Immortal Asura

Chapter 175: Boarding a ship

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Everyone is watching the shadow in the distance. Zhang Yan is no exception. Standing next to Zhou Qi and looking into the distance, Zhang Yan also observes the warriors around him and finds that the warriors can reach this point. Except for young talented disciples like Zhong Xu and Yan Zheng, the rest are some very powerful warriors. These warriors are old men who are close to Shouyuan and lead some disciples in Zongmen. Can help him board the reincarnation ship safely.

Only at this time there was only one boat in the dense fog that affected the slow movement here, but the appearance of this boat has not revealed its true colors, and it is only a shadow until now, and Zhang Yan has not seen the reincarnation ship. What it looks like, so standing there all the time, just curious about the shadows in the distance.

I saw a light spot in front of this shadow, and it was exuding a soft light outward. The reason everyone could see the shadow of the ship was because the light shone out the shadow of the ship, and gradually the ship finally sailed out of the dense fog. Area, exposed the entire hull, Zhang Yan also saw what the ship looked like. It turned out that the ship was about three feet tall and ten feet long. The black and white ebony on the body looked very old. At the bow, there is an ancient oil lamp hanging from the bow, and a faint light is emitted from the bow, so that everyone can see it at a glance.

Seeing the appearance of this ship, Zhang Yan could not help but say with a little surprise: "Is this the legendary reincarnation ship? I didn't expect it to look really old, but why didn't I find any breath on this reincarnation ship?" Could it be said that there is no life on the reincarnation ship? How did this ship sail? "

Zhou Qiwenyan shook his head and said, "I do n’t know what is going on. I only know that there is no breath on the forehead boat. People do n’t know what is going on, but although there is no Anyone driving a reincarnation boat, but the reincarnation boat can still travel unobstructed here, as if in accordance with some special rules, and the reincarnation ships are not the same, each reincarnation ship has its own unique There is a big gap in size. "

"It turned out that I didn't expect that there was so much talk about the reincarnation ship here. So how can we tell which one can reach the land of reincarnation? What will happen if we take the wrong reincarnation ship? What about it? "Zhang Yan asked in confusion.

Zhou Qiwenyan explained: "If the reincarnation ship is not sailing to the land of reincarnation, then no one knows where the reincarnation ship is heading, but only knows that the people on the ship have never been out, then these people must be It is already dead. As for the reincarnation ship to the land of reincarnation, there are also many levels. Some ships can let you go a long way in the land of reincarnation, and finally reach the possibility of resurrection, and some reincarnation ships can People continue to live for a few years, and different life spans of reincarnation ships are not the same. It all depends on your luck. "

Zhang Yan nodded and said, "That's the case. It seems that luck is a big part of it."

"It's not like that, luck does occupy a certain component here, but it is not a very large component, because the reincarnation ship can actually be distinguished, but the premise is that you know the recirculation ship very well, just like I I can tell which one is the reincarnation to the land of reincarnation, which one is not. Of course, I ca n’t tell how many years it is. It really depends on your luck and which one you take. Reincarnation ships are a prerequisite. It is not the reincarnation ships that can really decide. Reincarnation ships can take you into the land of reincarnation. Different reincarnation ships take you to different places of reincarnation. "

"And the land of reincarnation is not just a piece of land imagined to you, there is also a lot of mysterious land, and where a warrior can bury himself before dying is the one who can ultimately determine your life. If you are buried in a very good geomantic treasure, then you are likely to be resurrected. Of course, this is very difficult, so it is not very important to say which reincarnation ship you take, as long as you can take the reincarnation to the land of reincarnation A boat is fine, but this is only for some warriors who ca n’t distinguish the reincarnation ship. For me, I will definitely find you a reincarnation ship that can lead to a better place. In that case, you will be resurrected. Opportunities will be greater, and even if you can't live again, it shouldn't be a problem to live for tens of thousands of years. "

Zhou Qi heard the words very gratefully and said, "Thank you for your help, I really do n’t know how to repay your graciousness."

Yuer also said, "Yeah, thank you for your help. If I succeed, I will definitely repay you for your kindness."

Soul Eater heard the words and raised his head and said, "Don't thank me. If you want to thank, thank Master. After all, if there is no Master, I won't bother you."

Zhang Yan heard a bit of crying and laughed, and said with a smile, "Would you like to say such a ruthless thing? After all, we are friends, we should help each other."

Soul Eater didn't talk much when he heard the words. After all, in the eyes of Soul Eater, Zhou Qi was just a junior. Without Soul Eater, Zhou Qi would not have reached the point where he is now, and the seniority between the two is different. It's big, so Zhou Qi can understand the soul-eater.

At this time, the steamer in front of the ship was about to reach the shore, and everyone was very excited, preparing to board the steamer. Zhang Yan also asked: "Do you think this ship How about the boat? Shall we go up? "

Soul Eater shook his head when he heard the words and said, "On boarding this ship is to find death, not to mention that the reincarnation ship is said to be on board and boarding? It also requires a certain strength to enter the reincarnation ship, otherwise even boarding the reincarnation There is no chance of a boat, let alone anything else. "

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "It seems that many people will be killed here this time."

While talking on the side of Zhang Yan, the reincarnation boat suddenly stopped at a distance of three feet away from the shore. There was no intention to continue moving forward. Everyone was very surprised to see this situation, and some people spoke. Asked, "What's up with this reincarnation? Why don't you leave?"

"You are in the reincarnation ship from your family? We still have to come and pick you up? Since it doesn't come, then we should just look for it," some people shouted.

Everyone felt that this person was very reasonable, so they were ready to jump towards the reincarnation boat, and saw the old man closest to the shore, without any hesitation, leapt forward. When I got on the reincarnation boat, I saw the old man suddenly screamed, and then fell directly into the water. The whole person became very debilitated for a moment, then sank directly into the water and disappeared above the water.

Everyone on the shore was frightened by the scene in front of them. Everyone was shocked and looked at the reincarnation ship in the distance. They all speculated, "What's going on? How can a good person die instantly? ? "

"Yes, his cultivation is not low, how can he have the strength of Wu Sheng? How could he die so easily?"

"Yeah, I just saw that he was about to step on the reincarnation ship. Why did he fall into the water like this? And the water was so powerful that the warrior fell into it without any force to fight back. ? "

For a while everyone was debating. No one dared to act lightly. They could only watch the reincarnation ship in the distance quietly and discuss how to get on the reincarnation ship.

And when everyone was discussing how to board the reincarnation ship, I saw the distant reincarnation boat suddenly moved. The reincarnation ship was turning slowly. Although this action was slow, the people on the shore But the pot was completely blasted, and everyone was anxious like ants on the hot pot.

"What to do? If you can't figure out a way, this reincarnation ship is about to leave. If we missed this reincarnation ship, we don't know if there will be the next one, even when can we come?"

While everyone was anxiously waiting, a warrior with the emperor's repairs could not wait. The whole came to the shore and shouted: "I'll try it, I don't believe I can't get back into the cycle. "The ship," the whole person jumped up instantly and leapt towards the reincarnation ship, and at this time, the hull of the reincarnation ship had been adjusted to half the amount, and he was about to leave,

Everyone on the shore is watching this person, wanting to see if he can successfully board the reincarnation ship, and when the reincarnation ship is completely turned over, this person just came to the top of the reincarnation ship, facing directly The reincarnation boat fell down, and when the man fell, there was no obstacle at all, and he stood firmly on the reincarnation boat.

When this person stood on the reincarnation boat, he suddenly shouted with joy, and the whole person seemed very excited, waving to the shore: "I succeeded, I really succeeded. Do Taoists play reincarnation? See you, haha. "

The people on the shore exclaimed again when they saw this. Everyone looked at the old man with envy and shook their heads. "I didn't expect him to take the lead, and I don't know when the next reincarnation ship will be able to Come out, or is it gone? "

"Isn't it? I just wanted to fight a while ago, but I didn't wait for me to leave, and let him be the first, really," said a military regret.

Zhang Yan and the people in the Zhong family have n’t acted. They just pay close attention to the things on the side. The soul-eater on the other side snorted and said, "I'm an idiot. I thought he was successful. Dead faster than anyone else. "

Zhang Yan heard the words and shook his head and said, "It's a pity that such a master is so dead."

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