Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 150: Crush The Dark Immortal. A Mere Immortal Can Be Killed With A Snap Of Your Fingers!

Before Su Changsheng appeared at the peak of darkness, he had already sensed the arrival of the immortal darkness.

Even when the immortal darkness crossed the boundary, he intentionally let the other party in.

Grabbing the opponent's face with one hand, Su Changsheng smiled faintly, and with a slight movement of his fingers, he directly crushed the head of the immortal darkness.


The terrifying blood of immortality mixed with shattered bones scattered, and the dark demonic aura wailed and mourned.

"How is this possible!"

"How can a Heavenly Emperor attack and defeat the peak of immortality!"

When the three dark Great Emperors and many dark creatures saw this scene, fear filled their hearts and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

This is impossible! How can the immortal darkness be so fragile!

The body of the immortal darkness shifted, quickly reassembling, and the shattered blood and bones condensed again, presenting a perfect and flawless body.

The immortal darkness was furious!

It was just a momentary negligence, otherwise, how could he be injured by a Heavenly Emperor alone!

"I will definitely suppress you!"

Being humiliated like this, he wished to drink his blood, extract his bones, and pluck his soul to quell the raging anger in his heart!

The aura of immortality covered the demonic cave, and countless peerless dark shadows appeared behind him, with demonic light illuminating the heavens, flowing like a river.

"I originally wanted to corrupt you and return you to darkness, but now it seems unnecessary!"

Facing Su Changsheng calmly, from a distance, the peak of immortality bathed in the radiance of immortality appeared like a dark world, staining the heavens with darkness.

This phenomenon shook the demonic cave, and many dark creatures found it unbelievable, and they became even more awed by this peak of immortality.

"Unbelievable, the Lord is truly too powerful. With him here, the demonic cave will surely surpass the mundane world!"

The three dark Great Emperors envied the peak of immortality. Being able to reach this level in the dark realm is already an extraordinary existence.

Su Changsheng glanced for a moment, not paying attention, and looked at Daoxuan Shengnv next to him, whispering softly:

"You rest, don't worry about the chaos of demons!"

Daoxuan Shengnv looked at the calm and indifferent face in front of her, secretly relieved in her heart. He was so calm, he must have a way to escape.

She was quite familiar with Su Changsheng and had heard about his preference for fairies and holy women.

Seeing him standing in front of her, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she felt a strange feeling in her heart, which was indescribable.

In this dangerous situation, she forcefully suppressed the strange feeling in her heart, but she still felt that it was extremely dangerous here.

Even if she burned her Sacred Body, which could rival the power of an Emperor Grade, she still couldn't match the Immortal who had reached the peak.

She didn't believe that Su Changsheng could counter the peak Immortal with his Heavenly Emperor strength.

Unless, the other party could become an immortal in the mortal world!

"Give you another chance, willingly fall into darkness, and I will ensure your eternal existence!"

The powerful aura of the peak Immortal erupted, and a dark hand tore through the universe, pressing down on Su Changsheng.

The immortal aura penetrated through the seal of the demonic cave, revealing this scene to the world. He wanted to let the heavens know how a Heavenly Emperor willingly fell!

"That dark powerful being actually dares to treat Ancestor Changsheng like this!"

The entire Su Family was furious, releasing an extremely powerful aura.

Gu Qingge and the other women looked at their husband being insulted like this, and they were equally angry, coldly watching the projection of the peak Immortal.

They wished they could restore their peak strength now and rush into the modern world!

To dare to insult Su Changsheng like this, it truly made many powerful beings in the True Saint State furious!

"Heavenly Emperor!"


People shouted, everyone's hearts filled with anger and worry for him. This was an extremely immortal being, with boundless power, and they couldn't help him.

If it weren't for the Heavenly Emperor isolating that aura, the immortal energy would have permeated and everyone would have died.


True Immortal sighed. He was unparalleled, and the Heavenly Emperor, who had not yet reached ten thousand years, was about to fall. Although he had resisted True Immortal, those people had only recently become immortals and were just ordinary True Immortals. How could they compare to this dark and supreme immortal?

The supreme immortal was just one step away from reaching the realm of the Immortal King, comparable to the Immortal King. It was a terrifying existence on the verge of becoming a quasi-immortal king.

In many divine realms, countless powerful beings sighed. The long-lived Heavenly Emperor, who was once proud and many Great Emperors, was about to end. It was pitiful and lamentable.

Some creatures couldn't help but cry and mourn, wanting to bid farewell to this long-lived Heavenly Emperor.

Daoxuan Holy Maiden became more worried and looked at Su Changsheng, asking him for a way to escape.

"Su Changsheng, use your means quickly, or it will be too late!"

She couldn't bear to see Su Changsheng end here. Even if she had to die, she would protect him and let him escape. Seeing that Su Changsheng had no response, she became anxious and appeared in front of him, turning her head back.

"Go quickly, I will hold them back for a moment, you go!"

The immortal aura in the immortal cave was like a quagmire. Once trapped in it, various dark avenues and runes would flicker with terrifying power, easily infecting a Great Emperor.

Even so, she still stood in front of him without hesitation, resisting the immortal energy with her delicate and graceful body.

... Requesting flowers 00

Su Changsheng's heart moved slightly, and he smiled calmly, his smile radiant.

"Why don't you willingly merge into the darkness!"

The three dark Great Emperors shouted in unison.

They wouldn't miss the opportunity to perform in front of the immortal. They already understood the value that Su Changsheng's contamination of darkness brought. At this moment, victory was already in their hands.

With one more effort, let Su Changsheng fall, and they would have made a great contribution. With this merit, they might receive recognition from the supreme existence and have the opportunity to take a step forward.

And this scene also fell into the eyes of the heavens. Everyone was silent and fearful, not knowing what choice this renowned long-lived Heavenly Emperor would make.

Dao Xuan Holy Maiden, pale-faced, she can't hold on much longer, reaching the limit of her body.

Seeing no movement behind her for a long time, her heart turns to ashes. In her eyes, Su Changsheng has already given up resistance and wants to surrender to the darkness, sinking into eternal oblivion.

And she will be sacrificed as the catalyst to break the seal of the demon cave, bearing the infamy for eternity, living a miserable life.

Thinking of this, it is difficult for her to hide her sorrow and self-blame.

The gaze of the Immortal Supreme is playful, manipulating people in the blink of an eye, feeling extremely satisfied in his heart. But this is just the beginning, and his gaze gradually turns cold.

He snorts coldly, the immortal aura no longer dormant, crazily attacking Dao Xuan Holy Maiden's defenses.


Dao Xuan Holy Maiden closes her eyes, waiting to be invaded and suppressed by darkness.

Su Changsheng gently raises his hand and embraces Dao Xuan Holy Maiden, looking at her tenderly and saying softly,

"What a fool!"


The Myriad Tribulations Indestructible Original Demon Physique roars, the unparalleled demonic body manifests, shielding everything, and the Heavenly Demon Shadow suppresses the demon cave.

"You have already fallen!"

Dao Xuan Holy Maiden's eyes are filled with horror. In her current state, she cannot see through Su Changsheng's true nature.

"My constitution is special, unaffected by the dark demonic energy. You must keep it a secret!"

Dao Xuan Holy Maiden nods in confusion, her waist held by him, her face blushing, silently leaving an indelible figure in her heart.

At this moment, Su Changsheng is unrivaled and his majestic blood energy rises to the sky. Every fluctuation steps on the heart of the Immortal Supreme.

Glancing at the Immortal Supreme, he says lightly,

"Immortality is nothing, I can kill it with a snap of my fingers!"

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