Immortal Asura

Chapter 160: Taurus Horse Noodle

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Zhang Yan and others rushed to the depths in a four-spirit chariot, and when they passed the gate of the ghost, Zhang Yan could obviously feel that the breath on the ghost emperor was getting weaker and weaker, and Zhang Yan couldn't help it. Curiously asked, "This is what you call the suppression of the law?"

Zhou Qi nodded and said, "It ’s true. My current cultivation has been suppressed in two realms. Now I only have the cultivation of the emperor who is equivalent to the human warrior. We cannot act as brazenly as before. After all, my cultivation is no longer the highest here. If we encounter some more powerful warriors, we will probably lose out. "

On the side, Meng Yuer smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? Your practice has fallen, but my practice is still there. Except for Emperor Wu, I have not been afraid of Meng Yuer."

Zhang Yan heard this before thinking of the beauty of the ancestors of the Meng family, who was also a strong master, and there are soul-eaters here, Zhang Yan is still not worried about security issues.

It's just that the outside ghost Xiu Xiu has also dropped a lot, from the original Wu Sheng Xiu Wei to the current martial arts Xiu Xi, this makes Zhang Yan helplessly said: "The ghost Shi Xiu has also dropped a lot, now it is so Will he be able to catch up to the weaker? Can he tell the direction? "

"This is not a problem. We have been here many times before. The Four Spirit Chariot has already remembered the route. It won't be long before we can reach the Naihe Bridge, but we do n’t know in this halfway. Will there be any unsightly people blocking it, after all, every time someone blocks my Four Spirit Chariot, because they know that my strength will diminish greatly after I enter here, so my identity as a ghost emperor has no deterrent power anymore "Said Zhou Qi a little bit worried.

It didn't take long for Zhou Qi's words to fall, and the Four Spirit Chariots were forced to stop again. After everyone came out of the Four Spirit Chariots, they saw a warrior in front. This warrior was a bit shabby and had hair on his body. Some scattered, it looks as if they have just experienced a big war. I saw this middle-aged warrior stopped in front of the four spirit chariots and shouted, "Master Ghost Emperor, save your life, please Master Ghost Emperor, please save me. In one life, I am willing to make you a cow and a horse. I just hope you can save my life. "

Zhang Yan glanced at this man ’s practice and found that he had Wu Sheng ’s practice. How could Zhang Yan never imagine that Wu Sheng ’s strong practice would be so miserable that Zhou had to begged him to rescue him? .

Zhou Qi could not help but frown and said, "I don't have time to talk to you, let it go quickly, otherwise don't blame me."

After hearing the words of Zhou Qi, the warrior still gave up, kneeling directly on the ground, banging his head, and said, "I also invite you, Lord Ghost Emperor, to save my life, and I am willing to be your ghost servant to serve you. Beside me. "

Zhang Yan looked at this person strangely, and found that although he was a little bit embarrassed, he wasn't hurt too much. Why did he let the Emperor save him? Zhang Yan couldn't help but look at Zhou Qi in wonder, and asked, ‘what is going on around? Why did he ask you to save him? "

Zhou Qiwenyan said with a smile: "This is just a crooked person. He should have been attacked by a monster here, so Shou Yuan has been absorbed almost, and Shou Yuan is close to him. How long has it been, so I want to be my ghost, so that I can live longer, after all, after being my ghost, I can keep my mind. Although I have forgotten my memory, it is better than being a lone soul. Wild ghosts are strong. "

"So it is, what do you do?"

Zhou Qi said with a smile: "Whoever wants to be my ghost? I dare to stop my way, I have given him a chance without killing him directly," Zhou Qi said, and waved his hands. The four-spirit chariot, followed by the ghost driving the four-spirit chariot, passed without hesitation beside the warrior. The warrior saw that Zhou Qi did not give him a chance at all, and could not help but said with resentment in his eyes: "Since you don't give me a chance, don't worry about it. There are a lot of monsters in front of you, and you are waiting to die in it."

The four-spirit chariot is driving fast in the netherlands, and the more fog it gets around, the lower the visibility around it. In the end, you can only see the distance less than two meters in front of you. Zhang Yan Could not help but ask a bit puzzled: "What's going on here? Why is there so much mist suddenly? And there seems to be a strange smell in this fog, and there seems to be a special energy in this smell. It's a bit like soul attack. "

"You're right, the fog here is always there. The more you go inside, the more this area is. It ’s fine after this road, but this road is very difficult. Many foreign warriors They will all get lost here, and in the end do n’t eat the monsters in the mist, or you will never be able to extricate yourself in the illusion. ”

"Stuck in a fantasy? What is going on? Is there a nightmare here?" Zhang Yan asked in confusion.

"Nightmare is not here, but the illusion I said is much stronger than the dream made by nightmare. The strange fragrance you smell is a kind of flower unique to Huangquan Road, the fragrance of the flower of the other shore, and the fragrance of the flower of the other shore This kind of soul attack can make people unknowingly fall into a phantom of the other side, and they will never wake up for life, so you must always pay attention, do not be fooled by the fragrance of the other side flowers, as long as you keep Keep your inner volume sober and don't have any doubts or shakes on the other side, then you will be fine, "Zhou Qi patiently warned everyone.

"But the most dangerous thing here is not the mist and flowers here, but the monster hidden in the mist, which is also a kind of ghost unique to the netherlands. You will definitely see it after a while, because these things are nothing. Smart, they will attack everything that enters the mist, "Zhou Qi reminded.

Zhang Yan heard the worry and said, "Would we like to get off the car? After all, the Four Spirit Chariot is a treasure. If the Necroman is killed by the ghost you said, wouldn't we be too big?"

Zhou Qi nodded and said, "You're right, let's go and protect the Necro Horse. After all, we need Necro Horse to guide us, otherwise we don't have to take many detours to get out of here. "

When Zhou Qi was talking, he took Yuer and the Soul Eater, and the three stood on the sides and back of the Four Spirit Chariot, respectively, to protect the Undead Horse of the Four Spirit Chariot. After all, the old horse knew the way, and only followed the Undead Horse. Will not take a detour, and coupled with the preciousness of Necromancer, Zhou Qi will not let them be harmed.

The strength of Zhang Yan and the fat man and Meng Yao was relatively low, and they did not follow them, because Zhou Qi said that the minimum strength of these ghosts is Wu Shengxiu. Their repair is not enough to see, so they cannot help at all. What's busy, can only stay in the car.

The three Zhang Yan were sitting quietly in the car. The atmosphere around them seemed extremely tense for a while. They were so nervous that Zhang Yan couldn't even breathe through the atmosphere. They could only look through the window into the dense fog, and wanted to take a look Can't find anything.

The four-spirit chariot slowly walked forward, and the three Zhou Qi were also carefully guarding around, and at this time only heard a sound of empty sound, and then a figure quickly rushed towards the dead horse. Relying on the dead horse recently, Zhou Qi took the lead to find it, and directly blocked the dead horse. Raising his hand is a punch that directly blasted the figure, and this figure was not in love and was beaten by the dense fog. After the hit, it disappeared into the dense fog instantly.

But just at this moment, Zhang Yan saw the black shadow. This is a human-like body, but the head is a horse head, which looks very strange. Zhang Yan also saw it for the first time. Having been to this kind of creature, I couldn't help but ask Jing Xinlian with some doubts, "what exactly is this thing? How could it be so strange?"

Jing Xinlian replied to Zhang Yan: "The stuff in the dense fog is the legendary bull's head and horse face. They are the horse's head with a horse head and the bull's head with a bull head. They are the same as the external ghosts. The soul of a human warrior after death has been transformed into a horse, and a woman has turned into a cow's head. They also have no intelligence, but because most of the warriors who enter here are very powerful, the strength of the horse's head and horse face They are generally much stronger than the little ghosts and ghosts outside, and they have the same strength as the ghost king. "

Zhang Yan heard his words and nodded and said, "That's the case, but this bull's face is so difficult. How can we deal with them outside? Is there any good way?"

"By the way, does my soul-stirring charm work for them?" Zhang Yan suddenly thought that he still had the soul-stunning charm in his hands, so he asked out loud.

Jing Xinlian heard the words and said in a deep voice: "The soul-stabilizing charm is specifically aimed at the soul, and it should also work for Taurus Noodles, but I don't know if I can kill them, but you can try it."

While talking, two figures suddenly emerged from the thick fog. These two figures attacked directly with the soul-eater and Zhou Qi, and Zhang Yan also saw the two figures this time. It looks like Jing Xinlian said, one is a bull's head and the other is a horse's face, but these two figures found the soul-eating beast and Zhou Qi themselves.

I saw that Soul Eater and Zhou Qi used Soul Eater together. The bull head and horse face suddenly screamed and wanted to escape, but found that they had been sucked by a huge suction. It was too late to escape, and then they They turned into a soul force, which was directly absorbed by Zhou Qi and the soul-eater, and turned into food for the soul-eater.

After the Soul Eater devoured a bull's head, he couldn't help laughing and said, "I don't know what to do, I dare to come out here to find something."

The fat man sitting in the car couldn't help but be very excited when he saw this, and then said a little bit lost: "If my strength now also has the cultivation of Wu Sheng, then I can also swallow these souls, but unfortunately My current practice is only congenital. It is still far from Wu Sheng. "

Zhang Yan could not help encouraging the fat man to say, "You already have Eucharistic, you can be content with you, don't you know how slow your previous cultivation is? Now with Eucharistic, your bite The body has been trained very quickly, and it only took a few days to break through the refining period and reach the innate state of the present. You can be content, but you were still a martial artist before. Now But suddenly it has become a physical training practice. Can you adapt yourself? "

The fat man nodded after hearing the words and said, "Of course I can adapt. I have n’t practiced the qi before. I always rely on your help to gain a foothold in Qingyuanzong. Now that I am training, I can Obviously feel the change of my body, coupled with this body-eating body is really my favorite Eucharist, this Eucharist is really the physique I dream of, and now the dream has come true, please rest assured, boss Sooner or later I will practice the Spirit Eater to the level of Dacheng. At that time, I will accompany you to ask the world. "

Zhang Yan heard the words and rolled her eyes, saying that physical training is difficult and difficult, especially the higher the level of physical training, the harder it is to practice, but the fat body ’s practice of the Eucharist makes Zhang Yan look jealous. Yan Shura ’s change still needs a lot of restrictions to continue to practice, and the practice of fat phages is actually eating. In the words of fat people, he is not eating, he is just practicing his Spirit body.

And Zhang Yan also knew what happened to the phage. The phage could see it from the word phage in it. This system was practiced so that the Dacheng realm could eat the spirit, that is, it could devour everything. The soul beast is just a soul eater, and the fat phage is not only a soul eater, but even the spiritual power attacked by the opponent can be absorbed, but this absorption has an upper limit, which is the degree of training of the fat phage. If the limit of fat is exceeded, the fat will also be injured.

The second fat man is now able to devour all the attacks under the congenital cultivation. No matter what the attack is, they will become the food of the fat man and be swallowed by the fat phage. The fat man ’s training method is also very simple. Spirits to enhance his phage.

After Zhang Yan said a few words, he didn't care about the fat people, but looked at the three people outside. At this moment, they were dealing with the sneak attack of the bull's and horse's faces around in order to prevent them from killing the dead horse, and Zhang Yan Yan also wanted to test whether his soul-stabilizing charm was effective. If it was effective, it would save a lot of effort. Zhang Yan could not help but jump out of the four-spirit chariot and stood on the roof of the four-spirit chariot. In his hand, he took out an ecstasy, carefully looked around, and was always ready to inspire the ecstasy.

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