Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 120 Su Changsheng, The Fifth Overlord, True Phoenix Clan Admits Cowardly, Dedicates Goddess

I have to say.

天狐 Supreme is really enchanting.

Among the many women Su Changsheng has encountered, there hasn't been one who possesses her charm.

Even An Miaoyi is slightly inferior, and... she even calls him "En Gong"!

"Not only have you become my fiancé, but you also saved my life. Naturally, I won't repay kindness with enmity and casually attack you!"

"After all, Chen Ke is the future Heavenly Lord!"

"You agree, right, En Gong?"

天狐 Supreme's pretty face approached Su Changsheng, wearing a cunning smile, and softly said.

That appearance doesn't resemble a Supreme who has lived for a long time, but rather a young girl, with cleverness and cunning.

Very aggressive.

Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow, caught off guard by her, and unexpectedly felt his heart race.

He was actually being teased by someone else?

"Now that you've called me En Gong... shouldn't you repay me in some way, like offering yourself?"

However, Su Changsheng quickly reacted, raising his hand to hold her small hand, his gaze approaching, and smiling.

His eyes were scorching.



It seems that Su Changsheng's sudden counterattack caught Tianhu Supreme off guard. She let out a soft cry, her pretty face blushing, her heart pounding in confusion.


Seeing this, Su Changsheng found it strange and immediately saw through the other party's true situation.

It seems that she's just a paper tiger with high offense and low defense. He only lightly poked and broke through.

"Why is Miss Tianhu feeling shy!" Su Changsheng's eyes were playful, continuing to approach her, leaving Tianhu Supreme with no retreat, revealing her beautiful figure.

Extremely tempting, irresistible.

The fox clan has always represented allure, and Tianhu Supreme is not only a Nine Tailed Celestial Fox but also a Supreme. The charm she unintentionally exudes can even make a Supreme feel moved.

Now in this state, the power of charm has soared countless times. Even the Great Emperor would be tempted when he comes.

"If the Lord wishes, then it shall be!" Seeing Su Changsheng's burning gaze, Supreme Celestial Fox's eyes trembled, her pretty face blushing slightly as she turned her head and whispered.

... Hehe, even if I really want to, we should wait for the wedding night. It's too hasty now!

Seeing this, Su Changsheng chuckled lightly, released her from his surprised gaze, and then stood up.

"Miss Celestial Fox, you should put on your clothes. Otherwise, even if I have the endurance, I won't be able to resist your temptation!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Supreme Celestial Fox breathed a sigh of relief.

She seemed bold on the surface, but she was actually extremely nervous. She was a little afraid that Su Changsheng would forcefully take her body.

Seeing that Su Changsheng was willing to wait until the wedding night, she felt grateful.

It seems that the person in front of her is not the reckless person she imagined, but still has the demeanor of a gentleman.

Coupled with his strength and talent, marrying him would be a good thing.

Supreme Celestial Fox thought to herself, then she looked at her naked state and couldn't help but blush. Her nine silver fox tails swayed, covering the crucial parts.

But even so, she was still elusive and hazy, making her even more tempting.

Even Su Changsheng couldn't help but take another look, silently sighing in his heart.

No wonder there are often stories of foxes and scholars in ancient novels from past lives.

This charm is truly extraordinary.

Supreme Celestial Fox also sensed Su Changsheng's gaze, her cheeks blushing, feeling a bit shy.

Then, a divine light shimmered around her, and a set of gorgeous, gold and silver interwoven immortal clothes appeared. It exuded a noble aura. After that, she stepped forward and bowed.

"I am Tu Shanqingqiu, I have seen Your Highness Changsheng's assistance!"

Every move she made carried nobility and immortality.

She was not a fox that could ruin a country, but a auspicious celestial fox, like a divine beast walking in the mortal world.

Tu Shanqingqiu, the nine-tailed fox, an auspicious beast.

Seeing her appearance, a thought arose in Su Changsheng's mind.

Immediately, he raised his hand and said, "No need for formalities, just call me Changsheng. And also, there are conditions to my help this time!"

His tone was calm.

"Regardless of the conditions, Your Highness still saved me and the Celestial Fox clan. Otherwise, our clan would have become playthings for the Celestial Roc Great Emperor!"

Supreme Fox shook her head, feeling a lingering fear at the mention of the Celestial Roc Great Emperor.

You should know that the Celestial Roc Great Emperor is very domineering and has a clear attitude. He wants to treat the Celestial Fox clan as playthings.

She realized this and firmly refused, even willing to fight to the death.

"Hehe, I may not be any better!" Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow and said meaningfully.

In a sense, he wanted Supreme Fox to bear his child for three generations.

The Great Emperor is no different.

"Changsheng, you're joking. You are naturally different, not comparable to the Celestial Roc Great Emperor!" Supreme Fox covered her mouth and chuckled lightly.

Her golden and silver wide sleeves covered half of her delicate face, giving her a unique charm, like a noble lady.

"You will know in the future!"

Seeing this, Su Changsheng shook his head without explaining. Supreme Fox would know in the future.

Of course, by that time, even if they wanted to run, it would be impossible.

... If Changsheng is really like that, then I, and my people, can only accept it!" At this moment, Supreme Fox continued, her voice faint and her gaze seemingly filled with resentment.

As if resigned to fate.

Su Changsheng seemed to feel a little guilty under her gaze.

"Cough... Now that you have recovered, go and see your people. They are still worried about you!"

Su Changsheng turned his head and coughed lightly, then hurriedly left.


Seeing this, Supreme Fox burst into laughter, as if she hadn't expected such a scene from Su Changsheng.

"Alright, it's done!"

But the next second, Su Changsheng's voice sounded, moving her out of the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron.


Tu Shan Sikong, Qingqiu Jiuyue, and others had been anxiously waiting, while the Dragon Maiden was bored, lazily sitting aside.

"The Ancestor has appeared!"

Soon, Tianhu Supreme's appearance caused an exclamation from the people present.

"Great, you're alright!!"

Tu Shan Sikong and Qingqiu Jiuyue said at the same time, very surprised. The Tianhu clan members, like a group of birds, were very happy at this moment and surrounded them one after another.

"I'm fine!"

Seeing that all the clan members were fine, Tianhu Supreme breathed a sigh of relief and also revealed a beautiful smile.

"I told you I was fine, Brother Changsheng is so powerful, he can solve problems with a casual move!"

The Dragon Maiden waved her hand casually, but when she mentioned bad people, she seemed to think of something and subconsciously shut up, quickly changing her words.

Obviously, she still had some fear of Su Changsheng's methods, afraid of being hit again.

Although it didn't hurt much, it was embarrassing.

In the next few days, Tianhu Supreme and others stayed in the Luoshen Clan, often communicating or traveling with Su Changsheng to build relationships.

In addition, Canghai Supreme and others came to visit.

The other party had already subdued the Beast Race Quasi-Emperors of Kunlun and came to pay respects to Su Changsheng.

This scene shocked the strong members of the Luoshen Clan.

After all, the influence of the Kunlun Holy Temple was extremely strong, second only to the major dominant forces. Now it had been subdued by Su Changsheng.

Naturally, this made the strong members of the Luoshen Clan very shocked and even more in awe and fortunate.

They were fortunate that their Luoli Princess could climb up to Su Changsheng.

In addition, during these few days, the battle where Su Changsheng killed the Celestial Roc Great Emperor had spread throughout the entire Everlasting Heaven Realm after several days of fermentation and dissemination, causing shock among countless forces and ethnic groups.

Several Great Emperor Courts and dominant powers were all frightened by Su Changsheng's achievements.

Countless powerhouses, including reclusive ancient monsters, major giants, and the Supremes, were all greatly shocked.

Su Changsheng actually killed an ancient Great Emperor.

Even though Celestial Roc Great Emperor was not at his peak state, he was still a genuine Great Emperor.

His deterrent power was even more terrifying than a peerless Supreme.

It should be noted that many top-grade forces, including major overlords, attached great importance to Celestial Roc Great Emperor.

They believed that the other party's rule over the Kunlun Holy Temple could potentially lead to ambitious expansion and become the fifth dominant force in the Everlasting Heaven Realm.

But no one expected that not long after, Celestial Roc Great Emperor would be forcefully killed by Su Changsheng.

Not only that, but also a dark Supreme from the underworld.

Such heaven-defying achievements were more frightening than the emergence of Celestial Roc Great Emperor, and even more frightening than an intact Great Emperor.

"Su Changsheng, too heaven-defying, truly deserving of being the number one evildoer of all ages, cannot be judged by common sense!"

"I suspect that he is not a reincarnation of an ancient Great Emperor, he is likely a Heavenly Emperor, or even an Immortal!"

"A truly heaven-defying being, in this lifetime, the three thousand realms may all be illuminated by his radiance, his rise is destined to be unstoppable!"

"Su Changsheng, cannot be an enemy!"

All major overlords were very serious, reevaluating Su Changsheng's potential and threat.

After studying Su Changsheng's series of achievements and the time of his rise, all the powerhouses sighed and shook their heads, dispelling their original cautious thoughts.

If it was the previous Su Changsheng, although powerful, when the Primordial Immortal Realm opened and the Great Emperors returned, they still had confidence in suppressing him and obtaining Su Changsheng's secrets.

But now, they had given up on this fantasy.

In the battle against Celestial Roc Great Emperor, Su Changsheng had already demonstrated a combat power no less than that of a Great Emperor, perhaps with some gap, but definitely not significant.

Moreover, in a few more years, who knew if Su Changsheng's strength would skyrocket again?

If by then Su Changsheng possessed the strength of a Heavenly Emperor, if they dared to cause trouble for him, it would undoubtedly be a gift.

"Su Changsheng is the fifth dominant force, he alone is an Emperor Clan, an Imperial Court!"

The strongest of the four major dominant forces all spoke up, acknowledging Su Changsheng's status.

On the other side, in the True Phoenix Realm.

In the vast divine realm, within the Flame Palace of the Huangxu Dao lineage, terrifying auras descended, with chaotic energy swirling and emitting a supreme power.


Countless sounds of rumbling echoed, as numerous radiance fell down, countless strands of it, surrounding the many figures. The boundless divine light was dazzling, making them appear like ancient Divine Kings.

They were the Supremes of the Huangxu Dao lineage.

"Everyone, what do you think about Su Changsheng?" a True Phoenix tribe Supreme spoke.

His tone was low, filled with unease.

0... Seeking flowers...


Upon hearing this, several figures fell silent, becoming quiet and still, no longer as arrogant as before.

They were all frightened by Su Changsheng's achievements.

That ancient Celestial Roc Great Emperor had once contended against the Azure Emperor, although he was suppressed and defeated, he was still formidable, his reputation no less than that of their lineage's Great Emperors.

Yet, such a formidable ancient Great Emperor was actually forcefully killed by Su Changsheng.

When they received the news, their initial reaction was disbelief, thinking it was impossible.

But after confirming it repeatedly, they were all frightened, even feeling a bit trembling in their hearts.

It was like the shattering of a myth, their invincible Great Emperor ancestor being suppressed and killed.

"Let's just give up on Su Changsheng... He's too sinister, it's better not to provoke him!" a Supreme spoke with a bitter tone.

Although unwilling, he was truly afraid, because the main lineage and others were also standing on Su Changsheng's side.

Just their lineage alone, it was simply impossible to target Su Changsheng.

A slight carelessness would lead to their destruction.

"What about the Emperor's Son of the Void Dao?" another Supreme spoke, furrowing his brows.

"The Emperor's Son of the Void Dao? Since he's dead, he's no longer the Emperor's Son. Moreover, our Great Emperor ancestor has more than one child, we can just cultivate another one!" another Supreme spoke with indifference.

"I, for one, give up on targeting Su Changsheng. Even if the Great Emperor ancestor blames me, I have only one stance: Su Changsheng, I can't afford to provoke him!"

Another Supreme also spoke up.

"This seat also gives up, and this seat proposes that it would be best to repair the relationship with Su Changsheng. Otherwise, when he rises and becomes an emperor or an immortal, he will inevitably come to settle accounts with us!" The first Supreme to speak also said.

Upon hearing this, the gazes of the various Supremes flickered as they contemplated. Chaos energy surged around them, and the scene fell into silence, with only the sound of the Great Dao persisting.

"This seat agrees!"

"This old man also agrees!"

Soon, several Supremes successively spoke up, giving up their plans to take action against Su Changsheng and wanting to repair the relationship.

"Since it's about repairing the relationship, this seat remembers that someone is very fond of the goddesses of various races. It is said that the better their aptitude, the more he likes them. How about starting from this aspect?" One Supreme spoke up.

"... Not bad, good idea!"

Upon hearing this, the various Supremes were momentarily stunned, but they quickly revealed smiles and nodded, completely abandoning the arrogance they had towards the human race before.

"Then who should be the target?"

"There are several outstanding beauties among the heavenly maidens of our clan, all of whom are renowned in the world and not inferior to young Supremes. Since we want to repair the relationship, let's send them all over!"

"This old man has a pair of heavenly maidens among his descendants. They are twins with a telepathic connection and peerless beauty. They can be sent over!"

"Good idea, this old man agrees!"

Several Supremes successively spoke up, their eyes shining, completely changing their previous attitude, wishing to send the goddesses of their clan over.

All of this was because Su Changsheng was too extraordinary, subverting their imagination.

As long as one wasn't a fool, they could see that Su Changsheng's future achievements would definitely be heaven-defying.

At the very least, he would become a Heavenly Emperor, or even an immortal.

Even if they were arrogant and disdainful towards beings outside of the True Phoenix Clan, they knew that they couldn't afford to offend him.

Naturally, they had to make every effort to repair the relationship.

"Great Emperor still has a princess who is still asleep, right? How about awakening her and sending her over?"

Just as everyone was discussing, a Supreme who had been silent and had never spoken up suddenly said.


As soon as the words fell, the various Supremes fell silent, and their gazes immediately turned towards him, filled with shock.

They were shocked.

But she's the Emperor's daughter!

The direct daughter of the Great Emperor's ancestor, and they actually want to send her over?


...seems like it could work?

"Even if the Great Emperor's ancestor finds out, I believe he will understand us!"

The various Supremes fell silent, their eyes flickering. They were all somewhat tempted.

If they could resolve the grudges and establish a connection with Su Changsheng, it seemed like there would be great benefits.

However, even though they were tempted, they didn't dare to act rashly when it involved the Emperor's daughter.

Otherwise, when the Great Emperor returned and found out that his daughter had been given away, wouldn't he be furious and kill them in anger?

"Don't worry, I informed the clan leader in advance and obtained his approval. He agreed to this matter. When the Great Emperor returns, he will explain and take responsibility!"

Seeing that everyone hesitated, he spoke again in a calm tone.


Upon hearing this, the various Supremes gasped, their gazes towards him completely changed.

They were shocked.

They didn't expect the old man to be so cunning, already planning to sell the Emperor's daughter early on.

"Alright, there's no time to waste, let's take action!"

"Who should we send?"

"Let's send a Quasi-Emperor peak from the clan. It's better not to send a Supreme, so as to avoid being misunderstood and slapped to death by that person. That would be a disaster!"

The various Supremes spoke successively.

The next day, a group of powerful True Phoenix clan members set off.

Led by a Quasi-Emperor peak powerhouse, there were also a group of True Phoenix clan celestial maidens, along with some newly awakened and still confused Phoenix clan princesses.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Luoshen clan.


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