Immortal Asura

Chapter 1277: Haitai

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The strength of these three warriors is not weak. It seems that there are seven or even higher cultivation practices of the warrior. Under the siege of these three warriors, not only did they not fall into the downwind, they even occupied the upper hand. , Suppressing these three warriors.

This monster looks very similar to Kirin on the outside, but it is not covered with scales like Kirin, and it has long black hair and bright hair on its body. It also has a single horn on its forehead. Many do n’t know Kirin. The warrior can easily be mistaken for a unicorn, but Zhang Yan did recognize the beast, which is also the existence of a beast named Jin Yan.

The fat man stood there in amazement and said, "It turned out to be awkward. At first glance, I thought it was a unicorn here, and it made me feel excited."

"Don't underestimate this tadpole, it seems that this tadpole is stronger than the flame golden tadpole, and it is also a metal tadpole, whose attack power is even more powerful. These three people I'm afraid I'm not a stingy opponent, "Zhang Yan said aside.

Xuan Yuanming now looks more and more like this one. Although he is a heir to the family of the God of War, he has never got a favorite monster pet. He did n’t need it before, but when he saw this one, Xuan Yuanming liked it very much when he was awkward. This one is very similar to Kirin. He looks very good. He can't help but like this one from the bottom of his heart.

Xuan Yuanming kept looking at the cricket there, and said in his mouth, "This cricket is not bad. If it can be caught as a mount, it would be better."

Zhang Yan heard a smile and looked at Xuan Yuanming with a smile, and said, "Since Xuan Yuanming likes it, it's better to grab it as a mount, and you just miss a mount."

Xuan Yuanming estimated his own strength with this puppet, and said a little bit embarrassed, "But I am a little low now, I'm afraid I'm not this puppet's opponent."

"It's easy to handle. Just leave it to me. I'll help you to conquer the badger," Zhang Yan assured Xuan Yuanming with a pat on his breast.

Xuan Yuanming shook his head and refused: "No, since it is my own mount, then I must conquer it by yourself. You helped me clean up these three people, and I came to fight this cricket. Since it is what I want Mount, then I must subdue it myself, otherwise I would rather not. "

Seeing Xuan Yuanming being so determined, Zhang Yan also knew that Xuan Yuanming was the heir of the God of War family. This is also his dignity and the inheritance of his God of War. He will never give in.

Xuanyuan Ming held the Yinlong gun tightly in his hand. The long gun trembled, and the sound of dragon yelling came from the Yinlong gun. At this moment, Xuanyuan Ming's guns were unified, and the boundless fighting intention was released from Xuanyuan Ming. Come out, Xuanyuan Ming at this moment is like the possession of the God of War, and at this moment the three people and one beast who were fighting now also feel the boundless warfare here, and the strong violent momentum on Xuanyuan Ming's body, subconsciously looked over here .

Xuan Yuanming said nothing, and immediately saw the timing. The spear stabbed directly at the puppet, and the Yinlong gun screamed at the dragon. This shot was as if the puppet went out to the sea and went straight to the prick.

Xuan Yuanming's speed was extremely fast, and everyone only saw a bit of cold mang on the tip of the gun, as if a meteor hit the ground, and went straight to attack the past.

He didn't dare to care when he saw this, and his beastly nature was completely inspired, like a wild beast, standing in the direction of Xuanyuan Ming, roaring, and then jumped up without any hesitation. Hesitantly ran straight to Xuanyuan Ming and bit up.

One person and one capital directly collided together at the fastest speed. The sharp claws of the sword against Xuanyuanming's gunpoint. One person and one severe impact in the air sent out strong spiritual fluctuations and severe spiritual friction. The impact formed a powerful shock wave that rushed towards the surroundings. The surrounding space was shaken. The ground was unable to withstand the strong impact, and it was sunken into a large pit.

The three fighters who originally besieged saw Xuanyuan Mingqiang intervened. At the beginning, there were some buns who did not respond. They thought they knew someone who came to help them. But after seeing Xuanyuan Ming, they did not know him. Only then did I know that Xuan Yuanming had come to grab this one with them.

The three of them suddenly became furious when they saw this, but they thought that this was the monster they were watching, especially the fruit of the rule of gold they were watching. That was what they were determined to get, not just the fruit of the law. I also want to, after all, this kind of monster is really rare, if it can be conquered, it is also a helper.

The three of them suddenly shouted in anger: "Where did the boy come from? How dare you get involved in us? I think you are tired."

The three men were waving the weapons in their hands as they spoke, and they rushed towards Xuanyuan Ming and packed up Xuanyuan Ming together.

However, I haven't waited for these three people to do anything. Suddenly, a spirit wave fluctuated, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of these three people, blocking them all. The person who came was not someone else, but watched the battle from a distance. Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan would not let the three of them disturb Xuanyuan Ming.

Zhang Yan stopped in front of the three of them and looked at them and said, "Three, my brother is going to conquer this puppet, and I ask you to do it for yourself and don't disturb him in the past."

"Huh, a yellow-haired kid, dare to stop us here? I think you're tired, too," the man snorted coldly, looking at Zhang Yan's eyes full of murderous, arrogant spiritual power. Released on his body, mixed with a powerful momentum, he wanted to give Zhang Yan a kick.

However, Zhang Yan remained motionless. Zhang Yan stood there and allowed his momentum and spiritual power to strike his body. As if Zhang Yan had not felt it, he still looked at them with a smile, and said very calmly. "I repeat, I hope you will not bother my brother and leave here as soon as possible."

The three people were shocked and looked at Zhang Yan with an expression of disbelief. They did not expect that Zhang Yan's strength would be so powerful, and his mighty coercion would not work at all, which shows that Zhang Yan's strength is far beyond them .

The warrior headed up was a little embarrassed, he put away his momentum, and his face became a lot softer, and asked, "Haven't you asked your name?"

"Zhang Yan," Zhang Yan said lightly.

The man raised his eyebrows and suddenly realized: "It turns out that you are the enthusiastic Zhang Yan recently spread in Zhongtian Realm?"

"You should be talking about me," Zhang Yan said with a smile.

"That being the case, we will give you the face of Zhang Yan," said the warrior headed, and quickly left the other two people without looking back.

The fat man on the side came to Zhang Yan's side, watching the direction in which the three men left, and snorted coldly, "It's their understanding."

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