Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 115 Three Generations Of Grandparents Marry Together? Su Changsheng Defeated Celestial Roc G


A Great Emperor exploded, and a dazzling divine light illuminated the three thousand divine realms. The immortal body was pierced, and blood mist filled the air as the emperor's body disintegrated.


Countless residual lights pierced through the void, as if billions of Great Saints were attacking together, instantly piercing through the heavens and earth.

"What?! The Emperor was pierced with just one move?"

"This is impossible!"

"But that's a Great Emperor!"

In the celestial realm, several Beast Race Quasi-Emperors shouted in disbelief, shocked by what they were witnessing. They couldn't help but want to scream out loud.

That was a Great Emperor, even though they hadn't fully recovered their peak power, they still possessed an unparalleled power to suppress the Supreme.

Their immortal bodies were considered indestructible.

Such a powerful being was actually pierced with just one move by Su Changsheng?

"How is this possible?!" On the side, the Supreme of the Azure Sea was also shocked. His eyes were shining brightly as he stared intently, his mind greatly shaken.

This was too unbelievable.

That was the Celestial Roc Great Emperor, who had suppressed them throughout the previous battle and decisively defeated them.

And yet, he was punched through, even if it was due to carelessness and a surprise attack, it was still terrifying.

"So that's Su Changsheng, this is too exaggerated!"

Tu Shan Sikong widened her beautiful eyes and was completely stunned by this scene.

She was extremely shocked.

That was a Great Emperor, and he was killed just like that?

Not only her, but also the Tianhu Clan members, including the Dragon Maiden, were all dumbfounded.


However, although they were shocked, the Dragon Maiden quickly reacted. Her expression became extremely solemn as she immediately activated the emperor's jar above her head, causing it to emit an immortal and supreme divine aura.

Countless strands of emperor's light spread out, stabilizing the heavens and earth, protecting the mountains and rivers, preventing them from being destroyed by the vast aftermath and causing widespread devastation.


In the battlefield, an angry roar resounded, it was the voice of Celestial Roc Great Emperor. His body quickly reassembled and restored itself, radiating a terrifying imperial might.

As he roared, his voice shook beyond the domain, countless stars were shaken down like meteors, exploding in the air with astonishing fluctuations.

In the Three Thousand Divine Realms, numerous powerful beings could clearly sense this divine might.

Many hidden sects, supreme ancient lands, and even hidden old monsters were all alarmed at this moment, opening their eyes and looking on in shock.

Is this an emperor's battle?

"Su Changsheng!"

Celestial Roc Great Emperor roared, his voice resounding through heaven and earth, filled with immense anger.

As a Great Emperor powerhouse, his imperial body was immortal. Even though he was far from his peak state, it was impossible for him to be killed with just one move.

Su Changsheng's previous punch was indeed terrifying, but it only pierced through him unexpectedly. Now, he quickly reassembled and displayed his unparalleled combat power.


However, Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron once again pressed down, radiating the divine might of a Heavenly Emperor. With one strike, she sent him stumbling, blood flowing from his head, and his arms on the verge of breaking again.

This was the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron, the supreme Heavenly Emperor weapon. Even if it couldn't unleash much power, just relying on the power it contained was enough to suppress everything.


Celestial Roc Great Emperor was furious. He let out a long roar, and a war halberd emerged from his body, surrounded by a terrifying supreme divine might.

It was the Tianpeng Halberd, Celestial Roc Great Emperor's Emperor Weapon. At this moment, it appeared and pierced through the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron with one strike!


An incredibly terrifying roar resounded, shaking the Three Thousand Divine Realms. In the midst of it, the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron flew high into the air, picked up by Celestial Roc Great Emperor's halberd.

On the other side, Su Changsheng's expression turned cold. He stepped forward, crossing the distance of time and space, and in his hand, the evolution of the martial arts of the fighting character appeared, revealing an unparalleled immortal monument.

Within it, boundless immortal light radiated, containing the character for "suppression," and then a palm directly slapped down.

"Do you really think I'm easy to bully?!"

Celestial Roc Great Emperor was extremely angry, his gaze icy.

He was a Great Emperor, even if he hadn't fully recovered his peak state, he would not allow Su Changsheng to repeatedly humiliate him like this.

"Tianpeng Shattering the Myriad Realms!"

He shouted loudly, his right hand tore apart, transforming into sharp claws, swirling with an extremely powerful divine power, piercing through all things in the world, even capable of tearing apart the Great Dao. With one strike, he reached out to grab.

This is the Tianpeng Divine Ability, a level of power comparable to that of a Great Emperor.


However, tragedy struck. The Immortal Stele descended, crumbling everything in its path, directly shattering his claw, exploding his bones, splattering imperial blood, and causing him to suffer a great loss.

Not long ago, Su Changsheng and the ancient Heavenly Emperor's concubine Changyue cultivated together for several days and gained immense benefits.

You should know that she is an ancient Great Emperor, possessing the Taiyin Sacred Body. How terrifying is her Primordial Yin origin?

Even if she hasn't fully recovered her peak strength, it is still extremely vast and unimaginable.

Three days of cultivation.

Su Changsheng's cultivation skyrocketed, already reaching the realm of Quasi-Emperor Fifth Heaven.

At the Second Heaven, Su Changsheng already possessed Supreme-level combat power. Now, at the Fifth Heaven, when fully unleashed, he can rival, or even surpass, the peerless Supreme.

Truly invincible beneath the Great Emperor.

Celestial Roc Great Emperor had only just recovered his Supreme-level strength, and he didn't even have the Heavenly Peng Halberd in his hand. How could he contend against Su Changsheng?

In an instant, his Divine Ability was shattered. As the Immortal Stele descended, his palm and face were directly smashed, blood splattering everywhere.


The boundless void and vast earth were pierced by the imperial blood, causing a scene of world destruction, even with the protection of an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

In the blink of an eye, not just thousands, but countless continents shattered, and countless living beings were annihilated.

One divine realm was on the verge of collapse in an instant.

And this was just a small amount of imperial blood. If the battle continued on a larger scale, not to mention one divine realm, even three thousand divine realms could be destroyed.


Su Changsheng also witnessed this scene, and he frowned.

Although he was not a Saint, he still didn't want to see so many living beings affected.


With this thought in mind, he waved his hand, mobilizing the boundless divine power and the myriad laws of heaven and earth, instantly restoring the shattered divine realm.

But this was already the limit. To revive the dead, at least one had to become an immortal.

"This cause and effect, I will bear it. Once I become an immortal, I will revive all of you!" Su Changsheng said softly.

This is not a grand oath, just his promise.

"Su Changsheng, you have gone too far!" On the other side, Celestial Roc Great Emperor reassembled his body. He was extremely angry that he, a Great Emperor, had been slapped in the face.

How could he tolerate this!

"Let's go to the outer domain for a battle!" Su Changsheng's gaze swept over, carrying immense pressure and extreme sharpness. It made Celestial Roc Great Emperor's expression change, looking very unsightly.

As a Great Emperor, how could he be threatened by others?


But in the next second, Su Changsheng's big hand pressed down, the power of the Nine Secrets circulated, transforming into an Emperor Grade Divine Ability, directly pressing down on Celestial Roc Great Emperor's face, and carrying him towards the outer domain.


The boundless void shattered.

In the midst of it, two figures rushed out like meteors, breaking through countless time and space along the way, and finally crashing into a starry sky in the outer domain. With a loud bang, that starry sky shattered.

At the same time, the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron descended, causing the Tianpeng Halberd to scream in agony, its body trembling, almost being broken.

Finally, it couldn't bear it anymore. Surrounded by chaotic energy, it soared straight into the sky, heading towards the starry sky in the outer domain.


The Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron shook, and the Qi of all things surged. Every strand of it could crush galaxies, heavy and boundless, like a vast universe. It followed suit and went up as well.

Soon, in the outer domain, a terrifying emperor battle erupted once again, shocking the three thousand divine realms with its divine might.

However, this ancient land had already fallen silent, leaving only a group of people who were extremely shocked.

Everyone trembled, still feeling lingering fear. Although the previous battle was short, it truly showed what an emperor battle was.

That terrifying divine might easily pierced through everything and erased all rules and orders.

In the face of such a battle, Quasi-Emperors were as insignificant as ants, and only Supremes barely had the qualifications to participate.

Moreover, this is not even the peak Great Emperor. If it were a battle against a true peak Great Emperor, Supreme would only be able to exchange a blow before being torn apart and killed by the Great Emperor.

"Su Changsheng, this is too incredible!"

Tu Shan Sikong remained silent for a long time before slowly speaking, deeply shocked. She had cultivated for so many years, yet this was the first time she had seen such a terrifying monster.

You have to know, Su Changsheng only recently broke through to Quasi-Emperor, right?

Not long ago, he only forced the old Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect to retreat, and now he can suppress the Celestial Roc Great Emperor and beat him to a pulp.

Even if the Celestial Roc Great Emperor is not in his peak state, he is still terrifying, beyond imagination.

"Lord Changsheng, you are truly amazing!"

Beside them, Qingqiu Jiuyue's eyes sparkled with excitement and surprise. She was extremely delighted. Originally, she had just taken a chance and sought out Su Changsheng, but she didn't expect to really latch onto a powerful backer.

However... when she thought about the condition she agreed to with Su Changsheng, her face turned red again.

That condition, even though she was a member of the Heavenly Fox Clan and had a bold and straightforward nature, she felt shy and embarrassed at this moment.

"That scoundrel has become so powerful!" The Dragon Maiden was also in a state of shock.

You have to know, before she obtained her inheritance, Su Changsheng was only at the peak of Heavenly Saint. Although he could counterattack against Quasi-Emperor, there was still a long way to go before reaching the peak of Quasi-Emperor.

But in just a short period of time, he was able to beat down a Great Emperor.

This terrifying strength was no weaker than that of the Silver Dragon Clan's Supreme.

Behind them, a group of Heavenly Fox Clan members were chattering and their eyes were shining. They were extremely excited and happy, gathering together and boldly chatting.

Their words were filled with admiration.

It can be imagined that after this battle, these Heavenly Fox girls would all be infatuated.

"Jiuyue, what condition did you propose?" At this moment, Tu Shan Sikong frowned. She remembered that Qingqiu Jiuyue had sent out an incarnation to invite Su Changsheng before.

Thinking back to Su Changsheng's performance before he appeared, she suddenly had a guess in her heart.

Could it be that Qingqiu Jiuyue had already made an agreement with Su Changsheng, which was why she was able to invite him to take action?

Thinking like this, Tushan Sikong's heart was pounding. She remembered many rumors about Su Changsheng and couldn't help but blush and feel a little flustered.

However, she quickly suppressed her emotions and looked at Qingqiu Jiuyue, who was avoiding her gaze, with sharp eyes, showing a warning and a stern expression.


Seeing Tushan Sikong's reaction, Qingqiu Jiuyue stuck out her tongue. She knew she couldn't hide it from her, so she explained cautiously.

"There aren't many conditions, just a few marriages with Lord Changsheng. It's just a political alliance, very normal!"

Qingqiu Jiuyue's gaze was evasive as she stared and laughed.

0... Seeking flowers...

"A few marriages?"

Seeing Qingqiu Jiuyue's strange expression, Tushan Sikong sneered and pressed on.

"Which ones specifically? You better tell me everything. We've been sisters for so many years, I know if you're lying or not."

Tushan Sikong's gaze was sharp.

Under her scrutiny, Qingqiu Jiuyue could only lower her fox ears and cautiously speak.

"There aren't many, just a few hesitant descendants from the clan. They were looking for husbands, so I introduced them to Lord Changsheng!"

"Sister, think about it. Lord Changsheng is such an extraordinary person. If a few juniors from the clan can marry him, even if it's just a small connection, it would be a great honor!"

Qingqiu Jiuyue spoke while her gaze swept over a group of clan members, among whom were several exceptionally beautiful women, each one a peerless goddess with extraordinary talent.

Those few were the most outstanding geniuses from the Qingqiu and Tushan lineages.

Seeing their ancestor looking at them, the faces of the women turned red. They lost their usual openness and mischievousness, becoming shy. They had heard the conversation between the two ancestors and understood that they were already engaged to Su Changsheng.

Thinking about marrying Su Changsheng in the future, they didn't feel any reluctance in their hearts. On the contrary, they were excited and delighted.

After all, Su Changsheng was the number one on the Holy List, the number one monster in the Three Thousand Realms, and the future Immortal King.

He had already made them admire and adore him.

Now that he had saved them, his majestic figure had captured their hearts.

A group of Tianhu clan members also heard the conversation and started whispering, feeling envious and jealous. Their tone was sour, but there was no hostility.

But it was harmonious, and everyone offered their blessings.

"Are there more sisters now?"

The Dragon Girl couldn't help but want to facepalm when she heard this. She had just come out, and she had already saved a few sisters? This is too coincidental.

Hearing this, Tu Shan Sikong breathed a sigh of relief. If it was just a few descendants, she would be happy. There wouldn't be anything she imagined. While feeling a vague sense of loss, she subconsciously asked, "Is there anyone else?"

She just casually asked, not thinking that there would be anyone else. But the frozen expression on Qingqiu Jiuyue's face made her heart skip a beat, and she felt a little uneasy. "Anyone else?"

Tu Shan Sikong's eyes sharpened. "Anyone else?"

"Me... there's still me..." Qingqiu Jiuyue's pretty face stiffened, her lips twitched, and she whispered softly.

"Anyone else?"

Tu Shan Sikong's face turned cold. Hearing that Qingqiu Jiuyue had even sold herself, she inexplicably felt a hint of envy, but quickly continued, "And Sikong sister... and... the Ancestor!" Seeing Tu Shan Sikong continue to press for answers, Qingqiu Jiuyue's pretty face stiffened, but she still bravely spoke up.

Once these words were spoken, not only were the Tianhu Clan stunned, even the Dragon Girl was instantly confused. She glanced at Tu Shan Sikong and Qingqiu Jiuyue, then at the Tianhu Supreme who was being carried by Tu Shan Sikong, with her even more beautiful and voluptuous face and body.

She fell into deep thought.

She seemed to have seen this situation somewhere before.

It seemed like she also married her own Sea God sister and Dragon Ancestor sister to Su Changsheng like this.

"What??" Tu Shan Sikong was completely shocked.

She looked at Qingqiu Jiuyue and the other clan members, then at herself and the Tianhu Supreme. There was only one thought in her mind.

Did all three generations of their family get involved?

"Qingqiu September!!!"

Tu Shan Sikong couldn't help but feel embarrassed and angry.

She was extremely angry. This stupid girl, clearly at such a mature age and cultivation level, actually sold them like this?

"Sister, don't be angry. This is a good thing!" Seeing Tu Shan Sikong's angry expression, Qingqiu September said with a bitter face and a brave attitude.

"A good thing?"

Tu Shan Sikong was both anxious and amused.

Although she was angry, she also knew that to ask Su Changsheng to fight against a Great Emperor and pay such a price was actually quite small.

All of this could only be blamed on their weakness and incomparable beauty, which attracted the attention of others.


Thinking like this, Tu Shan Sikong sighed lightly and wanted to comfort Qingqiu September.


At this moment, in the starry sky outside the domain, a terrifying wave exploded, magnificent and immeasurable, accompanied by countless blood lights. Celestial Roc Great Emperor exploded once again.

The intense wave had already spread to the Three Thousand Divine Realms, attracting the attention of countless powerful beings.

Terrifying divine thoughts intertwined, all of them were Quasi-Emperors, and there were even Supremes. At this moment, they were all shocked.

"Celestial Roc Great Emperor is going to lose?"

Tu Shan Sikong and the others were also attracted and shocked, looking towards the outside of the domain.


Among them, a mournful and unwilling roar resounded. Celestial Roc Great Emperor was mercilessly torn apart by Su Changsheng, and its Primordial Spirit was exposed, emitting an immortal emperor's aura.


Su Changsheng remained calm. His Heavenly Emperor Fist struck down, punching through its Primordial Spirit and tearing it apart.

The power of the Heavenly Emperor Fist was terrifying. Even the Primordial Spirit of a Great Emperor could not escape unscathed. At this moment, it was torn apart and enduring extreme pain and suffering.

"This Emperor cannot be defeated!"

Celestial Roc Great Emperor's unwilling voice resounded. He exerted all his strength, trying to reassemble his body.


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