Immortal Asura

Chapter 162: Ghost Emperor's Face

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"Ghost Emperor!"

After seeing the Four Spirit Chariots, the two parties became very serious instantly. They all looked nervously at the Four Spirit Chariots coming from Mercedes-Benz. Yan Luo, as the people in the capital city, knew Huang Quan Road very well. The meaning of this four-spirit chariot is also very clear, so everyone looked at the four-spirit chariot with great respect.

The ghost driver drove the four spirit chariot directly to the center of the two sides of the horse, but when everyone was very puzzled, a person walked on the four spirit chariot. This person was Zhang Yan, Zhang Yanyi. Everyone was upset when they came out. Everyone present thought that it would be the ghost emperor Zhou Qi walking down from the chariot, but he did not expect that it would be a human warrior repaired by a martial artist.

Yan Luo was pleasantly surprised, shouting happily: "Zhang Yan? How come you are here? Isn't this the ghost spirit's chariot? How can you be in the chariot?"

And just when these people were surprised, Meng Yao also came down from the four spirit chariot, Yan Luo's eyes widened, and the whole person was a little unbelievable. Now, Yan Luo is all It's embarrassing, and he really wants someone to come out and tell him what's going on in all this? Zhang Yan and Meng Yao were able to get out of the Four Spirits Chariot? And how did the two of them come together?

The sisters on the side of Chang's shouted with excitement, and then flung directly on Meng Yao's body. Chang Lingyu asked with ambiguous expression: "Hurry up from the actual recruit, how can you come together? Could it be you? between……"

"Don't talk nonsense, Zhang Yan and I met on the way," Meng Yaoqiao said, flushed.

Yan Luo asked with some confusion: "Hurry up and say, how could you appear in the Four Spirit Chariot? Isn't this the ghost emperor's chariot? Is it possible that the Lord Emperor is also in the chariot?"

Yan Luo and others have limited strength, and they can not feel the breath of ghost emperors and others in the Four Spirit Chariot. However, they feel the faint breath of fat people, but they also know that ghost emperors cannot only have such weak cultivation. So everyone was a little surprised.

Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "Of course the ghost emperor is also in the car, but he didn't come down. We passed by here too, and suddenly felt your breath, so we came to see what is on your side. Situation? Why are so many people dead? "

Yan Luowen said that he was furious and said: "The people of the Daxia Dynasty originally accompanied us. When we came here, we stumbled across a 2,000-year-old bloodstone. As a result, in order to compete for this lifeblood stone, our two men and women fought, but they had a stronger strength in the dynasty, so we played against each other, and some of our followers died. , And some people died there. "

Zhang Yan heard the words and immediately understood what was happening. It turned out to be a fight for a bloodstone.

Just as Zhang Yan was thinking about how to solve this, the old man headed by the Da Xia Dynasty shouted out loudly: "I don't know if Master Ghost Emperor is in the car? Please come and see, old It is the Xiawu River of the Great Xia Dynasty. "

"Xia Wuhe?" Zhang Yan asked Yan Luo a bit puzzled when he heard the words. "Who is this Xia Wuhe? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"This Xiawu River is the last emperor of the Daxia Dynasty, and its strength is also the strongest Emperor Wuzhong of the Daxia Dynasty, but he has not made a breakthrough, so that his birthday is almost exhausted, so he will come here. Huangquan Road is preparing to find a reincarnation ship, and the people he brings are also masters of the Daxia Dynasty. Everyone's cultivation is no less than that of Wu Zongxiu. Those of us martial arts are not their opponents at all. With the family weapon in my hand, and there are also many elders helping us here, the previous battle was going to kill us, "Yan Luozi whispered.

Zhang Yan nodded, then shouted to Xia Wuhe: "What is the identity of the ghost emperor? Can you see it when you see it? But since we are here, we are trying to help you resolve the dispute, I don't know Can you look at the ghost emperor's face and stop embarrassing everyone in the capital? "

"Who are you? Little martial artist Xiuwei Xiuwei, why do you talk to me like this? What qualifications do you have?" Xia Wuhe snorted.

"Qualification?" Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "I really don't have any qualifications, but do you think you are qualified to talk to the ghost emperor? I am just a representative sent by the ghost emperor, while the ghost emperor is in a good mood, otherwise Would you guys still have a life here? "

As soon as Zhang Yan's words came out, everyone in the Daxia Dynasty stepped back two steps involuntarily. After all, the reputation of the ghost emperor is still very much here. No one dares to be an enemy of the ghost emperor on Huangquan Road, unless your strength is also reached Emperor Wudi's level, but how easy is Wudi's strength? Even for the entire emperor's realm, few people were able to reach the Emperor Wu.

Xia Wuhe also dreaded the four-spirit chariot. Although he did not know if the ghost emperor was in it, Xia Wuhe did not dare to try it easily. After all, if the ghost emperor was really in it, it was not for him. It's a good thing, but Xia Wuhe can't leave so easily in front of many hands. Doesn't it seem that he has no face? What prestige is there before you?

Xia Wuhe cleared his throat and said, "What about even the ghost emperor? In this solitary land, even the ghost emperor is nothing but the emperor's cultivation. I may be afraid of him outside Huangquan Road. But here Xia Wuhe is not afraid of the ghost emperor, but only in the face of the ghost emperor, this time the matter is so calculated, I will not care about you. "

"Let's go," Xia Wuhe said with a big wave of his hand, and he would leave with the people of the Xia Dynasty.

"Slow," Yan Luo shouted loudly when they saw that they were leaving. "You want to go, but you should leave the bloodstone. After all, that was discovered by our people first. Why did you leave the bloodstone? take away?"

"That is, that is the bloodstone that our people in the capital found first. Why did you take the bloodstone away?" Brother Cui shouted aloud, "We have brought you here to give you enough It ’s your face in the Da Xia Dynasty, but I never thought of your wolf ambitions. Instead of thanking the people in our capital city for bringing you here, we robbed us of treasures. I did not expect your Da Xia Dynasty to be like this. "

Xia Wuhe heard a cold hum and said, "Let you take us over. Our Da Xia Dynasty also spent a lot of treasures, and we are not asking you to take me for nothing. Besides, we discovered this bloodstone. It was said by the people in your capital city? Treasures have been acquired by those who are capable since ancient times. Now that it is in my hands, how can I return them to you? "

"If you let me stay, if I stay, wouldn't it seem that our Daxia dynasty was afraid of you? In the future, how will the people of our Daxia dynasty stand on the outside world?" Xia Wuhe said with a strong word.

"Then if I let you leave the bloodstone of life?" A very majestic voice came from the Four Spirit Chariots. Everyone heard a shudder in their hearts. This voice was like Hong Zhong, who knocked on the scene. Everyone's mind made everyone feel a little hesitant for a while, and everyone looked at the Four Spirit Chariot with fear.

"Is the legendary ghost emperor about to shoot?" The people of the Daxia Dynasty looked at the Four Spirit Chariot in fright at this time.

Some people even said directly: "Otherwise, we will return them the bloodstone?"

"Presumptuous! This lifeblood stone was hard to come by. How can we let people so easily? Besides, what about the ghost emperor? The power of the ghost emperor here may not be stronger than me," said Xia Wuhe. Said madly.

Zhou Qi was sitting in a chariot of four spirits. Originally, Zhou Qi didn't want to show up. As long as they could get to know each other, Zhou Qi would let them go. Zhou Qi ’s repair is just Wuhuang ’s repair, which makes Zhou Qi very angry. Zhou Qi snorted and said, “So you are going to do something with me?”

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