Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 158 Beyond Mythology, As The Great Emperor, Cut Off The Arm Of The Immortal King!

Squeezing the remnant primordial spirit casually, Su Changsheng looked at the gate of the realm.


A powerful Immortal's self-detonation caused a powerful impact, which directly widened the boundary gate by hundreds of feet.

The Star vortex expanded again, as if to swallow all the Stars in the world, and Galaxy Clusters were pulled in one by one, turning into Simen Jie.

On the other end, the quasi-immortal king watched the movement of the gate and heard the screams from inside.

He frowned.

His eyes pierced endless distances, and the boundary gate of more than two hundred feet could bear his pressure, but this also allowed him to see the figure at the other end clearly.

Dressed in white clothes, standing on the top of myriad ways, Emperor Star's robes are ethereal.

"Just the Great Emperor?!"

"All dead?!"

He withdrew his gaze, a little unbelievable, but it really happened.

The dark world failed to infect the Xuanhuang world, and his anger rose.

"Damn it!"


Suddenly, he raised his hand, and one palm sank into the Star vortex, covering the entire gate, and suppressed it inside.

Outside, I felt a terrifying aura.

Everyone has seen that the quasi-immortal king made a move, crossed the boundary gate, and shot from the far side, intending to destroy the Devil's Nest and the entire True Sacred Continent.

If this kind of existence disperses its aura, the entire Kun Kun God Realm and even the Immortal Heaven Realm will be destroyed.

Shocked the world!

As long as they are strong, all those who have achieved True Immortal will feel it, and their eyes can't help but look at this place. There will be great terror here, and I am afraid that the entire heaven and even the Xuanhuang world will be destroyed because of this.

It's hard not to catch the eye.

"Su... Heavenly Emperor is in big trouble!"

Someone in the dark world wants to take action, wanting to kill him and destroy this region at the same time.

Many Immortal runes gathered from all directions, blessed this arm, and hit the quasi-Immortal King's strongest blow.

Su Changsheng protected the Daoxuan saint girl behind him, and looked at the attacking hand.

The aura of the quasi-immortal king is vast and boundless, as if the real body descended.

At this moment, all races trembled, and fear and palpitations occupied their hearts.

Where the arm passed, Star swayed, Galaxy Cluster fell, descending with boundless terror.

Faced with this kind of existence, everyone feels powerless, and it is difficult to resist this kind of power.

Su Changsheng was no longer calm, his complexion changed a little, and the Daluo Immortal Sword quietly appeared in his hand, and a stream of light overflowed.

Don't be fooled that the Immortal King only has an ordinary arm. If the gap is too big, at this level, no matter how much Supernatural Power you have, ten punches can kill you with all means.

Nothing is useless!

Su Changsheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw the quasi-immortal king who shot.

In an instant, the Daluo Immortal Sword in his hand released thousands of pure immortal lights, illuminating the heavens.

Thousands of gods and three thousand heavens no longer dare to question this long-lived Heavenly Emperor. They are doubting his origin and involving the Supreme.

But this shot is after all an Immortal King of the Dark Clan. Although he has not completely set foot in that Realm, he has already set foot in it and can become a quasi-Immortal King.

Among the immortals, there was a terrifying existence revived. His eyes pierced through all barriers and fell into the magic cave, quietly watching to see if Su Changsheng had the means to deal with all this.

Or, fade away?

The boundary gate trembled crazily, reaching the limit it could bear, otherwise the quasi-immortal king's might would be even stronger.

Nine secrets, he is free to transform, Shimo's body is fully functioning, and the breath is not weaker than that of the quasi-immortal king.

Boom boom boom!

Three Su Changshengs appeared in the world, each with peak combat power, and his body was filled with supreme power, which was permeating, almost penetrating through the body.

Now, everyone can see that something is wrong with Su Changsheng, the power he exudes is too strong, and his whole body is glowing.


He was bathed in immortal light, which was extremely bright. When he raised the Daluo Immortal Sword, everyone felt a strong sense of suffocation.

He swung the Da Luo Immortal Sword and slashed forward, the sound of the avenue was deafening, piercing through the universe, splitting the sky.

The quasi-immortal king was watching here, his palms turned into fists, and the distance could not stop him from being powerful.

Sword Ray filled the air, and a big explosion occurred. The fist of the quasi-immortal king was split open by Sword Ray. It was like the blood of Immortal God flowing, bloody and bone-strewn, extremely terrifying.


"I see how many times you can cast it!"

The quasi-Immortal King suffered a terrible loss, and the wound healed quickly covered by Immortal Qi, which did not affect his determination to kill this Heavenly Emperor!

Fingers turned into heavenly knives, sweeping across the devil's lair, wanting to strike immediately.

Letting go of the fairy sword, Su Changsheng clenched his fist and struck upwards horizontally, confronting the heavenly sword, causing the world to be shaken violently.

The Heavenly Emperor punched out and collided with the Heavenly Knife, making a crackling sound, and the light from the knives formed by his fingers was shattered.

Everyone is shocked!

Although the quasi-immortal king crossed the border and weakened his strength, it was not so unbearable that he was smashed into pieces.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Su Changsheng's figure flickered, appearing on the back of his hand, and he struck down with the immortal sword.


The blood of the quasi-immortal king gushed out, and the blood light soared into the sky, flooding the starry sky and crushing an unknown number of stars.

This scene left people stunned.

A Heavenly Emperor actually injured the quasi-Immortal King!

"Roar!" The Immortal King roared.


Immortal light erupted on the arm, forcibly expelling Su Changsheng on the back of the hand.

He fell into a rage and wanted to step into the boundary gate several times, but unfortunately the boundary gate was still too fragile and could only bear his arm.

Unable to suppress Su Changsheng, he already has the intention to retire, and wants to wait for the future to settle!

The arm slowly retreated to the whirlpool gate, but how could Su Changsheng let him come and leave as soon as he said it!

All the divine power in the body was poured into the fairy sword, and the immortal light released made people unable to open their eyes. The Star was disillusioned, and the Universe was ups and downs, all trembling.

Separated by hundreds of millions of miles, he slashed towards the passage of the gate!


The terrifying Sword Ray shines on the sky, traverses the long river of time, strangles an unknown number of Galaxy Clusters, and cuts through the Universe, just like in the sky.

The upper part is clear and the lower part is turbid, and they are separated permanently.

The quasi-immortal king looked ugly. He shot an emperor-level creature, but was injured in turn, losing some true blood.

Suddenly, a dazzling Sword Ray cut from the Star vortex and pointed directly at his head.

The quasi-immortal king was shocked, Sword Ray was too domineering, and his speed was almost comparable to the best among the quasi-immortal kings.


Sword Ray seemed to cut through the fairy gold, blooming gorgeous awns, bursting out with blood, staining the void, and dyeing the sky and the earth.

A huge arm fell to the gate and was swallowed by nothingness.

Everyone trembled, frightened and uneasy, and their words (dede Zhao) were incoherent!

Su Changsheng directly chopped off an arm of the King of Immortals, shocking the whole world, and even cast their gazes from somewhere in Infinity.

"Is this really Heavenly Emperor?"

"I, the Great Emperor, seem to have trained on dogs!"

"As long as this person steps into True Immortal, I'm afraid a giant will appear to suppress the entire Xuanhuang Heaven Realm!"

Daoxuan Shengnv was standing behind Su Changsheng, her face was full of pride, and she looked at him with starry eyes.

Su Changsheng smiled slightly, and thought to himself that it was a pity that his head was not beheaded.

Looking at the rotating star vortex, the emperor swung his sword and slashed towards the garden gate.

An angry roar came from the dark world.

"I remember you, and the qi will be cleared in the future!"

"Noisy!" Su Changsheng snorted coldly.


The mighty sword light collided with the gate of the world with an unrivaled momentum.

After a burst of violent shaking, the Star vortex stopped functioning, was swallowed by the void, and the gate connecting the two worlds was cut to pieces with a single sword.

Blocked the coming of dark creatures. .

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