeded, I finally succeeded."

Zhang Yan looked at Xiao Hei with a shocked face at this time. Zhang Yan didn't expect that Xiao Hei could be transformed into a handsome guy.

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