Immortal Asura

Chapter 143: Ghost

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Both Zhang Yan and Meng Yao carefully concealed their breath, for fear of being discovered by the unknown and powerful breath in the distance, Zhang Yan was figuring out how to pass the powerful unknown in front of him. After all, this breath is too strong, at least it also has the cultivation of the human warrior Wu Sheng, which is not Zhang Yan at all.

Just as Zhang Yan was thinking about how to get around, Zhang Yan also rushed over with a familiar atmosphere behind him. This breath was very fast, and he was rushing towards Zhang Yan and Meng Yao. Meng Yao also felt this breath, and said a little worried at once: "What should I do? Meng Xiuming has caught up, if we are caught up by him, we must be more ferocious."

"I didn't expect this old guy to be very persistent. He could resist the exorcism rain until now, but since it is here, then he shouldn't leave," I saw a sneer in the corner of Zhang Yan's mouth. Can share this dangerous guy for us. "

When Meng Yao saw Zhang Yan's expression, she knew that Zhang Yan had no good idea. She couldn't help but ask: "What do you want to do? Do you want Meng Xiuming to deal with the previous things for us?"

"Yes, since Meng Xiuming is not dead, look at it is that he is great, or the guy in front is great," Zhang Yan said to Meng Yao, "you first find a place to hide, you must hide you My own breath, don't be discovered, I will go to Meng Xiuming before.

When Zhang Yan was talking, he immediately activated his spiritual power. He immediately let out his momentum, and immediately passed on Zhang Yan ’s breath. The thing in front of Zhang Yan who was afraid of Zhang Yan also felt Zhang Yan ’s breath. Quickly rushed over to Zhang Yan, and Meng Xiuming behind Zhang Yan was originally following the trail left by Zhang Yan. After feeling the breath, he quickly ran towards this side.

After Zhang Yan let the breath out, he immediately recovered his breath, and at the same time he hidden himself and Meng Yao with the energy of Jingxinlian. The two squatted behind the tree in the distance and waited quietly. For their arrival.

Sure enough, Zhang Yan didn't expect it. Within a moment, the unknown guy on the mountain in front of Zhang Yan was the first to feel where Zhang Yan was standing before. Zhang Yan also saw the appearance of the comer. Not a monster, but a person, but this person looks a little strange, not like those lonely wild ghosts that Zhang Yan encountered before, but not like living humans with flesh and blood, giving Zhang Yan a look of him It is at the intersection of man and soul, as if he were half-human and half-soul, or he is a person whose soul is about to condense into substance.

Zhang Yan felt very strange when he saw this person, so he asked Jing Xinlian: "This guy is so strange. Is he a man or a ghost? Or is he a ghost emperor?"

"Ghost Emperor? How could he be such a weak emperor?" Jing Xinlian said: "This man was actually a human warrior, but he died in Huangquan Road, and such a person would have become Huangquan Road. The lone ghost and ghost in Wong finally wandered in Huangquan Road, but the ghost emperor Zhou Qi used a special method to re-aggregate his soul when he was about to die, so that he can maintain his own memory and spiritual wisdom, and he also As if they signed a soul contract with the ghost emperor, they will be controlled by Zhou Qi for life, but they are basically willing to serve Zhou Qi. "

"This state of half-human and half-soul is their final state. They are also called ghost envoys, meaning messengers of ghost emperors. The ghost emperors spend most of their time practicing or sleeping, and some outsiders Everything is left to their respective ghost envoys. These ghost envoys also represent ghost emperors and work for ghost emperors in Huangquan Road. They represent ghost emperors in Huangquan Road, so in general no one is willing to provoke them. After all, no one dares to give the ghost emperor's face, not to mention the fact that ghosts have a strong ability to cultivate themselves. "

Zhang Yan heard the words thoroughly, and it turned out that the person in front of him turned out to be a ghost, so it ’s no wonder the breath was so horrible, but after the ghost came here, he looked around very strangely, as if looking for Zhang Yan ’s breath, but suddenly Disappeared.

Guishi looked around where Zhang Yan was standing before, but Zhang Yan was not found, but when he felt strange, Guishi suddenly stopped walking, turned back sharply, and looked in the direction of the mountain. Zhang Yan knew that he must have found Meng Xiuming who was coming.

Meng Xiuming was rushing to this side at this moment. He finally felt the breath of Zhang Yan. He couldn't give up, but just when he was about to arrive, Meng Xiuming stopped suddenly because he Suddenly, a more terrifying atmosphere was discovered, scaring Meng Xiuming, who was afraid to continue to go forward, while Meng Xiuming was standing in place while considering.

Suddenly, Meng Xiuming found that this breath had locked him, knowing that he was too late to run, and could not help but quickly catch up. When he saw the ghost, the whole person was also very shocked, but After all, Meng Xiuming was well-informed, and he immediately recognized the man as a ghost.

Meng Xiuming said directly with his fists politely: "Master Ghost, in Meng Xioming's family in Xiameng, I have no intention of disturbing the adult, but I have been chasing someone, so I have chased here, and I hope you will raise your hand."

Guishi heard a cold snorting and said, "What about the people of the Meng family? Those who dare to hug the calf hill and disturb the cleanup of our adults will all die, who do you care?"

The words of Guishi just burst out of the powerful momentum and instantly locked Meng Xioming, but Meng Xioming was also Wu Shengxiu. He and Guishi did n’t know who won or lost. Meng Xioming was just Don't jealous of the power of the ghost emperor, but Meng Xiuming did not know that the ghost emperor was in Baodu Mountain, so Meng Xioming said coldly: "You are called an adult, you are an adult. If you do n’t open your face, do n’t blame me I won't give you face. "

Meng Xiuming's words also released the momentum in his body, forming a confrontation with Guishi in the air. The two momentums collided with each other in the air for a while, and no one was convinced, but neither of them had yet started.

At this time, the ghost hummed coldly and said, "The warrior who was rebuilt by the four martial arts saints, dare to make a fight here? It is almost unknown."

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