Immortal Asura

Chapter 66: Eight Door Armor

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Zhang Yan nodded and said, "You do n’t need to say that I also know that you are very powerful. After all, you are one of the twelve golden lotuses in the legend, but that is the supreme god. But I do n’t understand. Since you are following the emperor, why is it now appearing? Here? And also into the sea of ​​my knowledge? How did the emperor show off in the past? Can you tell me? "

When it comes to the Emperor, it is the pride of the human race, a great hero admired by people of all races, not only the human tribe, the three kingdoms, and the ten thousand nations are all grateful for the respect of the emperor. The immortal emperor finally killed the Nether tribe and rescued all the peoples in the water and fire. Now everyone is probably still being enslaved by the Nether tribe.

That ’s why Zhang Yan mentioned that the Emperor is very proud. He is the great hero of the human race and the great man of the human race. At the same time, Zhang Yan is also interested in the deeds of the emperor. Although there are many records, if you have seen it personally Wouldn't it be more wonderful and real for people to tell the events of that year? Zhang Yan wanted to know some deeds of the emperor, so he asked excitedly, "Please tell me soon."

Jing Xinlian groaned for a while, and said a little embarrassingly: "Actually, I did n’t know the story of the Emperor. When he got me, I was not wise. Later, the emperor testified that he would become an immortal emperor. I need it, but the emperor reads my credit, so I use the magic of magic to open up my wisdom, so I have wisdom and memory, but I have n’t seen the emperor since then Knowing how long it has been, I have also experienced many things, and I ca n’t talk to you for a while, and those things are not what you should know now. In short, I got a little bit of injuries, so I absorbed Yuehua here to heal, but I did n’t expect Will meet you.

"You are the only person besides the emperor who can let me live in real life for many years, so I have to rely on your knowledge of the sea to rest."

"Then what good is it for me?" Zhang Yan asked in confusion.

"Benefits?" Jing Xinlian said angrily, "Is n’t my meeting gift good for you before? Without my purification power, could your physique and spiritual roots be improved so much? You still want to come from me Want to benefit? "

Zhang Yan heard aloud and shouted, "You are also called a meeting ceremony? You almost killed me for the meeting ceremony. Do you know?"

"Of course, if you want to get my approval, you have to stand the test. Can you think that I am accepted by everyone? But your kid's talent and willpower are okay. I can barely survive it, and I will just make it difficult. I'm here in the sea you know. I've seen such a strange spiritual root for the first time. "

Zhang Yan suddenly asked: "Since you have been through so many years, you must have seen a lot of things, and you must have a lot of high-level martial arts skills, right?"

"What is your kid trying to do?" Jing Xinlian asked very alertly.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Since you have so many exercises and martial arts, can you just give me one or two? Let me practice and improve my strength."

"Gongfa martial arts? I remember what they are boring and useless to me? I can't practice."

Zhang Yan was completely speechless after hearing the words. After all, Jing Xinlian was right. Gongfa martial arts were precious to Zhang Yan, but it was useless to Jing Xinlian. When Zhang Yan was disappointed, Jing Xinlian He also said, "I don't have any martial arts skills, but I do remember a physical skill, I just don't know if you can practice it."

"Body surgery? What body surgery?" Zhang Yan asked with anticipation.

"I only remember this body art, because this is the body art obtained by the Emperor on the questioning leaf. In the early days, the Emperor also used this body art to kill the Quartet, and the Emperor specifically taught me when he left. Hope Don't bury this body technique, just don't know if you can practice it, because this body technique is very demanding on the body of the warrior. "

"Ask Yeh?" Zhang Yan had never heard of the name, and couldn't help but ask curiously: "Ask what Yeh is? The emperor can get the body skills in it, so it must be an extraordinary treasure?"

"It ’s more than just asking. Asking leaves are the leaves on asking trees. Asking trees are the treasures of heaven and earth. They contain the heaven and earth avenues. Asking leaves are the avenues. In it, he realized the Supreme Body Art, and was named the Eight Door Armor by the Emperor. "

"Eight doors?"

"Yes, you hold on to your heart and I will teach you the practice of the eight door armors. As for whether you can practice, it depends on your creation. These eight door armors are extremely demanding on the human body. You must be prepared. After speaking, Jing Xinlian taught Zhang Yan the practice of the eight doors.

After Zhang Yan memorized the practice method of Bamen Jiajia, the whole person was completely stunned, and it was extremely shocked. Zhang Yan was completely shocked by Bamen Jiajia at this time. Opened a new door for Zhang Yan, let Zhang Yan know that there is such a body technique between heaven and earth. The eight door armor is exploring the limit of the human body and exerting its full potential. There are eight gates: Open, Hugh, Birth, Injury, Du, Jing, Shock, and Death. Through training, you can completely control these eight gates.

Once the eight-door armor is opened during the battle, the potential and limit of the human body will instantly increase many times. The Shura real body changed with Shura has the same magic, but the Shura real body needs to consume spiritual power to maintain, but the eight-door armor It is the potential of the warrior ’s body. What is needed is the strength of Qi and blood. It can also be cast without spiritual power, and there is no conflict between the two. That is, Zhang Yan now has two cards. If the Eight Doors were all open, Zhang Yan didn't know what his limit would be.

Of course, these are just Zhang Yan's imagination. After all, he hasn't really practiced the eight-door armor, and everything has to wait until he has successfully trained the eight-door armor, but Zhang Yan still has full confidence in his body. Zhang Yan couldn't wait to get back to Zongmen as soon as possible, so he could quickly practice the eight-gate armor.

Along the way, Zhang Yan didn't say a word, hurriedly returned to Qing Yuanzong, returned to Zongmen Zhang Yan, and closed the retreat directly to start practicing the Eight Doors. The eight hood doors hidden in the human body, once opened, will accelerate the flow of qi and blood in the human body, thereby stimulating the potential of the human body. However, this stimulus is temporary, and once the power of qi and blood is exhausted, the person will Complete death, that is to say, the martial arts practitioners who practiced the Eight Doors must have huge blood power to support.

Not only does it have the power of blood and blood, it also needs a strong recovery ability, because each of the eight doors of the armor must be overdrawn by the warrior's body. After opening, it will take a lot of blood and energy to recover, otherwise it will cause warriors. The indelible damage can be described as a life-threatening physical injury that hurts the enemy by one thousand, and the Emperor is able to perform the eight armour because the Emperor is practicing the immortal body. The huge blood value of Qi is not comparable to ordinary people, but Zhang Yan can't control so much.

Zhang Yan also has full confidence in his body. Although he does n’t have the huge blood power for his consumption, Zhang Yan ’s Shura Transformed body has many times the recovery ability of ordinary martial arts. Zhang Yan I believe that even if it is over-consumed, it will be very fast to recover with the help of Shura. Therefore, Zhang Yan began to practice the eight-door armor, because he knew that others might die, but he was safe and sound.

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