Immortal Asura

Chapter 157: Roadblocker

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The people in Zhang Yan sat in the chariot of chariots, chatting and watching the scenery in Huangquan Road. Although the scenery of Huangquan Road was nothing to see, there were barren land and some gray forests, but Zhang Yan Looking at it, I don't think there is any scenery.

Meng Yao was watching the scenery with Zhang Yan, but the fat man was sleeping there and sleeping, and the soul-eater was there to close his eyes and raise his soul. Only Zhou Qi and Yuer were chatting tirelessly there, as if between two people. There are only endless love words and endless stories.

The Four Spirit Chariot is in the air of Huangquan Road, and it is only ten feet away from the ground, and it is flying fast. Some people on the Huangquan Road who know the Four Spirit Chariot, see the Four Spirit Chariot. They stopped and bowed to the Four Spirit Chariots to salute the Emperor Zhou Qigui, and those lonely ghosts on Huangquan Road saw the Four Spirit Chariots as if they had seen the most terrible things. They all screamed and hid, all of them looked up at the Four Spirit Chariot with great respect, their eyes full of envy.

When the Four Spirit Chariots were flying, it seemed that something had happened, and it suddenly stopped. The originally stable Four Spirit Chariots suddenly shook, and the shaking was very severe. All the people were awakened, and everyone was very angry. Zhou Qi asked angrily: "What happened? What happened?"

The ghost envoy said immediately: "Some people attacked our Four Spirit Chariot on the ground. In order to avoid the spiritual attack, the Four Spirit Chariot suddenly stopped. It was all my fault, and I asked the Emperor not to be angry."

"Who is so short-sighted? You quickly settled him," Zhou Qi said coldly.

Guishi Wenyan stopped the four spirit chariots on the ground, and then went to pack up these warriors without eyes.

"Wait a minute, let me take a look." The fat man couldn't sit still. When he saw a lively look, he immediately became interested. He followed Zhang Yan and walked along with the ghost.

I saw an old man on the opposite side, and the young man was followed by five young people. The old man's cultivation was very high. At first glance, he was a master, but Zhang Yan shook his head in his heart, even if he was a master. In front of the four spirit chariots, they were all looking for death. The three people who were not in the car were lame, and this Huangquan Road was going to tremble with three tremors.

I saw the old man with a very arrogant face and looked up with his head behind his back and said, "This carriage is not bad. I love the old man. Who is the owner of this carriage? Let's make a price."

Guishi Wenyan said coldly: "Our price is very simple, that is to ask your head, you dare to stop the emperor's car from old things, I think you are really tired."


The old man laughed and laughed and said, "Don't you dare to call yourself an emperor in this Huangquan Road? You think he can't do it? It's ridiculous."


Zhang Yan heard the words again and couldn't help laughing again, thinking that this old guy was really funny, but he didn't even recognize the ghost emperor he met. It was so dead that he didn't know how he died.

"Boy, what are you laughing there? When we talk to the elders, you dare to laugh aside, I think your kid is tired," the young man behind the old man saw that Zhang Yan's repair was low, and finally he encountered a soft persimmon. , So if you want to show it in front of the old man, after shouting a throat, just jump over and start doing it.

But the ghosts stood by. How could Zhang Yan be bullied? I saw a ghost snoring, and then he didn't even move his hands. He could use the momentum to suppress this person, and then he couldn't move. Immediately after the ghost made his body violently violent, he directly used soul eater, and instantly turned this The human soul is devoured.

The old man on the side saw that the ghost ambassador shot, and immediately knew that the power of the ghost ambassador was very powerful. The old man smiled with a surprise and said, "I didn't expect you to be a coachman, but you still have such strong power, it is really amazing."

Zhang Yan looked at the old man like a monster, and asked a little more wondering: "Are you alive at the age of a dog? Do you have no experience at all after so many years of cultivation? The drivers are so powerful, do you think you have a chance to survive if the owner comes down? "

"I read that we are all human warriors. Please leave here quickly, I will not let him embarrass you," Zhang Yan said kindly.

The old man was a little hesitant to hear the words, but looked at the people next to him, and for a while the old man couldn't pull down and ran away, still holding on there and saying, "Do you know who I am? If you dare to move me, , Watch out for me ... "

The old man ’s words have not been finished, and it is directly turned into a pool of pus and blood that ca n’t die anymore. Even the old man ’s soul is directly absorbed by the ghosts on the side, but the person who just shot is not a ghost, because the ghost The strength of the ambassador is not enough to kill the old man. The hands are Zhou Qi sitting in the car. The original crowd was in a hurry. Zhou Qi was also afraid that the time was too late to delay Yuer ’s reincarnation ship. Kill this man who doesn't know how to live or die.

The people on the side were frightened to flee everywhere, but the ghost priests did not give them a chance to escape, and they directly killed the riots.

After killing people, he turned back to the four-spirit chariot, drove the chariot in the direction of the ghost gate, and the fat man sat aside and said weakly, "I thought it would be a great character, and it was directly It's boring to kill someone. "

"Well, don't say so much. There are many ignorant people in this world. Like this ignorant and stupid idiot who feels invincible in the world, I have really seen this for the first time. Such an old person is really a dog. Not so good, "Zhang Yan said with an emotion.

"Brother Zhang Yan has given him a chance to escape, but he doesn't know how to cherish it. Nonsense with such people is simply a waste of our time, and the most precious thing we have now is time," Zhou Qi said.

This is only a small episode, and everyone still keeps closing towards the ghost gate, but what Zhang Yan didn't expect is that there are so many ignorant stupid people in this world. There are even many unsuspecting warriors on the way who plan to cut them off. The Four Spirits Chariot, but in the end all these people were killed relentlessly, and Zhang Yan once again saw the greed of human warriors, and it was really curiosity that killed people.

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