Immortal Asura

Chapter 167: Ming Rob

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Everyone was staring at the stone sword in Zhang Yan's hands, Zhou Qi and Soul Eater were staring thoughtfully at the stone sword, and Mengyao was also carefully looking at the stone sword in Zhang Yan's hands. The stone sword is no longer the ordinary stone of the previous name, but has become crystal clear, as if it is a blood red gem, very crystal clear, the entire sword body is like a blood red flawless beautiful jade, not only that, Zhang Yan can even see from above the sword body that there is blood flowing, which is very magical and beautiful.

Zhang Yan watched for a while, but after watching it for a while, Zhang Yan quickly put away the stone sword in his hand. After all, this stone sword is now completely transformed. If it is so exposed to everyone, Zhang Yan is afraid What other thoughts did everyone have? After all, many people were present, and many people saw the power of the stone sword in Zhang Yan's hands. This sword can scare away the blood ghosts in the blood lake, which is enough to see that the sword is very Zhang Yan can feel the many scorching eyes around him. Zhang Yan immediately put away the stone sword. After all, he was not afraid of the thief stealing, but he was afraid of the thief's memory. It would not be easy to be watched by a caring person.

After Zhang Yan put away the stone sword, Zhou Qi also reacted and said with a smile: "We'll go out of the Blood Lake first, then say something, wait until it's ashore, and then talk," Zhang Yan quickly turned towards the blood with the words. Walking outside the lake, this time the blood lake became very calm. None of the blood ghosts dared to come out to find Zhang Yan. In addition, the previous stone sword had no idea how many blood ghosts had been killed. The whole blood lake All the blood ghosts were almost killed by the stone sword. The only remaining blood ghosts in the whole blood lake were frightened. All the blood ghosts saw Zhang Yan as if they saw the plague god. Same, lest you avoid it.

This time, Zhang Yan and Zhou Qi did not worry, but slowly walked towards the shore of Blood Lake. This time, no blood ghost dared to come and disturb Zhang Yan. The Blood Lake was like a wide road. Zhang Yan and Zhou Qi and others talked and laughed and walked towards the other side of the Blood Lake, and those warriors on the side saw that there was nothing on Zhang Yan's side, they thought they would have nothing to do, and they all relaxed their vigilance and said Walking towards the shore with a smile.

However, they walked a few steps with a smile, only heard a scream, and then a warrior disappeared into the lake, and was dragged into the water by the blood ghost, and only one tragic event happened. Excuse me, all the soldiers in the surrounding area were taken aback by this change, everyone was so scared that their faces changed.

"There are blood ghosts in the lake, everyone be careful!" Someone reminded loudly, then everyone was nervous again, and everyone ran towards the shore again, and fell into the previous one again. In panic and fear, everyone was frightened and ran to the distance quickly. A chasing game of slaughter was once again staged in the blood lake. The movement that was just so large seemed to be forgotten instantly.

However, when these blood ghosts chased the crowd, they all bypassed Zhang Yan. None of the blood ghosts dared to provoke Zhang Yan and others. Zhang Yan and others walked towards the shore with a smile and let aside Everyone was very envious. At this moment, Meng Yao behind Zhang Yan suddenly said, "Zhang Yan, let me down. Isn't there no danger now? I'm always uncomfortable behind you."

Zhang Yan heard his words and poked his mouth and said, "Someone is carrying you for free, and you don't need to walk with your feet, do you even think of abandoning me?" Zhang Yan put Meng Yao down.

After stepping on the Blood Lake, Meng Yao exclaimed suddenly, "The feeling of this Blood Lake is really good. It is amazing to step on the water but not sink."

Meng Yao is like a playful child, jumping and jumping above the Blood Lake, where he stepped on the blood under his feet, while those warriors around him were madly avoiding the blood ghosts under the Blood Lake. There is a stark contrast on this blood lake. One side is walking and joking, and the other side is running away crazy, running for life.

"Brother Zhang Yan, your sword is really amazing. I have seen such a magic sword for the first time in so many years. I have seen many magic swords, but they are as magical as your sword. This is the first time I've seen a sword, and I didn't expect that a sword could absorb the blood ghosts in the blood lake. This is really incredible. "Zhou Qi said in surprise.

Zhang Yan heard a few words of excitement and said, "In fact, I do n’t know the origin of this sword. I just got this stone sword by accident. At that time, I did n’t have the weapon in my hand, and the sword was very good. The sharpness can be said to be iron-cut, and some monsters with thick scale defenses are just like tofu in front of this stone sword, and they are cut off with a light sword, so I have not changed weapons. "

"But I didn't expect this sword to be so magical, it would become like this. I didn't expect it to be like this, do you know the true origin of this sword?" Zhang Yan asked in confusion.

Zhou Qi heard the words and shook his head. "Although I have lived for so many years, I have lived in Baodu Mountain and have not left Baodu Mountain for many years, so I do not know the origin of your sword. Compared to this, The origin of the handle sword teacher should be able to know. "Zhou Qi said, looking at the soul-eater.

Soul Eater heard the words and thought carefully for a long time, and said with some confusion: "I have never seen this sword, after all, I have also been sealed for many years. I do n’t know any strange sword for so many years, or Some magical weapons were made, so I do n’t know exactly where the sword came from. ”

"But in my opinion, this sword must have an extraordinary origin. This sword must be a lot higher than some magical tools. I am afraid that it is not inferior to the holy weapon. As for the legendary artifact, I do n’t know about it. It may be a legendary artifact. After all, there are only a few artifacts, and each artifact has the power to destroy the world. When everything is born, there will be a **** storm, "said Soul Eater Shen Sheng.

Yuer on the side also said: "The sword now feels very ordinary. Although it looks very beautiful in appearance, there is nothing special about the momentum. From the performance of the sword before, This sword must not be weaker than the magical artifact, it is likely to be a sacred artifact. The artifact is impossible. After all, the artifact surpasses the existence of the immortal artifact. That is the treasure of the avenue, not like ours. Weapons that can be used by cultivated people, your sword is likely to be a sacred weapon, but the imperial tool or immortal tool on the sacred tool is impossible. After all, the imperial tool and the immortal tool are inherited objects. It is also very rare. "

Zhang Yan heard a smile and nodded and said, "You are also right, but no matter what weapon it is, this stone sword is already my weapon. I will use my life to defend this stone sword. What kind of weapon it is, I will regard it as a treasure, and I also believe that it will not be an ordinary weapon. "

Not long after Zhang Yan passed through the Blood Lake and came to the other side of the Blood Lake, Zhang Yan and Soul Eater talked a lot about the stone sword in their hands along the way. It was not enough to know what the origin of the stone sword was. Everyone didn't think about the origin of this sword. All of them were very surprised. Everyone didn't think about what the sword was. In the end, they couldn't help it.

However, Zhang Yan didn't just land a long time. Before Zhang Yan went far, a middle-aged person brought a group of people to Zhang Yan and stopped Zhang Yan's way. Zhou Qi wrinkled. Brow asked, "What are you doing? What are you doing to stop us?"

"Do n’t misunderstand, we are not malicious, we just saw that the weapon in the hands of this little brother was very magical. I do n’t know if we can take it out and let the brothers take a look. Let us look at this amazing strange soldier," headed by Middle-aged man smiled arrogantly.

Zhang Yan frowned and said, "What do you mean? You mean to stop the road and rob?"

"Robbery? This is not something we do," said the middle-aged man headed with a smile. "We are all civilized people. We just want to take a look at your weapon. Is it such a small request?" Can't you satisfy us? "

Zhang Yan heard a snorting and said, "Since you want to see, then I'll let you see enough," Zhang Yan said, taking out the stone sword from the true dragon ring. When Zhang Yan's stone sword came out, The crowd in front of the scene suddenly brightened, and everyone looked very greedily at the stone sword in Zhang Yan's hands. The middle-aged people headed by it couldn't do without the stone sword in Zhang Yan's hands. The whole person was about to drool. Already.

After Zhang Yan lighted up the sword, he immediately took it back again, "Since you have finished watching it, then you can let it go now?"

After Zhang Yan ’s stone sword was taken back, these people suddenly became very disappointed, and it was difficult to hide the disappointment in the eyes of middle-aged people, but he smiled with a smile on his face and said, “You ’re so weak at such a good weapon. Would n’t it be a waste? Otherwise, how about you sell this sword to me? No matter what price you pay, I ’m willing to pay. ”

Zhang Yan heard a sneer and said with a sneer, "I'm sorry this is my weapon. I won't sell anyone. If you want a weapon, you can go to the master of the refiner to make it for you. I don't lack your spiritual stone."

Zhang Yan looked coldly at the crowd and said, "We want to leave here, and please let me go."

"If I don't let it?" The middle-aged man sneered. "No one has ever dared to refuse me. Does your kid know who I am?"

"How do I know which dog you are? I only know that if you don't let it go, don't blame me," Zhang Yan said coldly.

The middle-aged man laughed and laughed and said, "You're welcome? Just a few of you dare to tell me you're welcome? Just rely on your martial arts practice to dare to do something for me? It's ridiculous."

Zhang Yan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him like a fool. Zhang Yan was too lazy to care what his identity was, even if he was an emperor. Today, these people do n’t want to leave alive because of them. Here Zhang Yan is not afraid of them at all, but Zhang Yan didn't think about Onda, what kind of identity can make this person so fearless.

The Soul Eater can't stand the arrogance of this person. I saw the Soul Eater suddenly jumped in front of Zhang Yan, staring coldly at the crowd, using a voice that seemed to come from hell. Icy said, "Dare you disrespect my young master, you will all die."

Soul Eater immediately took the ghost king's scepter in his hands. When the soul eater's ghost king's scepter came out, everyone present was stunned. Zhang Yan could also see from the expressions of horror of everyone. These people should have met the ghost king, and also seen the power of the ghost king's scepter, so they will be afraid of the forehead scepter in the hands of the souleater.

The middle-aged man looked at Soul Eater's eyebrows and said, "You take the ghost king's scepter in the ghost king's hand and think you are really a ghost king? Don't you be funny here? Don't say you are not a ghost king, even if it is true Here comes the ghost king, do you think we will be afraid of you? "

The Soul Eater heard a snorting sound, and then the ghost king's scepter pointed to the sky, and the ghost fire in the skull on the head of the ghost king's scepter suddenly jumped, followed by a huge diameter of several feet. The ghost fire skeleton floated out of the ghost king's scepter. This ghost fire skeleton is many times stronger than the ghost fire skeleton released by the ghost king. This is also the largest ghost fire skeleton released by Zhang Yan's Soul Eater. The beast is really angry.

As soon as the ghost fire skeleton came out, the mouth with the skull opened was swallowed towards the crowd, and I wanted to absorb all of them into the skeleton. I saw that the five people who were lower in this group were instantly killed by the ghost fire skeleton. It was sucked into my mouth, and it turned into a push bone soon after a while, and fell down from the air, not even the last scream came out.

After everyone saw the power of the ghost and fire skeleton, they became even more afraid, but the middle-aged man in front of him obviously still has a certain strength. After all, this man has the emperor's cultivation, and I saw the spiritual power in the hands of this man It skyrocketed and blasted directly to the ghost and fire skeleton. Although the soul-eater was very strong, after all, he is just a ray of remnant and can only exert the strength of Wu Shengxiu. Facing the strength of the male Emperor Wuhuang, all of a sudden Falling into the downwind.

However, it is impossible for Zhou Qi to watch the Soul Eater fall into the downwind regardless of it. I saw Zhou Qi's hands lingering with ghosts, and then he slammed directly into the man's chest. Zhou Qi's palm is very strong. If you arrive, you can kill the middle-aged man with one palm, but at this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the man, and then took a beating with Zhou Qi.

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