Immortal Asura

Chapter 1220: Xuan Yuanming Breakthrough

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"court death?"

Zhang Yan was immediately angry, not only Zhang Yan, Wang Zongheng had already acted in an instant, the whole person instantly disappeared in place, the law of the wind turned, everyone only felt a gust of wind blowing, and the fruit of the law was already in front of Standing alone.

First come first, this is the speed of Wang Zongwang at this time.

Suddenly a person appeared, and everyone was shocked, but they had already rushed over to this side, and they couldn't turn back. The people gritted their teeth and attacked Wang Zongheng, yelling loudly: "You get out of me."

Wang Zong snorted with disdain, and then the figure flashed out before everyone's eyes. After all, he didn't dare to attack so many people, but the fruit of the rules behind him also disappeared with Wang Zong's departure Already.

When Zhang Wang appeared, it was Zhang Yan and their side, and the fruit of the law was in Wang Zhang's hands, thrown up and down by Wang Zheng, as if they were mocking them there.

Although everyone was angry, they dared not be angry. Now that the fruit of the law has been given by Wang Zongheng, they can only choose to retreat. After all, there is no meaning in fighting.

However, Xuan Yuanming's attack came at this time. The silver dragon gun trembled, and a dragon chant resounded through the sky. Then a dragon shadow flew from the gun and attacked the crowd directly, as if the real dragon was born. Everyone was frightened, and turned away without thinking about it.

Xuan Yuanming's shot was also missed. He directly blasted the ground into a deep pit. When the crowd left, Xuan Yuanming snorted and said, "You run fast."

The people who ran away were also whispering in their hearts at this time. I thought that Zhang Yan was already very strong, but I did not expect that the people around this Yan were also so perverted and so powerful. This really made everyone afraid. Slow, I'm afraid they all have to die there.

Zhang Yan looked at Xuan Yuanming with a smile and said, "You have to be good and be good, just go with them, anyway, the fruit of this rule is already there, isn't it?"

Wang Zongheng directly threw the fruits of the rule to Xuanyuan Ming and said, "We only have you here as the rule of gold, and the fruit of the rule of gold is for you."

Xuan Yuanming immediately took over the fruits of the rule and said with a smile, "I'm welcome, thank you brothers."

After speaking, he couldn't wait to swallow the fruit of the law, and then Xuanyuan Ming began to sit cross-legged on the ground and began to realize the power of digesting the golden rule in the fruit. His body also had a faint golden light shining, and the whole person looked They all became solemn and solemn, as if a **** of war was present.

Zhang Yan's people also stood around to protect Xuanyuan's law, and this time they could not be disturbed.

The power of Xuan Yuanming's laws is getting stronger and stronger, and the fluctuation of the Golden Rule is becoming more and more obvious. The golden light on Xuan Yuanming's body is also getting stronger and more dazzling, all of which covers Xuan Yuanming's body. As if wearing a golden holy garment, it was shocking.

Xuan Yuanming's spiritual power also began to fluctuate. Zhang Yan could not help but smiled and said, "I didn't expect the fruit of this rule also helped Xuan Yuanming to break through. It's really lucky."

The surrounding aura began to gather towards Xuanyuanming's body in a frantic manner. The momentum on Xuanyuanming's body was also released, and the breath was also rising rapidly. It began to rise rapidly from the Valkyrie triple, and broke through the Valkyrie triple instantly. Reaching the Fourfold Rehabilitation of Wu Shen has not stopped at this time, and the surrounding aura is still pouring in here frantically. Xuanyuanming's cultivation is also growing rapidly.

Xuan Yuanming's momentum was getting stronger and stronger, and everyone could even feel the powerful warfare revealed from Xuan Yuanming's body. This kind of warfare was very firm, which made the Dao Chen aside. He thought of this Xuanyuan Ming's war intentions are so pure, this person is simply God of War.

The cultivation of Xuan Yuanming ’s body has skyrocketed, and now it has reached the five-fold cultivation of Wu Shen. At this time, the fluctuation of the atmosphere of Xuan Yuanming ’s body has gradually stabilized, but the aura around him is still rapidly gathering and forming. A fierce Reiki storm.

"It seems that Xuan Yuanming can continue to break through," Zhang Yan said with a smile.

As soon as Zhang Yan's words fell, the momentum on Xuanyuan Ming's body fluctuated a little bit, and then the momentum surged again, and the surrounding aura became more crazy at this instant, and the speed of flowing into Xuanyuanming's body was also It was twice as fast as before, and Xuan Yuanming's body was shaking at this time, and the expression on Xuan Yuanming's face was also a little bit painful, but Xuan Yuanming's warfare was extraordinarily strong.

Zhang Yan was also a bit worried when he saw here, but at this moment, Xuan Yuanming ’s cultivation also directly broke through Wushen ’s fivefold, reaching the Wushen ’s sixfold order. The moment he broke through, Xuanyuanming ’s momentum was immediately After descending, the aura around him became much smoother, and Xuan Yuanming's expression eased up.

However, Xuan Yuanming didn't open his eyes, he still sat there kneeling, practicing the power of the law.

However, there were warriors rushing to this side. Before, there were warriors fighting here. The fluctuations in breath might attract nearby warriors. In addition, the aura waves that Xuan Yuanming had just broken through formed, and the warriors arrived nearby were immediately Coming to this side, everyone thought it was a treasure, just like when Zhang Yan practiced before.

It's just that the number of warriors this time is relatively small, and their strengths are almost the same, but for Zhang Yan they are much weaker and can not constitute a threat at all.

And these warriors are not stupid. They recognized Zhang Yan at a glance. After recognizing Zhang Yan, these warriors turned around and left immediately without even thinking about it. They knew that Zhang Yan had treasures here and they did n’t. Chances are, instead of wasting time here, it is better to spend time on meaningful things, try your luck, maybe you can find better treasures.

Zhang Yan was already ready to pack them, but after seeing that these people didn't even think about staying, he turned and left. Zhang Yan couldn't help but say, "You're smart."

At this time Xuan Yuanming also opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, his whole body looked refreshed, full of energy, and shook his fists with great excitement. "This feeling is really good, the fruit of this rule It ’s still a treasure, we have to hurry and look for a little bit more. Let ’s eat some so that we can improve our strength. "

The people in Zhang Yan didn't stop any more, and walked quickly to the distance. There is nothing here, everyone can only go quickly to the depth, although they have been walking for many days, But this immortal road is very wide and long. Now they are still on the periphery and have not gone deep.

Everyone walked for another ten days this time. Although some elixir was occasionally found in these ten days, it was not a heavenly elixir, which also disappointed everyone. In the end, these elixir also entered the belly of the fat man. After the fat man took the elixir for ten days, his cultivation finally broke through. He also broke through to the Wushen Liuzhong cultivation, but he is a physical cultivation, plus the peculiarity of the soul eater, there is no such thing at all. One can see the cultivation of fat people.

As everyone walked inwardly, the fat man suddenly lighted up and said with excitement, "I smelled the treasure, and there are so many treasures nearby. Let's find them."

Everyone heard the words, and the fat man had proven the strength of his nose many times. Since the fat man said so, this must be true. The crowd immediately followed the fat man and quickly hurried in one direction. past.

As the distance gets closer and closer, Zhang Yan can also feel the aura of fluctuations, and gradually, Zhang Yan, they can feel the breath of the warrior, but this breath surprised everyone, but it was the Eastern Chaoan Realm who came together The breath of the warrior.

Seeing this, Zhang Yan could not help but quickly rushed forward. Since these breaths were fluctuating, it was obvious that they were in trouble. After all, they were all warriors from the East Chaos domain. Zhang Yan was ready to help them.

However, when Zhang Yan and they hurried to the distance, they suddenly heard the roar of a monster, deafening and resounding through the sky.

Zhang Yan knew that these people must have been killed, so they speeded up their speed. When Zhang Yan arrived, they discovered that they were really the warriors in the East Chaos Realm. At this time, they were working together to resist one. There is a strange beast. This strange beast looks strange, with a tiger body and horns, and looks like a tiger.

Zhang Yan did not recognize the sacredness of this strange beast. After all, there are many types of monsters in this world. Even Zhang Yan can't recognize them all. They also know some common ones, and there are some in the legend. Among them are very powerful monsters, and some uncommon monsters, such as this and even ancient species, they are even more unknown.

The fur on this strange beast is as if it were scaled armor, very hard. The strength of these warriors is relatively low. The joint attack did not cause much damage to this strange beast, not even the scales were scratched, but There are many white marks on his body, and it does not hurt the root.

On the contrary, this strange beast is getting more and more angry, anxious to eat these people directly, and there is even a corpse of a warrior on the ground, but the corpse was cut off by the waist, the upper body is gone, only the lower body is left , Looks like it was eaten by the monster's upper body.

Zhang Yan saw that these soldiers were killed, and could not bear it, so he walked out from a distance.

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