Immortal Asura

Chapter 145: Ghost Emperor Appears

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Zhang Yan and Meng Yao were frightened when they heard what they said. How did Zhang Yan never think that the ghosts were so strong, that they would solve Meng Xiuming so quickly and that they could find themselves. This is the most surprising thing about Zhang Yan. It stands to reason that with the cover of Jingxinlian, no one can find the breath of Zhang Yan.

Jing Xinlian also knew Zhang Yan's question and immediately said, "He didn't find you, but he guessed where you wanted to go, so he came here to block you. This also fully illustrates the underside of this pool. That is where Nine Springs is, there must be yellow spring water. "

Zhang Yan smiled bleakly: "What if I know it now? I still can't run away!"

Seeing that the ghost behind him was about to catch up, Meng Yao couldn't help but ask a little fluently: "What should we do now?"

The ghost made a flash and came to the side of the pool, looking at Zhang Yan and Meng Yao with a cold face. "People who broke into Baotu Mountain without permission must accept my punishment, and everyone must die."

"Master, I really do not mean to offend. I just want to use the yellow spring water here to treat my number one friend. I also ask your high platform to let us go," Zhang Yanfu said softly, hoping Ghosts can let go, but Zhang Yan also knows that this hope is very slim.

Guishi Wenyan asked a little strangely: "Who the **** are you? How did you know that Huang Quan is here? Few people in the world know Huang Quan's whereabouts. How did you know?"

Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "I also read about Huang Quan in an ancient book, so come here to try your luck, and hope that the ghosts will let you pass us. After all, Huang Quan is not useful to you. No? Just let me go and save my friends, and I will repay you in the future. "

In order to save the fat man, Zhang Yan has been whispering and begging for ghosts. This is the lowest time for Zhang Yan in so many years, but the ghost in front of him is still unmoved, but sneers and says: "Rules are rules. Anyone who breaks in here without permission will die, and I have no right to let you go, unless you can defeat me. "

"Destroy you?" Zhang Yan heard the words and felt very embarrassed. The approaching with Zhang Yan's strength was not enough to defeat the ghost, even if Zhang Yan displayed Shura's true body, he would still not be the opponent of the ghost. This is also no way. The thing, who makes the difference in strength between them is really huge.

However, since he is not the opponent of the ghost eater, Zhang Yan can only show the soul eater. Zhang Yan also pinned his hope on the soul eater. I saw Zhang Yan looking coldly at the ghost keeper, in his eyes Concerning the killing, he said, "This is what you forced me to do, and if that's the case, we will fight it."

Zhang Yan summoned the Soul Eater as he spoke, and saw the black mist emerging from the true dragon ring, and then formed a human figure in front of Zhang Yan. The Soul Eater kneeled in front of Zhang Yan with one hand in his hand. Holding the ghost king's scepter, he said quietly, "Subordinates meet the young master."

The moment when the breath of the soul-stealing beast came out, the whole person was completely shocked. This breath was very strong and was comparable to the strength of the ghost-assist. Feeling the threat of death in the breath, he felt the repression from the soul, which was the tremor from the soul, the ghost was scared, and the whole person trembled back two steps.

The ghostly eyes were full of dread and looked at Soul Eater, and asked coldly, "Who are you? How dare you break into Baotu Mountain without permission?"

"Baodu Mountain? It turned out to be Baodu Mountain?" Soul Eater heard the words and recalled: "Since this is Baodu Mountain, is Zhou Qi here?"

"Seeing that I am here, Zhou Qi dare not greet him? Did he forget who made him the ghost emperor at the beginning?" Soul Eater reprimanded.

Ghost Shi Wenyan suddenly became furious, "Can the name of the ghost emperor be called by you? You dare to speak well, you all died here today."

The spirit of the whole person suddenly changed, and suddenly became very violent. The powerful momentum directly suppressed them towards Zhang Yan, and these momentums also contained powerful soul power. The ghost wanted With his momentum, he directly overwhelmed everyone in Zhang Yan.

But the soul-eater next to Zhang Yan sneered sneered, saying, "The eagle worm dare to use it in front of me? Use soul power with me, you're almost looking for death." Then, a powerful suction erupted from the soul-eater, and the soul-eater did not resist the spirit attack and momentum of the ghost-inflicted monster. On the contrary, the soul-eater was allowed to directly hit the ghost-induced soul.

However, the body of the soul-stealing animal seemed to be a huge quagmire, and the ghost attacked the soul as if it were a mud ox entering the sea.

The ghost widened his eyes, and looked at the soul-eater with an incredible expression, exclaiming in his mouth: "This is soul-eater, how can you eat soul?"

Soul Eater is also a trick, but the ghost can only swallow the soul of a dead person, that is, the trick of swallowing Meng Xiuming's soul just after the actual combat, but even if it is a trick, it is also a ghost emperor After Zhou Qi taught him, after all, Soul Eater has a very strong practicality in this Huangquan Road, which is the most practical trick for those lonely ghosts.

However, the ghost makes dreams, and I did not expect that today, we will meet a person who can exert soul eater, and this person is still like a ghost emperor, directly absorbing the living soul, and even devouring his ghost soul directly, this is really To the surprise of the ghost, the whole man was trapped there, at a loss.

Soul Eater said disdainfully, "This move is my destiny martial arts. How could I not? Even your ghost emperor Zhou Qi taught me. How can you say that?"

"What?" The ghost suddenly surprised Wen Yan, and the ghost emperor learned the soul from the person in front of him? You must know that Zhou Qi is famous for his stunts. How could such stunts be learned from others? Ghosts still don't believe everything right now.

At the same time, Zhang Yan and Meng Yao were shocked at the same time. Meng Yao was shocked by the strength and powerful momentum of the Soul Eater, and he was able to deter the ghost envoy at once, while Zhang Yan's shock was how could the Soul Eater be. Know the ghost emperor Zhou Qi? And listening to the meaning in the words of the soul-eater, it seems that the relationship with Zhou Qi is relatively close, which makes Zhang Yan can't help but be very shocked, but also very pleased. Since the soul-eater knows Zhou Qi, then this is not the time Things are much easier to handle?

I saw Soul Eater waved his hand and said, "For your sake, Zhou Qi's kid, I won't kill you today. You must quickly clear the way and let my young master pass."

The hesitant hesitated, and then said very firmly, "I will stop you anyway today. This is the rule here, and it is my duty. No matter who you are, it is impossible to want to go. . "

"So you want to find death?" The soul-eater's voice became abnormally cold instantly, and Zhang Yan could also hear that the soul-eater was really angry, and the soul-eater was indeed affected by this one in front of him. The ghost annoyed.

I saw that the momentum of the soul-eater was changed instantly, this time it was not just absorbing the soul power of the ghost as before, this time the soul-eater was actively attacking, and the skull on the ghost king's scepter in the soul-eater was suddenly abrupt. Flashing, the faint green ghost fire beating, and then a huge ghost fire skeleton was released from the scepter, and opened its mouth directly to the ghost to swallow it.

"Ghost Fire Skull!" Ghost said in surprise, "Why are you still a Ghost Fire Skull? Who are you?"

"Ghostfire Skull? This is not the original Ghostfire Skull. This is what I improved. The power of my Ghostfire Skull is much stronger. You are ready to be swallowed in my Ghostfire Skull." Deeply said.

The ghosts didn't want to sit still, they directly activated all the ghosts and soul forces in the body, and formed a shield around their bodies. They wanted to resist the ghost fire skeleton of the soul eater, but the ghost ghost of the call was too Strong, and for the soul, the soul-eaters are their ancestors, and all souls cannot be the opponents of the soul-eaters in front of the soul-eaters. Even if the ghosts are half-human and half-soul, they still get rid of Not the fact that he is a soul, that is, a ghost.

As long as it is a ghost and a soul body, there is nothing in front of the soul-eater.

The rebellion of the ghosts seemed particularly futile. I saw the huge ghost fire skeletons directly engulfing them, and the ghosts completely broke out of his last struggle. The powerful ghost and soul power erupted throughout the body. These ghosts Qi rushed around, trying to get rid of the ghost fire skeleton, almost to dispel the ghost fire skeleton.

However, the struggle of the ghost-assist is really futile for the soul-eater, just when the soul-eater wants to destroy the ghost-assist, Zhang Yan shouted: "For his due diligence, leave him Kill yourself. "

The reason why Zhang Yan said this is also moved by the words of the ghosts before. Zhang Yan still admires such people very much, knowing that he is not the opponent of the soul-eater, but still insist on his principles and perform his duties. This ghost Zhang Yan was so impressed that he ordered his life to be spared.

When Soul Eater heard Zhang Yan's words, he nodded and said, "Since you have spoken, I will let him go now."

Just when the soul-eater drew back the ghost fire skeleton and released the ghost, a hearty and majestic voice sounded from the distant mountain top, "Who dares to sacrifice the wild hill in our arms? Dare to hurt me Ghost? "

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