Immortal Asura

Chapter 1275: End of fairy road

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When Qin Shiyan ’s holy body was finally completed, the snow lotus in front of Qin Shiyan also completely lost her spirit, and finally turned into a dried snow lotus. With a gust of wind blowing, the snow lotus completely turned into dust and disappeared. wind.

Zhang Yan saw Qin Shiyan ’s sacred body completed, and she instantly moved to Qin Shiyan in excitement. She took Qin Shiyan's hands, looked left and looked there, and looked up and down Qin Shiyan. Couldn't help but hold Qin Shiyan's face directly, kissed Qin Shiyan's face fiercely, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect your Eucharist to be the first masterpiece, and your Eucharist After Dacheng, the whole person becomes beautiful, as if it is a white and flawless beautiful jade, it can be described as the ice muscle jade bone, it is so soft and smooth to the touch. "

Zhang Yan caressed Qin Shiyan so disregarding other people there, which could not help but envy the fat people on the side. The fat man said aloud there, "Boss, you are too cruel dogs, right? Didn't you see that we were still here? Is it? "

Although Qin Shiyan was happy in her heart, she was also a bit shy. She couldn't help but give Zhang Yan a white look, stretched out her hand and patted Zhang Yan's hand, and angrily said, "Why? Am I not beautiful before?"

"Pretty, of course pretty," Zhang Yan said with a smile.

When Zhang Yan was talking, she also extended her head to kiss Qin Shiyan, but Qin Shiyan reached out and covered Zhang Yan's mouth. Qin Shiyan had some shy cheeks, and said in a low voice, "So many people are watching. . "

Zhang Yan could not help but stare at the fat man and others, and said loudly, "What are you still doing here? Why is there no price for eyesight? Why not hurry and stay?"

"Well, it's a real embarrassing guy. Let us stay here when we need it, and drive us away without us. It's really human," said the fat man, turning and shaking as he walked towards the distance. He sighed.

Zhang Yan glanced at him, and Shen said, "Are you itchy? Or maybe we should have a discussion? Let's see how your spirit-eating body grows?"

The fat man closed his mouth when he heard the words, and hurried away, but he ran in a random direction. The fat man moved his nose and ran in the direction of the treasure. The dust behind him and others also Following the fat man behind him, watching the fat man look like that, laughed and laughed and said: "Make your mouth broken, and then Zhang Yan will clean up you."

Hu Meier gave him an unpleasant white glance. This one had a very charming, ten thousand style, and said with a stern face: "What about me? Do I have to follow them?"

Zhang Yan smiled immediately and said, "I'm talking about them, of course not including you. Of course you have to stay. If you dare to leave, I will spank you and open flowers for you."

Qin Shiyan stood there and didn't speak, but just reached out and twisted around Zhang Yan's waist. Some shyly whispered, "Are you going to do something bad? This is an extremely cold place, and there are so many people here I am."

"Do you think our two sisters will still be afraid of you failing?" Hu Meier glanced at Zhang Yan charmingly, and this look contained tens of thousands of styles.

Zhang Yan only smiled hesitantly, and didn't say much, but took the two beauties in his arms with his backhand, and embraced one with one hand, then his hands were not honest on the two women, one by one. Two kisses on their faces made the two women blush and shy.

But at this moment, a strong breath suddenly appeared in the distance, and this breath quickly rushed to this side, but when Zhang Yan and they felt this breath, the people seemed to be aware of it. When they got to Zhang Yan, their breath weakened instantly, and then they fled in the opposite direction, that is, the depths of Xianlu.

Zhang Yan couldn't be more familiar with this breath. After feeling this breath, Zhang Yan flashed a sense of killing in his eyes, his body's murderousness skyrocketed, he put down his cynical attitude, and immediately rallied everyone to catch up.

Everyone followed Zhang Yan and quickly chased up the breath. Zhang Yan snorted and said, "I've been looking for this old bald donkey. I didn't expect him to show up here. . "

"I didn't expect that the dragon Luohan's injury was good, but he dared to come to us for fun, really throwing himself into the net," Wang Zongheng said there.

The fat man snorted and said, "However, this old guy's body speed is quite fast. At this instant, it disappeared without a trace. It seems that it is very difficult for us to catch up with him."

Dao Chen said with a smile: "We don't need to catch up with him, we just need to go straight to the end of Xianlu. If we get there first, we will naturally meet him, and when we're looking for him, we won't late."

"Brother Dao Chen is right, I am also doing this, we don't need to catch up with him, we just need to wait for him to throw himself into the net at the end of Xianlu," Zhang Yan sneered, looking at the distance cold Said coldly.

Everyone Zhang Yan simply sat on the back of the ice throat, and the ice throat took Zhang Yan people to fly quickly to the depths of the extreme cold. After all, the ice throat is the king of the extreme cold. Here, Inside it is more free and faster, and after some Xiaoxiao felt the breath of ice throat, he didn't need the ice throat to shoot at all, and was frightened to hide.

This is the ice throat in the extreme cold, but the existence of the peak in this extreme cold, there are almost no rivals here, who dares to provoke it for no reason? It is fortunate that it did not come to provoke itself. It would be tantamount to provoke Ice Throat.

Zhang Yan also enjoyed leisurely and faster. Everyone simply sat cross-legged on the back of the ice-throat and began to practice, especially Qin Shiyan. After the Eucharist was completed, her strength was growing crazy. The spiritual power and the extremely cold air in the extremely cold place are gathering wildly towards Qin Shiyan's body, quickly absorbed into Qin Shiyan's body, Qin Shiyan's cultivation is also from the original Wushen Qizhong, now Already ascended to Valkyrie Yae.

Even if it did n’t stop there, it was still being promoted madly there, so Zhang Yan and others couldn't help but feel very surprised. Dao Chen shook his head a little helplessly, thinking how this group of people came together. of? It's almost like a monster.

But Dao Chen seems to have forgotten one thing, he is in this group of people, and his monster level is not worse than these people.

However, the fat man was not idle. The fat man directly instructed the ice throat not to fly too high, but to fly a few hundred meters above the ground, so that the fat man could feel where there is treasure. Once the fat man felt the treasure, In this case, the ice throat will immediately follow the instructions of the fat man, but because the ice throat is here, those monsters guarding the treasure are afraid to resist at all, and can only watch the fat man take away the treasure such as the elixir.

The ice throat flew directly for three days. In these three days, I flew out without knowing tens of thousands of miles. However, this extremely cold place was too large to fly out, but the fat man made a grin. While he was still laughing, he was putting elixir in his mouth, and the strength of the fat man was steadily improving.

When the ice throat was still flying there as usual, suddenly a powerful spiritual force attacked from the ground and banged directly at the head of the ice throat. The power was very powerful. If not, the ice throat responded quickly and waved. Hiding with wings, I'm afraid I will be hurt at this moment.

Zhang Yan and others who were practicing on the back of the ice throat were also awakened, Zhang Yan frowned, and before Zhang Yan spoke, the fat man on the side shouted, "Which one doesn't have eyes? Dare to Sneak us? Seek death! Go down and see. "

Zhang Yan said lightly: "Forget it, we have more important things to do, don't bother with such people. Since we know that it is the ice throat, we dare to attack, so this person must not be underestimated. It is not worth wasting time here. . "

Although Binghou was angry in his heart, he could only listen to Zhang Yan and ignore the people on the ground, waving his wings and quickly rushing to the distance.

And the warrior who attacked Zhang Yan still wanted to do it, but at this moment, he felt the powerful murderous force from Zhang Yan. He felt that this murderous force had completely locked him, if he continued to do it If so, it will definitely anger this murderous master.

After feeling the power of this murderous force, the warrior did not dare to act lightly. I thought that such a powerful murderous force would not be easy. Besides, there is an ice throat as a mount, or do n’t provoke it. There was also a hint of fear in his mind, thinking that he had just been reckless.

Under the leadership of Bingmiao, everyone in Zhang Yan finally left the extremely cold place after another seven days.

After the extremely cold place, looking at it turned out to be a very desolate place. Whether it was high mountains or flat ground, looking at it there was almost no vegetation, all of them were some rocks. Dao Chen said there: It is already the deepest part of the immortal road. The energy of the two attributes of earth gold is particularly strong here. According to legend, it is because this is the place where the emperor's mount, the unicorn Kirin, lives.

"Kirin? Didn't you say that there is no Kirin in the realm of the emperor? Even the legendary monster world is rare? After all, this is one of the five great beasts. The blood is very scarce. It disappeared long ago in the battle," Xuan Yuanming said. Asked in doubt.

Dao Chen said with a smile and said, "This is unknown, but one did appear at first, and was finally subdued by Emperor Wanfa Xian, and became the mount of Emperor Wanfa Xian."

"According to legend, after the Emperor Wanfa Xianxian founded Xianlu, this unicorn was used to defend the immortal road and test the immortal stone, but no one has ever seen the monarch's deity, and some people say that the unicorn has resisted for years but has died here. "Dao Chen continued.

When it comes to Kirin, Zhang Yan's eyes light up and suddenly he thinks of an important thing.

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