Immortal Asura

Chapter 184: Undead horse seriously injured

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After Zhang Yan said goodbye to Zhong Xu, Meng Yao also said, "The things on my side have already been done, and Wangyou Di has come to my hands. The ancestors will come out and join us soon, our strength. It must be unbeatable, but now I'm going back with Zhong Xu, there are still many things to report, "

Zhang Yan frowned and said with some worry; "Did you forget what happened to your Meng family? It was very dangerous after you went out. There must be many people up and down the Meng family who want to kill you. They want It ’s rebellion, and when you come out unarmed at this time, is n’t it that the child has become the target of public criticism in an instant? ”

Do you think you will meet your father alive at that time? So I advise you to go out with us. You can first let Zhong Xu pass the news for you, or let your father take some precautions. Otherwise, it will appear in the city of Ayurveda, for you. This is a very dangerous thing. Your life will also be the meat on the felt board. It may be killed at any time, and you are also going to be beaten by your father. In that case, your appearance is not a good thing. Please Time is a huge war, and your Meng family is bound to suffer a major crisis. I am afraid that your Meng family will be on the verge of extinction.

Meng Yao heard that Zhang Yan was very reasonable. After all, her strength is now very weak, it is impossible to enter the Meng family directly, and it is likely that she was killed by her uncle halfway. Meng Yao has always been very strong about this matter. Contradictions, she never thought of her second uncle, a person who loved herself from a young age to a lot, fearing that others would bully me, and took good care of me, now she is the one who wants to kill me. All this happened It was so sudden that Meng Yao didn't realize this at all.

Until now, Meng Yao hated his second uncle. Meng Yao thought that no matter what the situation, he had to send the information to him, and he could not let the second uncle succeed. Thinking of this, Meng Yao looked at Zhong Xu aside and said, "You must This matter helped me spread it, and I will thank you again and again. "

Meng Yao's expression became very tense. After all, the thought of the Meng family might be in hot water now, but at this time, she couldn't help at all. This made Meng Yao very worried about the safety of the Meng family, and at the same time Meng Yao was very worried. Anxious, I ca n’t wait for the costly wings to fly back to the Meng family, but now there are more important things to do, after all, the ghost emperor can only bring them to this place if he helps the ghost emperor find the four spirit chariot, otherwise Even if the ghost emperor has a long way to go, it will take a long time for them to reach the exit of Huangquan Road.

Zhang Yan asked with a smile: "How is it? Now you can feel the position of the Four Spirit Chariot?"

Zhou Qi nodded and said, "I have felt a breath of the Four Spirits chariot, but we have to hurry up and have no time to go with you, we will leave now."

Zhang Yan also nodded and said to Zhong Xu, "Let's make a difference here. After all, we're going to find the Four Spirit Chariot, and you are going to return to the capital city, and your stay is also for us. It's useless, after all, the ghost emperor went out on his own, and there is nothing he can't solve, so you should leave it first, but in any case, you must pass the news that the second grandfather of the Meng family is going to rebel and let the Meng family People are prepared, and you will know when I go back, we will definitely help the Meng family out of the predicament. "

Zhong Xu heard the words and nodded and said, "Reassure me, I will bring the news to you, and if there is anything that tells us that the Zhong family will not dodge, we will certainly help you to eliminate the anti-thief. There is no need for righteous people to obstruct the world. You should hurry back. We will join hands to kill all of the Meng family. Good night makes the Meng family feel what is pain. "

Zhang Yan nodded and said, "I hope so, but we're leaving now, and if we stay here, the Four Spirit Chariot will be farther away from us," Zhang Yan looked up and said. Zhou Qi said: "The things that I should explain are finished, let's set off quickly."

Zhou Qi gently said, "I've been waiting for you to talk. Now that your things have been accounted for, let's go after them and see who has the courage to dare to challenge me openly. , Stealing my four-spirit chariot, this kind of sin is a bit greater, no matter who I am, I will not let this person go. "

Zhou Qi took Zhang Yan and Meng Yao, Soul Eater with a fat man, and everyone ran quickly in the direction of Oriental ghost emperor Cai Yulei. At this time, the speed was very fast. Zhang Yan had disappeared in the blink of an eye. In place, Zhou Qigui's general strength is not for fun. His strength is probably the strongest person now, but his body has a lot of momentum unconsciously emitted, this feeling has already let people in the distance It felt like everyone was running away.

Zhou Qi changed his direction a few times. At the end, after spending nearly an hour, Zhou Qi left Taozhishan and came to the periphery of Huangquan Road. Standing here, Zhou Qi whistleed again, this time a whistle Their voices were very intense, as if they were fierce battles. They attacked each other and directly abraded their voices.

Zhang Yan looked to the distance and didn't feel anything. He just looked at Zhou Qi a bit strangely and said, "Do you think you can catch the woman you like if you whistle like this?"

Zhou Qiwenyan said with a smile: "The Four Spirits chariot must be imprisoned now, and the cultivation of this person will not be low, otherwise, it will not surrender such strong things as the Four Spirit chariots, only However, depending on the strength of the Four Spirit Chariot, I am afraid that there will be no safe escape. "

"The Necronomical Horse in the Four Spirits Chariot is not a fool. They know how to leave me a breath, or information, but I am afraid it will not work now. The breath of the Four Spirit Chariots is getting weaker and weaker. Lingma felt my breath and wanted to follow us, so he was forcibly retained. "Zhou Qi said with some worry.

"How is that good? Do n’t you have a specific position? If you have a specific position, we can rush over together to see who is so brave, and the Four Spirit Chariots dare to use it. Is it really life or death? Zhang Yan asked worriedly.

After Zhou Qi felt the breath carefully, the whole person looked at one direction very angry, and said coldly, "I feel the breath of the Necromancer, let's rush over now, if we are playing, Necromancer I'm afraid I'm going to die, "said Zhou Qi, taking Zhang Yan and the fat man and rushing in that direction, and the soul-eater and the beast kept behind him coldly.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Zhou Qi took everyone to feel a forest, and in the distance saw the Four Spirit Chariots parked in the woods, and all the Necromancers were lying on the ground, as if There is no energy, but the breath on them is very weak, as if they may die here at any time.

Zhou Qi saw his eyes suddenly red, and the whole person was shaking with anger. Zhou Qi came to the front of the Four Spirit Chariots in an instant, watching the whip in his hands standing in front of the Four Spirit Chariots, pulling hard. This man of the Necromancer, Zhou Qi showed no mercy to his subordinates, and appeared directly behind the man. He knocked the person to the ground with one palm, and then Zhou Qi's very sad hand stroked the Necromancer, feeling With the faint breath of the dead horses, Zhou Qi immediately took out four elixir and ate them to the dead horses, so that the four dead horses could recover their injuries.

Zhou Qi said sadly: "It's all my fault. It's late, this has made you suffer so much. I will definitely avenge you this time."

At this time, the person who was beaten by Zhou Qi's palms climbed up from the ground. The whole person's expression was very weak, and he pointed at Zhou Qi with his fingers and said, "Who are you? How dare you attack me?"

Everyone in the surrounding area surrounded Zhou Qiqi one by one, and said each one very angry: "Who are you? How dare you hurt yourself? And you look like you are really impressed by our four horses. interest?"

"Who am I?" Zhou Qi said coldly, ‘you robbed my Four Spirit Chariot, and now dare to ask who I am? Tell me where did you put my ghost? "

"Are you a ghost emperor Zhou Qi?"

Everyone heard this, and then they suddenly thought about this. Before they came out of the nether land, they just met the Four Spirit Chariot. The people did n’t know the name of the Four Spirit Chariot before, but later they remembered it. This is the precious treasure of Zhou Qi, the Four Spirits Chariot, and seeing that there are no people in the Four Spirits Chariot, the crowd suddenly became arrogant. After all, this is the thing of the Central Ghost Emperor, and it must not be a bargain, so everyone Will be skeptical of the Four Spirits chariot, but hesitated at the thought of the strength of the ghost emperor.

Finally, after thinking about it, they thought about a question. Since the ghost emperor put the four spirit chariots here, it is either that the ghost emperor is dead, or that the ghost emperor has entered the Huangquan Road. Come out so that we can **** the Four Spirit Chariots first. When the ghost emperor comes out, we have already driven the Four Spirit Chariots and left Huangquan Road. By then, who can catch us?

As the so-called artificial fortune and death for the sake of death, they saw such a four-spirit chariot, and they will inevitably be so moved that they ignored the danger and took the four-spirit chariot. Now they see the ghost emperor. Talents remembered regrets, but everything was too late, Zhou Qi had completely killed.

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