Immortal Asura

Chapter 180: Death of Qin Hai

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Zhang Yan said coldly, "I don't care what you are, the Qin Dynasty is not the Qin Dynasty, and I'm not from the capital city. Since my brother was injured by you, you must be prepared to die."

"It turns out that you are not from the capital city? What does this matter have to do with you? If your kid is going to die, then I will complete you," Qin Hai said, and the strength of the whole person skyrocketed, and the powerful breath suddenly turned towards Zhang Yan here suppressed it.

However, there are soul-eaters and Zhou Qi protecting Zhang Yan next to Zhang Yan. The momentum of Qin Hai is unlikely to cause any damage to Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan is also completely angry and said to the soul-eater: "No matter what, today If you want to kill this Qin Hai and dare to hurt the fat man, let them know today the consequences of causing me, and hurting people will pay a price, even the Great Qin Dynasty. "

Soul Eater nodded, and then took out the ghost king's scepter directly. When the soul eater's scepter appeared, Qin Hai everyone frowned and looked at the soul eater, everyone knew the scepter of the ghost. They have seen the strength of the ghost king, but it is a very difficult role on the periphery of Huangquan Road. Now the soul-eater is showing the ghost king's scepter, and everyone is shocked. Zhang Yan can also see from the eyes of Qin Hai His fear of the ghost king's staff.

Qin Hai said with a brow walking, "What about you taking out the ghost king's scepter? Would you use it? It's ridiculous, you really are a ghost king and you're the ghost king?"

Soul Eater said coldly: "I'm not a ghost king, but I will let you see things that are less scary than ghost kings," Soul Eater said directly and waved the ghost king's scepter. On the head, the ghost fire in the skull jumped, and then a huge ghost fire skull floated out of the ghost king's scepter and drifted directly towards Qin Hai.

All the people present and installation were shocked. Even Zhong Xu, who was on the side, was very shocked. He used to think that the person next to Zhang Yan was only a servant of Zhang Yan. He didn't expect that the soul-eater could have such a thing. Strong strength. When the soul-eater's ghost fire skeleton was released, Zhong Xu knew that the strength of the soul-eater was not weaker than the ghost king, because he felt a very strong breath from the ghost-fire skeleton, this breath is more than before The ghost king feels a lot stronger.

Qin Hai was also shocked to see this, but Qin Hai was not afraid at all, but said calmly: "Isn't it just a ghost fire skeleton? You think you can get me by a ghost fire skeleton? It's ridiculous. "

Qin Hai was talking, the sword in her hand was already sheathed, and she directly uttered a huge sword gas, carrying a huge spiritual force in the sword gas, and chopped it towards the ghost and fire skeleton. From Qin Hai's point of view, his full strength Swords will surely dispel ghost fire skeletons, and they have the seven strengths of Wu Sheng. It is not easy to deal with a ghost ghost skeleton?

However, when the sword of Qin Hai encountered the ghost fire skeleton, Qin Hai was even more shocked. His sword did not affect the ghost fire skeleton in the slightest, and passed directly through the center of the ghost fire skeleton and cut to the void. The ghost skull did not weaken at all, nor did it dissipate, but instead rushed towards Qin Hai faster. I saw the ghost skull fighting on the skull and wanted to **** Qin Hai directly into the mouth, but Qin Hai Will the people of the Qin Dynasty next to them sit and watch?

I saw two old men with strength of Wu Zun beside Qin Hai, and suddenly came forward to Qin Hai's body, stretched out his hand directly, and hit the ghost skull with a single palm. This palm carried a huge spiritual force. The strength of the sea is much stronger, and the yellow multiple ghost fire skeletons are directly broken up.

Seeing this is also a bit helpless. After all, he only has a residual soul, and can only release the strength of Wu Shengxiu. He is no longer an opponent to Wu Zunxiu.

When Qin Hai saw the ghost and fire skeletons do n’t break up, he suddenly became even more arrogant. The whole person laughed and laughed: "Boy, this time you completely anger me, which beauty I only wanted When I was a woman, I didn't expect your kid to come out and help your waste brother. If that's the case, then you should die with him. "

Qin Hai was about to attack when he was talking, but at the moment he was about to move, the soul-eater Beast beside Zhang Yan moved the scepter of the ghost king, and he was scared that Qin Hai did not dare to act rashly, but looked at him beside him. Two or two old men said, "Please also ask two helpers to help me to kill that evil door guy, but you must not kill him first, you must first grab his scepter of the ghost king, I also have such a good baby I want to give it a try and see if I can use the Ghost King Scepter. "

The two old men did not refute when they heard the words, but nodded and said, "This is a trivial matter, but if you have enough fun, be sure to give this beauty a try, too, and we have not found some time. Have fun. "

Zhang Yan looked at the wretched smiles of these two old guys. Coupled with their insignificant words, they could not help disgusting the people of the Great Qin Dynasty. These people were even more hateful than those of the previous Daxia Dynasty. Originally Zhang Yan only wants to have a debt and a debtor, and only finds Qin posters, but now it seems that Zhang Yan is going to kill all these scums here, and the people in the Great Qin Dynasty dare not be so arrogant.

Zhang Yan looked at Zhou Qi next to him and said with a smile: "These people will give it to you, as long as you keep this Qin Hai and give me a life, all the others will be killed here."

Zhou Qi nodded and said, "I've been waiting for you to speak. I've waited impatiently. I've watched a few people for a long time, and I dare to bully Yu'er's back and offend the Meng family. People just offend me for begging. "

Zhong Xu heard that Zhou Qi was about to make a shot, and looked at Zhou Qi very excitedly in the side of love, thinking that this was a dignified ghost emperor. It was the first time he had seen such a big man. So Zhong Xu was standing expectantly, watching Zhou Qi quietly, waiting for the cycle's shot.

I saw Zhou Qi took two steps forward, came to Zhang Yan, looked coldly at the Qin Hai people, his eyes filled with murderous expression, "You dare to bully the Meng family, that is with me Oppose, all who oppose me will die! "

Zhou Qi's momentum suddenly broke out, and the powerful momentum instantly suppressed the crowd and couldn't move. The two martial arts soldiers who wanted to take action wanted to take a shot. As a result, Zhou Qi's momentum came out. I was so scared that my face turned pale. Everyone knew that this person was a master.

Among the people of the Qin Dynasty, the five warriors with the lowest strength Wu Zong were already pressed to their knees on the ground at this time, and the whole person was about to suffocate. All of them were holding on to their teeth, but they practiced it. It's too low. In front of Zhou Qi, who has a powerful momentum, he can't even stand up. In the end, the five people lie directly on the ground. The bones on the whole body are making a clicking sound, and they also Immediately afterwards, screams were issued, and in the end it was directly Qiqiao bleeding.

Zhang Yan heard that voice and knew that it was the sound of their foreheads being crushed by Zhou Qi ’s powerful momentum. Although Zhou Qi ’s Xiuwei was suppressed to the Emperor Wu Qi ’s, the momentum on Zhou Qi ’s body was It is still the momentum of the Emperor Wudi. The Emperor Wu of the Emperor Wu can not be violated by anyone. That is already the peak of this Huangquan Road. Faintly begging all the people in the Qin Dynasty to lose their fighting power. Not to mention they started with Zhang Yan.

And Qin Hai was completely scared at this time. He knew that he really kicked the iron plate this time. The person in front of him looked like a weak scholar, and they didn't feel even a trace from him. Everyone thought that he was just an ordinary person, but no one thought that this guy turned out to be a pig and eat a tiger. The person who had never done anything turned out to be the strongest person, even if they joined forces. It will be this person's opponent, after all, they can't even resist the momentum of others, let alone start with Zhou Qi.

Since Qin Hai was ordered by Zhang Yan to keep him alive, Qin Hai's repressive momentum was relatively light, but Qin Hai was not allowed to act, and did not put him under too much pressure, while the rest were not In this way, these people can only rely on the spiritual power in their bodies to forcibly resist the suppression of Zhou Qi's momentum, and everyone is supporting it hard.

Qin Hai threatened loudly: "I advise you to let us go. We are the people of the Qin Dynasty. If we have any shortcomings, the Qin Dynasty people will not let you go. You better think clearly. "

Zhou Qi snorted and said, "What I hate most in my life is if someone threatens me. If you guys in the Qin Dynasty want revenge, even if we come to Huangquan Road, I will always wait for you in Baoqishan. I am afraid that you dare not come. If you come, I promise to let you return from Ali! "

"Zhou Qi? Are you a ghost emperor Zhou Qi?" Qin Hai suddenly made a loud, strange noise, as if he had seen something incredible, and then Qin Hai was about to be scared by the name of Zhou Qi. After all, the Emperor Zhou Qigui was not able to deal with the Great Qin Dynasty. This time, Qin Hai was completely desperate, and Qin Hai was no longer the arrogance of the previous name. The whole person seemed to be a frosted eggplant. Begging for mercy: "We don't know that you are here, Lord Ghost Emperor. If you knew it, you would lend us 10,000 guts, and we dare not offend you?"

"I also ask Master Ghost to look at the face of the Great Qin Dynasty. What do you think of them?"

"Let you go?" Zhou Qi hummed and said, "What you think is beautiful, the Qin Dynasty may look strong to outsiders, but in the eyes of Zhou Qi, it's just a shit, you really think Can the name of the Qin Dynasty scare me? "

"You guys, let me die," Zhou Qi said as he burst into a powerful spirit, which immediately wrapped the crowd of the Qin Dynasty, and then cried in Qinhai In the sound, they killed everyone directly.

After killing everyone, Zhou Qi remembered what Zhang Yan said before, and couldn't help but look at Zhang Yan apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, I was just a little excited by accident, and forgot you said that Qin Hai was saved."

Zhang Yan heard the words and shook his head and said: "Nothing, he will kill him sooner or later, but it is so easy to let him die, it is really cheap for him."

The people in the Zhong family who were still very worried beside Zhong Xu now saw Zhou Qi's shot, and all of them immediately bowed in front of Zhou Qi's body and shouted respectfully: "The younger generations have seen Lord Ghost Emperor, thank you Emperor Help each other. "

Zhou Qi heard the words and waved his hand and said, "Let's get up, I'm just helping my friend. After all, the things in the Meng family are my things in Zhou Qi, and the things after your capital city are my things in Zhou Qi. If you are walking on Huangquan Road, if there is anything you can come to me and see in Yuer's face, I will certainly help you in the capital city. "

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