Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 172 Kunpeng Secret Realm Reflects The Old Scene, Immortal King Inheritance

Many forces are sizing up the Su Family of Longevity Heaven Realm, this rising star.

Everyone in the Su family held their heads high, and the warship flashed and landed on the ground in an orderly manner, before being put away by Su Yun.

Under the influence of the huge fortune golden dragon of the Su family, the breakthrough, enlightenment, chance, and birth of Tianjiao have been greatly sublimated by the children of the family.

And as the Elder in the family, he got the attention of luck and quickly improved his strength.

All the Saint Legion makes people look sideways!

This may be just a part of the strength shown by the Su family. Some immortals who originally looked down on the Su family began to face it squarely and dare not underestimate it.

"The Su family is rising too fast!"

"I heard that there is a golden dragon of family luck, which can shine on the entire Su family's ancestral land!"

"No, it would be great if my clan had someone who lived like a Heavenly Emperor!"

Everyone was amazed at the tip of the iceberg strength brought by the Su family.

"The times have changed. The Heavenly Emperor defeated the invincible opponents of the Demon Nest. The Su family is extremely bright and powerful. They have grown all the way, and without accident, they can become Immortals!"

Someone said with emotion.

"Su Yun!"

A voice as crisp as a silver bell sounded.

"Who dares to call the Elder of the Su family by the honorific title?"

"You're so daring!"

Su Yun was stunned for a moment, his voice was very familiar. Looking from a distance, two beautiful girls were waving at him.

"Su Changge, Su Qingying, the two ladies!"

Before Su Yun came, Su Changsheng specially told him to be optimistic about the two ladies, and he was worried that he would not find them, but he did not expect the girls to come out by themselves.

Everyone looked at the two girls, making them blush.

"So they are the heirs of that one!"

"That's the only way, the group dare to call Su Yun by his name!"

Su Changge's figure flashed, and he walked into the Su family without any trace. After all, Little Sister was the main one this time.

She can't be too conspicuous.

"Less than Hundred Year? Saint's best Cultivation Base?!"

There is a Great Emperor who pays attention to this place. When he saw Su Qingying's Cultivation Base, he was a little shocked, and when he looked at his own Tianjiao, he suddenly felt unsatisfactory.

The daughter was so powerful when she was born, and their awe of Su Changsheng in their hearts increased a little, and they said with emotion.

"As expected of that man's daughter!"

"This time it can be said that there is a turmoil. The talents here in the Hun Kun Academy are going to fight each other. Many strong people have come to watch this prosperous world. Even the daughter of that person has come out of the mountain. Many people want to see if his daughter is okay. Weaker than his demeanor.

"Not long after the demon's lair was pacified, even his daughter was about to be born, did he compete with Tianjiao for hegemony?"

"Her father's ability to shine in the heavens is her father's glory. It has nothing to do with her. His weak appearance was quickly suppressed by others!"

"Ha ha!"

The descendant of the Immortal Palace smiled. These words were said by his followers, and he charged a little interest first.

It's just a Saint, he doesn't take it to heart.

Su Qingying glared angrily, and the legion behind him was ready to move. As long as he gave an order, their legion composed of Great Saint could sweep the scene.

Pairs of scarlet eyes stared fixedly at the Tianjiao who spoke.

Su Changge had already set his sights on the descendant of the Immortal Palace, and there was a killing intent in his eyes, as long as he entered the Kunpeng's nest, she would kill him.


One after another pictures emerged in the sky, and the visions of heaven and earth bloomed brilliantly.

That is the Kunpeng secret realm manifesting the past scenery!

The Immortal King is bleeding, the Immortal King is dead, and the murderous aura is overwhelming!

An invincible terrifying breath oppressed from the sky and the earth, making everyone's bodies rattle, and those with weak will immediately bowed down.

Kunpeng spread his wings and was besieged by the king of Immortals. He still killed one king of Immortals forcefully, maimed one, and wiped out one who suppressed the true spirit!

"This is the former Kunpeng fighting the Immortal King!"

"This is not the ultimate True Immortal inheritance, but the Immortal King inheritance!"

Someone yelled, regretting that the strength he brought was insufficient, as if he had missed some kind of great opportunity!

"Damn it, who said that this is the ultimate True Immortal inheritance!"

"A Ten Evils-level Immortal King's peerless inheritance, once obtained, it will have a smooth road ahead, and it is expected to hit the supreme giant!"

In the void, the vision of heaven and earth is constantly changing. This is the reflection of the Dao autonomously, which proves that Kunpeng has made great achievements!

Kunpeng fought against the King of Immortal in a bloody battle. He entered the dark world several times, the blood of the immortals stained the world, and countless lives were lost!

There was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in the sky, Kunpeng was still severely injured, pierced by a long spear, and the blood of the Immortal King fell hundreds of millions of miles into the mountains and rivers.

Dragging his body, he still killed an Immortal king. As one of the Ten Evils, his combat power was extremely terrifying.

Celestial Secrets was covered, the picture was hazy, Kunpeng was attacked, and was ambushed by several powerful Immortal kings. After a difficult battle, only the crippled soul was left desperately to leave.

As soon as the picture changed, a woman in Tsing Yi stood in the void, buried herself with her own hands, and drifted into the void with Kunpeng's lair, full of sadness.

This period of history that was deliberately buried was rarely mentioned, and it was gradually forgotten. Those supreme heroic souls who quelled the great turmoil without hesitation.

Few people pay attention to these pictures, the Kunpeng lair deep in the void is their goal.

Kunpeng's lair is getting closer and closer, and the coercion is getting stronger and stronger, making many extremely powerful eyes.

The disappearance of the picture made many people sigh with emotion, what kind of era was it that created such a horrible turmoil that even the Immortal King would fall.

The breath disappeared, and the void gradually stabilized.

Some True Immortal Powers of the Immortal Clan just glanced at Su Qingying, and then looked at Su Changge who was hidden among the Su family.

"This is probably the real pride of the Su family!"

This is extremely shocking. It is hard to imagine that a girl with less than a hundred years actually has the strength of the Great Saint.

Is this starting to practice in the womb?

Otherwise, why is 900 so monstrous?

They seem to see a bright world blooming, and they are not the protagonists, which makes it difficult for them to accept.

If it weren't for the background of the Su family, they might not be able to resist taking action now, and try their best to marry this evildoer back into the family, or to kill it!

The Changsheng Imperial Court, led by the Changsheng Great Emperor, came over to exchange a few words with Su Yun, expressing his closeness.

The Ye family and the Gu family have all come over.

All the forces that have good relations with the Su family have come over, headed by the Su family faintly, and the True Immortals of the two families are aware of the existence of this little guy.

Less than a Hundred Year's Great Saint peak, it's scary!

If it wasn't for their marriage with the Su family, perhaps they would not be able to hold back. When these characters grow up, they can protect a party for ten thousand years.

Su Changge smiled sweetly at them. She has been liked since she was a child, and is loved by the forces behind the aunts.

Su Yaoyao curled her lips in the dark, but in fact she is the most evil one, the guardian of the sisters.

She was looking at the successor of the Immortal Palace, her eyes narrowed slightly, thinking of a way.

She felt a strong malice from that person, which made her very uncomfortable.

No one knew that Changsheng stood quietly in the void above the Kunkun Academy at this time.

He saw those pictures in the Kunpeng secret realm, saw some clues, and felt a little heavy!.

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