Immortal Asura

Chapter 1238: Dao Chen shot

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Xuan Yuanming's shot was so powerful that the spiritual power was sent out from the silver dragon gun, converging into a dragon to make a dragon yin, and directly hit the blade of Zhuge Qingyan, and the huge spiritual power hit together, for a moment The huge spiritual power exploded, as if the sky was falling apart, and the space was about to be torn apart by this powerful energy explosion.

The air and the spiritual power are trembling violently, and everyone also supports the spiritual shield to resist this powerful spiritual impact. The fighting power between the two is too powerful.

Those people who originally wanted to see the lively people around, but saw that the two groups here were too powerful, and they were scared that they did not dare to stay here, and fled away.

Even some slow-moving warriors were directly shocked by this powerful spiritual force and were seriously injured, but they also could not care about the injuries on their bodies. If they stayed here, they would lose their lives.

At this time, the duel in the air has not stopped, and the spiritual power of the two people has been exerted to the extreme, especially Zhuge Qingyan. After he has performed this trick, the whole person has become much weaker, which is also his strongest. One move.

However, Zhuge Qingyan didn't believe he was Xuan Yuanming's opponent, and yelled with his teeth grunted, "You fall for me."

Zhuge Qingyan was roaring, and the dragon-knife in his hand was also chopped down. The powerful sword and spirit gathered together and pressed down.

However, his strength still has a certain gap compared to Xuan Yuanming. Although the Dragon Sword is an emperor weapon, it has released a powerful power, but it is still far worse than Xuan Yuanming. The Xuanyuan Ming displayed by the body of the war **** is like a **** of war and has great strength. No matter how Zhuge Qingyan uses his means, he still cannot push down the sword.

On the contrary, the silver dragon released from the silver dragon gun was more powerful. The dragon chopped the sword hard, and the sound of the dragon groaned. The energy violently collided. Finally, the silver dragon finally broke through the restraint and broke The suppression of the Dragon Sword directly resisted the Dragon Sword.

The powerful energy directly shook Zhuge Qingyan backwards and flew out. This silver dragon attacked the Zhuge Qingyan directly, scared Zhuge Qingyan's face changed greatly, and he could not stop moving back and cut the dragon sword. Crossed his chest, resisting Xuan Yuanming's blow.

Xuan Yuanming didn't keep his hand at all, the silver dragon gun in his hand was stabbed out, and the spiritual force was continuously urged out. The energy on the silver dragon gun directly hit the dragon's sword, which instantly blasted Zhuge Qingyan more than a dozen. Zhang Yuan.

Zhuge Qingyan only felt that his blood was violent, and the spiritual power in his body could not be mobilized. If it was not for the strong sword, helping him resist most of the attacks, I am afraid that this blow would seriously hurt him, but even so There was also a hint of blood in the corners of Zhuge Qingyan's mouth.

The hand holding the Dragon Cutter trembled there, and the Dragon Cutter in the hand made a sound of wailing, as if frightened by this blow.

Seeing this, Zhuge Qingyan could not help but yelled: "It's really waste. What are you doing to make it out? It's useless at all."

The old man next to Zhuge Qingfeng appeared next to Zhuge Qingyan, looked at his injuries, and found that it was not a big deal, except that the spiritual energy was excessively consumed, plus a slight injury that was just hit by the shock. The old man was relieved.

It's just that their Zhuge family's face was lost, and they lost to the Xuanyuan family in this battle. Isn't this announcing to the world that their Zhuge family is not as good as the Xuanyuan family? They are like the Zhuge family of the sun, how can they be worse than a deceased Xuanyuan family? This is impossible.

However, Zhuge Qingfeng, who was on the side, couldn't bear it. He wanted to defend the glory of their Zhuge family. Zhuge Qingfeng stood up directly and looked at Xuan Yuanming with a sneer. "It is indeed a person of the God of War family. Such strength is really amazing. Admiration, but you just defeated my unwieldy brother. It's nothing. "

Xuanyuan Ming snorted and said with a disdain: "I already said that he is not my opponent, but he came up to look for abuse. Why? You want to fight?"

Xuan Yuanming said nothing about the war in his eyes, but instead the war was more intense, and the momentum of his body became more powerful. The silver dragon gun in his hand was filled with the sound of the dragon, and the whole person was like a **** of war.

Zhuge Qingfeng had no fear at all. He even looked at the silver dragon gun in Xuan Yuanming's hands, with a look of disdain in his eyes, taunted and said, "I did not expect the heirs of the divine warlord family to use the holy weapon. Hush. "

Xuanyuan Ming snorted and said, "Weapons are just a kind of assistance. You don't need to be good. You just need to go well. Your Zhuge family is the emperor's weapon, but it is still defeated."


Zhuge Qingyan snorted unconvinced, staring at Xuanyuan Ming resentfully.

Zhuge Qingfeng also snorted and said, "Then you have to beat me."


Just when the two wanted to get started, Dao Chen stood up and said with a smile: "Brother Xuanyuan just finished the battle, the consumption is a little bit, and the state is not the best. If you want to fight, I'll be with you. "

The fat man and Wang Zongzhuang also stood up and said, "Yeah, what is the ability to take advantage of people? We have a kind of test against you."

Xuan Yuanming also knows that the Zhuge Qingfeng is not weak, he just consumed it really quite a lot, after all, the power of this emperor is still very strong, Xuan Yuanming did not insist on fighting, but retreated.

Dao Chen said with a smile: "Let me do it this time, and we don't want to get in trouble, but now that we have reached this point, I have to take a shot."

"If we win this time, I don't know what about your Zhuge family? Is it because you have so many people that you can't let these predecessors deal with our juniors together?" Dao Chen asked with a smile.

The old man snorted and said, "Our dignified Zhuge family, of course, will not do bullying. If you win, then this time, even if we win, we will let you go."

"However, if it is the next time, then the old man will be ruthless."

Zhuge Qingfeng laughed and said, "You're an unknown soldier who dare to win? I don't think you wake up? You just want to beat me? This is the most ridiculous joke I've ever heard. "

The fat people could not help but scold in their hearts when they heard the words, "This silly, you will be stupid after a fight, dare to underestimate Dao Chen?"

Dao Chen kept smiling, even a little laziness, and said, "Maybe I'm lucky to win, maybe."

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