Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 176 Su Yaoyao, The Prodigy Of The Immortal Palace, My Name Is Zhen Wudi

Su Yaoyao groped for a secret treasure from the black-robed man, which contained Immortal energy, and suddenly felt that this matter was not simple.

She transformed into the appearance of a man in black robe, with the help of this secret treasure, it is almost possible to distinguish the real one from the real one!

"The fellow daoist is late!"

A Quasi Emperor came here quietly. He was ordered to pick up the Immortal envoy. He searched here for a long time, but he couldn't find him, so he had a trace of doubt in his heart.

However, this trace of suspicion was dispelled by the secret treasure in the hands of the black-robed man. The Dark Immortal Devilish Qi, which the Great Emperor and even the True Immortal would avoid, would be infected, and only those in the Dark Immortal Realm could ignore it.

Su Yaoyao was also very curious about why she could not be corroded by Devilish Qi, but felt that the Immortal breath on this secret treasure would collapse after touching her body and transform into Spiritual Qi that she could absorb!

"Could it be because of my Dao body?"

Su Yaoyao made up her mind that if there were no Immortals, no one would be able to question her current status as the Great Saint in black robe!

"This is not a place to talk, follow me!"

"Five five seven" said the Quasi Emperor of Immortal Palace softly.

"Brother Dao, please lead the way. Although Hunkun Academy is weak, if it is not complete, there will be strong people returning. It will ruin the plan, and we can't afford it!"

Su Yaoyao imitated the tone of the black robe Great Saint, cupped hands said.

The Quasi Emperor of the Immortal Palace does not doubt that the person who can tell the big plan must be the key figure in this plan.

Su Yaoyao followed all the way, and found that she had come to the camp of the Immortal Palace. She suddenly felt that she had come to the right place. The Immortal Palace must be harboring some kind of conspiracy.

She was still worried about her sneaking out to become a monk before, but if she made a great contribution and uncovered a big secret, then her father would not blame her too much.

Looking at the people in the Immortal Palace, her eyes became softer. This is not an opponent, but a benefactor. She hopes that these people will tell the secret quickly so that she can make a great contribution!

Immortal Palace is a top power comparable to the ancient Immortal Clan and Immortal Dynasty, and the conspiracy it participated in must not be a trivial matter.

She thought in her heart, looked at the void crack in the sky, and guessed that this matter might be related to the secret place of Kunpeng inheritance!

The Quasi Emperor who escorted her saw his actions, and thought it was his first visit to the Xuanhuang Great World, which was a bit novel.

Especially when the matter involved the ancestor of the Su family, even for an existence like him, his life would be in danger at every turn, and perhaps he would still feel uneasy in his heart.

Ever since, the Immortal Quasi Emperor comforted him.

"Fellow daoist, don't worry, this plan is flawless, where the Immortal Palace is located, don't worry about safety, just wait with peace of mind.

Immortal Palace Quasi Emperor looked at the taciturn black-robed Great Saint with kind eyes.

The other party can be favored by the king of Immortal, and the heart of friendship naturally arises in his heart.

Many friends, Tujilu!

"Dare to ask the honorific title of fellow daoist?"

Su Yaoyao's eyes fluttered, and her whole body was huddled in the wide black robe, and there was a bad taste in her heart.

"My name——Zhen Wudi!"

Immortal Palace Quasi Emperor was shocked, he dared to use such a real name, probably because his status in the Immortal world was not low, so he immediately felt that his thoughts were not wrong.

Su Changsheng in the void looked calm, looked down at the entire Kun Kun Academy, swept across the Immortal Palace, and suddenly stopped looking.

There was a strange look in his eyes, his complexion remained unchanged, and he didn't do much.

Xiandian, Ye family, Gu family, Su family and many other powerful forces have all descended.


The bell of the Kun Kun Academy echoed through the void, shaking mountains and rivers!

One after another, the ripples were formed by the bell waves, and they sounded leisurely, causing everyone to look sideways.

Some people had already guessed what was going to happen, their expressions were excited and their eyes were serious. Under the sound of the bell, everyone fell silent.

The bell of the Kunpeng Academy rang, and the void vibrated. This was the bell chanting that the trial of the Kunpeng Inheritance Secret Land was about to start. At this moment, everyone was shocked.

"Finally, it's about to open!"

"Whose hands will the legendary Kunpeng inheritance treasure fall into?"

Someone whispered, expressing the voice of everyone.

Academy Supreme said to the people around him.

"Go, the time has come, if you don't open it, there may be chaos!"

The dean of the college owns the Quasi Emperor Cultivation Base, stepping out in one step and coming to the high platform of the college.

From here, you can see the whole picture of the academy, and the voice can be transmitted in all directions, saluting in front of so many powerful people.

"Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Isn't it? After waiting for so many days, can Wen Kun Academy open the secret place?"

"Hurry up, otherwise, if there are True Immortal level powerhouses who have old grievances, it will be bad if it affects your Hun Kun Academy!"

"Hehe, I really don't know how a mere Kunpeng academy has the courage to master the Kunpeng secret realm for so long!"

The masters of some small powers spoke loudly, fearlessly!

And many strong men with real backgrounds squinted at them like they were looking at idiots.

An ancient college can stand for such a long time, if it is said that it has no foundation, no one will believe it.

What's more, the Hun Kun God Realm has always been neutral, even in other heavenly realms, there are also strong people who have studied here, and their secret contacts are all over many heavenly realms.

If these forces are condensed together, these small forces may not be enough to kill!

The dean of the college ignored these little episodes and smiled.

"I won't say much more, the secret place of Kunpeng inheritance is about to open, and the opportunities are obtained by strength. If there is an unfortunate loss of Tianjiao, it has nothing to do with my Kunpeng Academy!"

"However, when the Kunpeng secret land is opened, Yin & Yang will leak out, and some ancient spirits killed by Kunpeng will manifest. I hope many fellow daoists can help you out!"

The dean of the academy bowed again. Ever since they knew that the secret place of Kunpeng's inheritance is Kunpeng, one of the ancient Ten Evils' true spirit, which is comparable to the existence of Immortal King, they couldn't sit still.

The most ancient true spirits that can be killed by Kunpeng may also have the strength of True Immortal, and perhaps there will be some of them!

Even if there are only remnant souls and old shadows left, and the strength declines, it is not something that Hunkun Academy can easily contend with.

If left alone, the academy will be destroyed!

But they are not too worried. If they want to enter the secret place, they must face this level. If they are opportunistic, they will be found and obliterated by the dead true spirit.

The dead ancient existence has become the guardian of the Kunpeng inheritance. If no one is allowed to break open the Kunpeng lair, they will be targeted by the true spirit.

The supreme existence of Taikoo Ten Evils beheaded, even if its strength cannot be completely manifested in the Yin & Yang two qi, it is not an existence that can be easily solved.

That kind of existence, encountered in Kunpeng's lair, has almost no chance of winning, how can some juniors fight against that kind of existence?

As soon as these words came out, many Tianjiao retreated. Although inheritance is important, life is priceless!

Some Tianjiao are eager to try, very excited, and want to compete with those true spirits.

Of course, it was those true spirits who were beheaded when they were blind and weak.

As for those powerful true spirits, the strong ones from the own clan went to deal with them.

However, there is no need to worry, the dead ancient true spirit is just the manifestation of Kunpeng's power, and does not possess sanity.

Be careful, you can still hide these true spirits.

The dean of the college announced again.

"The secret place of Kunpeng inheritance can only accept Tianjiao who are less than 5.5 hundred years old!"

Many people feel sorry for this, and their age has exceeded.

"This is an inheritance at the Immortal King level!"

"The secret treasure of Supernatural Power left by Kunpeng inside must be extremely powerful!"

Some emperor-level powers are far less profound than those ancient fairy clans. They only think that this is just a True Immortal inheritance, but they didn’t expect to involve the Immortal King.

These are all clearly in my heart, knowing that the Tianjiao in my own clan is far from being able to compete with those Tianjiao cultivated by the fairy clan, or even the true Immortal descendants.

Of course, there were also some strong men of emperor-level powers with flickering eyes, ordering the arrogance of the clan to fight to win the Kunpeng treasure.

After all, in the Kunpeng inheritance, only those who are less than a hundred years old are allowed, and the disciples of the Confidence Sect may be able to fight with those Tianjiao of the fairy clan.

Not now, messing around in the wind!

The eyes of some Great Emperors showed eagerness.

If they can get the inheritance of the Immortal King, they will definitely be able to go one step further!

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