Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 224: In The Dark Immortal World, The Ancient Blood Phoenix Ancestor Revives, And Xuan Huang

Su Changsheng calmed down his expression and his eyes shone brightly.

Ji Huang was shocked when he heard this, his eyes widened a bit, and he suddenly turned back to look at Su Changsheng.

"True Spirit Phoenix Breath?!"

Ji Huang was indeed a little disappointed at first. He originally thought he would get the opportunity to touch the threshold of Quasi-Immortal King.

But who would have imagined that there was actually a fallen blood phoenix here, and it was suppressed by Su Changsheng, unable to let her go any further.

But now Su Changsheng's words have undoubtedly rekindled her extinguished hope.


"The restriction contains the powerful aura of the True Spirit Fire Phoenix. The one who sealed and suppressed the fallen blood phoenix here may be a True Spirit Fire Phoenix..."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Huang was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, they actually found the trace of the True Spirit Fire Phoenix.

"It's a pity that time has passed so long, I don't know if the spirit-filling fire phoenix is ​​still here..."

Su Changsheng spoke again and said in a deep voice.

Ji Huang also calmed down after hearing this. She knew that Su Changsheng was comforting herself.

"It's okay. Let's look for it again. Even if we can't find it, it doesn't matter. I can make a breakthrough myself!"

Ji Huang showed a confident and free smile and looked at Su Changsheng clenching his fists to cheer him up.

Su Changsheng also smiled slightly when he saw this, his face full of doting and gentleness.

This little girl is quite sensible.

Being able to suppress the fallen blood phoenix of the Quasi-Immortal King realm here, the strength of the True Spirit Phoenix is ​​at least that of the Immortal King realm.

With the strength of the Immortal King, it is not difficult to leave this ancient fairyland.

I'm afraid it's slim to find any trace of her...

But it doesn't matter. Even if the True Spirit Phoenix cannot be found to help Ji Huang break through the transformation, as long as Ji Huang gives birth to an heir for himself and gets feedback from the system, Ji Huang's Sacred Body can go a step further.

It's just a matter of time.

"Okay, let's go. This ancient wonderland is not small. We have to hurry up and explore it."

Su Changsheng smiled softly, walked up to Ji Huang, rubbed Ji Huang's head lovingly, and then flew up and galloped away into the distance.

Ji Huang and Chang Yue saw this and followed closely.

at the same time.

In the dark immortal world, deep in the fallen devil's land.

The demonic energy here is overwhelming, the entire world is dark black, even the rocks are glowing with an inky black luster, and it is desolate and lifeless.

And in this desolate and dead land, there stands a group of magnificent buildings.

The palace stands tall and the aura of oppression and terror is suffocating!

And this place is the clan land of the fallen (chdf) Blood Phoenix clan.



A suspended ancient palace suddenly exploded, and a terrifying aura that was so terrifying that it burst out, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten lands!

"Who dares to attack our Saint Emperor daughter!!!"

A terrifying low sound came from the explosion.

The sound is like thunder, containing the laws of terror, making the void tremble!

The world is in turmoil!


Immediately afterwards, a huge fallen blood phoenix rose into the sky, soared ninety thousand miles, spread its wings, and directly covered the Great World!

The smell is terrifying!

Suppressing everything, making countless gods, demons and ferocious beasts frightened, standing there trembling!

What's more, his legs suddenly became weak and he fell to his knees on the ground!

This is suppression from the bloodline!


"It's the ancient ancestor who has awakened!"

"Guzu finally came out of seclusion!"

Many strong men among the fallen blood phoenix clan suddenly woke up and cried out in ecstasy.

Looking up at the sky, the big phoenix shadow whose body could not be seen completely was filled with excitement.



Almost instantly, several elders of the fallen Blood Phoenix clan appeared in mid-air, looking up at the terrifying figure.

"Welcome to the ancient ancestor!"

A group of clan elders, at worst all immortals, all saluted respectfully towards the figure.

Its sound is like thunder, shaking the sky!

"Saint Emperor's daughter was suppressed, what crime do you deserve?"

The sky shook, and a terrifying question with endless pressure came from the void.


Next second!

As several demonic power pillars were smashed down, several clan elders who usually had a very respectable status were directly suppressed and knelt on the ground!

A terrible sense of oppression came over, which immediately caused the expressions of all the elders to change dramatically, their faces turned pale, and large beads of sweat oozed from their foreheads.

"Report to the ancient ancestor, we will be convicted!"

"It has been found out that Her Highness Saint Emperor should be in the Xuanhuang Great World now.

"The reason why we were unable to find Her Highness the Holy Witch before was probably because someone crossed the line and cut off all the vitality of Her Highness the Saint Emperor!"

A Quasi-Immortal King lowered his head and spoke nervously to report, his face full of fear!

The next second.

The surrounding scene changes rapidly, and the huge body that blocks out the sky shrinks rapidly and disappears in the blink of an eye.

Instead, there was an old man wearing purple and gold blood clothes, with white hair and a childlike face, standing proudly in the void.

The huge wings on the back, symbolizing power and status, flickered slightly, as if the Kun god and demon had come to the world!

The old man's eyes were like torches and his eyes were cold.

"Hmph! It seems that the last time I crippled that area, those bugs didn't learn a lesson..."

The old man's face was filled with ferocious killing intent, and he said with a cold snort.

"Since that war, the Xuanhuang Realm has indeed been severely weakened. However, in the past hundred years, there seems to be a faint trend of re-emergence. A few bugs seem to be jumping more and more actively...

The elder of the Quasi-Immortal King realm narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

In the past few years, he had heard more or less about things about the Xuanhuang Realm.

I had never cared about it before, just treating it as an ant and ignoring it, but I didn't expect that now I have extended my hand to the heads of the fallen Blood Phoenix clan. They are really looking for death!


"Yes, in that case, let's attack again!"

The old man's pale face showed a smile that was as penetrating as an evil ghost, and he said with a sneer.

"Send the order and prepare immediately to destroy the Xuanhuang Realm!"

"I've been in seclusion for so long, it's time to stretch my muscles..."

The old man spoke, with a terrifying grin on his face.

As soon as the decree came out, its sound spread like thunder throughout the whole world!

"Follow the ancient ancestor's decree!"

Several clan elders immediately bowed to receive the decree, and all of them couldn't help but become excited.

The ancient ancestor is sleeping, and their fallen Blood Phoenix clan has also been sleeping for too long.

It has even been so long that some ants have forgotten the horror of the fallen blood phoenix clan!

Someone actually dared to suppress and ban the Holy Witch of the fallen Blood Phoenix clan one after another!

This is simply provoking the entire fallen blood phoenix clan!

This rebirth will definitely make all forces recall the painful memories of being suppressed by the fallen Blood Phoenix clan!

"Xuanhuang Great Realm......"

"It should disappear completely this time..."

There was a cold light in the old man's eyes, and there was a terrifying murderous intent on his face. His eyes were full of jest, and he stared in the direction of the black and yellow world, as if he had penetrated billions of spaces...

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